test mongodb


to start mongo in REST mode, use ./bin/mongod --dbpath ./data/db -rest


to access it by REST, use https://github.com/tdegrunt/mongodb-rest(other approach http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Http+Interface)


to install mongodb-rest, use npm. install npm. you need use root mode. after install, to find where is command, use "npm bin" to show where is bin direcotry. It is not within default path.


use curl -d '{ "A1" : 201 }' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:3000/test/example1 to create data. Here Chinese character is supported.

  -d means --data, -H means header


then http://localhost:28017/test/example1/ will show the data you just added. the all '/' in url are necessary.


So to add data, you need 1) start mogodb demon, 2)start mongodb-rest server, 3) use curl to add


to query, access http://localhost:28017/test/example1/?filter_A1=我草

Oh, cool, it support Chinese.


1. 如果出现node.js Error: Cannot find module './colors',用export NODE_PATH=/opt/local/lib/node_modules/

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