
    • 1、指派问题概述
    • 2、指派问题性质
    • 3、匈牙利法流程图
    • 4、代码实现











import numpy as np

def linear_assignment(X):

    indices = _hungarian(X).tolist()
    # Re-force dtype to ints in case of empty list
    indices = np.array(indices, dtype=int)
    # Make sure the array is 2D with 2 columns.
    # This is needed when dealing with an empty list
    indices.shape = (-1, 2)
    return indices

class _HungarianState(object):


    def __init__(self, cost_matrix):
        cost_matrix = np.atleast_2d(cost_matrix)    # 2维矩阵

        # 如果行大于列,算法则不能正常工作。需要转换过来。
        transposed = (cost_matrix.shape[1] < cost_matrix.shape[0])
        if transposed:
            self.C = (cost_matrix.T).copy()
            self.C = cost_matrix.copy()
        self.transposed = transposed  # 记录这个标志

        # 此时 m >= n.
        n, m = self.C.shape
        self.row_uncovered = np.ones(n, dtype=np.bool)
        self.col_uncovered = np.ones(m, dtype=np.bool)
        self.Z0_r = 0
        self.Z0_c = 0
        self.path = np.zeros((n + m, 2), dtype=int)
        self.marked = np.zeros((n, m), dtype=int)

    def _find_prime_in_row(self, row):
        Find the first prime element in the specified row. Returns
        the column index, or -1 if no starred element was found.
        col = np.argmax(self.marked[row] == 2)
        if self.marked[row, col] != 2:
            col = -1
        return col

    def _clear_covers(self):
        """Clear all covered matrix cells"""
        self.row_uncovered[:] = True
        self.col_uncovered[:] = True

def _hungarian(cost_matrix):

    state = _HungarianState(cost_matrix)

    # 如果有一个维度为0,则不必进行了。
    step = None if 0 in cost_matrix.shape else _step1

    while step is not None:
        step = step(state)

    # Look for the starred columns
    results = np.array(np.where(state.marked == 1)).T

    # We need to swap the columns because we originally
    # did a transpose on the input cost matrix.
    if state.transposed:
        results = results[:, ::-1]

    return results

# 各个step返回下一步要调用的函数

def _step1(state):

    # Step1: 找出矩阵中每行最小的元素值,并减去。
    state.C -= state.C.min(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

    # Step2: 找出零元素
    for i, j in zip(*np.where(state.C == 0)):
        if state.col_uncovered[j] and state.row_uncovered[i]:
            state.marked[i, j] = 1
            state.col_uncovered[j] = False
            state.row_uncovered[i] = False

    return _step3

def _step3(state):
      如果有一行没对应到0,则转到 _step4
    marked = (state.marked == 1)
    state.col_uncovered[np.any(marked, axis=0)] = False

    if marked.sum() < state.C.shape[0]:
        return _step4

def _step4(state):
    Find a noncovered zero and prime it. If there is no starred zero
    in the row containing this primed zero, Go to Step 5. Otherwise,
    cover this row and uncover the column containing the starred
    zero. Continue in this manner until there are no uncovered zeros
    left. Save the smallest uncovered value and Go to Step 6.
    # We convert to int as numpy operations are faster on int
    C = (state.C == 0).astype(
    covered_C = C * state.row_uncovered[:, np.newaxis]
    covered_C *= state.col_uncovered.astype(, copy=False)
    n = state.C.shape[0]
    m = state.C.shape[1]
    while True:
        # Find an uncovered zero
        row, col = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(covered_C), (n, m))
        if covered_C[row, col] == 0:
            return _step6
            state.marked[row, col] = 2
            # Find the first starred element in the row
            star_col = np.argmax(state.marked[row] == 1)
            if not state.marked[row, star_col] == 1:
                # Could not find one
                state.Z0_r = row
                state.Z0_c = col
                return _step5
                col = star_col
                state.row_uncovered[row] = False
                state.col_uncovered[col] = True
                covered_C[:, col] = C[:, col] * (
                    state.row_uncovered.astype(, copy=False))
                covered_C[row] = 0

def _step5(state):
    Construct a series of alternating primed and starred zeros as follows.
    Let Z0 represent the uncovered primed zero found in Step 4.
    Let Z1 denote the starred zero in the column of Z0 (if any).
    Let Z2 denote the primed zero in the row of Z1 (there will always be one).
    Continue until the series terminates at a primed zero that has no starred
    zero in its column. Unstar each starred zero of the series, star each
    primed zero of the series, erase all primes and uncover every line in the
    matrix. Return to Step 3
    count = 0
    path = state.path
    path[count, 0] = state.Z0_r
    path[count, 1] = state.Z0_c

    while True:
        # Find the first starred element in the col defined by
        # the path.
        row = np.argmax(state.marked[:, path[count, 1]] == 1)
        if not state.marked[row, path[count, 1]] == 1:
            # Could not find one
            count += 1
            path[count, 0] = row
            path[count, 1] = path[count - 1, 1]

        # Find the first prime element in the row defined by the
        # first path step
        col = np.argmax(state.marked[path[count, 0]] == 2)
        if state.marked[row, col] != 2:
            col = -1
        count += 1
        path[count, 0] = path[count - 1, 0]
        path[count, 1] = col

    # Convert paths
    for i in range(count + 1):
        if state.marked[path[i, 0], path[i, 1]] == 1:
            state.marked[path[i, 0], path[i, 1]] = 0
            state.marked[path[i, 0], path[i, 1]] = 1

    # Erase all prime markings
    state.marked[state.marked == 2] = 0
    return _step3

def _step6(state):
    Add the value found in Step 4 to every element of each covered row,
    and subtract it from every element of each uncovered column.
    Return to Step 4 without altering any stars, primes, or covered lines.
    # the smallest uncovered value in the matrix
    if np.any(state.row_uncovered) and np.any(state.col_uncovered):
        minval = np.min(state.C[state.row_uncovered], axis=0)
        minval = np.min(minval[state.col_uncovered])
        state.C[np.logical_not(state.row_uncovered)] += minval
        state.C[:, state.col_uncovered] -= minval
    return _step4
