找回Windows7的“将此程序锁定到任务栏”功能(Pin to Taskbar / Pin to Start Menu)


找回Windows7的“将此程序锁定到任务栏”功能(Pin to Taskbar / Pin to St...


windows7默认设置下,左键单击左下角“开始”菜单,右键单击程序快捷方式,显示的右键菜单里面会出现“将此程序锁定到任务栏”(Pin to Taskbar)和“将此程序锁定到开始菜单”( Pin to Start Menu)两个选项,以方便windows用户直接在任务栏里面启用常用的软件或者文件夹,随着windows7使用者的增多,部分用户开始为了提高电脑整体运行性能而开始使用一些在XP和VISTA上面较为流行的系统优化软件,例如众所周知的“windows优化大师”、“360启动项管理”“windows7优化大师”等等,结果在优化完成之后出现了各种各样奇怪的问题,“将此程序锁定到任务栏”(Pin To Taskbar)功能消失或者直接拖曳开始菜单里面的程序快捷方式到任务栏无效就是其中一个比较典型的症状。


windows7 “Pin To Taskbar、Pin to Start Menu "功能描述:

You can pin a program directly to thetaskbarso you can open it quickly and conveniently, rather than looking for the program in the Start menu.

Pin a program using its Jump List

To pin a program to the taskbar

  • Do one of the following:

    If the program is already running, right-click the program's button on the taskbar (ordragthe button toward the desktop) to open the program’sJump List, and then clickPin this program to taskbar.
    – or –
    If the program isn't running, clickStart, find the program’s icon, right-click the icon, and then clickPin to Taskbar.

You can also pin a program by dragging the program'sshortcutfrom the desktop or Start menu to the taskbar. Additionally, if you drag the shortcut of a file, folder, or website to the taskbar, and the associated program isn't already pinned there, then that program is pinned to the taskbar and the item is pinned to the program’s Jump List.


  • To remove a pinned program from the taskbar, open the program's Jump List, and then clickUnpin this program from taskbar.

  • Folders and shortcuts to folders appear in theWindowsExplorer Jump List when opened or pinned.

  • You can pin a program from the Start menu to the taskbar, but not from the taskbar to the Start menu.


    @echo off
    color 02
    echo 请选择要执行的操作(1-删除,2-恢复,3-退出)
    set choice=
    set /p choice=请选择(1/2/3)按回车执行:
    if /i '%choice%'=='1' goto a
    if /i '%choice%'=='2' goto b
    if /i '%choice%'=='3' goto end
    reg delete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/piffile /v IsShortcut /f
    reg delete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/lnkfile /v IsShortcut /f
    taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
    reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/lnkfile /v IsShortcut /t REG_SZ /f
    reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/piffile /v IsShortcut /t REG_SZ /f
    taskkill /f /im explorer.exe

    将以上内容存为XX.bat 文件



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