17th Annual Jolt Award Winners

1. Books General

Jolt Winner:

    * Agile Software Development by Alistair Cockburn (Addison-Wesley Professional)

Productivity Winners:

    * Catastrophe Disentanglement by E. M. Bennatan (Addison-Wesley Professional)
    * Practices of an Agile Developer by V. Subramaniam and A. Hunt (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
    * Software Estimation Demystifying the Black Art by Steve McConnell (Microsoft Press)

2. Books Technical

Jolt Winner:

    * Head First Object-Oriented Analysis & Design by B. McLaughlin, G. Pollice, and D. West (O'Reilly Media)

Productivity Winners:

    * Code Quality by Diomidis Spinellis (Addison-Wesley Professional)
    * Refactoring Databases by Scott W. Ambler and P. J. Sadalage (Addison-Wesley Professional)
    * CSS: The Missing Manual by David Sawyer McFarland (O'Reilly Media)

3. Change and Configuration Management

Jolt Winner:

    * AccuRev 4.5 with AccuWorkflow (AccuRev)

Productivity Winners:

    * AnthillPro3 (Urbancode)
    * Perforce SCM (Perforce)
    * Team Foundation Server (Microsoft)

4. Collaboration Tools

Jolt Winner:

    *. Confluence (Atlassian Software Systems)

Productivity Winners:

    * Adobe Acrobat Connect Professional (Adobe Systems)
    * NetBeans IDE (Sun Microsystems)
    * TeamCity (JetBrains)

5. Database Engines and Data Tools

Jolt Winner:

    * Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Database Professionals (Microsoft)

Productivity Winners:

    * Coral8 Engine (Coral8)
    * Dbdeploy (ThoughtWorks)
    * SQL Refactor (Red Gate Software)

6. Design and Modeling Tools

Jolt Winner:

    * stpBA Storyboarding (stpsoft)

Productivity Winners:

    * Corticon Business Rules Modeling Studio (Corticon)
    * MagicDraw UML (No Magic)
    * Stylus Studio 2007 XML Enterprise Suite (DataDirect Technologies)

7. Development Environments

Jolt Winner:

    * NetBeans IDE (Sun Microsystems)

Productivity Winners:
IntelliJ IDEA (JetBrains)
IronPython (Microsoft)
Wolfram Workbench (Wolfram Research)
8. Enterprise Tools

Jolt Winner:

    * Cape Clear ESB Platform (Cape Clear Software)

Productivity Winners:

    * Liferay Portal (Liferay
    * Appistry EAF (Appistry)
    * Pentaho Open BI Suite (Pentaho)

9. Libraries, Frameworks and Components

Jolt Winner:

    * NetAdvantage for .NET (Infragistics)

Productivity Winners:

    * JViews (ILOG)
    * .NET Framework 3.0 (Microsoft)
    * Intel Threading Building Blocks (Intel)

10. Mobile Development Tools

Jolt Winner:

    * Carbide .c++ Professional Edition (Nokia)

Productivity Winners:

    * Crossfire (AppForge)
    * NetBeans Mobility Pack and Sun Java Wireless Tookit (Sun Microsystems)
    * Qtopia (Trolltech)

11. Project Management

Jolt Winner:

    * Rally Enterprise (Rally Software)

Productivity Winners:

    * 6th Sense Analytics (6th Sense Analytics)
    * Teamwork (Open Lab)
    * V1: Agile Enterprise (VersionOne)

12. Security

Jolt Winner:

    * AppScan (Watchfire)

Productivity Winners:

    * DevInspect (SPI Dynamics)
    * Fortify Source Code Analysis (Fortify)
    * Metasploit Framework (Metasploit)

13. Testing

Jolt Winner:

    * AgitarOne (Agitar Software)

Productivity Winners:

    * Mindreef SOAPscope (Mindreef)
    * Parasoft SOAtest (Parasoft)
    * TestComplete (AutomatedQA)

14. Bug and Defect Tracking

Jolt Winner:

    * TestTrack Studio (Seapine Software)

Productivity Winners:

    * JIRA (Atlassian Software Systems)
    * OnTime 2007 (Axosoft)
    * Software Planner Professional (Pragmatic Software)

15. Utilities

Jolt Winner:

    * VMware Lab Manager (VMware)

Productivity Winners:

    * Adobe Captivate 2 (Adobe)
    * ElectricCommander (Electric Cloud)
    * Textmate (MacroMates)

16. Web Development

Jolt Winner:

    * Adobe Flex 2 (Adobe Systems)

Productivity Winners:

    * IntelliJ IDEA (JetBrains)
    * Mindreef SOAPscope Server (Mindreef)
    * NetBeans Visual Web Pack 5.5 (Sun Microsystems)

17. Websites and Developer Networks

Jolt Winner:

    * Sun Developer Network (Sun Microsystems)

Productivity Winners:

    * CM Crossroads (CMC Media)
    * Koders.com (Koders)
    * Krugle (Krugle)


          * IBM developerWorks (IBM)
