JDE plugins

  • Integration with other tools
    • Jdee-Eclipse-integration: different ways to profit from both IDEs or share configuration
    • JdeeAndMavenPom: how to load Maven’s pom.xml
    • JdeeAndMaven2Pom: same, for Maven 2
    • JdeeMaven: still another version for Maven
    • jde-mve seems to be the newest Maven/JDEE integration
    • JdeeGradle: generating Jdee project “prj.el” from Gradle project
    • JdeeDecompile: Integrate with JAD, a decompiler
  • Problem searchers
    • JdeeFlymake: on-the-fly syntax checker
    • JdeeFindbugs: looks for bugs in Java code
    • JdeeLint: detects issues with locking, threading, performance, scalability, serialization, …
  • Edition tools
    • JdeeJalopy: a Java source code, formatter, beautifier, pretty printer
  • Information providers
    • JdeeUsages: finds callers of a method, subclasses, overrides, and other information about your Java classes
  • Programming helpers
    • JDIBUG, a new debugger for Java written in Elisp

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