首先我们必须知道Tcp粘包和拆包的,TCP是个“流”协议,所谓流,就是没有界限的一串数据,TCP底层并不了解上层业务数据的具体含义,它会根据TCP缓冲区的实际数据进行包的划分,一个完整的包可能会被拆分成多个包进行发送,也有可能把多个小的包封装成一个大的数据包进行发送。这里引用Netty官网的User guide里面的图进行说明:
One Small Caveat of Socket Buffer
In a stream-based transport such as TCP/IP, received data is stored into a socket receive buffer. Unfortunately, the buffer of a stream-based transport is not a queue of packets but a queue of bytes. It means, even if you sent two messages as two independent packets, an operating system will not treat them as two messages but as just a bunch of bytes. Therefore, there is no guarantee that what you read is exactly what your remote peer wrote. For example, let us assume that the TCP/IP stack of an operating system has received three packets:
Because of this general property of a stream-based protocol, there's high chance of reading them in the following fragmented form in your application:
Therefore, a receiving part, regardless it is server-side or client-side, should defrag the received data into one or more meaningful frames that could be easily understood by the application logic. In case of the example above, the received data should be framed like the following:
protected void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg, ByteBuf out) throws Exception {
byte[] body = convertToBytes(msg); //将对象转换为byte,伪代码,具体用什么进行序列化,你们自行选择。可以使用我上面说的一些
int dataLength = body.length; //读取消息的长度
out.writeInt(dataLength); //先将消息长度写入,也就是消息头
out.writeBytes(body); //消息体中包含我们要发送的数据
public void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in, List