#include "simpio.h"
#include "strlib.h"
#include "stack.h"
#define MaxLineLength 1000
#define MaxOperatorLength 50
#define MaxArrayLength 1000
#define ReverseNotationOutput 1 //whether output the Reverse Polish Notation or not
string AimArray[MaxArrayLength]; //the Reverse Polish Notation array
int AimSize;
int priority(string x)//return the priority rank of x
if (StringEqual(x, "+") || StringEqual(x, "-")) return 1;
if (StringEqual(x, "*") || StringEqual(x, "/")) return 2;
return 0;
int IsSymbol(char ch)//tell whether ch is symbol(+-*/) or not
return (ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '/');
int IsNum(char ch)//tell whether ch is number or not
return (ch <= '9' && ch >= '0' || ch == '.');
int IsDouble(string str)//tell whether str could be converted to double or not
double result;
char dummy;
return (sscanf(str, " %lg %c", &result, &dummy) == 1);
int IsChar(char ch)//tell whether ch is character or not
return ((ch>='a' && ch<='z') || (ch>='A' && ch<='Z'));
int IsSeparator(char ch)//tell whether ch is separator or not
return (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r');
void push_string(stackADT stack, const string content)//push content of string
string s = (string)malloc(MaxOperatorLength*sizeof(char));
s = CopyString(content);
PushStack(stack, (void*)s);
void push_double(stackADT stack, const double content)//push content of double
double *x = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double));
*x = content;
PushStack(stack, (void*)x);
void push_aim(const string content)//push content to AimArray
string s = (string)malloc(MaxOperatorLength*sizeof(char));
s = ConvertToUpperCase(CopyString(content));
AimArray[AimSize++] = s;
void error(const char *x)//output error message and exit -1
void GetReverseNotation(string Line)//Get the reverse polish notation from a mathematical expression
stackADT TempStack = NewStack();//stack to storage the symbol(+ - / * ( ) )
stackADT FuncStack = NewStack();//stack to storage the function name(SIN COS TAN LOG POW)
int len = StringLength(Line);
int i, flag;
for (i = 0, flag = 0; i < len; i++) //Convert Infix Expression to Reverse Polish Notation
char ch = IthChar(Line, i);
if (IsSeparator(ch)) continue;
if (IsNum(ch))
int t = i;
while(i+1<len && IsNum(IthChar(Line, i+1))) i++;
push_aim(SubString(Line, t, i));
if (ch == '(')
push_string(TempStack, "(");
flag = 0;
if (IsSymbol(ch))
if (flag == 1 && ch == '-') push_aim("0");
while (!IsemptyStack(TempStack) && priority(CharToString(ch)) <= priority((char *)TopStack(TempStack)))
push_aim((char *)PopStack(TempStack));
push_string(TempStack, CharToString(ch));
if (ch == ')')
while (TRUE)
if (IsemptyStack(TempStack)) error("There is no corresponding '(' before ')'");
if (StringEqual((char *)TopStack(TempStack), "("))
push_aim((char *)PopStack(TempStack));
if (!IsemptyStack(FuncStack)) push_aim((string)PopStack(FuncStack));
if (ch == ',')
while (TRUE)
if (IsemptyStack(TempStack)) error("There is no corresponding '(' before ','");
if (StringEqual((char *)TopStack(TempStack), "("))
push_aim((char *)PopStack(TempStack));
if (IsChar(ch))
int t = i;
while(i+1<len && IsChar(IthChar(Line, i+1))) i++;
push_string(FuncStack,SubString(Line, t, i));
error("Illegal character detected");
if (!IsemptyStack(FuncStack)) push_aim((string)PopStack(FuncStack));
while (!IsemptyStack(TempStack))
if (StringEqual((char *)TopStack(TempStack), "(")) error("There is a redundant '('");
push_aim((char *)PopStack(TempStack));
if (ReverseNotationOutput)
printf("The Reverse Polish Notation(n = %d): ",AimSize);
for (i=0;i<AimSize;i++)
string x = AimArray[i];
printf("%s ",x);
double CalcAnswer()//calculate the answer of the reverse polish notation
stackADT CalcStack = NewStack();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < AimSize; i++)//calculate the reverse polish notation
string str = AimArray[i];
string sError = (string)malloc(MaxOperatorLength + 18);
sprintf(sError, "There's redundant '%s'", str);
if(StringLength(str) == 1 && IsSymbol(str[0])) //binary operator
if (IsemptyStack(CalcStack)) error(sError);
double y = *(double*)PopStack(CalcStack);
if (IsemptyStack(CalcStack)) error(sError);
double x = *(double*)PopStack(CalcStack);
case '+' :
push_double(CalcStack, x + y);
case '-' :
push_double(CalcStack, x - y);
case '*' :
push_double(CalcStack, x * y);
case '/':
push_double(CalcStack, x / y);
} else if (StringEqual(str,"SIN")) //unary operator
if (IsemptyStack(CalcStack)) error(sError);
double x = *(double*)PopStack(CalcStack);
push_double(CalcStack, sin(x));
} else if (StringEqual(str,"COS"))
if (IsemptyStack(CalcStack)) error(sError);
double x = *(double*)PopStack(CalcStack);
push_double(CalcStack, cos(x));
} else if (StringEqual(str,"TAN"))
if (IsemptyStack(CalcStack)) error(sError);
double x = *(double*)PopStack(CalcStack);
push_double(CalcStack, tan(x));
} else if (StringEqual(str,"LOG"))
if (IsemptyStack(CalcStack)) error(sError);
double x = *(double*)PopStack(CalcStack);
push_double(CalcStack, log(x));
} else if (StringEqual(str,"POW") || StringEqual(str,"POWER"))
if (IsemptyStack(CalcStack)) error(sError);
double y = *(double*)PopStack(CalcStack);
double x = *(double*)PopStack(CalcStack);
push_double(CalcStack, pow(x, y));
} else //number
if (!IsDouble(str))
sprintf(sError, "Undefined function '%s'", str);
push_double(CalcStack, StringToReal(str));
double ans = *(double*)PopStack(CalcStack);
return (ans);
//Main program
string Line = (string)malloc(MaxLineLength*sizeof(char));
while (TRUE)
AimSize = 0; //Initialization
printf("Type the mathematical expression(enter or 'exit' to exit):\n");
Line = GetLine();
if (StringEqual(Line, "") || StringEqual(ConvertToUpperCase(Line), "EXIT")) break;
double ans = CalcAnswer();
printf("%s = %.4f\n\n", Line, ans);
return 0;
include的是The Art and Science of C的教材库
* File: simpio.c
* Version: 3.0
* Last modified on Tue Oct 4 11:24:40 1994 by eroberts
* -----------------------------------------------------
* This file implements the simpio.h interface.
#include "genlib.h"
#include "strlib.h"
#include "simpio.h"
* Constants:
* ----------
* InitialBufferSize -- Initial buffer size for ReadLine
#define InitialBufferSize 120
/* Exported entries */
* Functions: GetInteger, GetLong, GetReal
* ---------------------------------------
* These functions first read a line and then call sscanf to
* translate the number. Reading an entire line is essential to
* good error recovery, because the characters after the point of
* error would otherwise remain in the input buffer and confuse
* subsequent input operations. The sscanf line allows white space
* before and after the number but no other extraneous characters.
int GetInteger(void)
string line;
int value;
char termch;
while (TRUE) {
line = GetLine();
if (line == NULL) Error("GetInteger: unexpected end of file");
switch (sscanf(line, " %d %c", &value, &termch)) {
case 1:
return (value);
case 2:
printf("Unexpected character: '%c'\n", termch);
printf("Please enter an integer\n");
printf("Retry: ");
long GetLong(void)
string line;
long value;
char termch;
while (TRUE) {
line = GetLine();
if (line == NULL) Error("GetLong: unexpected end of file");
switch (sscanf(line, " %ld %c", &value, &termch)) {
case 1:
return (value);
case 2:
printf("Unexpected character: '%c'\n", termch);
printf("Please enter an integer\n");
printf("Retry: ");
double GetReal(void)
string line;
double value;
char termch;
while (TRUE) {
line = GetLine();
if (line == NULL) Error("GetReal: unexpected end of file");
switch (sscanf(line, " %lf %c", &value, &termch)) {
case 1:
return (value);
case 2:
printf("Unexpected character: '%c'\n", termch);
printf("Please enter a real number\n");
printf("Retry: ");
* Function: GetLine
* -----------------
* This function is a simple wrapper; all the work is done by
* ReadLine.
string GetLine(void)
return (ReadLine(stdin));
* Function: ReadLine
* ------------------
* This function operates by reading characters from the file
* into a dynamically allocated buffer. If the buffer becomes
* full before the end of the line is reached, a new buffer
* twice the size of the previous one is allocated.
string ReadLine(FILE *infile)
string line, nline;
int n, ch, size;
n = 0;
size = InitialBufferSize;
line = GetBlock(size + 1);
while ((ch = getc(infile)) != '\n' && ch != EOF) {
if (n == size) {
size *= 2;
nline = (string) GetBlock(size + 1);
strncpy(nline, line, n);
line = nline;
line[n++] = ch;
if (n == 0 && ch == EOF) {
return (NULL);
line[n] = '\0';
nline = (string) GetBlock(n + 1);
strcpy(nline, line);
return (nline);
* File: strlib.c
* Version: 1.0
* Last modified on Fri Jul 15 14:10:41 1994 by eroberts
* -----------------------------------------------------
* This file implements the strlib.h interface.
* General implementation notes:
* -----------------------------
* This module implements the strlib library by mapping all
* functions into the appropriate calls to the ANSI
* interface. The implementations of the individual functions
* are all quite simple and do not require individual comments.
* For descriptions of the behavior of each function, see the
* interface.
#include "genlib.h"
#include "strlib.h"
* Constant: MaxDigits
* -------------------
* This constant must be larger than the maximum
* number of digits that can appear in a number.
#define MaxDigits 30
/* Private function prototypes */
static string CreateString(int len);
/* Section 1 -- Basic string operations */
string Concat(string s1, string s2)
string s;
int len1, len2;
if (s1 == NULL || s2 == NULL) {
Error("NULL string passed to Concat");
len1 = strlen(s1);
len2 = strlen(s2);
s = CreateString(len1 + len2);
strcpy(s, s1);
strcpy(s + len1, s2);
return (s);
char IthChar(string s, int i)
int len;
if (s == NULL) Error("NULL string passed to IthChar");
len = strlen(s);
if (i < 0 || i > len) {
Error("Index outside of string range in IthChar");
return (s[i]);
string SubString(string s, int p1, int p2)
int len;
string result;
if (s == NULL) Error("NULL string passed to SubString");
len = strlen(s);
if (p1 < 0) p1 = 0;
if (p2 >= len) p2 = len - 1;
len = p2 - p1 + 1;
if (len < 0) len = 0;
result = CreateString(len);
strncpy(result, s + p1, len);
result[len] = '\0';
return (result);
string CharToString(char ch)
string result;
result = CreateString(1);
result[0] = ch;
result[1] = '\0';
return (result);
int StringLength(string s)
if (s == NULL) Error("NULL string passed to StringLength");
return (strlen(s));
string CopyString(string s)
string newstr;
if (s == NULL) Error("NULL string passed to CopyString");
newstr = CreateString(strlen(s));
strcpy(newstr, s);
return (newstr);
/* Section 2 -- String comparison functions */
bool StringEqual(string s1, string s2)
if (s1 == NULL || s2 == NULL) {
Error("NULL string passed to StringEqual");
return (strcmp(s1, s2) == 0);
int StringCompare(string s1, string s2)
if (s1 == NULL || s2 == NULL) {
Error("NULL string passed to StringCompare");
return (strcmp(s1, s2));
/* Section 3 -- Search functions */
int FindChar(char ch, string text, int start)
char *cptr;
if (text == NULL) Error("NULL string passed to FindChar");
if (start < 0) start = 0;
if (start > strlen(text)) return (-1);
cptr = strchr(text + start, ch);
if (cptr == NULL) return (-1);
return ((int) (cptr - text));
int FindString(string str, string text, int start)
char *cptr;
if (str == NULL) Error("NULL pattern string in FindString");
if (text == NULL) Error("NULL text string in FindString");
if (start < 0) start = 0;
if (start > strlen(text)) return (-1);
cptr = strstr(text + start, str);
if (cptr == NULL) return (-1);
return ((int) (cptr - text));
/* Section 4 -- Case-conversion functions */
string ConvertToLowerCase(string s)
string result;
int i;
if (s == NULL) {
Error("NULL string passed to ConvertToLowerCase");
result = CreateString(strlen(s));
for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) result[i] = tolower(s[i]);
result[i] = '\0';
return (result);
string ConvertToUpperCase(string s)
string result;
int i;
if (s == NULL) {
Error("NULL string passed to ConvertToUpperCase");
result = CreateString(strlen(s));
for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) result[i] = toupper(s[i]);
result[i] = '\0';
return (result);
/* Section 5 -- Functions for converting numbers to strings */
string IntegerToString(int n)
char buffer[MaxDigits];
sprintf(buffer, "%d", n);
return (CopyString(buffer));
int StringToInteger(string s)
int result;
char dummy;
if (s == NULL) {
Error("NULL string passed to StringToInteger");
if (sscanf(s, " %d %c", &result, &dummy) != 1) {
Error("StringToInteger called on illegal number %s", s);
return (result);
string RealToString(double d)
char buffer[MaxDigits];
sprintf(buffer, "%G", d);
return (CopyString(buffer));
double StringToReal(string s)
double result;
char dummy;
if (s == NULL) Error("NULL string passed to StringToReal");
if (sscanf(s, " %lg %c", &result, &dummy) != 1) {
Error("StringToReal called on illegal number %s", s);
return (result);
/* Private functions */
* Function: CreateString
* Usage: s = CreateString(len);
* -----------------------------
* This function dynamically allocates space for a string of
* len characters, leaving room for the null character at the
* end.
static string CreateString(int len)
return ((string) GetBlock(len + 1));
* File: stack.c
* -------------
* This file implements the stack.h abstraction using an array.
#include "genlib.h"
#include "stack.h"
* Constants:
* ----------
* MaxStackSize -- Maximum number of elements in the queue
#define MaxStackSize 1000
* Type: stackCDT
* --------------
* This type provides the concrete counterpart to the stackADT.
* The representation used here consists of an array coupled with
* with an integer indicating the top element of the stack.
struct stackCDT {
void *array[MaxStackSize]; /*stack space -- pointer array*/
int top; /*top position of the stack*/
/* Exported entries */
* Function: NewStack
* ------------------
* This function allocates and initializes the storage for a
* new stack.
stackADT NewStack(void)
stackADT stack;
stack = New(stackADT);
stack->top = -1;
return (stack);
* Function: FreeStack
* -------------------
* This function frees the stack storage.
void FreeStack(stackADT stack)
* Function: PushStack
* -----------------
* This function adds a new element to the top of the stack.
void PushStack(stackADT stack, void *obj)
if (stack->top == MaxStackSize-1) {
Error("Pushstack called on a full stack");
stack->array[++stack->top] = obj;
* Function: PopStack
* -----------------
* This function removes and returns the data value at the
* top of the stack.
void *PopStack(stackADT stack)
void *result;
if (stack->top == -1) {
Error("Popstack of empty stack");
result = stack->array[stack->top--];
return (result);
* Function: IsemptyStack
* ---------------------
* This function checks if the stack is empty.
bool IsemptyStack(stackADT stack)
return (stack->top == -1);
* Function: TopStack
* -----------------
* This function returns the top element of the stack.Topstack an empty stack is
* an NULL pointer.
void *TopStack(stackADT stack)
void *result;
if (stack->top == -1) return (NULL);
result = stack->array[stack->top];
return (result);