View视图 其实就是对应MVC中的"V"
1.ViewResolver 结构图
@Test public void testBeanNameViewResolver() throws ServletException { StaticWebApplicationContext wac = new StaticWebApplicationContext(); wac.setServletContext(new MockServletContext()); MutablePropertyValues pvs1 = new MutablePropertyValues(); pvs1.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("url", "/example1.jsp")); wac.registerSingleton("example1", InternalResourceView.class, pvs1); BeanNameViewResolver vr = new BeanNameViewResolver(); vr.setApplicationContext(wac); wac.refresh(); View view = vr.resolveViewName("example1", Locale.getDefault()); assertEquals("Correct view class", InternalResourceView.class, view.getClass()); assertEquals("Correct URL", "/example1.jsp", ((InternalResourceView) view).getUrl()); }
XmlViewResolver这个视图解析器跟 BeanNameViewResolver 有点类似,也是通过把返回的逻辑视图名称去匹配定义好的视图 bean 对象。
3.1 配置XML
/example1.jsp test
3.2 测试用例
@Test public void testXmlViewResolver() throws Exception { StaticWebApplicationContext wac = new StaticWebApplicationContext(); wac.registerSingleton("testBean", TestBean.class); wac.setServletContext(new MockServletContext()); wac.refresh(); TestBean testBean = (TestBean) wac.getBean("testBean"); XmlViewResolver vr = new XmlViewResolver(); vr.setLocation(new ClassPathResource("org/springframework/web/servlet/view/views.xml")); vr.setApplicationContext(wac); View view1 = vr.resolveViewName("example1", Locale.getDefault()); assertTrue("Correct view class", TestView.class.equals(view1.getClass())); assertTrue("Correct URL", "/example1.jsp".equals(((InternalResourceView) view1).getUrl()));BeanNameViewResolver VS XmlViewResolver
1. BeanNameViewResolver 要求视图 bean 对象都定义在 Spring 的 application context 中,而 XmlViewResolver 是在指定的配置文件中寻找视图 bean 对象,
2. XmlViewResolver是 AbstractCachingViewResolver的子类,支持缓存;
BeanNameViewResolver 不会进行视图缓存。
4. ResourceBundleViewResolver
和 XmlViewResolver 一样它也需要有一个配置文件来定义逻辑视图名称和真正的 View 对象的对应关系,不同的是 ResourceBundleViewResolver 的配置文件是一个属性文件,而且必须是放在 classpath 路径下面的,默认情况下这个配置文件是在 classpath 根目录下的 文件,如果不使用默认值的话,则可以通过属性 baseName 或 baseNames 来指定。
4.1 配置文件
debugView.(class)= org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceView debugView.url=jsp/debug/deboug.jsp debugView.contentType=text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1
4.2 测试用例
public class ResourceBundleViewResolverTests extends TestCase { /** Comes from this package */ private static String PROPS_FILE = "org.springframework.web.servlet.view.testviews"; private ResourceBundleViewResolver rb; private StaticWebApplicationContext wac; protected void setUp() throws Exception { rb = new ResourceBundleViewResolver(); rb.setBasename(PROPS_FILE); rb.setCache(getCache()); rb.setDefaultParentView("testParent"); wac = new StaticWebApplicationContext(); wac.setServletContext(new MockServletContext()); wac.refresh(); // This will be propagated to views, so we need it. rb.setApplicationContext(wac); } public void testDebugViewFrench() throws Exception { View v = rb.resolveViewName("debugView", Locale.FRENCH); assertTrue("French debugView must be of type InternalResourceView", v instanceof InternalResourceView); InternalResourceView jv = (InternalResourceView) v; assertTrue("French debugView must have correct URL", "jsp/debug/deboug.jsp".equals(jv.getUrl())); assertTrue( "Correct overridden (XML) content type, not '" + jv.getContentType() + "'", jv.getContentType().equals("text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1")); } }
5.2 重要属性
public class UrlBasedViewResolver extends AbstractCachingViewResolver implements Ordered { /** * Prefix for special view names that specify a redirect URL (usually * to a controller after a form has been submitted and processed). * Such view names will not be resolved in the configured default * way but rather be treated as special shortcut. */ public static final String REDIRECT_URL_PREFIX = "redirect:"; /** * Prefix for special view names that specify a forward URL (usually * to a controller after a form has been submitted and processed). * Such view names will not be resolved in the configured default * way but rather be treated as special shortcut. */ public static final String FORWARD_URL_PREFIX = "forward:"; //Set the view class that should be used to create views. private Class viewClass; // Set the prefix that gets prepended to view names when building a URL. private String prefix = ""; //the suffix that gets appended to view names when building a URL. private String suffix = ""; //view names; such that 'my*', '*Report' and '*Repo*' private String[] viewNames = null; //content type for all views. private String contentType; //UrlBasedViewResolver 的 redirectContextRelative 的默认值为 true, //这意味着,只要重定向的资源以/开头,那么 spring 会帮你添加 contextPath private boolean redirectContextRelative = true; //whether redirects should stay compatible with HTTP 1.0 clients private boolean redirectHttp10Compatible = true; //the name of the RequestContext attribute for all views private String requestContextAttribute; private int order = Integer.MAX_VALUE; /** Map of static attributes, keyed by attribute name (String) */ private final MapstaticAttributes = new HashMap (); ... }
5.3 createView方法
public static final String REDIRECT_URL_PREFIX = "redirect:"; protected View createView(String viewName, Locale locale) throws Exception { // If this resolver is not supposed to handle the given view, // return null to pass on to the next resolver in the chain. if (!canHandle(viewName, locale)) { return null; } // Check for special "redirect:" prefix. if (viewName.startsWith(REDIRECT_URL_PREFIX)) { String redirectUrl = viewName.substring(REDIRECT_URL_PREFIX.length()); return new RedirectView(redirectUrl, isRedirectContextRelative(), isRedirectHttp10Compatible()); } // Check for special "forward:" prefix. if (viewName.startsWith(FORWARD_URL_PREFIX)) { String forwardUrl = viewName.substring(FORWARD_URL_PREFIX.length()); return new InternalResourceView(forwardUrl); } // Else fall back to superclass implementation: calling loadView. return super.createView(viewName, locale); }
5.4 一段UrlBasedViewResolver的定义
6.InternalResourceViewResolver 内部资源视图解析器