


1. 变量声明

set name "Joe"
puts "my name is $name"

2. 判定表达式

set trueOrFalse [expr 0==1]
puts "1 is true, 0 is false: $trueOrFalse"

3. 运算表达式

puts "He is [expr 2*3], but his IQ is [expr 100+20]"

4. 流程控制

a) if-else

set value 3
if { $value == 1} {
    puts "3==1"
} elseif {$value == 2} {
    puts "3==2"
} else {
    puts "3==3"

b) switch

set value 3
switch $value {
    1 {
        puts "case 1"
    2 {
        puts "case 2"
    3 {
        puts "case 3"
    default {
        puts "Nothing"

c) for

for {set i 1} {$i <= 3} {incr i 1} {

        puts "i = $i"

d) while

set i 1
while {$i <= 3} {
    puts "i = $i"
    incr i 1

5. 方法(或用户定义函数)

用户自定义方法,即procedures, 基本的语法为 proc name params body。

proc sum {a b} {
    return [expr $a + $b]

set a 1
set b 2
set result [sum $a $b]
puts "The sum of a and b is $result"

6. 数组

set arr(1) 1
set arr(2) 2
set arr(3) 3

for {set i 1} {$i <= 3} {incr i 1} {
        puts "arr($i) is $arr($i)"

7. 字符串

set str "Hello, string"
puts "$str"

8. 输出

set file [open "/home/linux/Desktop/myfile" "w"]
puts $file "Hello, these words are going to be written to a file"

9. 注意事项(TCL语言初学者代码的问题绝大多数是空格,括号不标准所造成的!!!)

