E:\works\ruby\depot\test\unit>dir 驱动器 E 中的卷是 work 卷的序列号是 F4C3-30B8 E:\works\ruby\depot\test\unit 的目录 2013-03-14 14:45. 2013-03-14 14:45 .. 2013-03-14 14:33 0 .gitkeep 2013-03-14 14:45 helpers 2013-03-14 14:45 121 product_test.rb 2 个文件 121 字节 3 个目录 21,651,755,008 可用字节
require 'test_helper' class ProductTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # test "the truth" do # assert true # end end
我们预计一个空的Product模型无法通过验证,用assert product.invalid?。修改测试代码为/test/unit/product_test.rb(下载的源代码中此文件在test/unit/models/下):
require 'test_helper' class ProductTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test "product attributes must not be empty" do product = Product.new assert product.invalid? assert product.errors[:title].any? assert product.errors[:description].any? assert product.errors[:price].any? assert product.errors[:image_url].any? end end
可以通过rake test:units来运行单元测试:
rake test:units
E:\works\ruby\depot>rake test:units SECURITY WARNING: No secret option provided to Rack::Session::Cookie. This poses a security threat. It is strongly recommended that you provide a secret to prevent exploits that may be possible from crafted cookies. This will not be supported in future versions of Rack, and future versions will even invalidate your existing user cookies. Called from: D:/dev/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/actionpack-3.2.1/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/session/abstract_store.rb:28:in `initialize'. Rack::File headers parameter replaces cache_control after Rack 1.5. Run options: # Running tests: . Finished tests in 0.390625s, 2.5600 tests/s, 12.8000 assertions/s. 1 tests, 5 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
test "product price must be positive" do product = Product.new(title: "My Book Title", description: "yyy", image_url: "zzz.jpg") product.price = -1 assert product.invalid? assert_equal ["must be greater than or equal to 0.01"], product.errors[:price] product.price = 0 assert product.invalid? assert_equal ["must be greater than or equal to 0.01"], product.errors[:price] product.price = 1 assert product.valid? end
rake test:units
E:\works\ruby\depot>rake test:units SECURITY WARNING: No secret option provided to Rack::Session::Cookie. This poses a security threat. It is strongly recommended that you provide a secret to prevent exploits that may be possible from crafted cookies. This will not be supported in future versions of Rack, and future versions will even invalidate your existing user cookies. Called from: D:/dev/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ac tionpack-3.2.1/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/session/abstract_store.rb:28:in `i nitialize'. Rack::File headers parameter replaces cache_control after Rack 1.5. Run options: # Running tests: .. Finished tests in 0.343750s, 5.8182 tests/s, 29.0909 assertions/s. 2 tests, 10 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
def new_product(image_url) Product.new(title: "My Book Title", description: "yyy", price: 1, image_url: image_url) end test "image url" do ok = %w{ fred.gif fred.jpg fred.png FRED.JPG FRED.Jpg http://a.b.c/x/y/z/fred.gif } bad = %w{ fred.doc fred.gif/more fred.gif.more } ok.each do |name| assert new_product(name).valid?, "#{name} shouldn't be invalid" end bad.each do |name| assert new_product(name).invalid?, "#{name} shouldn't be valid" end end
rake test:units
... Finished tests in 0.406250s, 7.3846 tests/s, 46.7692 assertions/s. 3 tests, 19 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
静态测试(test fixture)只是为待测试的一个或多个模型而准备的初始内容的规范。如:如果要确保products表在每一个单元测试都从书籍的数据开始,可以在一次静态测试中指定下面内容,Rails会处理剩下的事情。
# Read about fixtures at http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Fixtures.html one: title: MyString description: MyText image_url: MyString price: 9.99 two: title: MyString description: MyText image_url: MyString price: 9.99
ruby: title: Programming Ruby 1.9 description: Ruby is the fastest growing and most exciting dynamic language out there. If you need to get working programs delivered fast, you should add Ruby to your toolbox. price: 49.50 image_url: ruby.png #END:ruby
fixtures :products
在测试数据库中每个测试方法都有一张刚刚初始化的表加载了所提供的静态测试数据。这是由命令rake test自动完成的,但也可单独运行rake db:test:prepare来初始化数据库表。
test "product is not valid without a unique title" do product = Product.new(title: products(:ruby).title, description: "yyy", price: 1, image_url: "fred.gif") assert !product.save assert_equal ["has already been taken"], product.errors[:title] end
rake test:units
.... Finished tests in 0.375000s, 10.6667 tests/s, 56.0000 assertions/s. 4 tests, 21 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
如果想避免在Active Record错误中使用硬编码的字符串,可以将返回的消息和其内置的错误信息表进行比较来解决这个问题,用i18n函数,/test/unit/product_test.rb中使用如下测试方法:
test "product is not valid without a unique title - i18n" do product = Product.new(title: products(:ruby).title, description: "yyy", price: 1, image_url: "fred.gif") assert product.invalid? assert_equal [I18n.translate('errors.messages.taken')], product.errors[:title] end
rake test:units
E:\works\ruby\depot>rake test:units SECURITY WARNING: No secret option provided to Rack::Session::Cookie. This poses a security threat. It is strongly recommended that you provide a secret to prevent exploits that may be possible from crafted cookies. This will not be supported in future versions of Rack, and future versions will even invalidate your existing user cookies. Called from: D:/dev/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/actionpack-3.2.1/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/session/abstract_store.rb:28:in `initialize'. Rack::File headers parameter replaces cache_control after Rack 1.5. Run options: # Running tests: ...F. Finished tests in 0.390625s, 12.8000 tests/s, 58.8800 assertions/s. 1) Failure: test_product_is_not_valid_without_a_unique_title_-_i18n(ProductTest) [E:/works/ruby/depot/test/unit/product_test.rb:69]: <["translation missing: en.errors.messages.taken"]> expected but was <["has already been taken"]>. 5 tests, 23 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
require 'test_helper' class ProductTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase fixtures :products test "product attributes must not be empty" do product = Product.new assert product.invalid? assert product.errors[:title].any? assert product.errors[:description].any? assert product.errors[:price].any? assert product.errors[:image_url].any? end test "product price must be positive" do product = Product.new(title: "My Book Title", description: "yyy", image_url: "zzz.jpg") product.price = -1 assert product.invalid? assert_equal ["must be greater than or equal to 0.01"], product.errors[:price] product.price = 0 assert product.invalid? assert_equal ["must be greater than or equal to 0.01"], product.errors[:price] product.price = 1 assert product.valid? end def new_product(image_url) Product.new(title: "My Book Title", description: "yyy", price: 1, image_url: image_url) end test "image url" do ok = %w{ fred.gif fred.jpg fred.png FRED.JPG FRED.Jpg http://a.b.c/x/y/z/fred.gif } bad = %w{ fred.doc fred.gif/more fred.gif.more } ok.each do |name| assert new_product(name).valid?, "#{name} shouldn't be invalid" end bad.each do |name| assert new_product(name).invalid?, "#{name} shouldn't be valid" end end test "product is not valid without a unique title" do product = Product.new(title: products(:ruby).title, description: "yyy", price: 1, image_url: "fred.gif") assert !product.save assert_equal ["has already been taken"], product.errors[:title] end test "product is not valid without a unique title - i18n" do product = Product.new(title: products(:ruby).title, description: "yyy", price: 1, image_url: "fred.gif") assert product.invalid? assert_equal [I18n.translate(['activerecord.errors.messages.taken'])], product.errors[:title] end end