
" split screen
vim -O/on       open horizen/vertical split n:number
ctrl+w c/q      close this/last window
ctrl+w s        horizen split this file
:sp filename    horizen split, and open a new file
ctrl+w v        vertical split this opened file
:vsp filename   vertical split, and open a new file
lrm -rf buf-*~   delete some not need files
vim -O4 buf-*
vim -o4 buf-*

" move window and resize
ctrl+w K        up
ctrl+w J        down
ctrl+w L        right
ctrl+w H        left
ctrl+w +        height++
ctrl+w -        height--
ctrl+w =        same height

" tab
:tabnew         tab new
:tabfind        tab find and open file
:tabs           display opened tab list
:tabclose       close this tab
:tabonly        close others
:tabn/p/first/last      move to next/previous/first/last tab
:tabm           put this tab to special pos

gt/T            move to next/previous tab
{i}gt           move to i pos tab
noremap :tabnext      customize shotcut in vimrc
noremap :tabprevious  customize shotcut in vimrc
:tabe           tab edit specified
tabm 0/tabm     move this tab to first/last
tabm{i}         move this tab to i+1 pos
