- http://jasonseifer.com/2010/04/06/rake-tutorial
hello rake
#rakefile.rb task :default => [:hello] task :hello do puts 'hello rake' end #$ rake #$ rake hello #$ rake rakefile.rb
task :default => "morning:turn_of_alarm" namespace :morning do task :turn_of_alarm do puts 'ding...' end end #$rake moring:turn_of_alarm
task description
desc "description of task " task :hello do end #$ rake -T #=> # rake hello # description of task
redefined task
task :default => 'morning:turn_of_alarm' namespace :morning do desc "turn of alarm" task :turn_of_alarm do puts 'hello' end end namespace :morning do task :turn_of_alarm do puts 'world' end end #$ rake #=> # hello # world
invoking other task
task :default => 'task:world' namespace :task do desc "hello world" task :hello do puts 'hello' end end namespace :task do task :world do puts '...' Rake::Task['task:hello'].invoke puts 'world' end end #Rake::Task['task:hello'].invoke(args.args_name)
task dependencies
task :default => 'task:world' namespace :task do task :hello do puts 'hello' end end namespace :task do task :world => :hello do puts 'world' end end
task arguments
task :say, [:name,:gender] do |t, args| args.with_defaults(:name=>'john',:gender=>'boy') puts "hello #{args.name} #{args.gender}" end #rake say[Lucy,girl]
Declare a task that performs its prerequisites in parallel. Multitasks does not guarantee that its prerequisites will execute in any given order (which is obvious when you think about it)
multitask :deploy => [:deploy_gem, :deploy_rdoc]
mkdir task
directory "tmp/abc" #rake tmp/abc #mkdir -p tmp/abc #执行前会先建立tmp/abc task :task_a => "tmp/abc" do end
rule task
rule '.o' => ['.c'] do |t| sh "cp #{t.source} #{t.name}" end #touch a.c #rake a.o #cp a.c a.o #t.source指a.c, t.name是a.o