Leetcode刷题汇总(Easy篇) -- Python


Array 专题

561 Array Partition I | 66.5% Easy

566 Reshape the Matrix 58.0% Easy

485 Max Consecutive Ones 53.9% Easy

695 Max Area of Island 52.3% Easy

448 Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array 51.3% Easy

283 Move Zeroes 51.1% Easy

717 1-bit and 2-bit Characters 49.7% Easy

169 Majority Element 47.5% Easy

697 Degree of an Array 47.0% Easy

217 Contains Duplicate 46.6% Easy

747 Largest Number At Least Twice of Others 45.1% Easy

628 Maximum Product of Three Numbers 45.0% Easy

268 Missing Number 44.6% Easy

674 Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence 42.5% Easy

724 Find Pivot Index 40.3% Easy

27 Remove Element 40.2% Easy

53 Maximum Subarray 40.1% Easy

35 Search Insert Position 40.0% Easy

118 Pascal’s Triangle 39.6% Easy

119 Pascal’s Triangle II 37.8% Easy

643 Maximum Average Subarray I 37.7% Easy

26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array 35.9% Easy

219 Contains Duplicate II 32.7% Easy

88 Merge Sorted Array 32.1% Easy

605 Can Place Flowers 30.2% Easy

581 Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray 29.2% Easy

532 K-diff Pairs in an Array 28.2% Easy

414 Third Maximum Number 28.0% Easy

189 Rotate Array 25.1% Easy

665 Non-decreasing Array

String 专题

657 Judge Route Circle 68.7% Easy

344 Reverse String 59.9% Easy

557 Reverse Words in a String III 59.9% Easy

521 Longest Uncommon Subsequence I 55.6% Easy

520 Detect Capital 52.1% Easy

696 Count Binary Substrings 51.4% Easy

606 Construct String from Binary Tree 49.8% Easy

383 Ransom Note 47.6% Easy

13 Roman to Integer 47.3% Easy

387 First Unique Character in a String 47.3% Easy

551 Student Attendance Record I 44.3% Easy

541 Reverse String II 43.8% Easy

345 Reverse Vowels of a String 38.9% Easy

459 Repeated Substring Pattern 38.2% Easy

443 String Compression 37.0% Easy

434 Number of Segments in a String 36.7% Easy

38 Count and Say 36.1% Easy

686 Repeated String Match 34.2% Easy

20 Valid Parentheses 33.8% Easy

67 Add Binary 33.6% Easy

758 Bold Words in String 33.1% Easy

680 Valid Palindrome II 32.6% Easy

58 Length of Last Word 32.0% Easy

14 Longest Common Prefix 31.6% Easy

157 Read N Characters Given Read4 29.2% Easy

28 Implement strStr() 28.8% Easy

408 Valid Word Abbreviation 28.3% Easy

125 Valid Palindrome 26.8% Easy
