Method addEmailRecipients(FlowRunTime, List, ProcessContext, List) has the same erasure addEmailRecipients(FlowRunTime, List, ProcessContext, List) as another
method in type ProcessActivityService
将has the same erasure等关键字搜索,有这样一篇文章叫《Java语法糖的味道:泛型与类型擦除》,文章来自与《深入理解Java虚拟机:JVM高级特性与最佳实践》 。
创建Web工程,使用eclipse ee创建maven web工程 1.右键项目,选择Project Facets,点击Convert to faceted from 2.更改Dynamic Web Module的Version为2.5.(3.0为Java7的,Tomcat6不支持). 如果提示错误,可能需要在Java Compiler设置Compiler compl
最近一直在看python的document,打算在基础方面重点看一下python的keyword、Build-in Function、Build-in Constants、Build-in Types、Build-in Exception这四个方面,其实在看的时候发现整个《The Python Standard Library》章节都是很不错的,其中描述了很多不错的主题。先把Build-in Fu
package base;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Integer a = 4;
// Double aa = (double)a / 100000;
// Decimal
public class MyClass1<T> {//此处定义的泛型是T
private T var;
public T getVar() {
return var;
public void setVa