SailFin - Milestone 2 Build


Promoted builds are builds of SailFin which have passed a minimum level of testing which includes the GlassFish Quick Look tests, a sub-set of SQE tests (22 in number), a sub-set of CTS tests (representative collection of 344 J2EE 1.4 tests), SailFin Quick Looks, and JSR 116 TCK (6 in number).

The SailFin installer installs the GlassFish application server and SailFin sip servlet container on top of that. The majority of the GlassFish code is available under a dual license consisting of the Common Development and Distribution License ( CDDL) v1.0 and the GNU General Public License (GPL) v2 . The following page contains details about the components in GlassFish and the licenses under which they are covered.


Build Information

The following features have been added in Milestone2

  • Deployment of Converged Applications in a cluster
  • Deployment of Converged Applications via NetBeans ( NetBeans 5.5.1+)
  • Authentication of SIP Servlets using DIGEST Authentication algorithm
  • Support for P-Asserted Identity in SIP Servlet Container
  • Monitoring support for Sip Servlet Container
  • Admin GUI ( Console) support
    • Deployment of SIP Applications and Converged Applications
    • Display of SIP Applications and Converged Applications
  • Cluster profile support
  • Converged Loadbalancer
    • Self loadbalancing topology in place
    • Proxying support for HTTP/HTTPS
  • Converged HTTP Session Support
  • JSR 289 entities delivered to MS2
    • Parameterable (chapter 4.1.1)
    • createPrack (chapter 5.7.1)
    • ProxyBranch (partly chapter 10)
    • B2BuaHelper (chapter 12, getPendingMessages will be later)
    • pushRoute (chapter 10.2.2)
    • Proxy as UAS (chapter 10.2.3)
    Bugs fixed in this release.
  • Issue Tracker list

Download the promoted SailFin build

Binary builds

Note: This list offers files for different platforms. Please be sure to select the proper file for your platform. Carefully review the files listed below to select the one you want, then click the link to download. Some browsers may require you to right-click/CTRL-click to save these files to your computer.

Solaris SPARC Platform

  • sailfin-installer-v1-b07-sunos.jar , size 57M

Solaris x86 Platform

  • sailfin-installer-v1-b07-sunos_x86.jar size 57M

Windows Platform

  • sailfin-installer-v1-b07-windows.jar size 56M

Linux Platform

  • sailfin-installer-v1-b07-linux.jar size 56M

MacOS Platform

  • sailfin-installer-v1-b07-darwin.jar size 67M

Source bundle

Source code for SailFin is available in the bundle below. Some technologies are developed in other projects and only a binary version is available in the SailFin project source tree. To find more information on where to find sources see this page .

  • b07 source bundle

Instructions to unbundle and configure SailFin

To install and configure SailFin you need to have JDK 5 Update 8 or higher installed on your system. The configuration processing depends on Ant (1.6.5). The bundle includes an Ant distribution that has been extended with tasks to facilitate developing Java EE 5 applications for the application server.

  1. Download one of the bundles to disk, set JAVA_HOME to JDK 5.

  2. Run the following command to unbundle SailFin and create a new parent directory named "sailfin".
       % java -jar filename.jar
  3. Change directory to "sailfin".
       % cd sailfin
  4. If you are using a machine with an operating system that is a derivative of UNIX(tm), set the execute permission for the Ant binaries that are included with the SailFin bundle.
       % chmod -R +x lib/ant/bin 
       % lib/ant/bin/ant -f setup.xml 
    OR for Windows:
       % lib\ant\bin\ant -f setup.xml 
    For SailFin with Clustering supported installation, just change step 4 from the above installation.
       % lib/ant/bin/ant -f setup-cluster.xml 
    OR for Windows:
       % lib\ant\bin\ant -f setup-cluster.xml 

Instructions to execute SailFin Samples

Note: For executing the SailFin samples, the user must follow the steps below to configure the SailFin server.

  1. Go to the directory where you have SailFin installed.
        % cd /sailfin/bin
  2. Start up the server.
       % ./asadmin start-domain domain1
  3. Start the database.
       % ./asadmin start-database
  4. Go to the SailFin sample 'CallSetup' directory which contains Ant scripts to build, deploy, and undeploy the sample.
       % cd /sailfin/samples/sipservlet/CallSetup
  5. Run the following command to build all available Java files and create the CallSetup.sar file.
       % /sailfin/lib/ant/bin/ant all
  6. To deploy the CallSetup.sar file:
       % /sailfin/lib/ant/bin/ant deploy
  7. To undeploy the CallSetup.sar file:
       % /sailfin/lib/ant/bin/ant undeploy
