create view v_familyInsurancesLookup WITH SCHEMABINDING as ( select company, policyHolderName, policyHolderId, insuredName, insuredCusId, age, validateDate, productName, maxpay, productCurrency, amount, modePremium, policyStatus, tid, agentNumber from ( select as company, t1.POLICY_HOLDER as policyHolderName, t1.POLICY_HOLDER_id as policyHolderId, t1.recognizee as insuredName, t1.recognizee_id as insuredCusId, t1.age as age, t1.effective_date as validateDate, as productName, t1.maxpay as maxpay, t1.currency as productCurrency, t2.amount as amount, t1.totalpay as modePremium, t1.insure_status as policyStatus, t1.tid as tid, t1.create_id as agentNumber, row_number() over(partition by t1.tid order by rname1 from dbo.gl_trade_policy t1 inner join dbo.gl_tradel_product t2 on t1.tid = t2.tradep_id and t1.status = '1' and t2.status = '1' inner join dbo.gl_cus_customer t3 on t3.tid = t1.recognizee_id inner join dbo.gl_cus_customer t4 on t4.tid = t1.POLICY_HOLDER_id) tt where tt.rname1 = 1 union select null, policyHolderName, policyHolderId, insuredName, insuredCusId, age, validateDate, productName, maxpay, productCurrency, amount, modePremium, policyStatus, tid, agentNumber from (select t2.policy_holder_name as policyHolderName, t2.customer_id as policyHolderId, t2.insured_name as insuredName, t3.customer_id as insuredCusId, t3.insured_age as age, t2.validate_date as validateDate, t4.product_name as productName, t3.payment_period as maxpay, t4.product_currency as productCurrency, t3.amount as amount, t2.MODE_PREMIUM as modePremium, t2.policy_status as policyStatus, t2.tid as tid, t5.agent_number as agentNumber, row_number() over(partition by t2.policy_code order by t3.coverage_sql asc) as rname1 from dbo.gl_cus_accpect_manager t5 inner join dbo.gl_cus_accept_insurance t2 on t5.policy_code = t2.policy_code inner join dbo.gl_cus_polagent t3 on t2.policy_code = t3.policy_code inner join dbo.gl_cus_accpect_product t4 on t3.product_code = t4.product_code ) tt where tt.rname1 = 1)
怎样证明所创建的视图是物化视图而不是普通视图? -- 能在上面创建索引的视图就是物化视图