
ADB, XMLBeans, JiBX are framework for binding xml data to java beans and
viceversa. Each one of these have own home page and explains the
architecture and use way.

ADB Axis Data Bindind was created for the project Apache Axis2 for optimize
the marshaling and unmarshaling process using Axis...

XMLBeans is my favorite, http://xmlbeans.apache.org/ it is easy to use, and
very flexible and support all Schema standard

I dont know the JiBX framework, but it seems to be really good (especialy
for de performance), i am learning about this.

ADB and XMLBeans generates java code from a schema definition (xsd file).
And the generated code, extends from classes of the each framework.

In the case of JiBX you must to have the java beans created, and define a
databinding file that indicates to the framework how to bind the xml data to
java beans fields. This is very usefull in the case that you have previously
created the beans and need to use in the message of a web service.

As Jhan suggested, XMLBeans has the best schema support of any of the
frameworks ("all" is a very big claim to make regarding schema, since
there are still disputes over what the specification means in some
areas, but certainly XMLBeans comes about as close as anything does).
ADB and JiBX each have some areas where they don't support schema
correctly. In the JiBX case, the most important one is probably the lack
of support for xsi:type (used for one form of polymorphism in schema

JiBX is the only data binding framework which currently offers full
support for "unwrapping" operations in Axis2. The Quick Start Guide
(http://ws.apache.org/axis2/1_1/quickstartguide.html) gives a very
simple example of using this - if you compare the JiBX client and server
code with the other examples you'll see how unwrapping simplifies usage.
This simple example doesn't use a binding definition, since it's dealing
only with a couple of primitive types that have default handling, but in
general you'll need a binding definition to tell JiBX how to convert
your Java objects to and from XML. JiBX does provide primitive tools for
generating code and bindings from schema, and binding and schema from
code, but generally you're going to need to work with the binding
definition as the basis of anything you do using JiBX. You can see
http://www.jibx.org for details on JiBX, and
http://ws.apache.org/axis2/1_1/jibx/jibx-codegen-integration.html (also
included in the Axis2 documentation download) for details on how to use
JiBX with Axis2.

from http://www.5341.com/msg/189720.html
