HP sues Oracle over Itanium support


Hewlett-Packard Co. sued Oracle Corp. Wednesday over the database company's announcement that it's going to discontinue help for Itanium, as outlined by media studies.

The lawsuit, filed Wednesday in Santa Clara County Superior Court, accuses Oracle of behaving illegally in choosing that long term versions of its database application would not support a particular line of HP servers.

People servers use a chip known as Itanium that Oracle insists is getting phased out, a claim the chip's maker, Intel Corp., denies.

Oracle has mentioned that it opted to discontinue assistance for H-P's Itanium-based servers because it believes that the Itanium line will be discontinued.

HP accuses Oracle of anticompetitive habits, breaking a promise to continue supporting Itanium machines and with the use of "strong-arm strategies to coerce buyers into changing their HP servers with Sun servers they do not want."

Inside a statement issued late Wednesday, Oracle mentioned H-P's claim that it breached an agreement to proceed support for your servers "is not genuine."

"What is correct is the fact that H-P explicitly asked Oracle to assure ongoing help for Itanium; but Oracle refused, and HP's Itanium help guarantee wording was deleted from your final signed arrangement," Oracle said.

The lawsuit will be the most current transfer in the high-stakes dispute in between each organizations, which are partners to the final thirty decades and have about 140,000 common clients.
