SolrJ 是为java 准备的客户端,用于操作Solr服务器的工作.
见: 。
package; import; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServer; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; public class SolrTest01 { private final static String URL = "http://localhost:8080/solr" ; SolrServer httpSolrServer = null ; @Before public void init() { httpSolrServer = new HttpSolrServer(URL); } @Test public void test01() { //1.创建SolrServer对象(HttpSolrServer, CommonsHttpSolrServer,EmbeddedSolrServer) //在Solr3.6 以后:Deprecated. Use HttpSolrServer instead. //new CommonsHttpSolrServer(); try { //httpSolrServer.deleteByQuery("*:*"); //httpSolrServer.commit() ; // 对solr 而言, 如果 id 相同,其它的属性值不相同的话,后者会更新前者。 SolrInputDocument sid = new SolrInputDocument(); sid.addField("id", "4") ; // id 是solr_home/conf/schema.xml 中的主键值,必须有,注意类型 sid.addField("name", "我是一个外国人"); sid.addField("msg_title", "这是我的第一个solr程序11111"); sid.addField("msg_content", "我的第一个solr能否运行吗222?") ; httpSolrServer.add(sid) ; httpSolrServer.commit(); } catch (SolrServerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Test public void test02() { try { Listdocs = new ArrayList (); for(int i=5;i<10;i++) { SolrInputDocument sid = new SolrInputDocument(); sid.addField("id", i+"") ; // id 是solr_home/conf/schema.xml 中的主键值,必须有,注意类型 sid.addField("name", "我是一个外国人"+i); sid.addField("title", "这是我的第一个solr程序"+i); docs.add(sid); } //sid.addField("content", "我的第一个solr能否运行吗?") ; httpSolrServer.add(docs); httpSolrServer.commit(); //SolrParams params = new SolrParams(); //httpSolrServer.query(params ) } catch (SolrServerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Test public void test03() { try { List docs = new ArrayList (); for(int i=5;i<10;i++) { Message sid = new Message(); sid.setId(i+""); sid.setTitle("这是我的第一个solr程序Bean"+i); sid.setName("我是一个外国人BEAN"+i); sid.setMsg_content(new String[]{sid.getTitle(),sid.getName()}); docs.add(sid); } httpSolrServer.addBeans(docs); httpSolrServer.commit(); //SolrParams params = new SolrParams(); //httpSolrServer.query(params ) } catch (SolrServerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Test public void test04() { //SolrParams SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery("*"); // msg_all:222 query.setStart(0); //分页 起始 query.setRows(4) ; // 每页查多少条记录 try { QueryResponse qresponse = httpSolrServer.query(query) ; SolrDocumentList sorlList = qresponse.getResults(); System.out.println(sorlList.getNumFound()); for(SolrDocument sd :sorlList) { System.out.println(sd); System.out.println(sd.getClass()); System.out.println(sd.getFieldValue("msg_title")); } } catch (SolrServerException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 不常 用 */ @Test public void test05() { //SolrParams SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery("*"); // msg_all:222 query.setStart(0); //分页 起始 query.setRows(4) ; // 每页查多少条记录 try { QueryResponse qresponse = httpSolrServer.query(query) ; List beans = qresponse.getBeans(Message.class); for(Message sd :beans) { System.out.println(sd); System.out.println(sd.getClass()); System.out.println(sd.getName()); } } catch (SolrServerException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 高亮显示 */ @Test public void test06() { //SolrParams SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery("msg_all:程序"); // msg_all:222 query.setHighlight(true).setHighlightSimplePre("") .setHighlightSimplePost("") .setStart(0) .setRows(5) ; query.setParam("hl.fl", "msg_all,msg_name,msg_content"); // hl.fl 这是一个固定值 //query.setStart(0); //分页 起始 //query.setRows(4) ; // 每页查多少条记录 try { QueryResponse qresponse = httpSolrServer.query(query) ; SolrDocumentList sorlList = qresponse.getResults(); System.out.println(sorlList.getNumFound()); for(SolrDocument sd :sorlList) { System.out.println(sd); System.out.println(sd.getClass()); String id =sd.getFieldValue("id")+"" ; //System.out.println(sd.getFieldValue("msg_title")); Map > maphighlighter = qresponse.getHighlighting().get(id); if(maphighlighter!= null) { System.out.println(maphighlighter.get("msg_content")); // 这个msg_content一定要 store 才能查得到,否则查不到高亮。 System.out.println(maphighlighter.get("msg_all")); } } } catch (SolrServerException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private static int fetchSize = 1000; private static HttpSolrServer solrCore; public void TestDataBase() throws MalformedURLException { solrCore = new HttpSolrServer(URL); } /** * Takes an SQL ResultSet and adds the documents to solr. Does it in batches * of fetchSize. * * @param rs * A ResultSet from the database. * @return The number of documents added to solr. * @throws SQLException * @throws SolrServerException * @throws IOException */ public long addResultSet(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, SolrServerException, IOException { long count = 0; int innerCount = 0; Collection docs = new ArrayList (); ResultSetMetaData rsm = rs.getMetaData(); int numColumns = rsm.getColumnCount(); String[] colNames = new String[numColumns + 1]; /** * JDBC numbers the columns starting at 1, so the normal java convention * of starting at zero won't work. */ for (int i = 1; i < (numColumns + 1); i++) { colNames[i] = rsm.getColumnName(i); /** * If there are fields that you want to handle manually, check for * them here and change that entry in colNames to null. This will * cause the loop in the next section to skip that database column. */ // //Example: // if (rsm.getColumnName(i) == "db_id") // { // colNames[i] = null; // } } while ( { count++; innerCount++; SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument(); /** * At this point, take care of manual document field assignments for * which you previously assigned the colNames entry to null. */ // //Example: // doc.addField("solr_db_id", rs.getLong("db_id")); for (int j = 1; j < (numColumns + 1); j++) { if (colNames[j] != null) { Object f; switch (rsm.getColumnType(j)) { case Types.BIGINT: { f = rs.getLong(j); break; } case Types.INTEGER: { f = rs.getInt(j); break; } case Types.DATE: { f = rs.getDate(j); break; } case Types.FLOAT: { f = rs.getFloat(j); break; } case Types.DOUBLE: { f = rs.getDouble(j); break; } case Types.TIME: { f = rs.getDate(j); break; } case Types.BOOLEAN: { f = rs.getBoolean(j); break; } default: { f = rs.getString(j); } } doc.addField(colNames[j], f); } } docs.add(doc); /** * When we reach fetchSize, index the documents and reset the inner * counter. */ if (innerCount == fetchSize) { solrCore.add(docs); docs.clear(); innerCount = 0; } } /** * If the outer loop ended before the inner loop reset, index the * remaining documents. */ if (innerCount != 0) { solrCore.add(docs); } return count; } }