Camel 2.17 手册


Apache Camel
User Guide
Version 2.17.0

Copyright 2007-2015, Apache Software Foundation
Table of Contents

    Table of Contents
    Getting Started
    Enterprise Integration Patterns
    Cook Book
    Language Appendix
    DataFormat Appendix
    Pattern Appendix
    Component Appendix

Apache Camel ™ is a versatile open-source integration framework based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns.

Camel empowers you to define routing and mediation rules in a variety of domain-specific languages, including a Java-based Fluent API, Spring or Blueprint XML Configuration files, and a Scala DSL. This means you get smart completion of routing rules in your IDE, whether in a Java, Scala or XML editor.

Apache Camel uses URIs to work directly with any kind of Transport or messaging model such as HTTP, ActiveMQ, JMS, JBI, SCA, MINA or CXF, as well as pluggable Components and Data Format options. Apache Camel is a small library with minimal dependencies for easy embedding in any Java application. Apache Camel lets you work with the same API regardless which kind of Transport is used - so learn the API once and you can interact with all the Components provided out-of-box.

Apache Camel provides support for Bean Binding and seamless integration with popular frameworks such as CDI, Spring, Blueprint and Guice. Camel also has extensive support for unit testing your routes.

The following projects can leverage Apache Camel as a routing and mediation engine:

    Apache ServiceMix - a popular distributed open source ESB and JBI container
    Apache ActiveMQ - a mature, widely used open source message broker
    Apache CXF - a smart web services suite (JAX-WS and JAX-RS)
    Apache Karaf - a small OSGi based runtime in which applications can be deployed
    Apache MINA - a high-performance NIO-driven networking framework

So don't get the hump - try Camel today! (smile)

Too many buzzwords - what exactly is Camel?

Okay, so the description above is technology focused.
There's a great discussion about Camel at Stack Overflow. We suggest you view the post, read the comments, and browse the suggested links for more details.

To start using Apache Camel quickly, you can read through some simple examples in this chapter. For readers who would like a more thorough introduction, please skip ahead to Chapter 3.
Walk through an Example Code

This mini-guide takes you through the source code of a simple example.

Camel can be configured either by using Spring or directly in Java - which this example does.

This example is available in the examples\camel-example-jms-file directory of the Camel distribution.

We start with creating a CamelContext - which is a container for Components, Routes etc:
CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext();

There is more than one way of adding a Component to the CamelContext. You can add components implicitly - when we set up the routing - as we do here for the FileComponent:
context.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() {

or explicitly - as we do here when we add the JMS Component:
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("vm://localhost?broker.persistent=false");
// Note we can explicit name the component
context.addComponent("test-jms", JmsComponent.jmsComponentAutoAcknowledge(connectionFactory));

The above works with any JMS provider. If we know we are using ActiveMQ we can use an even simpler form using the activeMQComponent() method while specifying the brokerURL used to connect to ActiveMQ
Error formatting macro: snippet: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 20, Size: 20

In normal use, an external system would be firing messages or events directly into Camel through one if its Components but we are going to use the ProducerTemplate which is a really easy way for testing your configuration:
ProducerTemplate template = context.createProducerTemplate();

Next you must start the camel context. If you are using Spring to configure the camel context this is automatically done for you; though if you are using a pure Java approach then you just need to call the start() method

This will start all of the configured routing rules.

So after starting the CamelContext, we can fire some objects into camel:
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    template.sendBody("test-jms:queue:test.queue", "Test Message: " + i);
What happens?

From the ProducerTemplate - we send objects (in this case text) into the CamelContext to the Component test-jms:queue:test.queue. These text objects will be converted automatically into JMS Messages and posted to a JMS Queue named test.queue. When we set up the Route, we configured the FileComponent to listen off the test.queue.

The File FileComponent will take messages off the Queue, and save them to a directory named test. Every message will be saved in a file that corresponds to its destination and message id.

Finally, we configured our own listener in the Route - to take notifications from the FileComponent and print them out as text.

That's it!

If you have the time then use 5 more minutes to Walk through another example that demonstrates the Spring DSL (XML based) routing.
Walk through another example

Continuing the walk from our first example, we take a closer look at the routing and explain a few pointers - so you won't walk into a bear trap, but can enjoy an after-hours walk to the local pub for a large beer (wink)

First we take a moment to look at the Enterprise Integration Patterns - the base pattern catalog for integration scenarios. In particular we focus on Pipes and filters - a central pattern. This is used to route messages through a sequence of processing steps, each performing a specific function - much like the Java Servlet Filters.
Pipes and filters

In this sample we want to process a message in a sequence of steps where each steps can perform their specific function. In our example we have a JMS queue for receiving new orders. When an order is received we need to process it in several steps:

    send confirm email

This can be created in a route like this:


Pipeline is default

In the route above we specify pipeline but it can be omitted as its default, so you can write the route as:


This is commonly used not to state the pipeline.

An example where the pipeline needs to be used, is when using a multicast and "one" of the endpoints to send to (as a logical group) is a pipeline of other endpoints. For example.



The above sends the order (from jms:queue:order) to two locations at the same time, our log component, and to the "pipeline" of beans which goes one to the other. If you consider the opposite, sans the


you would see that multicast would not "flow" the message from one bean to the next, but rather send the order to all 4 endpoints (1x log, 3x bean) in parallel, which is not (for this example) what we want. We need the message to flow to the validateOrder, then to the registerOrder, then the sendConfirmEmail so adding the pipeline, provides this facility.

Where as the bean ref is a reference for a spring bean id, so we define our beans using regular Spring XML as:

Our validator bean is a plain POJO that has no dependencies to Camel what so ever. So you can implement this POJO as you like. Camel uses rather intelligent Bean Binding to invoke your POJO with the payload of the received message. In this example we will not dig into this how this happens. You should return to this topic later when you got some hands on experience with Camel how it can easily bind routing using your existing POJO beans.

So what happens in the route above. Well when an order is received from the JMS queue the message is routed like Pipes and filters:
1. payload from the JMS is sent as input to the validateOrder bean
2. the output from validateOrder bean is sent as input to the registerOrder bean
3. the output from registerOrder bean is sent as input to the sendConfirmEmail bean
Using Camel Components

In the route lets imagine that the registration of the order has to be done by sending data to a TCP socket that could be a big mainframe. As Camel has many Components we will use the camel-mina component that supports TCP connectivity. So we change the route to:


What we now have in the route is a to type that can be used as a direct replacement for the bean type. The steps is now:
1. payload from the JMS is sent as input to the validateOrder bean
2. the output from validateOrder bean is sent as text to the mainframe using TCP
3. the output from mainframe is sent back as input to the sendConfirmEmai bean

What to notice here is that the to is not the end of the route (the world (wink)) in this example it's used in the middle of the Pipes and filters. In fact we can change the bean types to to as well:


As the to is a generic type we must state in the uri scheme which component it is. So we must write bean: for the Bean component that we are using.

This example was provided to demonstrate the Spring DSL (XML based) as opposed to the pure Java DSL from the first example. And as well to point about that the to doesn't have to be the last node in a route graph.

This example is also based on the in-only message exchange pattern. What you must understand as well is the in-out message exchange pattern, where the caller expects a response. We will look into this in another example.
See also

    User Guide

Getting Started with Apache Camel

The Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) book

The purpose of a "patterns" book is not to advocate new techniques that the authors have invented, but rather to document existing best practices within a particular field. By doing this, the authors of a patterns book hope to spread knowledge of best practices and promote a vocabulary for discussing architectural designs.
One of the most famous patterns books is Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-oriented Software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides, commonly known as the "Gang of Four" (GoF) book. Since the publication of Design Patterns, many other pattern books, of varying quality, have been written. One famous patterns book is called Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing, Building, and Deploying Messaging Solutions by Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf. It is common for people to refer to this book by its initials EIP. As the subtitle of EIP suggests, the book focuses on design patterns for asynchronous messaging systems. The book discusses 65 patterns. Each pattern is given a textual name and most are also given a graphical symbol, intended to be used in architectural diagrams.
The Camel project

Camel ( is an open-source, Java-based project that helps the user implement many of the design patterns in the EIP book. Because Camel implements many of the design patterns in the EIP book, it would be a good idea for people who work with Camel to have the EIP book as a reference.
Online documentation for Camel

The documentation is all under the Documentation category on the right-side menu of the Camel website (also available in PDF form. Camel-related books are also available, in particular the Camel in Action book, presently serving as the Camel bible--it has a free Chapter One (pdf), which is highly recommended to read to get more familiar with Camel.
A useful tip for navigating the online documentation

The breadcrumbs at the top of the online Camel documentation can help you navigate between parent and child subsections.
For example, If you are on the "Languages" documentation page then the left-hand side of the reddish bar contains the following links.
Apache Camel > Documentation > Architecture > Languages

As you might expect, clicking on "Apache Camel" takes you back to the home page of the Apache Camel project, and clicking on "Documentation" takes you to the main documentation page. You can interpret the "Architecture" and "Languages" buttons as indicating you are in the "Languages" section of the "Architecture" chapter. Adding browser bookmarks to pages that you frequently reference can also save time.

Online Javadoc documentation

The Apache Camel website provides Javadoc documentation. It is important to note that the Javadoc documentation is spread over several independent Javadoc hierarchies rather than being all contained in a single Javadoc hierarchy. In particular, there is one Javadoc hierarchy for the core APIs of Camel, and a separate Javadoc hierarchy for each component technology supported by Camel. For example, if you will be using Camel with ActiveMQ and FTP then you need to look at the Javadoc hierarchies for the core API and Spring API.
Concepts and terminology fundamental to Camel

In this section some of the concepts and terminology that are fundamental to Camel are explained. This section is not meant as a complete Camel tutorial, but as a first step in that direction.


The term endpoint is often used when talking about inter-process communication. For example, in client-server communication, the client is one endpoint and the server is the other endpoint. Depending on the context, an endpoint might refer to an address, such as a host:port pair for TCP-based communication, or it might refer to a software entity that is contactable at that address. For example, if somebody uses "" as an example of an endpoint, they might be referring to the actual port at that host name (that is, an address), or they might be referring to the web server (that is, software contactable at that address). Often, the distinction between the address and software contactable at that address is not an important one.
Some middleware technologies make it possible for several software entities to be contactable at the same physical address. For example, CORBA is an object-oriented, remote-procedure-call (RPC) middleware standard. If a CORBA server process contains several objects then a client can communicate with any of these objects at the same physical address (host:port), but a client communicates with a particular object via that object's logical address (called an IOR in CORBA terminology), which consists of the physical address (host:port) plus an id that uniquely identifies the object within its server process. (An IOR contains some additional information that is not relevant to this present discussion.) When talking about CORBA, some people may use the term "endpoint" to refer to a CORBA server's physical address, while other people may use the term to refer to the logical address of a single CORBA object, and other people still might use the term to refer to any of the following:

    The physical address (host:port) of the CORBA server process
    The logical address (host:port plus id) of a CORBA object.
    The CORBA server process (a relatively heavyweight software entity)
    A CORBA object (a lightweight software entity)

Because of this, you can see that the term endpoint is ambiguous in at least two ways. First, it is ambiguous because it might refer to an address or to a software entity contactable at that address. Second, it is ambiguous in the granularity of what it refers to: a heavyweight versus lightweight software entity, or physical address versus logical address. It is useful to understand that different people use the term endpoint in slightly different (and hence ambiguous) ways because Camel's usage of this term might be different to whatever meaning you had previously associated with the term.
Camel provides out-of-the-box support for endpoints implemented with many different communication technologies. Here are some examples of the Camel-supported endpoint technologies.

    A JMS queue.
    A web service.
    A file. A file may sound like an unlikely type of endpoint, until you realize that in some systems one application might write information to a file and, later, another application might read that file.
    An FTP server.
    An email address. A client can send a message to an email address, and a server can read an incoming message from a mail server.
    A POJO (plain old Java object).

In a Camel-based application, you create (Camel wrappers around) some endpoints and connect these endpoints with routes, which I will discuss later in Section 4.8 ("Routes, RouteBuilders and Java DSL"). Camel defines a Java interface called Endpoint. Each Camel-supported endpoint has a class that implements this Endpoint interface. As I discussed in Section 3.3 ("Online Javadoc documentation"), Camel provides a separate Javadoc hierarchy for each communications technology supported by Camel. Because of this, you will find documentation on, say, the JmsEndpoint class in the JMS Javadoc hierarchy, while documentation for, say, the FtpEndpoint class is in the FTP Javadoc hierarchy.

A CamelContext object represents the Camel runtime system. You typically have one CamelContext object in an application. A typical application executes the following steps.

    Create a CamelContext object.
    Add endpoints – and possibly Components, which are discussed in Section 4.5 ("Components") – to the CamelContext object.
    Add routes to the CamelContext object to connect the endpoints.
    Invoke the start() operation on the CamelContext object. This starts Camel-internal threads that are used to process the sending, receiving and processing of messages in the endpoints.
    Eventually invoke the stop() operation on the CamelContext object. Doing this gracefully stops all the endpoints and Camel-internal threads.

Note that the CamelContext.start() operation does not block indefinitely. Rather, it starts threads internal to each Component and Endpoint and then start() returns. Conversely, CamelContext.stop() waits for all the threads internal to each Endpoint and Component to terminate and then stop() returns.
If you neglect to call CamelContext.start() in your application then messages will not be processed because internal threads will not have been created.
If you neglect to call CamelContext.stop() before terminating your application then the application may terminate in an inconsistent state. If you neglect to call CamelContext.stop() in a JUnit test then the test may fail due to messages not having had a chance to be fully processed.

Camel used to have a class called CamelClient, but this was renamed to be CamelTemplate to be similar to a naming convention used in some other open-source projects, such as the TransactionTemplate and JmsTemplate classes in Spring.
The CamelTemplate class is a thin wrapper around the CamelContext class. It has methods that send a Message or Exchange – both discussed in Section 4.6 ("Message and Exchange")) – to an Endpoint – discussed in Section 4.1 ("Endpoint"). This provides a way to enter messages into source endpoints, so that the messages will move along routes – discussed in Section 4.8 ("Routes, RouteBuilders and Java DSL") – to destination endpoints.

The Meaning of URL, URI, URN and IRI

Some Camel methods take a parameter that is a URI string. Many people know that a URI is "something like a URL" but do not properly understand the relationship between URI and URL, or indeed its relationship with other acronyms such as IRI and URN.
Most people are familiar with URLs (uniform resource locators), such as "http://...", "ftp://...", "mailto:...". Put simply, a URL specifies the location of a resource.
A URI (uniform resource identifier) is a URL or a URN. So, to fully understand what URI means, you need to first understand what is a URN.
URN is an acronym for uniform resource name. There are may "unique identifier" schemes in the world, for example, ISBNs (globally unique for books), social security numbers (unique within a country), customer numbers (unique within a company's customers database) and telephone numbers. Each "unique identifier" scheme has its own notation. A URN is a wrapper for different "unique identifier" schemes. The syntax of a URN is "urn::". A URN uniquely identifies a resource, such as a book, person or piece of equipment. By itself, a URN does not specify the location of the resource. Instead, it is assumed that a registry provides a mapping from a resource's URN to its location. The URN specification does not state what form a registry takes, but it might be a database, a server application, a wall chart or anything else that is convenient. Some hypothetical examples of URNs are "urn:employee:08765245", "urn:customer:uk:3458:hul8" and "urn:foo:0000-0000-9E59-0000-5E-2". The ("employee", "customer" and "foo" in these examples) part of a URN implicitly defines how to parse and interpret the that follows it. An arbitrary URN is meaningless unless: (1) you know the semantics implied by the , and (2) you have access to the registry appropriate for the . A registry does not have to be public or globally accessible. For example, "urn:employee:08765245" might be meaningful only within a specific company.
To date, URNs are not (yet) as popular as URLs. For this reason, URI is widely misused as a synonym for URL.
IRI is an acronym for internationalized resource identifier. An IRI is simply an internationalized version of a URI. In particular, a URI can contain letters and digits in the US-ASCII character set, while a IRI can contain those same letters and digits, and also European accented characters, Greek letters, Chinese ideograms and so on.

Component is confusing terminology; EndpointFactory would have been more appropriate because a Component is a factory for creating Endpoint instances. For example, if a Camel-based application uses several JMS queues then the application will create one instance of the JmsComponent class (which implements the Component interface), and then the application invokes the createEndpoint() operation on this JmsComponent object several times. Each invocation of JmsComponent.createEndpoint() creates an instance of the JmsEndpoint class (which implements the Endpoint interface). Actually, application-level code does not invoke Component.createEndpoint() directly. Instead, application-level code normally invokes CamelContext.getEndpoint(); internally, the CamelContext object finds the desired Component object (as I will discuss shortly) and then invokes createEndpoint() on it.
Consider the following code.
myCamelContext.getEndpoint("pop3://[email protected]?password=myPassword");

The parameter to getEndpoint() is a URI. The URI prefix (that is, the part before ":") specifies the name of a component. Internally, the CamelContext object maintains a mapping from names of components to Component objects. For the URI given in the above example, the CamelContext object would probably map the pop3 prefix to an instance of the MailComponent class. Then the CamelContext object invokes createEndpoint("pop3://[email protected]?password=myPassword") on that MailComponent object. The createEndpoint() operation splits the URI into its component parts and uses these parts to create and configure an Endpoint object.
In the previous paragraph, I mentioned that a CamelContext object maintains a mapping from component names to Component objects. This raises the question of how this map is populated with named Component objects. There are two ways of populating the map. The first way is for application-level code to invoke CamelContext.addComponent(String componentName, Component component). The example below shows a single MailComponent object being registered in the map under 3 different names.
Component mailComponent = new org.apache.camel.component.mail.MailComponent();
myCamelContext.addComponent("pop3", mailComponent);
myCamelContext.addComponent("imap", mailComponent);
myCamelContext.addComponent("smtp", mailComponent);

The second (and preferred) way to populate the map of named Component objects in the CamelContext object is to let the CamelContext object perform lazy initialization. This approach relies on developers following a convention when they write a class that implements the Component interface. I illustrate the convention by an example. Let's assume you write a class called com.example.myproject.FooComponent and you want Camel to automatically recognize this by the name "foo". To do this, you have to write a properties file called "META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/component/foo" (without a ".properties" file extension) that has a single entry in it called class, the value of which is the fully-scoped name of your class. This is shown below.

If you want Camel to also recognize the class by the name "bar" then you write another properties file in the same directory called "bar" that has the same contents. Once you have written the properties file(s), you create a jar file that contains the com.example.myproject.FooComponent class and the properties file(s), and you add this jar file to your CLASSPATH. Then, when application-level code invokes createEndpoint("foo:...") on a CamelContext object, Camel will find the "foo"" properties file on the CLASSPATH, get the value of the class property from that properties file, and use reflection APIs to create an instance of the specified class.
As I said in Section 4.1 ("Endpoint"), Camel provides out-of-the-box support for numerous communication technologies. The out-of-the-box support consists of classes that implement the Component interface plus properties files that enable a CamelContext object to populate its map of named Component objects.
Earlier in this section I gave the following example of calling CamelContext.getEndpoint().
myCamelContext.getEndpoint("pop3://[email protected]?password=myPassword");

When I originally gave that example, I said that the parameter to getEndpoint() was a URI. I said that because the online Camel documentation and the Camel source code both claim the parameter is a URI. In reality, the parameter is restricted to being a URL. This is because when Camel extracts the component name from the parameter, it looks for the first ":", which is a simplistic algorithm. To understand why, recall from Section 4.4 ("The Meaning of URL, URI, URN and IRI") that a URI can be a URL or a URN. Now consider the following calls to getEndpoint.

Camel identifies the components in the above example as "pop3", "jms", "urn" and "urn". It would be more useful if the latter components were identified as "urn:foo" and "urn:bar" or, alternatively, as "foo" and "bar" (that is, by skipping over the "urn:" prefix). So, in practice you must identify an endpoint with a URL (a string of the form ":...") rather than with a URN (a string of the form "urn::..."). This lack of proper support for URNs means the you should consider the parameter to getEndpoint() as being a URL rather than (as claimed) a URI.

Message and Exchange

The Message interface provides an abstraction for a single message, such as a request, reply or exception message.
There are concrete classes that implement the Message interface for each Camel-supported communications technology. For example, the JmsMessage class provides a JMS-specific implementation of the Message interface. The public API of the Message interface provides get- and set-style methods to access the message id, body and individual header fields of a messge.
The Exchange interface provides an abstraction for an exchange of messages, that is, a request message and its corresponding reply or exception message. In Camel terminology, the request, reply and exception messages are called in, out and fault messages.
There are concrete classes that implement the Exchange interface for each Camel-supported communications technology. For example, the JmsExchange class provides a JMS-specific implementation of the Exchange interface. The public API of the Exchange interface is quite limited. This is intentional, and it is expected that each class that implements this interface will provide its own technology-specific operations.
Application-level programmers rarely access the Exchange interface (or classes that implement it) directly. However, many classes in Camel are generic types that are instantiated on (a class that implements) Exchange. Because of this, the Exchange interface appears a lot in the generic signatures of classes and methods.

The Processor interface represents a class that processes a message. The signature of this interface is shown below.
package org.apache.camel;
public interface Processor {
    void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception;

Notice that the parameter to the process() method is an Exchange rather than a Message. This provides flexibility. For example, an implementation of this method initially might call exchange.getIn() to get the input message and process it. If an error occurs during processing then the method can call exchange.setException().
An application-level developer might implement the Processor interface with a class that executes some business logic. However, there are many classes in the Camel library that implement the Processor interface in a way that provides support for a design pattern in the EIP book. For example, ChoiceProcessor implements the message router pattern, that is, it uses a cascading if-then-else statement to route a message from an input queue to one of several output queues. Another example is the FilterProcessor class which discards messages that do not satisfy a stated predicate (that is, condition).

Routes, RouteBuilders and Java DSL

A route is the step-by-step movement of a Message from an input queue, through arbitrary types of decision making (such as filters and routers) to a destination queue (if any). Camel provides two ways for an application developer to specify routes. One way is to specify route information in an XML file. A discussion of that approach is outside the scope of this document. The other way is through what Camel calls a Java DSL (domain-specific language).
Introduction to Java DSL

For many people, the term "domain-specific language" implies a compiler or interpreter that can process an input file containing keywords and syntax specific to a particular domain. This is not the approach taken by Camel. Camel documentation consistently uses the term "Java DSL" instead of "DSL", but this does not entirely avoid potential confusion. The Camel "Java DSL" is a class library that can be used in a way that looks almost like a DSL, except that it has a bit of Java syntactic baggage. You can see this in the example below. Comments afterwards explain some of the constructs used in the example.
Example of Camel's "Java DSL"
RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() {
CamelContext myCamelContext = new DefaultCamelContext();

The first line in the above example creates an object which is an instance of an anonymous subclass of RouteBuilder with the specified configure() method.
The CamelContext.addRoutes(RouterBuilder builder) method invokes builder.setContext(this) – so the RouteBuilder object knows which CamelContext object it is associated with – and then invokes builder.configure(). The body of configure() invokes methods such as from(), filter(), choice(), when(), isEqualTo(), otherwise() and to().
The RouteBuilder.from(String uri) method invokes getEndpoint(uri) on the CamelContext associated with the RouteBuilder object to get the specified Endpoint and then puts a FromBuilder "wrapper" around this Endpoint. The FromBuilder.filter(Predicate predicate) method creates a FilterProcessor object for the Predicate (that is, condition) object built from the header("foo").isEqualTo("bar") expression. In this way, these operations incrementally build up a Route object (with a RouteBuilder wrapper around it) and add it to the CamelContext object associated with the RouteBuilder.
Critique of Java DSL

The online Camel documentation compares Java DSL favourably against the alternative of configuring routes and endpoints in a XML-based Spring configuration file. In particular, Java DSL is less verbose than its XML counterpart. In addition, many integrated development environments (IDEs) provide an auto-completion feature in their editors. This auto-completion feature works with Java DSL, thereby making it easier for developers to write Java DSL.
However, there is another option that the Camel documentation neglects to consider: that of writing a parser that can process DSL stored in, say, an external file. Currently, Camel does not provide such a DSL parser, and I do not know if it is on the "to do" list of the Camel maintainers. I think that a DSL parser would offer a significant benefit over the current Java DSL. In particular, the DSL would have a syntactic definition that could be expressed in a relatively short BNF form. The effort required by a Camel user to learn how to use DSL by reading this BNF would almost certainly be significantly less than the effort currently required to study the API of the RouterBuilder classes.
Continue Learning about Camel

Return to the main Getting Started page for additional introductory reference information.
Camel uses a Java based Routing Domain Specific Language (DSL) or an Xml Configuration to configure routing and mediation rules which are added to a CamelContext to implement the various Enterprise Integration Patterns.

At a high level Camel consists of a CamelContext which contains a collection of Component instances. A Component is essentially a factory of Endpoint instances. You can explicitly configure Component instances in Java code or an IoC container like Spring or Guice, or they can be auto-discovered using URIs.

An Endpoint acts rather like a URI or URL in a web application or a Destination in a JMS system; you can communicate with an endpoint; either sending messages to it or consuming messages from it. You can then create a Producer or Consumer on an Endpoint to exchange messages with it.

The DSL makes heavy use of pluggable Languages to create an Expression or Predicate to make a truly powerful DSL which is extensible to the most suitable language depending on your needs. The following languages are supported

    Bean Language for using Java for expressions
    the unified EL from JSP and JSF
    Ref Language
    ExchangeProperty / Property
    Scripting Languages such as
        File Language
    Spring Expression Language

Most of these languages is also supported used as Annotation Based Expression Language.

For a full details of the individual languages see the Language Appendix

Camel makes extensive use of URIs to allow you to refer to endpoints which are lazily created by a Component if you refer to them within Routes.


Make sure to read How do I configure endpoints to learn more about configuring endpoints. For example how to refer to beans in the Registry or how to use raw values for password options, and using property placeholders etc.
Current Supported URIs

Component / ArtifactId / URI


AHC / camel-ahc

To call external HTTP services using Async Http Client

AHC-WS / camel-ahc-ws

     To exchange data with external Websocket servers using Async Http Client

AMQP / camel-amqp

For Messaging with AMQP protocol

APNS / camel-apns

For sending notifications to Apple iOS devices

Atmosphere-Websocket   / camel-atmosphere-websocket
atmosphere-websocket:///relative path[?options]

     To exchange data with external Websocket clients using Atmosphere

Atom / camel-atom

Working with Apache Abdera for atom integration, such as consuming an atom feed.

Avro / camel-avro

Working with Apache Avro for data serialization.

AWS-CW / camel-aws

For working with Amazon's CloudWatch (CW).

AWS-DDB / camel-aws

For working with Amazon's DynamoDB (DDB).

AWS-DDBSTREAM / camel-aws

For working with Amazon's DynamoDB Streams (DDB Streams).

AWS-EC2 / camel-aws

For working with Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

AWS-SDB / camel-aws

For working with Amazon's SimpleDB (SDB).

AWS-SES / camel-aws

For working with Amazon's Simple Email Service (SES).

AWS-SNS / camel-aws

For Messaging with Amazon's Simple Notification Service (SNS).

AWS-SQS / camel-aws

For Messaging with Amazon's Simple Queue Service (SQS).

AWS-SWF / camel-aws

For Messaging with Amazon's Simple Workflow Service (SWF).

AWS-S3 / camel-aws

For working with Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3).

Bean / camel-core

Uses the Bean Binding to bind message exchanges to beans in the Registry. Is also used for exposing and invoking POJO (Plain Old Java Objects).

Beanstalk / camel-beanstalk

    For working with Amazon's Beanstalk.

Bean Validator / camel-bean-validator

Validates the payload of a message using the Java Validation API (JSR 303 and JAXP Validation) and its reference implementation Hibernate Validator

Box / camel-box

For uploading, downloading and managing files, managing files, folders, groups, collaborations, etc. on

Braintree / camel-braintree

    Component for interacting with Braintree Payments via Braintree Java SDK

Browse / camel-core

Provides a simple BrowsableEndpoint which can be useful for testing, visualisation tools or debugging. The exchanges sent to the endpoint are all available to be browsed.

Cache / camel-cache

The cache component facilitates creation of caching endpoints and processors using EHCache as the cache implementation.

Cassandra / camel-cassandraql

    For integrating with Apache Cassandra.

Class / camel-core

Uses the Bean Binding to bind message exchanges to beans in the Registry. Is also used for exposing and invoking POJO (Plain Old Java Objects).

Chunk / camel-chunk

Generates a response using a Chunk template

CMIS / camel-cmis

Uses the Apache Chemistry client API to interface with CMIS supporting CMS

Cometd / camel-cometd

Used to deliver messages using the jetty cometd implementation of the bayeux protocol

Context / camel-context

Used to refer to endpoints within a separate CamelContext to provide a simple black box composition approach so that routes can be combined into a CamelContext and then used as a black box component inside other routes in other CamelContexts

ControlBus / camel-core

ControlBus EIP that allows to send messages to Endpoints for managing and monitoring your Camel applications.

CouchDB / camel-couchdb

To integrate with Apache CouchDB.

Crypto (Digital Signatures) / camel-crypto

Used to sign and verify exchanges using the Signature Service of the Java Cryptographic Extension.

CXF / camel-cxf

Working with Apache CXF for web services integration

CXF Bean / camel-cxf

Proceess the exchange using a JAX WS or JAX RS annotated bean from the registry. Requires less configuration than the above CXF Component

CXFRS / camel-cxf

Working with Apache CXF for REST services integration

DataFormat / camel-core

for working with Data Formats as if it was a regular Component supporting Endpoints and URIs.

DataSet / camel-core

For load & soak testing the DataSet provides a way to create huge numbers of messages for sending to Components or asserting that they are consumed correctly

Direct / camel-core

Synchronous call to another endpoint from same CamelContext.

Direct-VM / camel-core

Synchronous call to another endpoint in another CamelContext running in the same JVM.

DNS / camel-dns

To lookup domain information and run DNS queries using DNSJava

Disruptor / camel-disruptor



In this case, the list of recipients are contained in the header 'myHeader'.

And the same example in Java DSL:

And with a slightly different syntax where you use the builder to the fullest (i.e. avoid using parameters but using stacked operations, notice that header is not a parameter but a stacked method call)

The Header language is part of camel-core.

Camel supports JXPath to allow XPath expressions to be used on beans in an Expression or Predicate to be used in the DSL or Xml Configuration. For example you could use JXPath to create an Predicate in a Message Filter or as an Expression for a Recipient List.

You can use XPath expressions directly using smart completion in your IDE as follows






the Exchange object



the message



the exchange.out message






Camel 2.11/2.10.5: Allows to turn lenient on the JXPathContext. When turned on this allows the JXPath expression to evaluate against expressions and message bodies which may be invalid / missing data. See more details at the JXPath Documentation This option is by default false.
Using XML configuration

If you prefer to configure your routes in your Spring XML file then you can use JXPath expressions as follows
        in/body/name = 'James'




Here is a simple example using a JXPath expression as a predicate in a Message Filter
JXPath injection

You can use Bean Integration to invoke a method on a bean and use various languages such as JXPath to extract a value from the message and bind it to a method parameter.

For example
public class Foo {
    @MessageDriven(uri = "activemq:my.queue")
    public void doSomething(@JXPath("in/body/foo") String correlationID, @Body String body) {
        // process the inbound message here
Loading script from external resource

Available as of Camel 2.11

You can externalize the script and have Camel load it from a resource such as "classpath:", "file:", or "http:".
This is done using the following syntax: "resource:scheme:location", eg to refer to a file on the classpath you can do:

To use JXpath in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-jxpath which implements the JXpath language.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).


Otherwise, you'll also need Commons JXPath.

Camel allows Mvel to be used as an Expression or Predicate the DSL or Xml Configuration.

You could use Mvel to create an Predicate in a Message Filter or as an Expression for a Recipient List

You can use Mvel dot notation to invoke operations. If you for instance have a body that contains a POJO that has a getFamiliyName method then you can construct the syntax as follows:
   // or






the Exchange is the root object



the Exchange object



the Exchange exception (if any)



the exchange id



the Fault message (if any)



the message



the exchange.out message (if any)



the exchange properties



the property by the given name

property(name, type)


the property by the given name as the given type

For example you could use Mvel inside a Message Filter in XML == 'bar'

And the sample using Java DSL:
from("seda:foo").filter().mvel(" == 'bar'").to("seda:bar");
Loading script from external resource

Available as of Camel 2.11

You can externalize the script and have Camel load it from a resource such as "classpath:", "file:", or "http:".
This is done using the following syntax: "resource:scheme:location", eg to refer to a file on the classpath you can do:

To use Mvel in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-mvel which implements the Mvel language.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).



Camel allows OGNL to be used as an Expression or Predicate the DSL or Xml Configuration.

You could use OGNL to create an Predicate in a Message Filter or as an Expression for a Recipient List

You can use OGNL dot notation to invoke operations. If you for instance have a body that contains a POJO that has a getFamilyName method then you can construct the syntax as follows:
   // or






the Exchange is the root object



the Exchange object



the Exchange exception (if any)



the exchange id



the Fault message (if any)



the message



the exchange.out message (if any)



the exchange properties



the property by the given name

property(name, type)


the property by the given name as the given type

For example you could use OGNL inside a Message Filter in XML == 'bar'

And the sample using Java DSL:
from("seda:foo").filter().ognl(" == 'bar'").to("seda:bar");
Loading script from external resource

Available as of Camel 2.11

You can externalize the script and have Camel load it from a resource such as "classpath:", "file:", or "http:".
This is done using the following syntax: "resource:scheme:location", eg to refer to a file on the classpath you can do:

To use OGNL in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-ognl which implements the OGNL language.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).


Otherwise, you'll also need OGNL
Property Expression Language

The Property Expression Language allows you to extract values of named exchange properties.

From Camel 2.15 onwards the property language has been renamed to exchangeProperty to avoid ambiguity, confusion and clash with properties as a general term. So use exchangeProperty instead of property when using Camel 2.15 onwards.

Example usage

The recipientList element of the Spring DSL can utilize a property expression like:


In this case, the list of recipients are contained in the property 'myProperty'.

And the same example in Java DSL:

And with a slightly different syntax where you use the builder to the fullest (i.e. avoid using parameters but using stacked operations, notice that property is not a parameter but a stacked method call)

The Property language is part of camel-core.
Scripting Languages

Camel supports a number of scripting languages which can be used to create an Expression or Predicate via the standard JSR 223 which is a standard part of Java 6.

The following scripting languages are integrated into the DSL:


DSL keyword

























However any JSR 223 scripting language can be used using the generic DSL methods.

The JSR-223 scripting languages ScriptContext is pre configured with the following attributes all set at ENGINE_SCOPE:






The Camel Context ( It cannot be used in groovy)



The Camel Context



The current Exchange



The message (IN message)



Deprecated: The OUT message. The OUT message if null by default. Use IN message instead.



Camel 2.9: Function with a resolve method to make it easier to use Camels Properties component from scripts. See further below for example.

See Scripting Languages for the list of languages with explicit DSL support.
Additional arguments to ScriptingEngine

Available as of Camel 2.8

You can provide additional arguments to the ScriptingEngine using a header on the Camel message with the key CamelScriptArguments.
See this example:
public void testArgumentsExample() throws Exception {
    // additional arguments to ScriptEngine
    Map arguments = new HashMap();
    arguments.put("foo", "bar");
    arguments.put("baz", 7);
    // those additional arguments is provided as a header on the Camel Message
    template.sendBodyAndHeader("direct:start", "hello", ScriptBuilder.ARGUMENTS, arguments);
Using properties function

Available as of Camel 2.9

If you need to use the Properties component from a script to lookup property placeholders, then its a bit cumbersome to do so.
For example to set a header name myHeader with a value from a property placeholder, which key is provided in a header named "foo".
.setHeader("myHeader").groovy("context.resolvePropertyPlaceholders('{{' + request.headers.get('foo') + '}}')")

From Camel 2.9 onwards you can now use the properties function and the same example is simpler:
Loading script from external resource

Available as of Camel 2.11

You can externalize the script and have Camel load it from a resource such as "classpath:", "file:", or "http:".
This is done using the following syntax: "resource:scheme:location", eg to refer to a file on the classpath you can do:
How to get the result from multiple statements script

Available as of Camel 2.14

As the scripteengine evale method just return a Null if it runs a multiple statments script. Camel now look up the value of script result by using the key of "result" from the value set. If you have multiple statements script, you need to make sure you set the value of result variable as the script return value.
bar = "baz";
# some other statements ...
# camel take the result value as the script evaluation result
result = body * 2 + 1


To use scripting languages in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-script which integrates the JSR-223 scripting engine.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).


See Also

    Xml Configuration


Camel supports BeanShell among other Scripting Languages to allow an Expression or Predicate to be used in the DSL or Xml Configuration.

To use a BeanShell expression use the following Java code:
    .when(script("beanshell", "request.getHeaders().get(\"foo\").equals(\"bar\")"))

Or the something like this in your Spring XML:

  request.getHeaders().get("Foo") == null

BeanShell Issues

You must use BeanShell 2.0b5 or greater. Note that as of 2.0b5 BeanShell cannot compile scripts, which causes Camel releases before 2.6 to fail when configured with BeanShell expressions.

You could follow the examples above to create an Predicate in a Message Filter or as an Expression for a Recipient List

The JSR-223 scripting languages ScriptContext is pre configured with the following attributes all set at ENGINE_SCOPE:






The Camel Context ( It cannot be used in groovy)



The Camel Context



The current Exchange



The message (IN message)



Deprecated: The OUT message. The OUT message if null by default. Use IN message instead.



Camel 2.9: Function with a resolve method to make it easier to use Camels Properties component from scripts. See further below for example.

See Scripting Languages for the list of languages with explicit DSL support.
Additional arguments to ScriptingEngine

Available as of Camel 2.8

You can provide additional arguments to the ScriptingEngine using a header on the Camel message with the key CamelScriptArguments.
See this example:
public void testArgumentsExample() throws Exception {
    // additional arguments to ScriptEngine
    Map arguments = new HashMap();
    arguments.put("foo", "bar");
    arguments.put("baz", 7);
    // those additional arguments is provided as a header on the Camel Message
    template.sendBodyAndHeader("direct:start", "hello", ScriptBuilder.ARGUMENTS, arguments);
Using properties function

Available as of Camel 2.9

If you need to use the Properties component from a script to lookup property placeholders, then its a bit cumbersome to do so.
For example to set a header name myHeader with a value from a property placeholder, which key is provided in a header named "foo".
.setHeader("myHeader").groovy("context.resolvePropertyPlaceholders('{{' + request.headers.get('foo') + '}}')")

From Camel 2.9 onwards you can now use the properties function and the same example is simpler:
Loading script from external resource

Available as of Camel 2.11

You can externalize the script and have Camel load it from a resource such as "classpath:", "file:", or "http:".
This is done using the following syntax: "resource:scheme:location", eg to refer to a file on the classpath you can do:
How to get the result from multiple statements script

Available as of Camel 2.14

As the scripteengine evale method just return a Null if it runs a multiple statments script. Camel now look up the value of script result by using the key of "result" from the value set. If you have multiple statements script, you need to make sure you set the value of result variable as the script return value.
bar = "baz";
# some other statements ...
# camel take the result value as the script evaluation result
result = body * 2 + 1


To use scripting languages in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-script which integrates the JSR-223 scripting engine.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).



Camel supports JavaScript/ECMAScript among other Scripting Languages to allow an Expression or Predicate to be used in the DSL or Xml Configuration.

To use a JavaScript expression use the following Java code
... javaScript("someJavaScriptExpression") ...

For example you could use the javaScript function to create an Predicate in a Message Filter or as an Expression for a Recipient List

In the sample below we use JavaScript to create a Predicate use in the route path, to route exchanges from admin users to a special queue.
        .when().javaScript("request.headers.get('user') == 'admin'").to("seda:adminQueue")

And a Spring DSL sample as well:

            request.headers.get('user') == 'admin'




The JSR-223 scripting languages ScriptContext is pre configured with the following attributes all set at ENGINE_SCOPE:






The Camel Context ( It cannot be used in groovy)



The Camel Context



The current Exchange



The message (IN message)



Deprecated: The OUT message. The OUT message if null by default. Use IN message instead.



Camel 2.9: Function with a resolve method to make it easier to use Camels Properties component from scripts. See further below for example.

See Scripting Languages for the list of languages with explicit DSL support.
Additional arguments to ScriptingEngine

Available as of Camel 2.8

You can provide additional arguments to the ScriptingEngine using a header on the Camel message with the key CamelScriptArguments.
See this example:
public void testArgumentsExample() throws Exception {
    // additional arguments to ScriptEngine
    Map arguments = new HashMap();
    arguments.put("foo", "bar");
    arguments.put("baz", 7);
    // those additional arguments is provided as a header on the Camel Message
    template.sendBodyAndHeader("direct:start", "hello", ScriptBuilder.ARGUMENTS, arguments);
Using properties function

Available as of Camel 2.9

If you need to use the Properties component from a script to lookup property placeholders, then its a bit cumbersome to do so.
For example to set a header name myHeader with a value from a property placeholder, which key is provided in a header named "foo".
.setHeader("myHeader").groovy("context.resolvePropertyPlaceholders('{{' + request.headers.get('foo') + '}}')")

From Camel 2.9 onwards you can now use the properties function and the same example is simpler:
Loading script from external resource

Available as of Camel 2.11

You can externalize the script and have Camel load it from a resource such as "classpath:", "file:", or "http:".
This is done using the following syntax: "resource:scheme:location", eg to refer to a file on the classpath you can do:
How to get the result from multiple statements script

Available as of Camel 2.14

As the scripteengine evale method just return a Null if it runs a multiple statments script. Camel now look up the value of script result by using the key of "result" from the value set. If you have multiple statements script, you need to make sure you set the value of result variable as the script return value.
bar = "baz";
# some other statements ...
# camel take the result value as the script evaluation result
result = body * 2 + 1


To use scripting languages in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-script which integrates the JSR-223 scripting engine.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).



Camel supports Groovy among other Scripting Languages to allow an Expression or Predicate to be used in the DSL or Xml Configuration.

To use a Groovy expression use the following Java code
... groovy("someGroovyExpression") ...

For example you could use the groovy function to create an Predicate in a Message Filter or as an Expression for a Recipient List
Customizing Groovy Shell

Sometimes you may need to use custom GroovyShell instance in your Groovy expressions. To provide custom GroovyShell, add implementation of the org.apache.camel.language.groovy.GroovyShellFactory SPI interface to your Camel registry. For example after adding the following bean to your Spring context...
public class CustomGroovyShellFactory implements GroovyShellFactory {

  public GroovyShell createGroovyShell(Exchange exchange) {
    ImportCustomizer importCustomizer = new ImportCustomizer();
    CompilerConfiguration configuration = new CompilerConfiguration();
    return new GroovyShell(configuration);

...Camel will use your custom GroovyShell instance (containing your custom static imports), instead of the default one.
// lets route if a line item is over $100
from("queue:foo").filter(groovy("request.lineItems.any { i -> i.value > 100 }")).to("queue:bar")

And the Spring DSL:

        request.lineItems.any { i -> i.value > 100 }


The JSR-223 scripting languages ScriptContext is pre configured with the following attributes all set at ENGINE_SCOPE:






The Camel Context ( It cannot be used in groovy)



The Camel Context



The current Exchange



The message (IN message)



Deprecated: The OUT message. The OUT message if null by default. Use IN message instead.



Camel 2.9: Function with a resolve method to make it easier to use Camels Properties component from scripts. See further below for example.

See Scripting Languages for the list of languages with explicit DSL support.
Additional arguments to ScriptingEngine

Available as of Camel 2.8

You can provide additional arguments to the ScriptingEngine using a header on the Camel message with the key CamelScriptArguments.
See this example:
public void testArgumentsExample() throws Exception {
    // additional arguments to ScriptEngine
    Map arguments = new HashMap();
    arguments.put("foo", "bar");
    arguments.put("baz", 7);
    // those additional arguments is provided as a header on the Camel Message
    template.sendBodyAndHeader("direct:start", "hello", ScriptBuilder.ARGUMENTS, arguments);
Using properties function

Available as of Camel 2.9

If you need to use the Properties component from a script to lookup property placeholders, then its a bit cumbersome to do so.
For example to set a header name myHeader with a value from a property placeholder, which key is provided in a header named "foo".
.setHeader("myHeader").groovy("context.resolvePropertyPlaceholders('{{' + request.headers.get('foo') + '}}')")

From Camel 2.9 onwards you can now use the properties function and the same example is simpler:
Loading script from external resource

Available as of Camel 2.11

You can externalize the script and have Camel load it from a resource such as "classpath:", "file:", or "http:".
This is done using the following syntax: "resource:scheme:location", eg to refer to a file on the classpath you can do:
How to get the result from multiple statements script

Available as of Camel 2.14

As the scripteengine evale method just return a Null if it runs a multiple statments script. Camel now look up the value of script result by using the key of "result" from the value set. If you have multiple statements script, you need to make sure you set the value of result variable as the script return value.
bar = "baz";
# some other statements ...
# camel take the result value as the script evaluation result
result = body * 2 + 1


To use scripting languages in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-script which integrates the JSR-223 scripting engine.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).



Camel supports Python among other Scripting Languages to allow an Expression or Predicate to be used in the DSL or Xml Configuration.

To use a Python expression use the following Java code
... python("somePythonExpression") ...

For example you could use the python function to create an Predicate in a Message Filter or as an Expression for a Recipient List

In the sample below we use Python to create a Predicate use in the route path, to route exchanges from admin users to a special queue.
        .when().python("request.headers['user'] == 'admin'").to("seda:adminQueue")

And a Spring DSL sample as well:

            request.headers['user'] == 'admin'




The JSR-223 scripting languages ScriptContext is pre configured with the following attributes all set at ENGINE_SCOPE:






The Camel Context ( It cannot be used in groovy)



The Camel Context



The current Exchange



The message (IN message)



Deprecated: The OUT message. The OUT message if null by default. Use IN message instead.



Camel 2.9: Function with a resolve method to make it easier to use Camels Properties component from scripts. See further below for example.

See Scripting Languages for the list of languages with explicit DSL support.
Additional arguments to ScriptingEngine

Available as of Camel 2.8

You can provide additional arguments to the ScriptingEngine using a header on the Camel message with the key CamelScriptArguments.
See this example:
public void testArgumentsExample() throws Exception {
    // additional arguments to ScriptEngine
    Map arguments = new HashMap();
    arguments.put("foo", "bar");
    arguments.put("baz", 7);
    // those additional arguments is provided as a header on the Camel Message
    template.sendBodyAndHeader("direct:start", "hello", ScriptBuilder.ARGUMENTS, arguments);
Using properties function

Available as of Camel 2.9

If you need to use the Properties component from a script to lookup property placeholders, then its a bit cumbersome to do so.
For example to set a header name myHeader with a value from a property placeholder, which key is provided in a header named "foo".
.setHeader("myHeader").groovy("context.resolvePropertyPlaceholders('{{' + request.headers.get('foo') + '}}')")

From Camel 2.9 onwards you can now use the properties function and the same example is simpler:
Loading script from external resource

Available as of Camel 2.11

You can externalize the script and have Camel load it from a resource such as "classpath:", "file:", or "http:".
This is done using the following syntax: "resource:scheme:location", eg to refer to a file on the classpath you can do:
How to get the result from multiple statements script

Available as of Camel 2.14

As the scripteengine evale method just return a Null if it runs a multiple statments script. Camel now look up the value of script result by using the key of "result" from the value set. If you have multiple statements script, you need to make sure you set the value of result variable as the script return value.
bar = "baz";
# some other statements ...
# camel take the result value as the script evaluation result
result = body * 2 + 1


To use scripting languages in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-script which integrates the JSR-223 scripting engine.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).



Camel supports PHP among other Scripting Languages to allow an Expression or Predicate to be used in the DSL or Xml Configuration.

To use a PHP expression use the following Java code
... php("somePHPExpression") ...

For example you could use the php function to create an Predicate in a Message Filter or as an Expression for a Recipient List

The JSR-223 scripting languages ScriptContext is pre configured with the following attributes all set at ENGINE_SCOPE:






The Camel Context ( It cannot be used in groovy)



The Camel Context



The current Exchange



The message (IN message)



Deprecated: The OUT message. The OUT message if null by default. Use IN message instead.



Camel 2.9: Function with a resolve method to make it easier to use Camels Properties component from scripts. See further below for example.

See Scripting Languages for the list of languages with explicit DSL support.
Additional arguments to ScriptingEngine

Available as of Camel 2.8

You can provide additional arguments to the ScriptingEngine using a header on the Camel message with the key CamelScriptArguments.
See this example:
public void testArgumentsExample() throws Exception {
    // additional arguments to ScriptEngine
    Map arguments = new HashMap();
    arguments.put("foo", "bar");
    arguments.put("baz", 7);
    // those additional arguments is provided as a header on the Camel Message
    template.sendBodyAndHeader("direct:start", "hello", ScriptBuilder.ARGUMENTS, arguments);
Using properties function

Available as of Camel 2.9

If you need to use the Properties component from a script to lookup property placeholders, then its a bit cumbersome to do so.
For example to set a header name myHeader with a value from a property placeholder, which key is provided in a header named "foo".
.setHeader("myHeader").groovy("context.resolvePropertyPlaceholders('{{' + request.headers.get('foo') + '}}')")

From Camel 2.9 onwards you can now use the properties function and the same example is simpler:
Loading script from external resource

Available as of Camel 2.11

You can externalize the script and have Camel load it from a resource such as "classpath:", "file:", or "http:".
This is done using the following syntax: "resource:scheme:location", eg to refer to a file on the classpath you can do:
How to get the result from multiple statements script

Available as of Camel 2.14

As the scripteengine evale method just return a Null if it runs a multiple statments script. Camel now look up the value of script result by using the key of "result" from the value set. If you have multiple statements script, you need to make sure you set the value of result variable as the script return value.
bar = "baz";
# some other statements ...
# camel take the result value as the script evaluation result
result = body * 2 + 1


To use scripting languages in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-script which integrates the JSR-223 scripting engine.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).



Camel supports Ruby among other Scripting Languages to allow an Expression or Predicate to be used in the DSL or Xml Configuration.

To use a Ruby expression use the following Java code
... ruby("someRubyExpression") ...

For example you could use the ruby function to create an Predicate in a Message Filter or as an Expression for a Recipient List

In the sample below we use Ruby to create a Predicate use in the route path, to route exchanges from admin users to a special queue.
        .when().ruby("$request.headers['user'] == 'admin'").to("seda:adminQueue")

And a Spring DSL sample as well:

            $request.headers['user'] == 'admin'




The JSR-223 scripting languages ScriptContext is pre configured with the following attributes all set at ENGINE_SCOPE:






The Camel Context ( It cannot be used in groovy)



The Camel Context



The current Exchange



The message (IN message)



Deprecated: The OUT message. The OUT message if null by default. Use IN message instead.



Camel 2.9: Function with a resolve method to make it easier to use Camels Properties component from scripts. See further below for example.

See Scripting Languages for the list of languages with explicit DSL support.
Additional arguments to ScriptingEngine

Available as of Camel 2.8

You can provide additional arguments to the ScriptingEngine using a header on the Camel message with the key CamelScriptArguments.
See this example:
public void testArgumentsExample() throws Exception {
    // additional arguments to ScriptEngine
    Map arguments = new HashMap();
    arguments.put("foo", "bar");
    arguments.put("baz", 7);
    // those additional arguments is provided as a header on the Camel Message
    template.sendBodyAndHeader("direct:start", "hello", ScriptBuilder.ARGUMENTS, arguments);
Using properties function

Available as of Camel 2.9

If you need to use the Properties component from a script to lookup property placeholders, then its a bit cumbersome to do so.
For example to set a header name myHeader with a value from a property placeholder, which key is provided in a header named "foo".
.setHeader("myHeader").groovy("context.resolvePropertyPlaceholders('{{' + request.headers.get('foo') + '}}')")

From Camel 2.9 onwards you can now use the properties function and the same example is simpler:
Loading script from external resource

Available as of Camel 2.11

You can externalize the script and have Camel load it from a resource such as "classpath:", "file:", or "http:".
This is done using the following syntax: "resource:scheme:location", eg to refer to a file on the classpath you can do:
How to get the result from multiple statements script

Available as of Camel 2.14

As the scripteengine evale method just return a Null if it runs a multiple statments script. Camel now look up the value of script result by using the key of "result" from the value set. If you have multiple statements script, you need to make sure you set the value of result variable as the script return value.
bar = "baz";
# some other statements ...
# camel take the result value as the script evaluation result
result = body * 2 + 1


To use scripting languages in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-script which integrates the JSR-223 scripting engine.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).


Simple Expression Language

The Simple Expression Language was a really simple language when it was created, but has since grown more powerful. It is primarily intended for being a really small and simple language for evaluating Expressions and Predicates without requiring any new dependencies or knowledge of XPath; so it is ideal for testing in camel-core. The idea was to cover 95% of the common use cases when you need a little bit of expression based script in your Camel routes.

However for much more complex use cases you are generally recommended to choose a more expressive and powerful language such as:

    one of the supported Scripting Languages

The simple language uses ${body} placeholders for complex expressions where the expression contains constant literals. The ${ } placeholders can be omitted if the expression is only the token itself.

Alternative syntax

From Camel 2.5 onwards you can also use the alternative syntax which uses $simple{ } as placeholders.
This can be used in situations to avoid clashes when using for example Spring property placeholder together with Camel.

Configuring result type

From Camel 2.8 onwards you can configure the result type of the Simple expression. For example to set the type as a java.lang.Boolean or a java.lang.Integer etc.

File language is now merged with Simple language

From Camel 2.2 onwards, the File Language is now merged with Simple language which means you can use all the file syntax directly within the simple language.

Simple Language Changes in Camel 2.9 onwards

The Simple language have been improved from Camel 2.9 onwards to use a better syntax parser, which can do index precise error messages, so you know exactly what is wrong and where the problem is. For example if you have made a typo in one of the operators, then previously the parser would not be able to detect this, and cause the evaluation to be true. There are a few changes in the syntax which are no longer backwards compatible. When using Simple language as a Predicate then the literal text must be enclosed in either single or double quotes. For example: "${body} == 'Camel'". Notice how we have single quotes around the literal. The old style of using "body" and "" to refer to the message body and header is @deprecated, and it is encouraged to always use ${ } tokens for the built-in functions.
The range operator now requires the range to be in single quote as well as shown: "${} between '30000..39999'".

To get the body of the in message: "body", or "in.body" or "${body}".

A complex expression must use ${ } placeholders, such as: "Hello ${} how are you?".

You can have multiple functions in the same expression: "Hello ${} this is ${} speaking".
However you can not nest functions in Camel 2.8.x or older (i.e. having another ${ } placeholder in an existing, is not allowed).
From Camel 2.9 onwards you can nest functions.






Camel 2.10: the CamelContext name



Camel 2.11: the CamelContext invoked using a Camel OGNL expression.
exchange    Exchange    Camel 2.16: the Exchange
exchange.OGNL    Object    Camel 2.16: the Exchange invoked using a Camel OGNL expression.



Camel 2.3: the exchange id



the input message id



the input body



the input body



Camel 2.3: the input body invoked using a Camel OGNL expression.



Camel 2.3: the input body invoked using a Camel OGNL expression.



Camel 2.3: Converts the body to the given type determined by its classname. The converted body can be null.



Camel 2.5: Converts the body to the given type determined by its classname, and expects the body to be not null.



the output body


refer to the input foo header



Camel 2.9.2: refer to the input foo header


refer to the input foo header



Camel 2.9.2: refer to the input foo header


refer to the input foo header



Camel 2.9.2: refer to the input foo header


refer to the input foo header



Camel 2.9.2: refer to the input foo header[bar]


Camel 2.3: regard input foo header as a map and perform lookup on the map with bar as key[bar]


Camel 2.3: regard input foo header as a map and perform lookup on the map with bar as key[bar]


Camel 2.3: regard input foo header as a map and perform lookup on the map with bar as key


Camel 2.3: refer to the input foo header and invoke its value using a Camel OGNL expression.


Camel 2.3: refer to the input foo header and invoke its value using a Camel OGNL expression.


Camel 2.3: refer to the input foo header and invoke its value using a Camel OGNL expression.


refer to the out header foo



Camel 2.9.2: refer to the out header foo


refer to the out header foo



Camel 2.9.2: refer to the out header foo



Camel 2.5: Converts the header to the given type determined by its classname



Camel 2.9: refer to the input headers



Camel 2.9: refer to the input headers


Deprecated: refer to the foo property on the exchange    Object    Camel 2.15: refer to the foo property on the exchange



Deprecated: refer to the foo property on the exchange
exchangeProperty[foo]    Object    Camel 2.15: refer to the foo property on the exchange


Deprecated: refer to the foo property on the exchange and invoke its value using a Camel OGNL expression.    Object    Camel 2.15: refer to the foo property on the exchange and invoke its value using a Camel OGNL expression.


refer to the system property


Camel 2.3: refer to the system environment



Camel 2.4: Refer to the exception object on the exchange, is null if no exception set on exchange. Will fallback and grab caught exceptions (Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT) if the Exchange has any.



Camel 2.4: Refer to the exchange exception invoked using a Camel OGNL expression object



Refer to the exception.message on the exchange, is null if no exception set on exchange. Will fallback and grab caught exceptions (Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT) if the Exchange has any.



Camel 2.6. Refer to the exception.stracktrace on the exchange, is null if no exception set on exchange. Will fallback and grab caught exceptions (Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT) if the Exchange has any.



Date formatting using the java.text.SimpleDataFormat patterns. Supported commands are: now for current timestamp, or to use the Date object in the IN header with the key xxx. to use the Date object in the OUT header with the key xxx.

bean:bean expression


Invoking a bean expression using the Bean language. Specifying a method name you must use dot as separator. We also support the ?method=methodname syntax that is used by the Bean component.



Deprecated (use properties-location instead) Camel 2.3: Lookup a property with the given key. The locations option is optional. See more at Using PropertyPlaceholder.



Camel 2.14.1: Lookup a property with the given key. The locations option is optional. See more at Using PropertyPlaceholder.
properties:key:default    String    Camel 2.14.1: Lookup a property with the given key. If the key does not exists or has no value, then an optional default value can be specified.



Camel 2.11: Returns the id of the current route the Exchange is being routed.



Camel 2.3: Returns the name of the current thread. Can be used for logging purpose.



Camel 2.6: To lookup a bean from the Registry with the given id.



Camel 2.11: To refer to a type or field by its FQN name. To refer to a field you can append .FIELD_NAME. For example you can refer to the constant field from Exchange as: org.apache.camel.Exchange.FILE_NAME




Camel 2.12.3: represents a null



Camel 2.16.0: returns a random Integer between 0 (included) and value (excluded)



Camel 2.16.0: returns a random Integer between min (included) and max (excluded)
collate(group)    List    Camel 2.17: The collate function iterates the message body and groups the data into sub lists of specified size. This can be used with the Splitter EIP to split a message body and group/batch the splitted sub message into a group of N sub lists. This method works similar to the collate method in Groovy.
messageHistory    String    Camel 2.17: The message history of the current exchange how it has been routed. This is similar to the route stack-trace message history the error handler logs in case of an unhandled exception.
messageHistory(false)    String    Camel 2.17: As messageHistory but without the exchange details (only includes the route strack-trace). This can be used if you do not want to log sensitive data from the message itself.
OGNL expression support

Available as of Camel 2.3

Camel's OGNL support is for invoking methods only. You cannot access fields.
From Camel 2.11.1 onwards we added special support for accessing the length field of Java arrays.

The Simple and Bean language now supports a Camel OGNL notation for invoking beans in a chain like fashion.
Suppose the Message IN body contains a POJO which has a getAddress() method.

Then you can use Camel OGNL notation to access the address object:

Camel understands the shorthand names for getters, but you can invoke any method or use the real name such as:

You can also use the null safe operator (?.) to avoid NPE if for example the body does NOT have an address

It is also possible to index in Map or List types, so you can do:

To assume the body is Map based and lookup the value with foo as key, and invoke the getName method on that value.

If the key has space, then you must enclose the key with quotes, for example 'foo bar':
simple("${body['foo bar'].name}")

You can access the Map or List objects directly using their key name (with or without dots) :

Suppose there was no value with the key foo then you can use the null safe operator to avoid the NPE as shown:

You can also access List types, for example to get lines from the address you can do:

There is a special last keyword which can be used to get the last value from a list.

And to get the 2nd last you can subtract a number, so we can use last-1 to indicate this:

And the 3rd last is of course:

And you can call the size method on the list with

From Camel 2.11.1 onwards we added support for the length field for Java arrays as well, eg:
String[] lines = new String[]{"foo", "bar", "cat"};
simple("There are ${body.length} lines")

And yes you can combine this with the operator support as shown below:
simple("${} > 1000")
Operator support

The parser is limited to only support a single operator.

To enable it the left value must be enclosed in ${ }. The syntax is:
${leftValue} OP rightValue

Where the rightValue can be a String literal enclosed in ' ', null, a constant value or another expression enclosed in ${ }.


There must be spaces around the operator.

Camel will automatically type convert the rightValue type to the leftValue type, so it is able to eg. convert a string into a numeric so you can use > comparison for numeric values.

The following operators are supported:




=~    Camel 2.16: equals ignore case (will ignore case when comparing String values)


greater than


greater than or equals


less than


less than or equals


not equals


For testing if contains in a string based value

not contains

For testing if not contains in a string based value


For matching against a given regular expression pattern defined as a String value

not regex

For not matching against a given regular expression pattern defined as a String value


For matching if in a set of values, each element must be separated by comma.

not in

For matching if not in a set of values, each element must be separated by comma.


For matching if the left hand side type is an instanceof the value.

not is

For matching if the left hand side type is not an instanceof the value.


For matching if the left hand side is within a range of values defined as numbers: From Camel 2.9 onwards the range values must be enclosed in single quotes.

not range

For matching if the left hand side is not within a range of values defined as numbers: From Camel 2.9 onwards the range values must be enclosed in single quotes.

And the following unary operators can be used:




Camel 2.9: To increment a number by one. The left hand side must be a function, otherwise parsed as literal.


Camel 2.9: To decrement a number by one. The left hand side must be a function, otherwise parsed as literal.


Camel 2.9.3 to 2.10.x To escape a value, eg \$, to indicate a $ sign. Special: Use \n for new line, \t for tab, and \r for carriage return. Notice: Escaping is not supported using the File Language. Notice: From Camel 2.11 onwards the escape character is no longer support, but replaced with the following three special escaping.


Camel 2.11: To use newline character.


Camel 2.11: To use tab character.


Camel 2.11: To use carriage return character.

And the following logical operators can be used to group expressions:




deprecated use && instead. The logical and operator is used to group two expressions.


deprecated use || instead. The logical or operator is used to group two expressions.


Camel 2.9: The logical and operator is used to group two expressions.


Camel 2.9: The logical or operator is used to group two expressions.

Using and,or operators

In Camel 2.4 or older the and or or can only be used once in a simple language expression. From Camel 2.5 onwards you can use these operators multiple times.

The syntax for AND is:
${leftValue} OP rightValue and ${leftValue} OP rightValue

And the syntax for OR is:
${leftValue} OP rightValue or ${leftValue} OP rightValue

Some examples:
// exact equals match
simple("${} == 'foo'")

// ignore case when comparing, so if the header has value FOO this will match
simple("${} =~ 'foo'")
// here Camel will type convert '100' into the type of and if it is an Integer '100' will also be converter to an Integer
simple("${} == '100'")
simple("${} == 100")
// 100 will be converter to the type of so we can do > comparison
simple("${} > 100")

Comparing with different types

When you compare with different types such as String and int, then you have to take a bit care. Camel will use the type from the left hand side as 1st priority. And fallback to the right hand side type if both values couldn't be compared based on that type.
This means you can flip the values to enforce a specific type. Suppose the bar value above is a String. Then you can flip the equation:
simple("100 < ${}")

which then ensures the int type is used as 1st priority.

This may change in the future if the Camel team improves the binary comparison operations to prefer numeric types over String based. It's most often the String type which causes problem when comparing with numbers.
// testing for null
simple("${in.header.baz} == null")
// testing for not null
simple("${in.header.baz} != null")

And a bit more advanced example where the right value is another expression
simple("${} == ${date:now:yyyyMMdd}")
simple("${in.header.type} == ${bean:orderService?method=getOrderType}")

And an example with contains, testing if the title contains the word Camel
simple("${in.header.title} contains 'Camel'")

And an example with regex, testing if the number header is a 4 digit value:
simple("${in.header.number} regex '\\d{4}'")

And finally an example if the header equals any of the values in the list. Each element must be separated by comma, and no space around.
This also works for numbers etc, as Camel will convert each element into the type of the left hand side.
simple("${in.header.type} in 'gold,silver'")

And for all the last 3 we also support the negate test using not:
simple("${in.header.type} not in 'gold,silver'")

And you can test if the type is a certain instance, eg for instance a String
simple("${in.header.type} is 'java.lang.String'")

We have added a shorthand for all java.lang types so you can write it as:
simple("${in.header.type} is 'String'")

Ranges are also supported. The range interval requires numbers and both from and end are inclusive. For instance to test whether a value is between 100 and 199:
simple("${in.header.number} range 100..199")

Notice we use .. in the range without spaces. It is based on the same syntax as Groovy.

From Camel 2.9 onwards the range value must be in single quotes
simple("${in.header.number} range '100..199'")

Can be used in Spring XML

As the Spring XML does not have all the power as the Java DSL with all its various builder methods, you have to resort to use some other languages
for testing with simple operators. Now you can do this with the simple language. In the sample below we want to test if the header is a widget order:

       ${in.header.type} == 'widget'

Using and / or

If you have two expressions you can combine them with the and or or operator.

Camel 2.9 onwards

Use && or || from Camel 2.9 onwards.

For instance:
simple("${in.header.title} contains 'Camel' and ${in.header.type'} == 'gold'")

And of course the or is also supported. The sample would be:
simple("${in.header.title} contains 'Camel' or ${in.header.type'} == 'gold'")

Notice: Currently and or or can only be used once in a simple language expression. This might change in the future.
So you cannot do:
simple("${in.header.title} contains 'Camel' and ${in.header.type'} == 'gold' and ${in.header.number} range 100..200")

In the Spring XML sample below we filter based on a header value:


The Simple language can be used for the predicate test above in the Message Filter pattern, where we test if the in message has a foo header (a header with the key foo exists). If the expression evaluates to true then the message is routed to the mock:fooOrders endpoint, otherwise it is lost in the deep blue sea (wink).

The same example in Java DSL:

You can also use the simple language for simple text concatenations such as:
from("direct:hello").transform().simple("Hello ${in.header.user} how are you?").to("mock:reply");

Notice that we must use ${ } placeholders in the expression now to allow Camel to parse it correctly.

And this sample uses the date command to output current date.
from("direct:hello").transform().simple("The today is ${date:now:yyyyMMdd} and it is a great day.").to("mock:reply");

And in the sample below we invoke the bean language to invoke a method on a bean to be included in the returned string:
from("direct:order").transform().simple("OrderId: ${bean:orderIdGenerator}").to("mock:reply");

Where orderIdGenerator is the id of the bean registered in the Registry. If using Spring then it is the Spring bean id.

If we want to declare which method to invoke on the order id generator bean we must prepend .method name such as below where we invoke the generateId method.
from("direct:order").transform().simple("OrderId: ${bean:orderIdGenerator.generateId}").to("mock:reply");

We can use the ?method=methodname option that we are familiar with the Bean component itself:
from("direct:order").transform().simple("OrderId: ${bean:orderIdGenerator?method=generateId}").to("mock:reply");

And from Camel 2.3 onwards you can also convert the body to a given type, for example to ensure that it is a String you can do:

  Hello ${bodyAs(String)} how are you?

There are a few types which have a shorthand notation, so we can use String instead of java.lang.String. These are: byte[], String, Integer, Long. All other types must use their FQN name, e.g. org.w3c.dom.Document.

It is also possible to lookup a value from a header Map in Camel 2.3 onwards:

  The gold value is ${header.type[gold]}

In the code above we lookup the header with name type and regard it as a java.util.Map and we then lookup with the key gold and return the value.
If the header is not convertible to Map an exception is thrown. If the header with name type does not exist null is returned.

From Camel 2.9 onwards you can nest functions, such as shown below:


Referring to constants or enums

Available as of Camel 2.11

Suppose you have an enum for customers
public enum Customer {
And in a Content Based Router we can use the Simple language to refer to this enum, to check the message which enum it matches.
        .when().simple("${header.customer} == ${type:org.apache.camel.processor.Customer.GOLD}")
        .when().simple("${header.customer} == ${type:org.apache.camel.processor.Customer.SILVER}")
Using new lines or tabs in XML DSLs

Available as of Camel 2.9.3

From Camel 2.9.3 onwards it is easier to specify new lines or tabs in XML DSLs as you can escape the value now

  The following text\nis on a new line

Leading and trailing whitespace handling

Available as of Camel 2.10.0

From Camel 2.10.0 onwards, the trim attribute of the expression can be used to control whether the leading and trailing whitespace characters are removed or preserved. The default value is true, which removes the whitespace characters.

  You get some trailing whitespace characters.    

Setting result type

Available as of Camel 2.8

You can now provide a result type to the Simple expression, which means the result of the evaluation will be converted to the desired type. This is most useable to define types such as booleans, integers, etc.

For example to set a header as a boolean type you can do:
.setHeader("cool", simple("true", Boolean.class))

And in XML DSL


Changing function start and end tokens

Available as of Camel 2.9.1

You can configure the function start and end tokens - ${ } using the setters changeFunctionStartToken and changeFunctionEndToken on SimpleLanguage, using Java code. From Spring XML you can define a tag with the new changed tokens in the properties as shown below:


In the example above we use [ ] as the changed tokens.

Notice by changing the start/end token you change those in all the Camel applications which share the same camel-core on their classpath.
For example in an OSGi server this may affect many applications, where as a Web Application as a WAR file it only affects the Web Application.
Loading script from external resource

Available as of Camel 2.11

You can externalize the script and have Camel load it from a resource such as "classpath:", "file:", or "http:".
This is done using the following syntax: "resource:scheme:location", eg to refer to a file on the classpath you can do:
Setting Spring beans to Exchange properties

Available as of Camel 2.6

You can set a spring bean into an exchange property as shown below:





The Simple language is part of camel-core.
File Expression Language

File language is now merged with Simple language

From Camel 2.2 onwards, the file language is now merged with Simple language which means you can use all the file syntax directly within the simple language.

The File Expression Language is an extension to the Simple language, adding file related capabilities. These capabilities are related to common use cases working with file path and names. The goal is to allow expressions to be used with the File and FTP components for setting dynamic file patterns for both consumer and producer.

This language is an extension to the Simple language so the Simple syntax applies also. So the table below only lists the additional.
As opposed to Simple language File Language also supports Constant expressions so you can enter a fixed filename.

All the file tokens use the same expression name as the method on the object, for instance file:absolute refers to the method. Notice that not all expressions are supported by the current Exchange. For instance the FTP component supports some of the options, where as the File component supports all of them.



File Consumer

File Producer

FTP Consumer

FTP Producer







refers to the file name (is relative to the starting directory, see note below)






Camel 2.3: refers to the file extension only
file:name.ext.single    String    yes    no    yes    no    Camel 2.14.4/2.15.3: refers to the file extension. If the file extension has mutiple dots, then this expression strips and only returns the last part.






refers to the file name with no extension (is relative to the starting directory, see note below)
file:name.noext.single    String    yes    no    yes    no    Camel 2.14.4/2.15.3: refers to the file name with no extension (is relative to the starting directory, see note below). If the file extension has multiple dots, then this expression strips only the last part, and keep the others.






refers to the file name only with no leading paths.






refers to the file name only with no extension and with no leading paths.
file:onlyname.noext.single    String    yes    no    yes    no    Camel 2.14.4/2.15.3: refers to the file name only with no extension and with no leading paths. If the file extension has multiple dots, then this expression strips only the last part, and keep the others.






refers to the file extension only






refers to the file parent






refers to the file path






refers to whether the file is regarded as absolute or relative






refers to the absolute file path






refers to the file length returned as a Long type






Camel 2.5: refers to the file length returned as a Long type






efers to the file last modified returned as a Date type







for date formatting using the java.text.SimpleDateFormat patterns. Is an extension to the Simple language. Additional command is: file (consumers only) for the last modified timestamp of the file. Notice: all the commands from the Simple language can also be used.
File token example
Relative paths

We have a handle for the file hello.txt in the following relative directory: .\filelanguage\test. And we configure our endpoint to use this starting directory .\filelanguage. The file tokens will return as:












Absolute paths

We have a handle for the file hello.txt in the following absolute directory: \workspace\camel\camel-core\target\filelanguage\test. And we configure out endpoint to use the absolute starting directory \workspace\camel\camel-core\target\filelanguage. The file tokens will return as:













You can enter a fixed Constant expression such as myfile.txt:

Lets assume we use the file consumer to read files and want to move the read files to backup folder with the current date as a sub folder. This can be archieved using an expression like:

relative folder names are also supported so suppose the backup folder should be a sibling folder then you can append .. as:

As this is an extension to the Simple language we have access to all the goodies from this language also, so in this use case we want to use the in.header.type as a parameter in the dynamic expression:

If you have a custom Date you want to use in the expression then Camel supports retrieving dates from the message header.

And finally we can also use a bean expression to invoke a POJO class that generates some String output (or convertible to String) to be used:

And of course all this can be combined in one expression where you can use the File Language, Simple and the Bean language in one combined expression. This is pretty powerful for those common file path patterns.
Using Spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer together with the File component

In Camel you can use the File Language directly from the Simple language which makes a Content Based Router easier to do in Spring XML, where we can route based on file extensions as shown below:

         ${file:ext} == 'txt'

         ${file:ext} == 'xml'



If you use the fileName option on the File endpoint to set a dynamic filename using the File Language then make sure you
use the alternative syntax (available from Camel 2.5 onwards) to avoid clashing with Springs PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.





Notice how we use the $simple{ } syntax in the toEndpoint above.
If you don't do this, there is a clash and Spring will throw an exception like
Invalid bean definition with name 'sampleRoute' defined in class path resource [bundle-context.xml]:
Could not resolve placeholder 'date:now:yyyyMMdd'

The File language is part of camel-core.
SQL Language

The SQL support is added by JoSQL and is primarily used for performing SQL queries on in-memory objects. If you prefer to perform actual database queries then check out the JPA component.

Looking for the SQL component

Camel has both a SQL language and a SQL Component. This page is about the SQL language. Click on SQL Component if you are looking for the component instead.

To use SQL in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-josql which implements the SQL language.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).


Camel supports SQL to allow an Expression or Predicate to be used in the DSL or Xml Configuration. For example you could use SQL to create an Predicate in a Message Filter or as an Expression for a Recipient List.
from("queue:foo").setBody().sql("select * from MyType").to("queue:bar")

And the spring DSL:

    select * from MyType







the Exchange object



the message



the exchange.out message

the property key


the Exchange properties

the header key


the headers

the variable key


if any additional variables is added using setVariables method
Loading script from external resource

Available as of Camel 2.11

You can externalize the script and have Camel load it from a resource such as "classpath:", "file:", or "http:".
This is done using the following syntax: "resource:scheme:location", eg to refer to a file on the classpath you can do:

Camel supports XPath to allow an Expression or Predicate to be used in the DSL or Xml Configuration. For example you could use XPath to create an Predicate in a Message Filter or as an Expression for a Recipient List.


If the message body is stream based, which means the input it receives is submitted to Camel as a stream. That means you will only be able to read the content of the stream once. So often when you use XPath as Message Filter or Content Based Router then you need to access the data multiple times, and you should use Stream Caching or convert the message body to a String prior which is safe to be re-read multiple times.

You can easily use namespaces with XPath expressions using the Namespaces helper class.
Namespaces ns = new Namespaces("c", "");
        xpath("/c:person[@name='James']", ns).

Variables in XPath is defined in different namespaces. The default namespace is

Namespace URI

Local part





the message    



the exchange.out message    



Camel 2.5: Additional functions    



OS environment variables    



Java System properties    



the exchange property

Camel will resolve variables according to either:

    namespace given
    no namespace given

Namespace given

If the namespace is given then Camel is instructed exactly what to return. However when resolving either in or out Camel will try to resolve a header with the given local part first, and return it. If the local part has the value body then the body is returned instead.
No namespace given

If there is no namespace given then Camel resolves only based on the local part. Camel will try to resolve a variable in the following steps:

    from variables that has been set using the variable(name, value) fluent builder
    from if there is a header with the given key
    from if there is a property with the given key


Camel adds the following XPath functions that can be used to access the exchange:








Will return the in message body.


the header name


Will return the in message header.




Will return the out message body.


the header name


Will return the out message header.


key for property


Camel 2.5: To lookup a property using the Properties component (property placeholders).


simple expression


Camel 2.5: To evaluate a Simple expression.

Notice: function:properties and function:simple is not supported when the return type is a NodeSet, such as when using with a Splitter EIP.

Here's an example showing some of these functions in use.
  .when().xpath("in:header('foo') = 'bar'").to("mock:x")
  .when().xpath("in:body() = ''").to("mock:y")

And the new functions introduced in Camel 2.5:
// setup properties component
PropertiesComponent properties = new PropertiesComponent();
context.addComponent("properties", properties);
// contains the following properties
// foo=Camel
// bar=Kong
    // $type is a variable for the header with key type
    // here we use the properties function to lookup foo from the properties files
    // which at runtime will be evaluted to 'Camel'
    .when().xpath("$type = function:properties('foo')")
    // here we use the simple language to evaluate the expression
    // which at runtime will be evaluated to 'Donkey Kong'
    .when().xpath("//name = function:simple('Donkey ${properties:bar}')")
Using XML configuration

If you prefer to configure your routes in your Spring XML file then you can use XPath expressions as follows



Notice how we can reuse the namespace prefixes, foo in this case, in the XPath expression for easier namespace based XPath expressions!

See also this discussion on the mailinglist about using your own namespaces with xpath
Setting result type

The XPath expression will return a result type using native XML objects such as org.w3c.dom.NodeList. But many times you want a result type to be a String. To do this you have to instruct the XPath which result type to use.

In Java DSL:
xpath("/foo:person/@id", String.class)

In Spring DSL you use the resultType attribute to provide a fully qualified classname:

In @XPath:
Available as of Camel 2.1
@XPath(value = "concat('foo-',//order/name/)", resultType = String.class) String name)

Where we use the xpath function concat to prefix the order name with foo-. In this case we have to specify that we want a String as result type so the concat function works.
Using XPath on Headers

Available as of Camel 2.11

Some users may have XML stored in a header. To apply an XPath to a header's value you can do this by defining the 'headerName' attribute.


        /invoice/@orderType = 'premium'

        /invoice/@orderType = 'standard'




And in Java DSL you specify the headerName as the 2nd parameter as shown:
xpath("/invoice/@orderType = 'premium'", "invoiceDetails")

Here is a simple example using an XPath expression as a predicate in a Message Filter

If you have a standard set of namespaces you wish to work with and wish to share them across many different XPath expressions you can use the NamespaceBuilder as shown in this example
// lets define the namespaces we'll need in our filters
Namespaces ns = new Namespaces("c", "")
        .add("xsd", "");
// now lets create an xpath based Message Filter

In this sample we have a choice construct. The first choice evaulates if the message has a header key type that has the value Camel.
The 2nd choice evaluates if the message body has a name tag which values is Kong.
If neither is true the message is routed in the otherwise block:
    // using $headerName is special notation in Camel to get the header key
    .when().xpath("$type = 'Camel'")
    // here we test for the body name tag
    .when().xpath("//name = 'Kong'")

And the spring XML equivalent of the route:

                $type = 'Camel'

                //name = 'Kong'




XPath injection

You can use Bean Integration to invoke a method on a bean and use various languages such as XPath to extract a value from the message and bind it to a method parameter.

The default XPath annotation has SOAP and XML namespaces available. If you want to use your own namespace URIs in an XPath expression you can use your own copy of the XPath annotation to create whatever namespace prefixes you want to use.
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.apache.camel.component.bean.XPathAnnotationExpressionFactory;
import org.apache.camel.language.LanguageAnnotation;
import org.apache.camel.language.NamespacePrefix;
@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
@LanguageAnnotation(language = "xpath", factory = XPathAnnotationExpressionFactory.class)
public @interface MyXPath {
    String value();
    // You can add the namespaces as the default value of the annotation
    NamespacePrefix[] namespaces() default {
    @NamespacePrefix(prefix = "n1", uri = ""),
    @NamespacePrefix(prefix = "n2", uri = "")};
    Class resultType() default NodeList.class;

i.e. cut and paste upper code to your own project in a different package and/or annotation name then add whatever namespace prefix/uris you want in scope when you use your annotation on a method parameter. Then when you use your annotation on a method parameter all the namespaces you want will be available for use in your XPath expression.

For example
public class Foo {
    @MessageDriven(uri = "activemq:my.queue")
    public void doSomething(@MyXPath("/ns1:foo/ns2:bar/text()") String correlationID, @Body String body) {
        // process the inbound message here
Using XPathBuilder without an Exchange

Available as of Camel 2.3

You can now use the org.apache.camel.builder.XPathBuilder without the need for an Exchange. This comes handy if you want to use it as a helper to do custom xpath evaluations.

It requires that you pass in a CamelContext since a lot of the moving parts inside the XPathBuilder requires access to the Camel Type Converter and hence why CamelContext is needed.

For example you can do something like this:
boolean matches = XPathBuilder.xpath("/foo/bar/@xyz").matches(context, ""));

This will match the given predicate.

You can also evaluate for example as shown in the following three examples:
String name = XPathBuilder.xpath("foo/bar").evaluate(context, "cheese", String.class);
Integer number = XPathBuilder.xpath("foo/bar").evaluate(context, "123", Integer.class);
Boolean bool = XPathBuilder.xpath("foo/bar").evaluate(context, "true", Boolean.class);

Evaluating with a String result is a common requirement and thus you can do it a bit simpler:
String name = XPathBuilder.xpath("foo/bar").evaluate(context, "cheese");
Using Saxon with XPathBuilder

Available as of Camel 2.3

You need to add camel-saxon as dependency to your project.

Its now easier to use Saxon with the XPathBuilder which can be done in several ways as shown below.
Where as the latter ones are the easiest ones.

Using a factory
// create a Saxon factory
XPathFactory fac = new net.sf.saxon.xpath.XPathFactoryImpl();
// create a builder to evaluate the xpath using the saxon factory
XPathBuilder builder = XPathBuilder.xpath("tokenize(/foo/bar, '_')[2]").factory(fac);
// evaluate as a String result
String result = builder.evaluate(context, "abc_def_ghi");
assertEquals("def", result);

Using ObjectModel
// create a builder to evaluate the xpath using saxon based on its object model uri
XPathBuilder builder = XPathBuilder.xpath("tokenize(/foo/bar, '_')[2]").objectModel("");
// evaluate as a String result
String result = builder.evaluate(context, "abc_def_ghi");
assertEquals("def", result);

The easy one
// create a builder to evaluate the xpath using saxon
XPathBuilder builder = XPathBuilder.xpath("tokenize(/foo/bar, '_')[2]").saxon();
// evaluate as a String result
String result = builder.evaluate(context, "abc_def_ghi");
assertEquals("def", result);
Setting a custom XPathFactory using System Property

Available as of Camel 2.3

Camel now supports reading the JVM system property javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory that can be used to set a custom XPathFactory to use.

This unit test shows how this can be done to use Saxon instead:
// set system property with the XPath factory to use which is Saxon
System.setProperty(XPathFactory.DEFAULT_PROPERTY_NAME + ":" + "", "net.sf.saxon.xpath.XPathFactoryImpl");
// create a builder to evaluate the xpath using saxon
XPathBuilder builder = XPathBuilder.xpath("tokenize(/foo/bar, '_')[2]");
// evaluate as a String result
String result = builder.evaluate(context, "abc_def_ghi");
assertEquals("def", result);

Camel will log at INFO level if it uses a non default XPathFactory such as:
XPathBuilder  INFO  Using system property javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory: with value:
                    net.sf.saxon.xpath.XPathFactoryImpl when creating XPathFactory

To use Apache Xerces you can configure the system property
Enabling Saxon from Spring DSL

Available as of Camel 2.10

Similarly to Java DSL, to enable Saxon from Spring DSL you have three options:

Specifying the factory

Specifying the object model

Namespace auditing to aid debugging

Available as of Camel 2.10

A large number of XPath-related issues that users frequently face are linked to the usage of namespaces. You may have some misalignment between the namespaces present in your message and those that your XPath expression is aware of or referencing. XPath predicates or expressions that are unable to locate the XML elements and attributes due to namespaces issues may simply look like "they are not working", when in reality all there is to it is a lack of namespace definition.

Namespaces in XML are completely necessary, and while we would love to simplify their usage by implementing some magic or voodoo to wire namespaces automatically, truth is that any action down this path would disagree with the standards and would greatly hinder interoperability.

Therefore, the utmost we can do is assist you in debugging such issues by adding two new features to the XPath Expression Language and are thus accesible from both predicates and expressions.
Logging the Namespace Context of your XPath expression/predicate

Every time a new XPath expression is created in the internal pool, Camel will log the namespace context of the expression under the org.apache.camel.builder.xml.XPathBuilder logger. Since Camel represents Namespace Contexts in a hierarchical fashion (parent-child relationships), the entire tree is output in a recursive manner with the following format:
[me: {prefix -> namespace}, {prefix -> namespace}], [parent: [me: {prefix -> namespace}, {prefix -> namespace}], [parent: [me: {prefix -> namespace}]]]

Any of these options can be used to activate this logging:

    Enable TRACE logging on the org.apache.camel.builder.xml.XPathBuilder logger, or some parent logger such as org.apache.camel or the root logger
    Enable the logNamespaces option as indicated in Auditing Namespaces, in which case the logging will occur on the INFO level

Auditing namespaces

Camel is able to discover and dump all namespaces present on every incoming message before evaluating an XPath expression, providing all the richness of information you need to help you analyse and pinpoint possible namespace issues.

To achieve this, it in turn internally uses another specially tailored XPath expression to extract all namespace mappings that appear in the message, displaying the prefix and the full namespace URI(s) for each individual mapping.

Some points to take into account:

    The implicit XML namespace (xmlns:xml="") is suppressed from the output because it adds no value
    Default namespaces are listed under the DEFAULT keyword in the output
    Keep in mind that namespaces can be remapped under different scopes. Think of a top-level 'a' prefix which in inner elements can be assigned a different namespace, or the default namespace changing in inner scopes. For each discovered prefix, all associated URIs are listed.

You can enable this option in Java DSL and Spring DSL.

Java DSL:
XPathBuilder.xpath("/foo:person/@id", String.class).logNamespaces()

Spring DSL:

The result of the auditing will be appear at the INFO level under the org.apache.camel.builder.xml.XPathBuilder logger and will look like the following:
2012-01-16 13:23:45,878 [stSaxonWithFlag] INFO  XPathBuilder  - Namespaces discovered in message:
{xmlns:a=[], DEFAULT=[],
Loading script from external resource

Available as of Camel 2.11

You can externalize the script and have Camel load it from a resource such as "classpath:", "file:", or "http:".
This is done using the following syntax: "resource:scheme:location", eg to refer to a file on the classpath you can do:
.setHeader("myHeader").xpath("resource:classpath:myxpath.txt", String.class)

The XPath language is part of camel-core.

Camel supports XQuery to allow an Expression or Predicate to be used in the DSL or Xml Configuration. For example you could use XQuery to create an Predicate in a Message Filter or as an Expression for a Recipient List.


Default Value




Camel 2.8.3/2.9: Whether to allow using StAX as the javax.xml.transform.Source.

You can also use functions inside your query, in which case you need an explicit type conversion (or you will get a org.w3c.dom.DOMException: HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR) by passing the Class as a second argument to the xquery() method.
  recipientList().xquery("concat('mock:foo.', /person/@city)", String.class);

The IN message body will be set as the contextItem. Besides this these Variables is also added as parameters:






The current Exchange



The In message's body



The OUT message's body (if any)



You can access the value of with key foo by using the variable which name is



You can access the value of exchange.out.headers with key foo by using the variable which name is variable

key name


Any and and any additional parameters set using setParameters(Map). These parameters is added with they own key name, for instance if there is an IN header with the key name foo then its added as foo.
Using XML configuration

If you prefer to configure your routes in your Spring XML file then you can use XPath expressions as follows



Notice how we can reuse the namespace prefixes, foo in this case, in the XPath expression for easier namespace based XQuery expressions!

When you use functions in your XQuery expression you need an explicit type conversion which is done in the xml configuration via the @type attribute:
concat('mock:foo.', /person/@city)
Using XQuery as transformation

We can do a message translation using transform or setBody in the route, as shown below:

Notice that xquery will use DOMResult by default, so if we want to grab the value of the person node, using text() we need to tell xquery to use String as result type, as shown:
   transform().xquery("/people/person/text()", String.class);

Using XQuery as an endpoint

Sometimes an XQuery expression can be quite large; it can essentally be used for Templating. So you may want to use an XQuery Endpoint so you can route using XQuery templates.

The following example shows how to take a message of an ActiveMQ queue (MyQueue) and transform it using XQuery and send it to MQSeries.



Here is a simple example using an XQuery expression as a predicate in a Message Filter

This example uses XQuery with namespaces as a predicate in a Message Filter
Namespaces ns = new Namespaces("c", "");
        filter().xquery("/c:person[@name='James']", ns).
Learning XQuery

XQuery is a very powerful language for querying, searching, sorting and returning XML. For help learning XQuery try these tutorials

    Mike Kay's XQuery Primer
    the W3Schools XQuery Tutorial

You might also find the XQuery function reference useful
Loading script from external resource

Available as of Camel 2.11

You can externalize the script and have Camel load it from a resource such as "classpath:", "file:", or "http:".
This is done using the following syntax: "resource:scheme:location", eg to refer to a file on the classpath you can do:
.setHeader("myHeader").xquery("resource:classpath:myxquery.txt", String.class)

To use XQuery in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-saxon which implements the XQuery language.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).


Data Format Appendix
Data Format

Camel supports a pluggable DataFormat to allow messages to be marshalled to and from binary or text formats to support a kind of Message Translator.

The following data formats are currently supported:

    Standard JVM object marshalling

    Object marshalling

    Object/XML marshalling
        Jackson XML

    Object/XML/Webservice marshalling

    Direct JSON / XML marshalling

    Flat data structure marshalling
        Flatpack DataFormat
        uniVocity-parsers formats

    Domain specific marshalling
        HL7 DataFormat

        GZip data format
        Zip DataFormat
        Zip File DataFormat
        LZF Data Format

        XMLSecurity DataFormat

        Custom DataFormat - to use your own custom implementation
        Barcode - to read and generate barcodes (QR-Code, PDF417, ...)

And related is the following:

    DataFormat Component for working with Data Formats as if it was a regular Component supporting Endpoints and URIs.
    Dozer Type Conversion using Dozer for type converting POJOs


If you receive a message from one of the Camel Components such as File, HTTP or JMS you often want to unmarshal the payload into some bean so that you can process it using some Bean Integration or perform Predicate evaluation and so forth. To do this use the unmarshal word in the DSL in Java or the Xml Configuration.

For example
DataFormat jaxb = new JaxbDataFormat("com.acme.model");

The above uses a named DataFormat of jaxb which is configured with a number of Java package names. You can if you prefer use a named reference to a data format which can then be defined in your Registry such as via your Spring XML file.

You can also use the DSL itself to define the data format as you use it. For example the following uses Java serialization to unmarshal a binary file then send it as an ObjectMessage to ActiveMQ

Marshalling is the opposite of unmarshalling, where a bean is marshalled into some binary or textual format for transmission over some transport via a Camel Component. Marshalling is used in the same way as unmarshalling above; in the DSL you can use a DataFormat instance, you can configure the DataFormat dynamically using the DSL or you can refer to a named instance of the format in the Registry.

The following example unmarshals via serialization then marshals using a named JAXB data format to perform a kind of Message Translator
Using Spring XML

This example shows how to configure the data type just once and reuse it on multiple routes





You can also define reusable data formats as Spring beans


Serialization is a Data Format which uses the standard Java Serialization mechanism to unmarshal a binary payload into Java objects or to marshal Java objects into a binary blob.
For example the following uses Java serialization to unmarshal a binary file then send it as an ObjectMessage to ActiveMQ

This data format is provided in camel-core so no additional dependencies is needed.

JAXB is a Data Format which uses the JAXB2 XML marshalling standard which is included in Java 6 to unmarshal an XML payload into Java objects or to marshal Java objects into an XML payload.
Using the Java DSL

For example the following uses a named DataFormat of jaxb which is configured with a number of Java package names to initialize the JAXBContext.
DataFormat jaxb = new JaxbDataFormat("com.acme.model");

You can if you prefer use a named reference to a data format which can then be defined in your Registry such as via your Spring XML file. e.g.
Using Spring XML

The following example shows how to use JAXB to unmarshal using Spring configuring the jaxb data type



This example shows how to configure the data type just once and reuse it on multiple routes.





Multiple context paths

It is possible to use this data format with more than one context path. You can specify context path using : as separator, for example com.mycompany:com.mycompany2. Note that this is handled by JAXB implementation and might change if you use different vendor than RI.
Partial marshalling/unmarshalling

This feature is new to Camel 2.2.0.
JAXB 2 supports marshalling and unmarshalling XML tree fragments. By default JAXB looks for @XmlRootElement annotation on given class to operate on whole XML tree. This is useful but not always - sometimes generated code does not have @XmlRootElement annotation, sometimes you need unmarshall only part of tree.
In that case you can use partial unmarshalling. To enable this behaviours you need set property partClass. Camel will pass this class to JAXB's unmarshaler.

                partNamespace="{}po" />


                            partClass="org.apache.camel.example.Partial" />


For marshalling you have to add partNamespace attribute with QName of destination namespace. Example of Spring DSL you can find above.

This feature is new to Camel 2.8.0.
JaxbDataFormat has new property fragment which can set the the Marshaller.JAXB_FRAGMENT encoding property on the JAXB Marshaller. If you don't want the JAXB Marshaller to generate the XML declaration, you can set this option to be true. The default value of this property is false.
Ignoring the NonXML Character

This feature is new to Camel 2.2.0.
JaxbDataFromat supports to ignore the NonXML Character, you just need to set the filterNonXmlChars property to be true, JaxbDataFormat will replace the NonXML character with " " when it is marshaling or unmarshaling the message. You can also do it by setting the Exchange property Exchange.FILTER_NON_XML_CHARS.


JDK 1.5

JDK 1.6+

Filtering in use

StAX API and implementation


Filtering not in use

StAX API only


This feature has been tested with Woodstox 3.2.9 and Sun JDK 1.6 StAX implementation.

New for Camel 2.12.1
JaxbDataFormat now allows you to customize the XMLStreamWriter used to marshal the stream to XML. Using this configuration, you can add your own stream writer to completely remove, escape, or replace non-xml characters.
JaxbDataFormat customWriterFormat = new JaxbDataFormat("");
customWriterFormat.setXmlStreamWriterWrapper(new TestXmlStreamWriter());

The following example shows using the Spring DSL and also enabling Camel's NonXML filtering:

Working with the ObjectFactory

If you use XJC to create the java class from the schema, you will get an ObjectFactory for you JAXB context. Since the ObjectFactory uses JAXBElement to hold the reference of the schema and element instance value, jaxbDataformat will ignore the JAXBElement by default and you will get the element instance value instead of the JAXBElement object form the unmarshaled message body.
If you want to get the JAXBElement object form the unmarshaled message body, you need to set the JaxbDataFormat object's ignoreJAXBElement property to be false.
Setting encoding

You can set the encoding option to use when marshalling. Its the Marshaller.JAXB_ENCODING encoding property on the JAXB Marshaller.
You can setup which encoding to use when you declare the JAXB data format. You can also provide the encoding in the Exchange property Exchange.CHARSET_NAME. This property will overrule the encoding set on the JAXB data format.

In this Spring DSL we have defined to use iso-8859-1 as the encoding:



Controlling namespace prefix mapping

Available as of Camel 2.11

When marshalling using JAXB or SOAP then the JAXB implementation will automatic assign namespace prefixes, such as ns2, ns3, ns4 etc. To control this mapping, Camel allows you to refer to a map which contains the desired mapping.

Notice this requires having JAXB-RI 2.1 or better (from SUN) on the classpath, as the mapping functionality is dependent on the implementation of JAXB, whether its supported.

For example in Spring XML we can define a Map with the mapping. In the mapping file below, we map SOAP to use soap as prefix. While our custom namespace "" is not using any prefix.


To use this in JAXB or SOAP you refer to this map, using the namespacePrefixRef attribute as shown below. Then Camel will lookup in the Registry a java.util.Map with the id "myMap", which was what we defined above.


Schema validation

Available as of Camel 2.11

The JAXB Data Format supports validation by marshalling and unmarshalling from/to XML. Your can use the prefix classpath:, file:* or *http: to specify how the resource should by resolved. You can separate multiple schema files by using the ',' character.

Known issue

Camel 2.11.0 and 2.11.1 has a known issue by validation multiple Exchange's in parallel. See CAMEL-6630. This is fixed with Camel 2.11.2/2.12.0.

Using the Java DSL, you can configure it in the following way:
JaxbDataFormat jaxbDataFormat = new JaxbDataFormat();

You can do the same using the XML DSL:


Camel will create and pool the underling SchemaFactory instances on the fly, because the SchemaFactory shipped with the JDK is not thread safe.
However, if you have a SchemaFactory implementation which is thread safe, you can configure the JAXB data format to use this one:
JaxbDataFormat jaxbDataFormat = new JaxbDataFormat();
Schema Location

Available as of Camel 2.14

The JAXB Data Format supports to specify the SchemaLocation when marshaling the XML.

Using the Java DSL, you can configure it in the following way:
JaxbDataFormat jaxbDataFormat = new JaxbDataFormat();

You can do the same using the XML DSL:


Marshal data that is already XML

Available as of Camel 2.14.1
The JAXB marshaller requires that the message body is JAXB compatible, eg its a JAXBElement, eg a java instance that has JAXB annotations, or extend JAXBElement. There can be situations where the message body is already in XML, eg from a String type. There is a new option mustBeJAXBElement you can set to false, to relax this check, so the JAXB marshaller only attempts to marshal JAXBElements (javax.xml.bind.JAXBIntrospector#isElement returns true). And in those situations the marshaller fallbacks to marshal the message body as-is.

To use JAXB in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-jaxb which implements this data format.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).



XmlBeans is a Data Format which uses the XmlBeans library to unmarshal an XML payload into Java objects or to marshal Java objects into an XML payload.

To use XmlBeans in your camel routes you need to add the dependency on camel-xmlbeans which implements this data format.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).



XStream is a Data Format which uses the XStream library to marshal and unmarshal Java objects to and from XML.

To use XStream in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-xstream which implements this data format.

Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:


Using the Java DSL
// lets turn Object messages into XML then send to MQSeries

If you would like to configure the XStream instance used by the Camel for the message transformation, you can simply pass a reference to that instance on the DSL level.
XStream xStream = new XStream();
xStream.aliasField("money", PurchaseOrder.class, "cash");
// new Added setModel option since Camel 2.14
  marshal(new XStreamDataFormat(xStream)).
XMLInputFactory and XMLOutputFactory

The XStream library uses the and, you can control which implementation of this factory should be used.

The Factory is discovered using this algorithm:
1. Use the , system property.
2. Use the lib/ file in the JRE_HOME directory.
3. Use the Services API, if available, to determine the classname by looking in the META-INF/services/, META-INF/services/ files in jars available to the JRE.
4. Use the platform default XMLInputFactory,XMLOutputFactory instance.
How to set the XML encoding in Xstream DataFormat?

From Camel 2.2.0, you can set the encoding of XML in Xstream DataFormat by setting the Exchange's property with the key Exchange.CHARSET_NAME, or setting the encoding property on Xstream from DSL or Spring config.





Setting the type permissions of Xstream DataFormat

In Camel, one can always use its own processing step in the route to filter and block certain XML documents to be routed to the XStream's unmarhall step. From Camel 2.16.1, 2.15.5, you can set XStream's type permissions to automatically allow or deny the instantiation of certain types.

The default type permissions setting used by Camel denies all types except for those from java.lang and java.util packages. This setting can be changed by setting System property org.apache.camel.xstream.permissions. Its value is a string of comma-separated permission terms, each representing a type being allowed or denied, depending on whether the term is prefixed with '+' (note '+' may be omitted) or with '-', respectively.

Each term may contain a wildcard character '*'. For example, value "-*,java.lang.*,java.util.*" indicates denying all types except for java.lang.* and java.util.* classes. Setting this value to an empty string "" reverts to the default XStream's type permissions handling which denies certain blacklisted classes and allow others.

The type permissions setting can be extended at an individual XStream DataFormat instance by setting its type permissions property.


The CSV Data Format uses Apache Commons CSV to handle CSV payloads (Comma Separated Values) such as those exported/imported by Excel.

As of Camel 2.15.0, it now uses the Apache Commons CSV 1.1 which is based on a completely different set of options.
Available options until Camel 2.15






Can be used to set a custom CSVConfig object.



Can be used to set a custom CSVStrategy; the default is CSVStrategy.DEFAULT_STRATEGY.



Whether or not columns are auto-generated in the resulting CSV. The default value is true; subsequent messages use the previously created columns with new fields being added at the end of the line.



Camel 2.4: The column delimiter to use; the default value is ",".



Camel 2.10: Whether or not to skip the first line of CSV input when unmarshalling (e.g. if the content has headers on the first line); the default value is false.
lazyLoad    boolean    Camel 2.12.2: Whether or not to Sequential access CSV input through an iterator which could avoid OOM exception when processing huge CSV file; the default value is false
useMaps    boolean    Camel 2.13: Whether to use List when unmarshalling instead of List.
Available options as of Camel 2.15
Option    Type    Description
format    CSVFormat    The reference format to use, it will be updated with the other format options, the default value is CSVFormat.DEFAULT
commentMarkerDisabled    boolean   

Disables the comment marker of the reference format.

This option is false by default.
commentMarker    Character   

Overrides the comment marker of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is null for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.
delimiter    Character   

Overrides the delimiter of the reference format.

This option is null by defaut. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is ',' for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.
escapeDisabled    boolean   

Disables the escape character of the reference format.

This option is false by default.
escape    Character   

Overrides the escape character of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is null for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.
headerDisabled    boolean   

Disables the header of the reference format.

This option is false by default.
header    String[]   

Overrides the header of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is null for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.

In the XML DSL, this option is configured using children



allowMissingColumnNames    Boolean   

Overrides the missing column names behavior of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is false for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.
ignoreEmptyLines    Boolean   

Overrides the empty line behavior of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is true for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.
ignoreSurroundingSpaces    Boolean   

Overrides the surrounding spaces behavior of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is false for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.
nullStringDisabled    boolean   

Disables the null string representation of the reference format.

This option is false by default.
nullString    String   

Overrides the null string representation of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is null for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.
quoteDisabled    boolean   

Disables the quote of the reference format.

This option is false by default.
quote    Character   

Overrides the quote symbol of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is '"' (double quote) for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.
quoteMode    QuoteMode   

Overrides the quote mode of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is null for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.
recordSeparatorDisabled    boolean   

Disables the record separator of the reference format.

This option is false by default.
recordSeparator    String   

Overrides the record separator of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is \r\n (CRLF) for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.
skipHeaderRecord    Boolean   

Overrides the header record behavior of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is false for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.
lazyLoad    boolean   

Whether the unmarshalling should produce an iterator that reads the lines on the fly or if all the lines must be read at one.

This option is false by default.
useMaps    boolean   

Whether the unmarshalling should produce maps for the lines values instead of lists. It requires to have header (either defined or collected).

This options is false by default.
recordConverter    CsvRecordConverter   

Sets the record converter to use. If defines the useMaps options is disabled.

This option is null by default.
Marshalling a Map to CSV

The component allows you to marshal a Java Map (or any other message type that can be converted in a Map) into a CSV payload.
Considering the following body   
Map body = new LinkedHashMap<>();
body.put("foo", "abc");
body.put("bar", 123);
and this Java route definition   
or this XML route definition   



then it will produce   
Unmarshalling a CSV message into a Java List

Unmarshalling will transform a CSV messsage into a Java List with CSV file lines (containing another List with all the field values).

An example: we have a CSV file with names of persons, their IQ and their current activity.
Jack Dalton, 115, mad at Averell
Joe Dalton, 105, calming Joe
William Dalton, 105, keeping Joe from killing Averell
Averell Dalton, 80, playing with Rantanplan
Lucky Luke, 120, capturing the Daltons

We can now use the CSV component to unmarshal this file:

The resulting message will contain a List> like...
List> data = (List>) exchange.getIn().getBody();
for (List line : data) {
    LOG.debug(String.format("%s has an IQ of %s and is currently %s", line.get(0), line.get(1), line.get(2)));
Marshalling a List to CSV

Available as of Camel 2.1

If you have multiple rows of data you want to be marshalled into CSV format you can now store the message payload as a List> object where the list contains a Map for each row.
File Poller of CSV, then unmarshaling

Given a bean which can handle the incoming data...
// Some comments here
public void doHandleCsvData(List> csvData)
    // do magic here

... your route then looks as follows


Marshaling with a pipe as delimiter


Considering the following body   
Map body = new LinkedHashMap<>();
body.put("foo", "abc");
body.put("bar", 123);
and this Java route definition   
// Camel version < 2.15
CsvDataFormat oldCSV = new CsvDataFormat();

// Camel version >= 2.15
    .marshal(new CsvDataFormat().setDelimiter('|'))
or this XML route definition   



then it will produce   
Using autogenColumns, configRef and strategyRef attributes inside XML DSL

Available as of Camel 2.9.2 / 2.10 and deleted for Camel 2.15

You can customize the CSV Data Format to make use of your own CSVConfig and/or CSVStrategy. Also note that the default value of the autogenColumns option is true. The following example should illustrate this customization.










Using skipFirstLine option while unmarshaling

Available as of Camel 2.10 and deleted for Camel 2.15

You can instruct the CSV Data Format to skip the first line which contains the CSV headers. Using the Spring/XML DSL:



Or the Java DSL:
CsvDataFormat csv = new CsvDataFormat();
Unmarshaling with a pipe as delimiter

Using the Spring/XML DSL:



Or the Java DSL:
CsvDataFormat csv = new CsvDataFormat();
CSVStrategy strategy = CSVStrategy.DEFAULT_STRATEGY;
CsvDataFormat csv = new CsvDataFormat();
CsvDataFormat csv = new CsvDataFormat();
CSVConfig csvConfig = new CSVConfig();

Issue in CSVConfig

It looks like that
CSVConfig csvConfig = new CSVConfig();

doesn't work. You have to set the delimiter as a String!

To use CSV in your Camel routes you need to add a dependency on camel-csv, which implements this data format.

If you use Maven you can just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest and greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).


The String Data Format is a textual based format that supports encoding.






To use a specific charset for encoding. If not provided Camel will use the JVM default charset.

In this example we marshal the file content to String object in UTF-8 encoding.

In this example we unmarshal the payload from the JMS queue to a String object using UTF-8 encoding, before its processed by the newOrder processor.

This data format is provided in camel-core so no additional dependencies is needed.
HL7 DataFormat

The HL7 component ships with a HL7 data format that can be used to marshal or unmarshal HL7 model objects.

    marshal = from Message to byte stream (can be used when responding using the HL7 MLLP codec)
    unmarshal = from byte stream to Message (can be used when receiving streamed data from the HL7 MLLP

To use the data format, simply instantiate an instance and invoke the marshal or unmarshal operation in the route builder:
DataFormat hl7 = new HL7DataFormat();

In the sample above, the HL7 is marshalled from a HAPI Message object to a byte stream and put on a JMS queue.
The next example is the opposite:
DataFormat hl7 = new HL7DataFormat();

Here we unmarshal the byte stream into a HAPI Message object that is passed to our patient lookup service.

Serializable messages

As of HAPI 2.0 (used by Camel 2.11), the HL7v2 model classes are fully serializable. So you can put HL7v2 messages directly into a JMS queue (i.e. without calling marshal() and read them again directly from the queue (i.e. without calling unmarshal().

Segment separators

As of Camel 2.11, unmarshal does not automatically fix segment separators anymore by converting \n to \r. If you
need this conversion, org.apache.camel.component.hl7.HL7#convertLFToCR provides a handy Expression for this purpose.


As of Camel 2.14.1, both marshal and unmarshal evaluate the charset provided in the field MSH-18. If this field is empty, by default the charset contained in the corresponding Camel charset property/header is assumed. You can even change this default behavior by overriding the guessCharsetName method when inheriting from the HL7DataFormat class.


There is a shorthand syntax in Camel for well-known data formats that are commonly used.
Then you don't need to create an instance of the HL7DataFormat object:


EDI DataFormat

We encourage end users to look at the Smooks which supports EDI and Camel natively.
Flatpack DataFormat

The Flatpack component ships with the Flatpack data format that can be used to format between fixed width or delimited text messages to a List of rows as Map.

    marshal = from List> to OutputStream (can be converted to String)
    unmarshal = from (such as a File or String) to a java.util.List as an org.apache.camel.component.flatpack.DataSetList instance.
    The result of the operation will contain all the data. If you need to process each row one by one you can split the exchange, using Splitter.

Notice: The Flatpack library does currently not support header and trailers for the marshal operation.

The data format has the following options:






The flatpack pzmap configuration file. Can be omitted in simpler situations, but its preferred to use the pzmap.



Delimited or fixed.



Whether the first line is ignored for delimited files (for the column headers).



If the text is qualified with a char such as ".



The delimiter char (could be ; , or similar)



Uses the default Flatpack parser factory.



Camel 2.9.7 and 2.10.5 onwards: Allows for lines to be shorter than expected and ignores the extra characters.



Camel 2.9.7 and 2.10.5 onwards: Allows for lines to be longer than expected and ignores the extra characters.

To use the data format, simply instantiate an instance and invoke the marshal or unmarshal operation in the route builder:
FlatpackDataFormat fp = new FlatpackDataFormat();
fp.setDefinition(new ClassPathResource("INVENTORY-Delimited.pzmap.xml"));

The sample above will read files from the order/in folder and unmarshal the input using the Flatpack configuration file INVENTORY-Delimited.pzmap.xml that configures the structure of the files. The result is a DataSetList object we store on the SEDA queue.
FlatpackDataFormat df = new FlatpackDataFormat();
df.setDefinition(new ClassPathResource("PEOPLE-FixedLength.pzmap.xml"));

In the code above we marshal the data from a Object representation as a List of rows as Maps. The rows as Map contains the column name as the key, and the the corresponding value. This structure can be created in Java code from e.g. a processor. We marshal the data according to the Flatpack format and convert the result as a String object and store it on a JMS queue.

To use Flatpack in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-flatpack which implements this data format.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).



JSON is a Data Format to marshal and unmarshal Java objects to and from JSON.

For JSON to object marshalling, Camel provides integration with three popular JSON libraries:

    The XStream library and Jettsion
    The Jackson library
    Camel 2.10: The GSon library

Every library requires adding the special camel component (see "Dependency..." paragraphs further down). By default Camel uses the XStream library.

Direct, bi-directional JSON <=> XML conversions

As of Camel 2.10, Camel supports direct, bi-directional JSON <=> XML conversions via the camel-xmljson data format, which is documented separately.
Using JSON data format with the XStream library
// lets turn Object messages into json then send to MQSeries
Using JSON data format with the Jackson library
// lets turn Object messages into json then send to MQSeries
Using JSON data format with the GSON library
// lets turn Object messages into json then send to MQSeries
Using JSON in Spring DSL

When using Data Format in Spring DSL you need to declare the data formats first. This is done in the DataFormats XML tag.


And then you can refer to this id in the route:


Excluding POJO fields from marshalling

As of Camel 2.10
When marshalling a POJO to JSON you might want to exclude certain fields from the JSON output. With Jackson you can use JSON views to accomplish this. First create one or more marker classes.
public class Views {
    static class Age { }
    static class Weight { }
Use the marker classes with the @JsonView annotation to include/exclude certain fields. The annotation also works on getters.
private int age = 30;
private int height = 190;
private int weight = 70;
Finally use the Camel JacksonDataFormat to marshall the above POJO to JSON.
from("direct:inPojoAgeView").marshal().json(TestPojoView.class, Views.Age.class);
Note that the weight field is missing in the resulting JSON:
{"age":30, "weight":70}

The GSON library supports a similar feature through the notion of ExclusionStrategies:
 * Strategy to exclude {@link ExcludeAge} annotated fields
protected static class AgeExclusionStrategy implements ExclusionStrategy {
    public boolean shouldSkipField(FieldAttributes f) {
        return f.getAnnotation(ExcludeAge.class) != null;
    public boolean shouldSkipClass(Class clazz) {
        return false;
The GsonDataFormat accepts an ExclusionStrategy in its constructor:
GsonDataFormat ageExclusionFormat = new GsonDataFormat(TestPojoExclusion.class);
ageExclusionFormat.setExclusionStrategies(Arrays.asList(new AgeExclusionStrategy()));
The line above will exclude fields annotated with @ExcludeAge when marshalling to JSON.
Configuring field naming policy

Available as of Camel 2.11

The GSON library supports specifying policies and strategies for mapping from json to POJO fields. A common naming convention is to map json fields using lower case with underscores.

We may have this JSON string
  "id" : 123,
  "first_name" : "Donald"
  "last_name" : "Duck"

Which we want to map to a POJO that has getter/setters as
public class PersonPojo {
    private int id;
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    public int getId() {
        return id;
    public void setId(int id) { = id;
    public String getFirstName() {
        return firstName;
    public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;
    public String getLastName() {
        return lastName;
    public void setLastName(String lastName) {
        this.lastName = lastName;

Then we can configure the org.apache.camel.component.gson.GsonDataFormat in a Spring XML files as shown below. Notice we use fieldNamingPolicy property to set the field mapping. This property is an enum from GSon which has a number of pre defined mappings. If you need full control you can use the property FieldNamingStrategy and implement a custom where you can control the mapping.
Configuring GsonDataFromat in Spring XML file


And use it in Camel routes by referring to its bean id as shown:
Using gson from Camel Routes




Include/Exclude fields using the jsonView attribute with JacksonDataFormat

Available as of Camel 2.12

As an example of using this attribute you can instead of:
JacksonDataFormat ageViewFormat = new JacksonDataFormat(TestPojoView.class, Views.Age.class);

Directly specify your JSON view inside the Java DSL as:
  marshal().json(TestPojoView.class, Views.Age.class);

And the same in XML DSL:


Setting serialization include option for Jackson marshal

Available as of Camel 2.13.3/2.14

If you want to marshal a pojo to JSON, and the pojo has some fields with null values. And you want to skip these null values, then you need to set either an annotation on the pojo,
public class MyPojo {

But this requires you to include that annotation in your pojo source code. You can also configure the Camel JsonDataFormat to set the include option, as shown below:
JacksonDataFormat format = new JacksonDataFormat();

Or from XML DSL you configure this as


Unmarshalling from json to POJO with dynamic class name

Available as of Camel 2.14

If you use jackson to unmarshal json to POJO, then you can now specify a header in the message that indicate which class name to unmarshal to.
The header has key CamelJacksonUnmarshalType if that header is present in the message, then Jackson will use that as FQN for the POJO class to unmarshal the json payload as. Notice that behavior is enabled out of the box from Camel 2.14 onwards.

 For JMS end users there is the JMSType header from the JMS spec that indicates that also. To enable support for JMSType you would need to turn that on, on the jackson data format as shown:
JacksonDataFormat format = new JacksonDataFormat();

Or from XML DSL you configure this as


Unmarshalling from json to List or List

Available as of Camel 2.14

If you are using Jackson to unmarshal json to a list of map/pojo, you can now specify this by setting useList="true" or use the org.apache.camel.component.jackson.ListJacksonDataFormat. For example with Java you can do as shown below:
JacksonDataFormat format = new ListJacksonDataFormat();
// or
JacksonDataFormat format = new JacksonDataFormat();
// and you can specify the pojo class type also

And if you use XML DSL then you configure to use list using useList attribute as shown below:


And you can specify the pojo type also


Using custom Jackson ObjectMapper

Available as of Camel 2.17

You can use custom Jackson ObjectMapper instance, can be configured as shown below.


Where myMapper is the id of the custom instance that Camel will lookup in the Registry
Using custom Jackson modules

Available as of Camel 2.15

You can use custom Jackson modules by specifying the class names of those using the moduleClassNames option as shown below.


When using moduleClassNames then the custom jackson modules are not configured, by created using default constructor and used as-is. If a custom module needs any custom configuration, then an instance of the module can be created and configured, and then use modulesRefs to refer to the module as shown below:
      ... // configure the module as you want


 Multiple modules can be specified separated by comma, such as moduleRefs="myJacksonModule,myOtherModule"
Enabling or disable features using Jackson

Available as of Camel 2.15

Jackson has a number of features you can enable or disable, which its ObjectMapper uses. For example to disable failing on unknown properties when marshalling, you can configure this using the disableFeatures:


You can disable multiple features by separating the values using comma. The values for the features must be the name of the enums from Jackson from the following enum classes


To enable a feature use the enableFeatures options instead.

From Java code you can use the type safe methods from camel-jackson module:
JacksonDataFormat df = new JacksonDataFormat(MyPojo.class);
Converting Maps to POJO using Jackson

Available since Camel 2.16. Jackson ObjectMapper can be used to convert maps to POJO objects. Jackson component comes with the data converter that can be used to convert java.util.Map instance to non-String, non-primitive and non-Number objects.
Map invoiceData = new HashMap();
invoiceData.put("netValue", 500);
producerTemplate.sendBody("direct:mapToInvoice", invoiceData);
// Later in the processor
Invoice invoice = exchange.getIn().getBody(Invoice.class);

If there is a single ObjectMapper instance available in the Camel registry, it will used by the converter to perform the conversion. Otherwise the default mapper will be used. 
Formatted JSON marshalling (pretty-printing)

Available as of Camel 2.16

Using the prettyPrint option one can output a well formatted JSON while marshalling:


And in Java DSL:

from("direct:inPretty").marshal().json(JsonLibrary.Jackson, true);

from("direct:inPretty").marshal().json(JsonLibrary.Gson, true);

Please note that as of Camel 2.16 there’re 5 different overloaded json() DSL methods which support the prettyPrint option in combination with other settings for JsonLibrary, unmarshalType, jsonView etc.
Integrating Jackson with Camel's TypeConverters

Available as of Camel 2.17

The camel-jackson module allows to integrate Jackson as a Type Converter in the Camel registry. This works in similar ways that camel-jaxb integrates with the type converter as well. However camel-jackson must be explicit enabled, which is done by setting some options on the CamelContext properties, as shown below:
// enable Jackson json type converter
getContext().getProperties().put("CamelJacksonEnableTypeConverter", "true");
// allow Jackson json to convert to pojo types also (by default jackson only converts to String and other simple types)
getContext().getProperties().put("CamelJacksonTypeConverterToPojo", "true");

The camel-jackson type converter integrates with JAXB which means you can annotate POJO class with JAXB annotations that Jackson can leverage.

Dependencies for XStream

To use JSON in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-xstream which implements this data format.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).


Dependencies for Jackson

To use JSON in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-jackson which implements this data format.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).


Dependencies for GSON

To use JSON in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-gson which implements this data format.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).


The Zip Data Format is a message compression and de-compression format. Messages marshalled using Zip compression can be unmarshalled using Zip decompression just prior to being consumed at the endpoint. The compression capability is quite useful when you deal with large XML and Text based payloads. It facilitates more optimal use of network bandwidth while incurring a small cost in order to compress and decompress payloads at the endpoint.

About using with Files

The Zip data format, does not (yet) have special support for files. Which means that when using big files, the entire file content is loaded into memory.
This is subject to change in the future, to allow a streaming based solution to have a low memory footprint.






To specify a specific compression Level use settings. The possible settings are
          - Deflater.BEST_SPEED
          - Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION
          - Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION

If compressionLevel is not explicitly specified the compressionLevel employed is Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION

In this example we marshal a regular text/XML payload to a compressed payload employing zip compression Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION and send it an ActiveMQ queue called MY_QUEUE.

Alternatively if you would like to use the default setting you could send it as

In this example we unmarshal a zipped payload from an ActiveMQ queue called MY_QUEUE to its original format, and forward it for processing to the UnZippedMessageProcessor. Note that the compression Level employed during the marshalling should be identical to the one employed during unmarshalling to avoid errors.
from("activemq:queue:MY_QUEUE").unmarshal().zip().process(new UnZippedMessageProcessor());聽

This data format is provided in camel-core so no additional dependencies is needed.

TidyMarkup is a Data Format that uses the TagSoup to tidy up HTML. It can be used to parse ugly HTML and return it as pretty wellformed HTML.

Camel eats our own -dog food- soap

We had some issues in our pdf Manual where we had some strange symbols. So Jonathan used this data format to tidy up the wiki html pages that are used as base for rendering the pdf manuals. And then the mysterious symbols vanished.

TidyMarkup only supports the unmarshal operation as we really don't want to turn well formed HTML into ugly HTML (smile)
Java DSL Example

An example where the consumer provides some HTML
Spring XML Example

The following example shows how to use TidyMarkup to unmarshal using Spring




To use TidyMarkup in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-tagsoup which implements this data format.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).



The goal of this component is to allow the parsing/binding of non-structured data (or to be more precise non-XML data)
to/from Java Beans that have binding mappings defined with annotations. Using Bindy, you can bind data from sources such as :

    CSV records,
    Fixed-length records,
    FIX messages,
    or almost any other non-structured data

to one or many Plain Old Java Object (POJO). Bindy converts the data according to the type of the java property. POJOs can be linked together with one-to-many relationships available in some cases. Moreover, for data type like Date, Double, Float, Integer, Short, Long and BigDecimal, you can provide the pattern to apply during the formatting of the property.

For the BigDecimal numbers, you can also define the precision and the decimal or grouping separators.


Format Type

Pattern example








Decimal* = Double, Integer, Float, Short, Long

Format supported

This first release only support comma separated values fields and key value pair fields (e.g. : FIX messages).

To work with camel-bindy, you must first define your model in a package (e.g. com.acme.model) and for each model class (e.g. Order, Client, Instrument, ...) add the required annotations (described hereafter) to the Class or field.

Multiple models

If you use multiple models, each model has to be placed in it's own package to prevent unpredictable results.

From Camel 2.16 onwards this is no longer the case, as you can safely have multiple models in the same package, as you configure bindy using class names instead of package names now.

The annotations created allow to map different concept of your model to the POJO like :

    Type of record (csv, key value pair (e.g. FIX message), fixed length ...),
    Link (to link object in another object),
    DataField and their properties (int, type, ...),
    KeyValuePairField (for key = value format like we have in FIX financial messages),
    Section (to identify header, body and footer section),

This section will describe them :
1. CsvRecord

The CsvRecord annotation is used to identified the root class of the model. It represents a record = a line of a CSV file and can be linked to several children model classes.

Annotation name

Record type





Parameter name





mandatory - can be ',' or ';' or 'anything'. This value is interpreted as a regular expression. If you want to use a sign which has a special meaning in regular expressions, e.g. the '|' sign, than you have to mask it, like '



optional - default value = false - allow to skip the first line of the CSV file



optional - possible values = WINDOWS,UNIX,MAC, or custom; default value = WINDOWS - allow to define the carriage return character to use. If you specify a value other than the three listed before, the value you enter (custom) will be used as the CRLF character(s)



optional - default value = false - uses to generate the header columns of the CSV generates



Camel 2.13/2.12.2: optional - default value = false - if enabled then the last column is auto spanned to end of line, for example if its a comment, etc this allows the line to contain all characters, also the delimiter char.



optional - default value = false - allow to change the order of the fields when CSV is generated



Camel 2.8.3/2.9: option - allow to specify a quote character of the fields when CSV is generated



This annotation is associated to the root class of the model and must be declared one time.
quoting    boolean    Camel 2.11:optional - default value = false - Indicate if the values must be quoted when marshaling when CSV is generated.

case 1 : separator = ','

The separator used to segregate the fields in the CSV record is ',' :

10, J, Pauline, M, XD12345678, Fortis Dynamic 15/15, 2500, USD,08-01-2009
@CsvRecord( separator = "," )
public Class Order {

case 2 : separator = ';'

Compare to the previous case, the separator here is ';' instead of ',' :

10; J; Pauline; M; XD12345678; Fortis Dynamic 15/15; 2500; USD; 08-01-2009
@CsvRecord( separator = ";" )
public Class Order {

case 3 : separator = '|'

Compare to the previous case, the separator here is '|' instead of ';' :

10| J| Pauline| M| XD12345678| Fortis Dynamic 15/15| 2500| USD| 08-01-2009
@CsvRecord( separator = "\\|" )
public Class Order {

case 4 : separator = '\",\"'
Applies for Camel 2.8.2 or older

When the field to be parsed of the CSV record contains ',' or ';' which is also used as separator, we whould find another strategy
to tell camel bindy how to handle this case. To define the field containing the data with a comma, you will use simple or double quotes
as delimiter (e.g : '10', 'Street 10, NY', 'USA' or "10", "Street 10, NY", "USA").
Remark : In this case, the first and last character of the line which are a simple or double quotes will removed by bindy

"10","J","Pauline"," M","XD12345678","Fortis Dynamic 15,15" 2500","USD","08-01-2009"
@CsvRecord( separator = "\",\"" )
public Class Order {

From Camel 2.8.3/2.9 or never bindy will automatic detect if the record is enclosed with either single or double quotes and automatic remove those quotes when unmarshalling from CSV to Object. Therefore do not include the quotes in the separator, but simple do as below:

"10","J","Pauline"," M","XD12345678","Fortis Dynamic 15,15" 2500","USD","08-01-2009"
@CsvRecord( separator = "," )
public Class Order {

Notice that if you want to marshal from Object to CSV and use quotes, then you need to specify which quote character to use, using the quote attribute on the @CsvRecord as shown below:
@CsvRecord( separator = ",", quote = "\"" )
public Class Order {

case 5 : separator & skipfirstline

The feature is interesting when the client wants to have in the first line of the file, the name of the data fields :

order id, client id, first name, last name, isin code, instrument name, quantity, currency, date

To inform bindy that this first line must be skipped during the parsing process, then we use the attribute :
@CsvRecord(separator = ",", skipFirstLine = true)
public Class Order {

case 6 : generateHeaderColumns

To add at the first line of the CSV generated, the attribute generateHeaderColumns must be set to true in the annotation like this :
@CsvRecord( generateHeaderColumns = true )
public Class Order {

As a result, Bindy during the unmarshaling process will generate CSV like this :

order id, client id, first name, last name, isin code, instrument name, quantity, currency, date
10, J, Pauline, M, XD12345678, Fortis Dynamic 15/15, 2500, USD,08-01-2009

case 7 : carriage return

If the platform where camel-bindy will run is not Windows but Macintosh or Unix, than you can change the crlf property like this. Three values are available : WINDOWS, UNIX or MAC
@CsvRecord(separator = ",", crlf="MAC")
public Class Order {

Additionally, if for some reason you need to add a different line ending character, you can opt to specify it using the crlf parameter. In the following example, we can end the line with a comma followed by the newline character:
@CsvRecord(separator = ",", crlf=",\n")
public Class Order {

case 8 : isOrdered

Sometimes, the order to follow during the creation of the CSV record from the model is different from the order used during the parsing. Then, in this case, we can use the attribute isOrdered = true to indicate this in combination with attribute 'position' of the DataField annotation.
@CsvRecord(isOrdered = true)
public Class Order {
   @DataField(pos = 1, position = 11)
   private int orderNr;
   @DataField(pos = 2, position = 10)
   private String clientNr;

Remark : pos is used to parse the file, stream while positions is used to generate the CSV
2. Link

The link annotation will allow to link objects together.

Annotation name

Record type




Class & Property

Parameter name





optional - by default the value is LinkType.oneToOne - so you are not obliged to mention it



Only one-to-one relation is allowed.

e.g : If the model Class Client is linked to the Order class, then use annotation Link in the Order class like this :
Property Link
@CsvRecord(separator = ",")
public class Order {
    @DataField(pos = 1)
    private int orderNr;
    private Client client;

AND for the class Client :
Class Link
public class Client {
3. DataField

The DataField annotation defines the property of the field. Each datafield is identified by its position in the record, a type (string, int, date, ...) and optionally of a pattern

Annotation name

Record type





Parameter name





mandatory - The input position of the field. digit number starting from 1 to ... - See the position parameter.



optional - default value = "" - will be used to format Decimal, Date, ...



optional - represents the length of the field for fixed length format



optional - represents the precision to be used when the Decimal number will be formatted/parsed



optional - default value = "" - is used by the Java formatter (SimpleDateFormat by example) to format/validate data. If using pattern, then setting locale on bindy data format is recommended. Either set to a known locale such as "us" or use "default" to use platform default locale. Notice that "default" requires Camel 2.14/2.13.3/2.12.5.



optional - must be used when the position of the field in the CSV generated (output message) must be different compare to input position (pos). See the pos parameter.



optional - default value = "false"



optional - default value = "false"



Camel 2.10: optional - default value = "" - defines the field's default value when the respective CSV field is empty/not available



Camel 2.11: optional - default value = "false" - Indicates if there is a decimal point implied at a specified location



Camel 2.11: optional - can be used to identify a data field in a fixed-length record that defines the fixed length for this field



Camel 2.11: optional - can be used to demarcate the end of a variable-length field within a fixed-length record

case 1 : pos

This parameter/attribute represents the position of the field in the csv record
@CsvRecord(separator = ",")
public class Order {
    @DataField(pos = 1)
    private int orderNr;
    @DataField(pos = 5)
    private String isinCode;

As you can see in this example the position starts at '1' but continues at '5' in the class Order. The numbers from '2' to '4' are defined in the class Client (see here after).
Position continues in another model class
public class Client {
    @DataField(pos = 2)
    private String clientNr;
    @DataField(pos = 3)
    private String firstName;
    @DataField(pos = 4)
    private String lastName;

case 2 : pattern

The pattern allows to enrich or validates the format of your data
@CsvRecord(separator = ",")
public class Order {
    @DataField(pos = 1)
    private int orderNr;
    @DataField(pos = 5)
    private String isinCode;
    @DataField(name = "Name", pos = 6)
    private String instrumentName;
    @DataField(pos = 7, precision = 2)
    private BigDecimal amount;
    @DataField(pos = 8)
    private String currency;
    @DataField(pos = 9, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy") -- pattern used during parsing or when the date is created
    private Date orderDate;

case 3 : precision

The precision is helpful when you want to define the decimal part of your number
@CsvRecord(separator = ",")
public class Order {
    @DataField(pos = 1)
    private int orderNr;
    private Client client;
    @DataField(pos = 5)
    private String isinCode;
    @DataField(name = "Name", pos = 6)
    private String instrumentName;
    @DataField(pos = 7, precision = 2) -- precision
    private BigDecimal amount;
    @DataField(pos = 8)
    private String currency;
    @DataField(pos = 9, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy")
    private Date orderDate;

case 4 : Position is different in output

The position attribute will inform bindy how to place the field in the CSV record generated. By default, the position used corresponds to the position defined with the attribute 'pos'. If the position is different (that means that we have an asymetric processus comparing marshaling from unmarshaling) than we can use 'position' to indicate this.

Here is an example
Position is different in output
@CsvRecord(separator = ",")
public class Order {
@CsvRecord(separator = ",", isOrdered = true)
public class Order {
    // Positions of the fields start from 1 and not from 0
    @DataField(pos = 1, position = 11)
    private int orderNr;
    @DataField(pos = 2, position = 10)
    private String clientNr;
    @DataField(pos = 3, position = 9)
    private String firstName;
    @DataField(pos = 4, position = 8)
    private String lastName;
    @DataField(pos = 5, position = 7)
    private String instrumentCode;
    @DataField(pos = 6, position = 6)
    private String instrumentNumber;

This attribute of the annotation @DataField must be used in combination with attribute isOrdered = true of the annotation @CsvRecord

case 5 : required

If a field is mandatory, simply use the attribute 'required' setted to true
@CsvRecord(separator = ",")
public class Order {
    @DataField(pos = 1)
    private int orderNr;
    @DataField(pos = 2, required = true)
    private String clientNr;
    @DataField(pos = 3, required = true)
    private String firstName;
    @DataField(pos = 4, required = true)
    private String lastName;

If this field is not present in the record, than an error will be raised by the parser with the following information :

Some fields are missing (optional or mandatory), line :

case 6 : trim

If a field has leading and/or trailing spaces which should be removed before they are processed, simply use the attribute 'trim' setted to true
@CsvRecord(separator = ",")
public class Order {
    @DataField(pos = 1, trim = true)
    private int orderNr;
    @DataField(pos = 2, trim = true)
    private Integer clientNr;
    @DataField(pos = 3, required = true)
    private String firstName;
    @DataField(pos = 4)
    private String lastName;

case 7 : defaultValue

If a field is not defined then uses the value indicated by the defaultValue attribute
Default value
@CsvRecord(separator = ",")
public class Order {
    @DataField(pos = 1)
    private int orderNr;
    @DataField(pos = 2)
    private Integer clientNr;
    @DataField(pos = 3, required = true)
    private String firstName;
    @DataField(pos = 4, defaultValue = "Barin")
    private String lastName;

This attribute is only applicable to optional fields.
4. FixedLengthRecord

The FixedLengthRecord annotation is used to identified the root class of the model. It represents a record = a line of a file/message containing data fixed length formatted and can be linked to several children model classes. This format is a bit particular beause data of a field can be aligned to the right or to the left.
When the size of the data does not fill completely the length of the field, we can then add 'padd' characters.

Annotation name

Record type





Parameter name





optional - possible values = WINDOWS,UNIX,MAC, or custom; default value = WINDOWS - allow to define the carriage return character to use. If you specify a value other than the three listed before, the value you enter (custom) will be used as the CRLF character(s)



mandatory - default value = ' '



mandatory = size of the fixed length record



Camel 2.11 - optional - Indicates that the record(s) of this type may be preceded by a single header record at the beginning of the file / stream



Camel 2.11 - optional - Indicates that the record(s) of this type may be followed by a single footer record at the end of the file / stream



Camel 2.11 - optional - Configures the data format to skip marshalling / unmarshalling of the header record. Configure this parameter on the primary record (e.g., not the header or footer).



Camel 2.11 - optional - Configures the data format to skip marshalling / unmarshalling of the footer record Configure this parameter on the primary record (e.g., not the header or footer)..



Camel 2.11 - optional - Identifies this FixedLengthRecord as a header record



Camel 2.11 - optional - Identifies this FixedLengthRecords as a footer record



Camel 2.11.1 - optional - Indicates that characters beyond the last mapped filed can be ignored when unmarshalling / parsing.



This annotation is associated to the root class of the model and must be declared one time.

The hasHeader/hasFooter parameters are mutually exclusive with isHeader/isFooter. A record may not be both a header/footer and a primary fixed-length record.

case 1 : Simple fixed length record

This simple example shows how to design the model to parse/format a fixed message

@FixedLengthRecord(length=54, paddingChar=' ')
 public static class Order {
     @DataField(pos = 1, length=2)
     private int orderNr;
     @DataField(pos = 3, length=2)
     private String clientNr;
     @DataField(pos = 5, length=7)
     private String firstName;
     @DataField(pos = 12, length=1, align="L")
     private String lastName;
     @DataField(pos = 13, length=4)
     private String instrumentCode;
     @DataField(pos = 17, length=10)
     private String instrumentNumber;
     @DataField(pos = 27, length=3)
     private String orderType;
     @DataField(pos = 30, length=5)
     private String instrumentType;
     @DataField(pos = 35, precision = 2, length=7)
     private BigDecimal amount;
     @DataField(pos = 42, length=3)
     private String currency;
     @DataField(pos = 45, length=10, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy")
     private Date orderDate;

case 2 : Fixed length record with alignment and padding

This more elaborated example show how to define the alignment for a field and how to assign a padding character which is ' ' here''

10A9 PaulineM ISINXD12345678BUYShare2500.45USD01-08-2009
@FixedLengthRecord(length=60, paddingChar=' ')
 public static class Order {
     @DataField(pos = 1, length=2)
     private int orderNr;
     @DataField(pos = 3, length=2)
     private String clientNr;
     @DataField(pos = 5, length=9)
     private String firstName;
     @DataField(pos = 14, length=5, align="L")   // align text to the LEFT zone of the block
     private String lastName;
     @DataField(pos = 19, length=4)
     private String instrumentCode;
     @DataField(pos = 23, length=10)
     private String instrumentNumber;
     @DataField(pos = 33, length=3)
     private String orderType;
     @DataField(pos = 36, length=5)
     private String instrumentType;
     @DataField(pos = 41, precision = 2, length=7)
     private BigDecimal amount;
     @DataField(pos = 48, length=3)
     private String currency;
     @DataField(pos = 51, length=10, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy")
     private Date orderDate;

case 3 : Field padding

Sometimes, the default padding defined for record cannnot be applied to the field as we have a number format where we would like to padd with '0' instead of ' '. In this case, you can use in the model the attribute paddingField to set this value.

10A9 PaulineM ISINXD12345678BUYShare000002500.45USD01-08-2009
@FixedLengthRecord(length = 65, paddingChar = ' ')
public static class Order {
    @DataField(pos = 1, length = 2)
    private int orderNr;
    @DataField(pos = 3, length = 2)
    private String clientNr;
    @DataField(pos = 5, length = 9)
    private String firstName;
    @DataField(pos = 14, length = 5, align = "L")
    private String lastName;
    @DataField(pos = 19, length = 4)
    private String instrumentCode;
    @DataField(pos = 23, length = 10)
    private String instrumentNumber;
    @DataField(pos = 33, length = 3)
    private String orderType;
    @DataField(pos = 36, length = 5)
    private String instrumentType;
    @DataField(pos = 41, precision = 2, length = 12, paddingChar = '0')
    private BigDecimal amount;
    @DataField(pos = 53, length = 3)
    private String currency;
    @DataField(pos = 56, length = 10, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy")
    private Date orderDate;

case 4: Fixed length record with delimiter

Fixed-length records sometimes have delimited content within the record. The firstName and lastName fields are delimited with the '^' character in the following example:

public static class Order {
    @DataField(pos = 1, length = 2)
    private int orderNr;
    @DataField(pos = 2, length = 2)
    private String clientNr;
    @DataField(pos = 3, delimiter = "^")
    private String firstName;
    @DataField(pos = 4, delimiter = "^")
    private String lastName;
    @DataField(pos = 5, length = 4)
    private String instrumentCode;
    @DataField(pos = 6, length = 10)
    private String instrumentNumber;
    @DataField(pos = 7, length = 3)
    private String orderType;
    @DataField(pos = 8, length = 5)
    private String instrumentType;
    @DataField(pos = 9, precision = 2, length = 12, paddingChar = '0')
    private BigDecimal amount;
    @DataField(pos = 10, length = 3)
    private String currency;
    @DataField(pos = 11, length = 10, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy")
    private Date orderDate;

As of Camel 2.11 the 'pos' value(s) in a fixed-length record may optionally be defined using ordinal, sequential values instead of precise column numbers.

case 5 : Fixed length record with record-defined field length

Occasionally a fixed-length record may contain a field that define the expected length of another field within the same record. In the following example the length of the instrumentNumber field value is defined by the value of instrumentNumberLen field in the record.

public static class Order {
    @DataField(pos = 1, length = 2)
    private int orderNr;
    @DataField(pos = 2, length = 2)
    private String clientNr;
    @DataField(pos = 3, delimiter = "^")
    private String firstName;
    @DataField(pos = 4, delimiter = "^")
    private String lastName;
    @DataField(pos = 5, length = 4)
    private String instrumentCode;
    @DataField(pos = 6, length = 2, align = "R", paddingChar = '0')
    private int instrumentNumberLen;
    @DataField(pos = 7, lengthPos=6)
    private String instrumentNumber;
    @DataField(pos = 8, length = 3)
    private String orderType;
    @DataField(pos = 9, length = 5)
    private String instrumentType;
    @DataField(pos = 10, precision = 2, length = 12, paddingChar = '0')
    private BigDecimal amount;
    @DataField(pos = 11, length = 3)
    private String currency;
    @DataField(pos = 12, length = 10, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy")
    private Date orderDate;

case 6 : Fixed length record with header and footer

Bindy will discover fixed-length header and footer records that are configured as part of the model – provided that the annotated classes exist either in the same package as the primary @FixedLengthRecord class, or within one of the configured scan packages. The following text illustrates two fixed-length records that are bracketed by a header record and footer record.

10A9 PaulineM ISINXD12345678BUYShare000002500.45USD01-08-2009
10A9 RichN ISINXD12345678BUYShare000002700.45USD01-08-2009
@FixedLengthRecord(hasHeader = true, hasFooter = true)
public class Order {
    @DataField(pos = 1, length = 2)
    private int orderNr;
    @DataField(pos = 2, length = 2)
    private String clientNr;
    @DataField(pos = 3, length = 9)
    private String firstName;
    @DataField(pos = 4, length = 5, align = "L")
    private String lastName;
    @DataField(pos = 5, length = 4)
    private String instrumentCode;
    @DataField(pos = 6, length = 10)
    private String instrumentNumber;
    @DataField(pos = 7, length = 3)
    private String orderType;
    @DataField(pos = 8, length = 5)
    private String instrumentType;
    @DataField(pos = 9, precision = 2, length = 12, paddingChar = '0')
    private BigDecimal amount;
    @DataField(pos = 10, length = 3)
    private String currency;
    @DataField(pos = 11, length = 10, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy")
    private Date orderDate;
@FixedLengthRecord(isHeader = true)
public  class OrderHeader {
    @DataField(pos = 1, length = 1)
    private int recordType = 1;
    @DataField(pos = 2, length = 10, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy")
    private Date recordDate;
@FixedLengthRecord(isFooter = true)
public class OrderFooter {
    @DataField(pos = 1, length = 1)
    private int recordType = 9;
    @DataField(pos = 2, length = 9, align = "R", paddingChar = '0')
    private int numberOfRecordsInTheFile;

case 7 : Skipping content when parsing a fixed length record. (Camel 2.11.1)

It is common to integrate with systems that provide fixed-length records containing more information than needed for the target use case. It is useful in this situation to skip the declaration and parsing of those fields that we do not need. To accomodate this, Bindy will skip forward to the next mapped field within a record if the 'pos' value of the next declared field is beyond the cursor position of the last parsed field. Using absolute 'pos' locations for the fields of interest (instead of ordinal values) causes Bindy to skip content between two fields.

Similarly, it is possible that none of the content beyond some field is of interest. In this case, you can tell Bindy to skip parsing of everything beyond the last mapped field by setting the ignoreTrailingChars property on the @FixedLengthRecord declaration.
@FixedLengthRecord(ignoreTrailingChars = true)
public static class Order {
        @DataField(pos = 1, length = 2)
        private int orderNr;
        @DataField(pos = 3, length = 2)
        private String clientNr;
    ... any characters that appear beyond the last mapped field will be ignored
5. Message

The Message annotation is used to identified the class of your model who will contain key value pairs fields. This kind of format is used mainly in Financial Exchange Protocol Messages (FIX). Nevertheless, this annotation can be used for any other format where data are identified by keys. The key pair values are separated each other by a separator which can be a special character like a tab delimitor (unicode representation : \u0009) or a start of heading (unicode representation : \u0001)

"FIX information"

More information about FIX can be found on this web site : To work with FIX messages, the model must contain a Header and Trailer classes linked to the root message class which could be a Order class. This is not mandatory but will be very helpful when you will use camel-bindy in combination with camel-fix which is a Fix gateway based on quickFix project

Annotation name

Record type



key value pair


Parameter name





mandatory - can be '=' or ';' or 'anything'



mandatory - can be '\u0001', '\u0009', '#' or 'anything'



optional - possible values = WINDOWS,UNIX,MAC, or custom; default value = WINDOWS - allow to define the carriage return character to use. If you specify a value other than the three listed before, the value you enter (custom) will be used as the CRLF character(s)



optional - define the type of message (e.g. FIX, EMX, ...)



optional - version of the message (e.g. 4.1)



optional - default value = false - allow to change the order of the fields when FIX message is generated



This annotation is associated to the message class of the model and must be declared one time.

case 1 : separator = 'u0001'

The separator used to segregate the key value pair fields in a FIX message is the ASCII '01' character or in unicode format '\u0001'. This character must be escaped a second time to avoid a java runtime error. Here is an example :

8=FIX.4.1 9=20 34=1 35=0 49=INVMGR 56=BRKR 1=BE.CHM.001 11=CHM0001-01 22=4 ...

and how to use the annotation
FIX - message
@Message(keyValuePairSeparator = "=", pairSeparator = "\u0001", type="FIX", version="4.1")
public class Order {

Look at test cases

The ASCII character like tab, ... cannot be displayed in WIKI page. So, have a look to the test case of camel-bindy to see exactly how the FIX message looks like (src\test\data\fix\fix.txt) and the Order, Trailer, Header classes (src\test\java\org\apache\camel\dataformat\bindy\model\fix\simple\
6. KeyValuePairField

The KeyValuePairField annotation defines the property of a key value pair field. Each KeyValuePairField is identified by a tag (= key) and its value associated, a type (string, int, date, ...), optionaly a pattern and if the field is required

Annotation name

Record type



Key Value Pair - FIX


Parameter name





mandatory - digit number identifying the field in the message - must be unique



optional - default value = "" - will be used to format Decimal, Date, ...



optional - digit number - represents the precision to be used when the Decimal number will be formatted/parsed



optional - must be used when the position of the key/tag in the FIX message must be different



optional - default value = "false"



Camel 2.11: optional - default value = "false" - Indicates if there is a decimal point implied at a specified location

case 1 : tag

This parameter represents the key of the field in the message
FIX message - Tag
@Message(keyValuePairSeparator = "=", pairSeparator = "\u0001", type="FIX", version="4.1")
public class Order {
    @Link Header header;
    @Link Trailer trailer;
    @KeyValuePairField(tag = 1) // Client reference
    private String Account;
    @KeyValuePairField(tag = 11) // Order reference
    private String ClOrdId;
    @KeyValuePairField(tag = 22) // Fund ID type (Sedol, ISIN, ...)
    private String IDSource;
    @KeyValuePairField(tag = 48) // Fund code
    private String SecurityId;
    @KeyValuePairField(tag = 54) // Movement type ( 1 = Buy, 2 = sell)
    private String Side;
    @KeyValuePairField(tag = 58) // Free text
    private String Text;

case 2 : Different position in output

If the tags/keys that we will put in the FIX message must be sorted according to a predefine order, then use the attribute 'position' of the annotation @KeyValuePairField
FIX message - Tag - sort
@Message(keyValuePairSeparator = "=", pairSeparator = "\\u0001", type = "FIX", version = "4.1", isOrdered = true)
public class Order {
    @Link Header header;
    @Link Trailer trailer;
    @KeyValuePairField(tag = 1, position = 1) // Client reference
    private String account;
    @KeyValuePairField(tag = 11, position = 3) // Order reference
    private String clOrdId;
7. Section

In FIX message of fixed length records, it is common to have different sections in the representation of the information : header, body and section. The purpose of the annotation @Section is to inform bindy about which class of the model represents the header (= section 1), body (= section 2) and footer (= section 3)

Only one attribute/parameter exists for this annotation.

Annotation name

Record type





Parameter name





digit number identifying the section position

case 1 : Section

A. Definition of the header section
FIX message - Section - Header
@Section(number = 1)
public class Header {
    @KeyValuePairField(tag = 8, position = 1) // Message Header
    private String beginString;
    @KeyValuePairField(tag = 9, position = 2) // Checksum
    private int bodyLength;

B. Definition of the body section
FIX message - Section - Body
@Section(number = 2)
@Message(keyValuePairSeparator = "=", pairSeparator = "\\u0001", type = "FIX", version = "4.1", isOrdered = true)
public class Order {
    @Link Header header;
    @Link Trailer trailer;
    @KeyValuePairField(tag = 1, position = 1) // Client reference
    private String account;
    @KeyValuePairField(tag = 11, position = 3) // Order reference
    private String clOrdId;

C. Definition of the footer section
FIX message - Section - Footer
@Section(number = 3)
public class Trailer {
    @KeyValuePairField(tag = 10, position = 1)
    // CheckSum
    private int checkSum;
    public int getCheckSum() {
        return checkSum;
8. OneToMany

The purpose of the annotation @OneToMany is to allow to work with a List field defined a POJO class or from a record containing repetitive groups.

Restrictions OneToMany

Be careful, the one to many of bindy does not allow to handle repetitions defined on several levels of the hierarchy

The relation OneToMany ONLY WORKS in the following cases :

    Reading a FIX message containing repetitive groups (= group of tags/keys)
    Generating a CSV with repetitive data

Annotation name

Record type





Parameter name





optional - string - class name associated to the type of the List

case 1 : Generating CSV with repetitive data

Here is the CSV output that we want :

Claus,Ibsen,Camel in Action 1,2010,35
Claus,Ibsen,Camel in Action 2,2012,35
Claus,Ibsen,Camel in Action 3,2013,35
Claus,Ibsen,Camel in Action 4,2014,35

Remark : the repetitive data concern the title of the book and its publication date while first, last name and age are common

and the classes used to modeling this. The Author class contains a List of Book.
Generate CSV with repetitive data
public class Author {
    @DataField(pos = 1)
    private String firstName;
    @DataField(pos = 2)
    private String lastName;
    private List books;
    @DataField(pos = 5)
    private String Age;
public class Book {
    @DataField(pos = 3)
    private String title;
    @DataField(pos = 4)
    private String year;

Very simple isn't it !!!

case 2 : Reading FIX message containing group of tags/keys

Here is the message that we would like to process in our model :

"8=FIX 4.19=2034=135=049=INVMGR56=BRKR"
"1=BE.CHM.00111=CHM0001-0158=this is a camel - bindy test"

tags 22, 48 and 54 are repeated

and the code
Reading FIX message containing group of tags/keys
public class Order {
    @Link Header header;
    @Link Trailer trailer;
    @KeyValuePairField(tag = 1) // Client reference
    private String account;
    @KeyValuePairField(tag = 11) // Order reference
    private String clOrdId;
    @KeyValuePairField(tag = 58) // Free text
    private String text;
    @OneToMany(mappedTo = "org.apache.camel.dataformat.bindy.model.fix.complex.onetomany.Security")
    List securities;
public class Security {
    @KeyValuePairField(tag = 22) // Fund ID type (Sedol, ISIN, ...)
    private String idSource;
    @KeyValuePairField(tag = 48) // Fund code
    private String securityCode;
    @KeyValuePairField(tag = 54) // Movement type ( 1 = Buy, 2 = sell)
    private String side;
Using the Java DSL

The next step consists in instantiating the DataFormat bindy class associated with this record type and providing Java package name(s) as parameter.

For example the following uses the class BindyCsvDataFormat (who correspond to the class associated with the CSV record type) which is configured with "com.acme.model"
package name to initialize the model objects configured in this package.
// Camel 2.15 or older (configure by package name)
DataFormat bindy = new BindyCsvDataFormat("com.acme.model");

// Camel 2.16 onwards (configure by class name)
DataFormat bindy = new BindyCsvDataFormat(com.acme.model.MyModel.class);
Setting locale

Bindy supports configuring the locale on the dataformat, such as
// Camel 2.15 or older (configure by package name)
BindyCsvDataFormat bindy = new BindyCsvDataFormat("com.acme.model");
// Camel 2.16 onwards (configure by class name)
BindyCsvDataFormat bindy = new BindyCsvDataFormat(com.acme.model.MyModel.class);

Or to use the platform default locale then use "default" as the locale name. Notice this requires Camel 2.14/2.13.3/2.12.5.
// Camel 2.15 or older (configure by package name)
BindyCsvDataFormat bindy = new BindyCsvDataFormat("com.acme.model");
// Camel 2.16 onwards (configure by class name)
BindyCsvDataFormat bindy = new BindyCsvDataFormat(com.acme.model.MyModel.class);

for older releases you can set it using Java code as shown
// Camel 2.15 or older (configure by package name)
BindyCsvDataFormat bindy = new BindyCsvDataFormat("com.acme.model");
// Camel 2.16 onwards (configure by class name)
BindyCsvDataFormat bindy = new BindyCsvDataFormat(com.acme.model.MyModel.class);

Alternatively, you can use a named reference to a data format which can then be defined in your Registry e.g. your Spring XML file:

The Camel route will pick-up files in the inbox directory, unmarshall CSV records into a collection of model objects and send the collection
to the route referenced by 'handleOrders'.

The collection returned is a List of Map objects. Each Map within the list contains the model objects that were marshalled out of each line of the CSV. The reason behind this is that each line can correspond to more than one object. This can be confusing when you simply expect one object to be returned per line.

Each object can be retrieve using its class name.
List> unmarshaledModels = (List>) exchange.getIn().getBody();
int modelCount = 0;
for (Map model : unmarshaledModels) {
  for (String className : model.keySet()) {
     Object obj = model.get(className);"Count : " + modelCount + ", " + obj.toString());
}"Total CSV records received by the csv bean : " + modelCount);

Assuming that you want to extract a single Order object from this map for processing in a route, you could use a combination of a Splitter and a Processor as per the following:
        .process(new Processor() {
            public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
                Message in = exchange.getIn();
                Map modelMap = (Map) in.getBody();

To generate CSV records from a collection of model objects, you create the following route :
Using Spring XML

This is really easy to use Spring as your favorite DSL language to declare the routes to be used for camel-bindy. The following example shows two routes where the first will pick-up records from files, unmarshal the content and bind it to their model. The result is then send to a pojo (doing nothing special) and place them into a queue.

The second route will extract the pojos from the queue and marshal the content to generate a file containing the csv record. The example above is for using Camel 2.16 onwards.
spring dsl







Be careful

Please verify that your model classes implements serializable otherwise the queue manager will raise an error

To use Bindy in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-bindy which implements this data format.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).


XMLSecurity Data Format

The XMLSecurity Data Format facilitates encryption and decryption of XML payloads at the Document, Element, and Element Content levels (including simultaneous multi-node encryption/decryption using XPath). To sign messages using the XML Signature specification, please see the Camel XML Security component.

The encryption capability is based on formats supported using the Apache XML Security (Santuario) project. Symmetric encryption/decryption is currently supported using Triple-DES and AES (128, 192, and 256) encryption formats. Additional formats can be easily added later as needed. This capability allows Camel users to encrypt/decrypt payloads while being dispatched or received along a route.

Available as of Camel 2.9
The XMLSecurity Data Format supports asymmetric key encryption. In this encryption model a symmetric key is generated and used to perform XML content encryption or decryption. This "content encryption key" is then itself encrypted using an asymmetric encryption algorithm that leverages the recipient's public key as the "key encryption key". Use of an asymmetric key encryption algorithm ensures that only the holder of the recipient's private key can access the generated symmetric encryption key. Thus, only the private key holder can decode the message. The XMLSecurity Data Format handles all of the logic required to encrypt and decrypt the message content and encryption key(s) using asymmetric key encryption.

The XMLSecurity Data Format also has improved support for namespaces when processing the XPath queries that select content for encryption. A namespace definition mapping can be included as part of the data format configuration. This enables true namespace matching, even if the prefix values in the XPath query and the target xml document are not equivalent strings.
Basic Options






The XPath reference to the XML Element selected for encryption/decryption. If no tag is specified, the entire payload is encrypted/decrypted.



A boolean value to specify whether the XML Element is to be encrypted or the contents of the XML Element

    false = Element Level
    true = Element Content Level



A String used as passPhrase to encrypt/decrypt content. The passPhrase has to be provided. If no passPhrase is specified, a default passPhrase is used. The passPhrase needs to be put together in conjunction with the appropriate encryption algorithm. For example using TRIPLEDES the passPhase can be a "Only another 24 Byte key"



The cipher algorithm to be used for encryption/decryption of the XML message content. The available choices are:

    XMLCipher.AES_128_GCM Camel 2.12
    XMLCipher.AES_192_GCM Camel 2.12
    XMLCipher.AES_256_GCM Camel 2.12
    XMLCipher.SEED_128 Camel 2.15
    XMLCipher.CAMELLIA_128, XMLCipher.CAMELLIA_192, XMLCipher.CAMELLIA_256 Camel 2.15



A map of namespace values indexed by prefix. The index values must match the prefixes used in the secureTag XPath query.
Asymmetric Encryption Options

These options can be applied in addition to relevant the Basic options to use asymmetric key encryption.






The key alias to be used when retrieving the recipient's public or private key from a KeyStore when performing asymmetric key encryption or decryption.


Camel 2.12 XMLCipher.RSA_OAEP

The cipher algorithm to be used for encryption/decryption of the asymmetric key. The available choices are:




Configuration options for creating and loading a KeyStore instance that represents the sender's trustStore or recipient's keyStore.



Camel 2.10.2 / 2.11: The password to be used for retrieving the private key from the KeyStore. This key is used for asymmetric decryption.



Camel 2.12 The digest algorithm to use with the RSA OAEP algorithm. The available choices are:




Camel 2.12 The MGF Algorithm to use with the RSA OAEP algorithm. The available choices are:


addKeyValueForEncryptedKey    true    Camel 2.14.1 Whether to add the public key used to encrypt the session key as a KeyValue in the EncryptedKey structure or not.
Key Cipher Algorithm

As of Camel 2.12.0, the default Key Cipher Algorithm is now XMLCipher.RSA_OAEP instead of XMLCipher.RSA_v1dot5. Usage of XMLCipher.RSA_v1dot5 is discouraged due to various attacks. Requests that use RSA v1.5 as the key cipher algorithm will be rejected unless it has been explicitly configured as the key cipher algorithm.

In order to encrypt the payload, the marshal processor needs to be applied on the route followed by the secureXML() tag.

In order to decrypt the payload, the unmarshal processor needs to be applied on the route followed by the secureXML() tag.

Given below are several examples of how marshalling could be performed at the Document, Element, and Content levels.
Full Payload encryption/decryption
Partial Payload Content Only encryption/decryption
String tagXPATH = "//cheesesites/italy/cheese";
boolean secureTagContent = true;
    .marshal().secureXML(tagXPATH, secureTagContent)
    .unmarshal().secureXML(tagXPATH, secureTagContent)
Partial Multi Node Payload Content Only encryption/decryption
String tagXPATH = "//cheesesites/*/cheese";
boolean secureTagContent = true;
    .marshal().secureXML(tagXPATH, secureTagContent)
    .unmarshal().secureXML(tagXPATH, secureTagContent)
Partial Payload Content Only encryption/decryption with choice of passPhrase(password)
String tagXPATH = "//cheesesites/italy/cheese";
boolean secureTagContent = true;
String passPhrase = "Just another 24 Byte key";
    .marshal().secureXML(tagXPATH, secureTagContent, passPhrase)
    .unmarshal().secureXML(tagXPATH, secureTagContent, passPhrase)
Partial Payload Content Only encryption/decryption with passPhrase(password) and Algorithm
String tagXPATH = "//cheesesites/italy/cheese";
boolean secureTagContent = true;
String passPhrase = "Just another 24 Byte key";
String algorithm= XMLCipher.TRIPLEDES;
    .marshal().secureXML(tagXPATH, secureTagContent, passPhrase, algorithm)
    .unmarshal().secureXML(tagXPATH, secureTagContent, passPhrase, algorithm)
Partial Payload Content with Namespace support
Java DSL
final Map namespaces = new HashMap();
namespaces.put("cust", "");
final KeyStoreParameters tsParameters = new KeyStoreParameters();
context.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() {
           .marshal().secureXML("//cust:cheesesites/italy", namespaces, true, "recipient",
                                testCypherAlgorithm, XMLCipher.RSA_v1dot5, tsParameters)
Spring XML

A namespace prefix that is defined as part of the camelContext definition can be re-used in context within the data format secureTag attribute of the secureXML element.

Asymmetric Key Encryption
Spring XML Sender


Spring XML Recipient

                           keyPassword="privateKeyPassword" />


This data format is provided within the camel-xmlsecurity component.
The GZip Data Format is a message compression and de-compression format. It uses the same deflate algorithm that is used in Zip DataFormat, although some additional headers are provided. This format is produced by popular gzip/gunzip tool. Messages marshalled using GZip compression can be unmarshalled using GZip decompression just prior to being consumed at the endpoint. The compression capability is quite useful when you deal with large XML and Text based payloads or when you read messages previously comressed using gzip tool.

There are no options provided for this data format.

In this example we marshal a regular text/XML payload to a compressed payload employing gzip compression format and send it an ActiveMQ queue called MY_QUEUE.

In this example we unmarshal a gzipped payload from an ActiveMQ queue called MY_QUEUE to its original format, and forward it for processing to the UnGZippedMessageProcessor.
from("activemq:queue:MY_QUEUE").unmarshal().gzip().process(new UnGZippedMessageProcessor());

This data format is provided in camel-core so no additional dependencies is needed.

Available as of Camel 2.1

Castor is a Data Format which uses the Castor XML library to unmarshal an XML payload into Java objects or to marshal Java objects into an XML payload.

As usually you can use either Java DSL or Spring XML to work with Castor Data Format.
Using the Java DSL

For example the following uses a named DataFormat of Castor which uses default Castor data binding features.
CastorDataFormat castor = new CastorDataFormat ();

If you prefer to use a named reference to a data format which can then be defined in your Registry such as via your Spring XML file. e.g.

If you want to override default mapping schema by providing a mapping file you can set it as follows.
CastorDataFormat castor = new CastorDataFormat ();

Also if you want to have more control on Castor Marshaller and Unmarshaller you can access them as below.
Using Spring XML

The following example shows how to use Castor to unmarshal using Spring configuring the castor data type



This example shows how to configure the data type just once and reuse it on multiple routes. You have to set the element directly in .






Castor supports the following options








Encoding to use when marshalling an Object to XML




Whether validation is turned on or off.




Path to a Castor mapping file to load from the classpath.




Add additional packages to Castor XmlContext




Add additional class names to Castor XmlContext

To use Castor in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-castor which implements this data format.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).


Protobuf - Protocol Buffers

"Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format"

Available from Camel 2.2

Camel provides a Data Format to serialse between Java and the Protocol Buffer protocol. The project's site details why you may wish to choose this format over xml. Protocol Buffer is language-neutral and platform-neutral, so messages produced by your Camel routes may be consumed by other language implementations.

API Site
Protobuf Implementation
Protobuf Java Tutorial
Protobuf overview

This quick overview of how to use Protobuf. For more detail see the complete tutorial
Defining the proto format

The first step is to define the format for the body of your exchange. This is defined in a .proto file as so:
package org.apache.camel.component.protobuf;
option java_package = "org.apache.camel.component.protobuf";
option java_outer_classname = "AddressBookProtos";
message Person {
  required string name = 1;
  required int32 id = 2;
  optional string email = 3;
  enum PhoneType {
    MOBILE = 0;
    HOME = 1;
    WORK = 2;
  message PhoneNumber {
    required string number = 1;
    optional PhoneType type = 2 [default = HOME];
  repeated PhoneNumber phone = 4;
message AddressBook {
  repeated Person person = 1;
Generating Java classes

The Protobuf SDK provides a compiler which will generate the Java classes for the format we defined in our .proto file. You can run the compiler for any additional supported languages you require.

protoc --java_out=. ./addressbook.proto

This will generate a single Java class named AddressBookProtos which contains inner classes for Person and AddressBook. Builders are also implemented for you. The generated classes implement which is required by the serialisation mechanism. For this reason it important that only these classes are used in the body of your exchanges. Camel will throw an exception on route creation if you attempt to tell the Data Format to use a class that does not implement Use the generated builders to translate the data from any of your existing domain classes.
Java DSL

You can use create the ProtobufDataFormat instance and pass it to Camel DataFormat marshal and unmarsha API like this.
ProtobufDataFormat format = new ProtobufDataFormat(Person.getDefaultInstance());

Or use the DSL protobuf() passing the unmarshal default instance or default instance class name like this.
// You don't need to specify the default instance for protobuf marshaling              
    to ("mock:reverse");
Spring DSL

The following example shows how to use Castor to unmarshal using Spring configuring the protobuf data type




To use Protobuf in your camel routes you need to add the a dependency on camel-protobuf which implements this data format.

If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see the download page for the latest versions).


SOAP DataFormat

Available as of Camel 2.3

SOAP is a Data Format which uses JAXB2 and JAX-WS annotations to marshal and unmarshal SOAP payloads. It provides the basic features of Apache CXF without need for the CXF Stack.

Supported SOAP versions

SOAP 1.1 is supported by default. SOAP 1.2 is supported from Camel 2.11 onwards.

Namespace prefix mapping

See JAXB for details how you can control namespace prefix mappings when marshalling using SOAP data format.

An element name strategy is used for two purposes. The first is to find a xml element name for a given object and soap action when marshaling the object into a SOAP message. The second is to find an Exception class for a given soap fault name.




Uses a fixed qName that is configured on instantiation. Exception lookup is not supported


Uses the name and namespace from the @XMLType annotation of the given type. If no namespace is set then package-info is used. Exception lookup is not supported


Uses information from a webservice interface to determine the type name and to find the exception class for a SOAP fault

If you have generated the web service stub code with cxf-codegen or a similar tool then you probably will want to use the ServiceInterfaceStrategy. In the case you have no annotated service interface you should use QNameStrategy or TypeNameStrategy.
Using the Java DSL

The following example uses a named DataFormat of soap which is configured with the package com.example.customerservice to initialize the JAXBContext. The second parameter is the ElementNameStrategy. The route is able to marshal normal objects as well as exceptions. (Note the below just sends a SOAP Envelope to a queue. A web service provider would actually need to be listening to the queue for a SOAP call to actually occur, in which case it would be a one way SOAP request. If you need request reply then you should look at the next example.)
SoapJaxbDataFormat soap = new SoapJaxbDataFormat("com.example.customerservice", new ServiceInterfaceStrategy(CustomerService.class));

See also

As the SOAP dataformat inherits from the JAXB dataformat most settings apply here as well
Using SOAP 1.2

Available as of Camel 2.11
SoapJaxbDataFormat soap = new SoapJaxbDataFormat("com.example.customerservice", new ServiceInterfaceStrategy(CustomerService.class));

When using XML DSL there is a version attribute you can set on the element.


And in the Camel route



Multi-part Messages

Available as of Camel 2.8.1

Multi-part SOAP messages are supported by the ServiceInterfaceStrategy. The ServiceInterfaceStrategy must be initialized with a service interface definition that is annotated in accordance with JAX-WS 2.2 and meets the requirements of the Document Bare style. The target method must meet the following criteria, as per the JAX-WS specification: 1) it must have at most one in or in/out non-header parameter, 2) if it has a return type other than void it must have no in/out or out non-header parameters, 3) if it it has a return type of void it must have at most one in/out or out non-header parameter.

The ServiceInterfaceStrategy should be initialized with a boolean parameter that indicates whether the mapping strategy applies to the request parameters or response parameters.
ServiceInterfaceStrategy strat =  new ServiceInterfaceStrategy(com.example.customerservice.multipart.MultiPartCustomerService.class, true);
SoapJaxbDataFormat soapDataFormat = new SoapJaxbDataFormat("com.example.customerservice.multipart", strat);
Multi-part Request

The payload parameters for a multi-part request are initiazlied using a BeanInvocation object that reflects the signature of the target operation. The camel-soap DataFormat maps the content in the BeanInvocation to fields in the SOAP header and body in accordance with the JAX-WS mapping when the marshal() processor is invoked.
BeanInvocation beanInvocation = new BeanInvocation();
// Identify the target method
    GetCustomersByName.class, com.example.customerservice.multipart.Product.class));
// Populate the method arguments
GetCustomersByName getCustomersByName = new GetCustomersByName();
getCustomersByName.setName("Dr. Multipart");
Product product = new Product();
product.setName("Multiuse Product");
product.setDescription("Useful for lots of things.");
Object[] args = new Object[] {getCustomersByName, product};
// Add the arguments to the bean invocation
// Set the bean invocation object as the message body
Multi-part Response

A multi-part soap response may include an element in the soap body and will have one or more elements in the soap header. The camel-soap DataFormat will unmarshall the element in the soap body (if it exists) and place it onto the body of the out message in the exchange. Header elements will not be marshaled into their JAXB mapped object types. Instead, these elements are placed into the camel out message header org.apache.camel.dataformat.soap.UNMARSHALLED_HEADER_LIST. The elements will appear either as element instance values, or as JAXBElement values, depending upon the setting for the ignoreJAXBElement property. This property is inherited from camel-jaxb.

You can also have the camel-soap DataFormate ignore header content all-together by setting the ignoreUnmarshalledHeaders value to true.
Holder Object mapping

JAX-WS specifies the use of a type-parameterized object for In/Out and Out parameters. A Holder object may be used when building the BeanInvocation, or you may use an instance of the parameterized-type directly. The camel-soap DataFormat marshals Holder values in accordance with the JAXB mapping for the class of the Holder's value. No mapping is provided for Holder objects in an unmarshalled response.
Webservice client

The following route supports marshalling the request and unmarshalling a response or fault.
String WS_URI = "cxf://http://myserver/customerservice?serviceClass=com.example.customerservice&dataFormat=MESSAGE";
SoapJaxbDataFormat soapDF = new SoapJaxbDataFormat("com.example.customerservice", new ServiceInterfaceStrategy(CustomerService.class));

The below snippet creates a proxy for the service interface and makes a SOAP call to the above route.
import org.apache.camel.Endpoint;
import org.apache.camel.component.bean.ProxyHelper;
Endpoint startEndpoint = context.getEndpoint("direct:customerServiceClient");
ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
// CustomerService below is the service endpoint interface, *not* the subclass
CustomerService proxy = ProxyHelper.createProxy(startEndpoint, classLoader, CustomerService.class);
GetCustomersByNameResponse response = proxy.getCustomersByName(new GetCustomersByName());
Webservice Server

Using the following route sets up a webservice server that listens on jms queue customerServiceQueue and processes requests using the class CustomerServiceImpl. The customerServiceImpl of course should implement the interface CustomerService. Instead of directly instantiating the server class it could be defined in a spring context as a regular bean.
SoapJaxbDataFormat soapDF = new SoapJaxbDataFormat("com.example.customerservice", new ServiceInterfaceStrategy(CustomerService.class));
CustomerService serverBean = new CustomerServiceImpl();

To use the SOAP dataformat in your camel routes you need to add the following dependency to your pom.



Available as of Camel 2.3
PGP Available as of Camel 2.9

The Crypto Data Format integrates the Java Cryptographic Extension into Camel, allowing simple and flexible encryption and decryption of messages using Camel's familiar marshall and unmarshal formatting mechanism. It assumes marshalling to mean encryption to cyphertext and unmarshalling to mean decryption back to the original plaintext. This data format implements only symmetric (shared-key) encryption and decyption.








The JCE algorithm name indicating the cryptographic algorithm that will be used.



A JCE AlgorithmParameterSpec used to initialize the Cipher.




the size of the buffer used in the signature process.




The name of the JCE Security Provider that should be used.




A byte array containing the Initialization Vector that will be used to initialize the Cipher.




Flag indicating that the configured IV should be inlined into the encrypted data stream.




The JCE algorithm name indicating the Message Authentication algorithm.




Flag indicating that a Message Authentication Code should be calculated and appended to the encrypted data.
Basic Usage

At its most basic all that is required to encrypt/decrypt an exchange is a shared secret key. If one or more instances of the Crypto data format are configured with this key the format can be used to encrypt the payload in one route (or part of one) and decrypted in another. For example, using the Java DSL as follows:
KeyGenerator generator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DES");
CryptoDataFormat cryptoFormat = new CryptoDataFormat("DES", generator.generateKey());
In Spring the dataformat is configured first and then used in routes



Specifying the Encryption Algorithm

Changing the algorithm is a matter of supplying the JCE algorithm name. If you change the algorithm you will need to use a compatible key.
KeyGenerator generator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DES");
CryptoDataFormat cryptoFormat = new CryptoDataFormat("DES", generator.generateKey());
A list of the available algorithms in Java 7 is available via the Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation.
Specifying an Initialization Vector

Some crypto algorithms, particularly block algorithms, require configuration with an initial block of data known as an Initialization Vector. In the JCE this is passed as an AlgorithmParameterSpec when the Cipher is initialized. To use such a vector with the CryptoDataFormat you can configure it with a byte[] containing the required data e.g.
KeyGenerator generator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DES");
byte[] initializationVector = new byte[] {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07};
CryptoDataFormat cryptoFormat = new CryptoDataFormat("DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding", generator.generateKey());
or with spring, suppling a reference to a byte[]

The same vector is required in both the encryption and decryption phases. As it is not necessary to keep the IV a secret, the DataFormat allows for it to be inlined into the encrypted data and subsequently read out in the decryption phase to initialize the Cipher. To inline the IV set the /oinline flag.
KeyGenerator generator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DES");
byte[] initializationVector = new byte[] {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07};
SecretKey key = generator.generateKey();
CryptoDataFormat cryptoFormat = new CryptoDataFormat("DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding", key);
CryptoDataFormat decryptFormat = new CryptoDataFormat("DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding", key);
or with spring.
  inline="true" />

For more information of the use of Initialization Vectors, consult

Hashed Message Authentication Codes (HMAC)

To avoid attacks against the encrypted data while it is in transit the CryptoDataFormat can also calculate a Message Authentication Code for the encrypted exchange contents based on a configurable MAC algorithm. The calculated HMAC is appended to the stream after encryption. It is separated from the stream in the decryption phase. The MAC is recalculated and verified against the transmitted version to insure nothing was tampered with in transit.For more information on Message Authentication Codes see
KeyGenerator generator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DES");
CryptoDataFormat cryptoFormat = new CryptoDataFormat("DES", generator.generateKey());
or with spring.

By default the HMAC is calculated using the HmacSHA1 mac algorithm though this can be easily changed by supplying a different algorithm name. See here for how to check what algorithms are available through the configured security providers
KeyGenerator generator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DES");
CryptoDataFormat cryptoFormat = new CryptoDataFormat("DES", generator.generateKey());
or with spring.

Supplying Keys Dynamically

When using a Recipient list or similar EIP the recipient of an exchange can vary dynamically. Using the same key across all recipients may neither be feasible or desirable. It would be useful to be able to specify keys dynamically on a per exchange basis. The exchange could then be dynamically enriched with the key of its target recipient before being processed by the data format. To facilitate this the DataFormat allow for keys to be supplied dynamically via the message headers below

    CryptoDataFormat.KEY "CamelCryptoKey"

CryptoDataFormat cryptoFormat = new CryptoDataFormat("DES", null);
 * Note: the header containing the key should be cleared after
 * marshalling to stop it from leaking by accident and
 * potentially being compromised. The processor version below is
 * arguably better as the key is left in the header when you use
 * the DSL leaks the fact that camel encryption was used.
from("direct:key-in-header-decrypt").unmarshal(cryptoFormat).process(new Processor() {
    public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
or with spring.

PGP Message

The PGP Data Formater can create and decrypt/verify PGP Messages of the following PGP packet structure (entries in brackets are optional and ellipses indicate repetition, comma represents  sequential composition, and vertical bar separates alternatives):

    Public Key Encrypted Session Key ..., Symmetrically Encrypted Data | Sym. Encrypted and Integrity Protected Data, (Compressed Data,) (One Pass Signature ...,) Literal Data, (Signature ...,)

Since Camel 2.16.0 the Compressed Data packet is optional, before it was mandatory.

PGPDataFormat Options








The user ID of the key in the PGP keyring used during encryption. See also option keyUserids. Can also be only a part of a user ID. For example, if the user ID is "Test User " then you can use the part "Test User" or "" to address the user ID.




Since camel 2.12.2: PGP allows to encrypt the symmetric key by several asymmetric public receiver keys. You can specify here the User IDs or parts of User IDs of several public keys contained in the PGP keyring. If you just have one User ID, then you can also use the option keyUserid. The User ID specified in keyUserid and the User IDs in keyUserids will be merged together and the corresponding public keys will be used for the encryption.




Password used when opening the private key (not used for encryption).




Filename of the keyring; must be accessible as a classpath resource (but you can specify a location in the file system by using the "file:" prefix).




Since camel 2.12.1: encryption keyring; you can not set the keyFileName and encryptionKeyRing at the same time.




Since Camel 2.11.0; optional User ID of the key in the PGP keyring used for signing (during encryption) or signature verification (during decryption). During the signature verification process the specified User ID restricts the public keys from the public keyring which can be used for the verification. If no User ID is specified for the signature verficiation then any public key in the public keyring can be used for the verification. Can also be only a part of a user ID. For example, if the user ID is "Test User " then you can use the part "Test User" or "" to address the User ID.




Since Camel 2.12.3: optional list of User IDs of the key in the PGP keyring used for signing (during encryption) or signature verification (during decryption). You can specify here the User IDs or parts of User IDs of several keys contained in the PGP keyring. If you just have one User ID, then you can also use the option keyUserid. The User ID specified in keyUserid and the User IDs in keyUserids will be merged together and the corresponding keys will be used for the signing or signature verification. If the specified User IDs reference several keys then for each key a signature is added to the PGP result during the encryption-signing process. In the decryption-verifying process the list of User IDs restricts the list of public keys which can be used for signature verification. If the list of User IDs is empty then any public key in the public keyring can be used for the signature verification.




Since Camel 2.11.0: optional password used when opening the private key used for signing (during encryption).




Since Camel 2.11.0: optional filename of the keyring to use for signing (during encryption) or for signature verification (during decryption); must be accessible as a classpath resource (but you can specify a location in the file system by using the "file:" prefix).




Since camel 2.12.1: signature keyring; you can not set the signatureKeyFileName and signatureKeyRing at the same time.




Since camel 2.12.2: symmetric key encryption algorithm; possible values are defined in org.bouncycastle.bcpg.SymmetricKeyAlgorithmTags; for example 2 (= TRIPLE DES), 3 (= CAST5), 4 (= BLOWFISH), 6 (= DES), 7 (= AES_128). Only relevant for encrypting.




Since camel 2.12.2: compression algorithm; possible values are defined in org.bouncycastle.bcpg.CompressionAlgorithmTags; for example 0 (= UNCOMPRESSED), 1 (= ZIP), 2 (= ZLIB), 3 (= BZIP2). Only relevant for encrypting.




Since camel 2.12.2: signature hash algorithm; possible values are defined in org.bouncycastle.bcpg.HashAlgorithmTags; for example 2 (= SHA1), 8 (= SHA256), 9 (= SHA384), 10 (= SHA512), 11 (=SHA224). Only relevant for signing.




This option will cause PGP to base64 encode the encrypted text, making it available for copy/paste, etc.




Adds an integrity check/sign into the encryption file.




Since Camel 2.12.2: provides passphrases corresponding to user Ids. If no passpharase can be found from the option password or signaturePassword and from the headers CamelPGPDataFormatKeyPassword or CamelPGPDataFormatSignatureKeyPassword then the passphrase is fetched from the passphrase accessor. You provide a bean which implements the interface PGPPassphraseAccessor. A default implementation is given by DefaultPGPPassphraseAccessor. The passphrase accessor is especially useful in the decrypt case; see chapter 'PGP Decrypting/Verifying of Messages Encrypted/Signed by Different Private/Public Keys' below.




Since Camel 2.13.0: controls the behavior for verifying the signature during unmarshaling. There are three values possible:

    "optional": The PGP message may or may not contain signatures; if it does contain signatures, then a signature verification is executed. Use the constant PGPKeyAccessDataFormat.SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_OPTION_OPTIONAL.
    "required": The PGP message must contain at least one signature; if this is not the case an exception (PGPException) is thrown. A signature verification is executed. Use the constant PGPKeyAccessDataFormat.SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_OPTION_REQUIRED.
    "ignore": Contained signatures in the PGP message are ignored; no signature verification is executed. Use the constant PGPKeyAccessDataFormat.SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_OPTION_IGNORE.
    "no_signature_allowed": The PGP message must not contain a signature; otherwise an exception (PGPException) is thrown. Use the constant PGPKeyAccessDataFormat.SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_OPTION_NO_SIGNATURE_ALLOWED.

    String    "_CONSOLE"   

Since camel 2.15.0: Sets the file name for the literal data packet. Can be overwritten by the  header {@link Exchange#FILE_NAME}.

"_CONSOLE" indicates that the message is considered to be "for your eyes only". This advises that the message data is unusually sensitive, and the receiving program should process it more carefully, perhaps avoiding storing the received data to disk, for example.Only used for marshaling.




Since Camel 2.16.0: Indicator whether the PGP Message shall be created with or without a Compressed Data packet. If the value is set to false, then no Compressed Data packet is added and the compressionAlgorithm value is ignored. Only used for marshaling.
PGPDataFormat Message Headers

You can override the PGPDataFormat options by applying below headers into message dynamically.







Since Camel 2.11.0; filename of the keyring; will override existing setting directly on the PGPDataFormat.



Since Camel 2.12.1; the encryption keyring; will override existing setting directly on the PGPDataFormat.



Since Camel 2.11.0; the User ID of the key in the PGP keyring; will override existing setting directly on the PGPDataFormat.



Since camel 2.12.2: the User IDs of the key in the PGP keyring; will override existing setting directly on the PGPDataFormat.



Since Camel 2.11.0; password used when opening the private key; will override existing setting directly on the PGPDataFormat.



Since Camel 2.11.0; filename of the signature keyring; will override existing setting directly on the PGPDataFormat.



Since Camel 2.12.1; the signature keyring; will override existing setting directly on the PGPDataFormat.



Since Camel 2.11.0; the User ID of the signature key in the PGP keyring; will override existing setting directly on the PGPDataFormat.
CamelPGPDataFormatSignatureKeyUserids    List    Since Camel 2.12.3; the User IDs of the signature keys in the PGP keyring; will override existing setting directly on the PGPDataFormat.



Since Camel 2.11.0; password used when opening the signature private key; will override existing setting directly on the PGPDataFormat.



Since Camel 2.12.2; symmetric key encryption algorithm; will override existing setting directly on the PGPDataFormat.



Since Camel 2.12.2; signature hash algorithm; will override existing setting directly on the PGPDataFormat.



Since Camel 2.12.2; compression algorithm; will override existing setting directly on the PGPDataFormat.

    Integer    Since Camel 2.12.3;  number of public keys used for encrypting the symmectric key, set by PGPDataFormat during encryptiion process

    Integer    Since Camel 2.12.3;  number of private keys used for creating signatures, set by PGPDataFormat during signing process
Encrypting with PGPDataFormat

The following sample uses the popular PGP format for encrypting/decrypting files using the Bouncy Castle Java libraries:
// Public Key FileName
String keyFileName = getKeyFileName();
// Private Key FileName
String keyFileNameSec = getKeyFileNameSec();
// Keyring Userid Used to Encrypt
String keyUserid = getKeyUserId();
// Private key password
String keyPassword = getKeyPassword();
from("direct:inline").marshal().pgp(keyFileName, keyUserid).to("mock:encrypted").unmarshal()
        .pgp(keyFileNameSec, null, keyPassword).to("mock:unencrypted");
The following sample performs signing + encryption, and then signature verification + decryption. It uses the same keyring for both signing and encryption, but you can obviously use different keys:
PGPDataFormat pgpSignAndEncrypt = new PGPDataFormat();
PGPPassphraseAccessor passphraseAccessor = getPassphraseAccessor();
pgpSignAndEncrypt.setSignatureKeyUserid("Super "); // must be the exact user Id because passphrase is searched in accessor
PGPDataFormat pgpVerifyAndDecrypt = new PGPDataFormat();
pgpVerifyAndDecrypt.setSignatureKeyUserid(keyUserid); // restrict verification to public keys with certain User ID
Or using Spring:




To work with the previous example you need the following

    A public keyring file which contains the public keys used to encrypt the data
    A private keyring file which contains the keys used to decrypt the data
    The keyring password

Managing your keyring

To manage the keyring, I use the command line tools, I find this to be the simplest approach in managing the keys. There are also Java libraries available from if you would prefer to do it that way.

    Install the command line utilities on linux
    apt-get install gnupg

    Create your keyring, entering a secure password
    gpg --gen-key

    If you need to import someone elses public key so that you can encrypt a file for them.
    gpg --import
    The following files should now exist and can be used to run the example
    ls -l ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg

PGP Decrypting/Verifying of Messages Encrypted/Signed by Different Private/Public Keys

Since Camel 2.12.2.

A PGP Data Formater can decrypt/verify messages which have been encrypted by different public keys or signed by different private keys. Just, provide the corresponding private keys in the secret keyring, the corresponding public keys in the public keyring, and the passphrases in the passphrase accessor.
Map userId2Passphrase = new HashMap(2);
// add passphrases of several private keys whose corresponding public keys have been used to encrypt the messages
userId2Passphrase.put("UserIdOfKey1","passphrase1"); // you must specify the exact User ID!
PGPPassphraseAccessor passphraseAccessor = new PGPPassphraseAccessorDefault(userId2Passphrase);
PGPDataFormat pgpVerifyAndDecrypt = new PGPDataFormat();
// the method getSecKeyRing() provides the secret keyring as byte array containing the private keys
pgpVerifyAndDecrypt.setEncryptionKeyRing(getSecKeyRing()); // alternatively you can use setKeyFileName(keyfileName)
// the method getPublicKeyRing() provides the public keyring as byte array containing the public keys
pgpVerifyAndDecrypt.setSignatureKeyRing((getPublicKeyRing());  // alternatively you can use setSignatureKeyFileName(signatgureKeyfileName)
// it is not necessary to specify the encryption or signer  User Id
        .unmarshal(pgpVerifyAndDecrypt) // can decrypt/verify messages encrypted/signed by different private/public keys

    The functionality is especially useful to support the key exchange. If you want to exchange the private key for decrypting you can accept for a period of time messages which are either encrypted with the old or new corresponding public key. Or if the sender wants to exchange his signer private key, you can accept for a period of time, the old or new signer key.
    Technical background: The PGP encrypted data contains a Key ID of the public key which was used to encrypt the data. This Key ID can be used to locate the private key in the secret keyring to decrypt the data. The same mechanism is also used to locate the public key for verifying a signature. Therefore you no longer must specify User IDs for the unmarshaling.

Restricting the Signer Identities during PGP Signature Verification

Since Camel 2.12.3.

If you verify a signature you not only want to verify the correctness of the signature but you also want check that the signature comes from a certain identity or a specific set of identities. Therefore it is possible to restrict the number of public keys from the public keyring which can be used for the verification of a signature. 
Signature User IDs
// specify the User IDs of the expected signer identities
 List expectedSigUserIds = new ArrayList();
 expectedSigUserIds.add("Trusted company1");
 expectedSigUserIds.add("Trusted company2");

 PGPDataFormat pgpVerifyWithSpecificKeysAndDecrypt = new PGPDataFormat();
 pgpVerifyWithSpecificKeysAndDecrypt.setPassword("my password"); // for decrypting with private key
 pgpVerifyWithSpecificKeysAndDecrypt.setSignatureKeyUserids(expectedSigUserIds); // if you have only one signer identity then you can also use setSignatureKeyUserid("expected Signer")


    If the PGP content has several signatures the verification is successful as soon as one signature can be verified.
    If you do not want to restrict the signer identities for verification then do not specify the signature key User IDs. In this case all public keys in the public keyring are taken into account.

Several Signatures in One PGP Data Format

Since Camel 2.12.3.

The PGP specification allows that one PGP data format can contain several signatures from different keys. Since Camel 2.13.3 it is possible to create such kind of PGP content via specifying signature User IDs which relate to several private keys in the secret keyring.
Several Signatures
PGPDataFormat pgpSignAndEncryptSeveralSignerKeys = new PGPDataFormat();
 pgpSignAndEncryptSeveralSignerKeys.setKeyUserid(keyUserid); // for encrypting, you can also use setKeyUserids if you want to encrypt with several keys
 pgpSignAndEncryptSeveralSignerKeys.setSignaturePassword("sdude"); // here we assume that all private keys have the same password, if this is not the case then you can use setPassphraseAccessor
 List signerUserIds = new ArrayList();
 signerUserIds.add("company old key");
 signerUserIds.add("company new key");

Support of Sub-Keys and Key Flags in PGP Data Format Marshaler

Since Camel 2.12.3.
An OpenPGP V4 key can have a primary key and sub-keys. The usage of the keys is indicated by the so called Key Flags. For example, you can have a primary key with two sub-keys; the primary key shall only be used for certifying other keys (Key Flag 0x01), the first sub-key  shall only be used for signing (Key Flag 0x02), and the second sub-key shall only be used for encryption (Key Flag 0x04 or 0x08). The PGP Data Format marshaler takes into account these Key Flags of the primary key and sub-keys in order to determine the right key for signing and encryption. This is necessary because the primary key and its sub-keys have the same User IDs.
Support of Custom Key Accessors

Since Camel 2.13.0.
You can implement custom key accessors for encryption/signing. The above PGPDataFormat class selects in a certain predefined way the keys which should be used for signing/encryption or verifying/decryption. If you have special requirements how your keys should be selected you should use the PGPKeyAccessDataFormat class instead and implement the interfaces PGPPublicKeyAccessor and PGPSecretKeyAccessor as beans. There are default implementations DefaultPGPPublicKeyAccessor and DefaultPGPSecretKeyAccessor which cache the keys, so that not every time the keyring is parsed when the processor is called.

PGPKeyAccessDataFormat has the same options as PGPDataFormat except password, keyFileName, encryptionKeyRing, signaturePassword, signatureKeyFileName, and signatureKeyRing.

To use the Crypto dataformat in your camel routes you need to add the following dependency to your pom.


See Also

    Data Format
    Crypto (Digital Signatures)

Syslog DataFormat

Available as of Camel 2.6

The syslog dataformat is used for working with RFC3164 and RFC5424 messages.

This component supports the following:

    UDP consumption of syslog messages
    Agnostic data format using either plain String objects or SyslogMessage model objects.
    Type Converter from/to SyslogMessage and String
    Integration with the camel-mina component.
    Integration with the camel-netty component.
    Camel 2.14: Encoder and decoder for the camel-netty component.
    Camel 2.14: Support for RFC5424 also.

Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:


RFC3164 Syslog protocol

Syslog uses the user datagram protocol (UDP) 1 as its underlying transport layer mechanism.
The UDP port that has been assigned to syslog is 514.

To expose a Syslog listener service we reuse the existing camel-mina component or camel-netty where we just use the Rfc3164SyslogDataFormat to marshal and unmarshal messages. Notice that from Camel 2.14 onwards the syslog dataformat is renamed to SyslogDataFormat.
RFC5424 Syslog protocol

Available as of Camel 2.14

To expose a Syslog listener service we reuse the existing camel-mina component or camel-netty where we just use the SyslogDataFormat to marshal and unmarshal messages
Exposing a Syslog listener

In our Spring XML file, we configure an endpoint to listen for udp messages on port 10514, note that in netty we disable the defaultCodec, this
will allow a fallback to a NettyTypeConverter and delivers the message as an InputStream:




The same route using camel-mina




Sending syslog messages to a remote destination




See Also

    Configuring Camel
    Getting Started

Pattern Appendix

There now follows a breakdown of the various Enterprise Integration Patterns that Camel supports
Messaging Systems
Message Channel

Camel supports the Message Channel from the EIP patterns. The Message Channel is an internal implementation detail of the Endpoint interface and all interactions with the Message Channel are via the Endpoint interfaces.


In JMS, Message Channels are represented by topics and queues such as the following


This message channel can be then used within the JMS component

Using the Fluent Builders

Using the Spring XML Extensions


For more details see

    Message Endpoint

Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.

Camel supports the Message from the EIP patterns using the Message interface.

To support various message exchange patterns like one way Event Message and Request Reply messages Camel uses an Exchange interface which has a pattern property which can be set to InOnly for an Event Message which has a single inbound Message, or InOut for a Request Reply where there is an inbound and outbound message.

Here is a basic example of sending a Message to a route in InOnly and InOut modes

Requestor Code
getContext().createProducerTemplate().sendBody("direct:startInOnly", "Hello World");
String result = (String) getContext().createProducerTemplate().requestBody("direct:startInOut", "Hello World");

Route Using the Fluent Builders

Route Using the Spring XML Extensions




Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.
Pipes and Filters

Camel supports the Pipes and Filters from the EIP patterns in various ways.

With Camel you can split your processing across multiple independent Endpoint instances which can then be chained together.
Using Routing Logic

You can create pipelines of logic using multiple Endpoint or Message Translator instances as follows
from("direct:a").pipeline("direct:x", "direct:y", "direct:z", "mock:result");

Though pipeline is the default mode of operation when you specify multiple outputs in Camel. The opposite to pipeline is multicast; which fires the same message into each of its outputs. (See the example below).

In Spring XML you can use the element


In the above the pipeline element is actually unnecessary, you could use this...


Its just a bit more explicit. However if you wish to use to avoid a pipeline - to send the same message into multiple pipelines - then the element comes into its own.




In the above example we are routing from a single Endpoint to a list of different endpoints specified using URIs. If you find the above a bit confusing, try reading about the Architecture or try the Examples
Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.
Message Router

The Message Router from the EIP patterns allows you to consume from an input destination, evaluate some predicate then choose the right output destination.

The following example shows how to route a request from an input queue:a endpoint to either queue:b, queue:c or queue:d depending on the evaluation of various Predicate expressions

Using the Fluent Builders
RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() {

Using the Spring XML Extensions

                $foo = 'bar'

                $foo = 'cheese'




Choice without otherwise

If you use a choice without adding an otherwise, any unmatched exchanges will be dropped by default.
Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.
Message Translator

Camel supports the Message Translator from the EIP patterns by using an arbitrary Processor in the routing logic, by using a bean to perform the transformation, or by using transform() in the DSL. You can also use a Data Format to marshal and unmarshal messages in different encodings.

Using the Fluent Builders

You can transform a message using Camel's Bean Integration to call any method on a bean in your Registry such as your Spring XML configuration file as follows
  beanRef("myTransformerBean", "myMethodName").

Where the "myTransformerBean" would be defined in a Spring XML file or defined in JNDI etc. You can omit the method name parameter from beanRef() and the Bean Integration will try to deduce the method to invoke from the message exchange.

or you can add your own explicit Processor to do the transformation
from("direct:start").process(new Processor() {
    public void process(Exchange exchange) {
        Message in = exchange.getIn();
        in.setBody(in.getBody(String.class) + " World!");

or you can use the DSL to explicitly configure the transformation
from("direct:start").transform(body().append(" World!")).to("mock:result");

Use Spring XML

You can also use Spring XML Extensions to do a transformation. Basically any Expression language can be substituted inside the transform element as shown below

      ${in.body} extra data!


Or you can use the Bean Integration to invoke a bean


You can also use Templating to consume a message from one destination, transform it with something like Velocity or XQuery and then send it on to another destination. For example using InOnly (one way messaging)

If you want to use InOut (request-reply) semantics to process requests on the My.Queue queue on ActiveMQ with a template generated response, then sending responses back to the JMSReplyTo Destination you could use this.
Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.

    Content Enricher
    Using getIn or getOut methods on Exchange

Message Endpoint

Camel supports the Message Endpoint from the EIP patterns using the Endpoint interface.

When using the DSL to create Routes you typically refer to Message Endpoints by their URIs rather than directly using the Endpoint interface. Its then a responsibility of the CamelContext to create and activate the necessary Endpoint instances using the available Component implementations.

The following example route demonstrates the use of a File Consumer Endpoint and JMS Producer Endpoint

Using the Fluent Builders


Using the Spring XML Extensions


Dynamic To

Available as of Camel 2.16

There is a new that allows to send a message to a dynamic computed Endpoint using one or more Expression that are concat together. By default the Simple language is used to compute the endpoint. For example to send a message to a endpoint defined by a header you can do


And in Java DSL


You can also prefix the uri with a value because by default the uri is evaluated using the Simple language


And in Java DSL

In the example above we compute an endpoint that has prefix "mock:" and then the header foo is appended. So for example if the header foo has value order, then the endpoint is computed as "mock:order".

You can also use other languages than Simple such as XPath - this requires to prefix with language: as shown below (simple language is the default language). If you do not specify language: then the endpoint is a component name. And in some cases there is both a component and language with the same name such as xquery.


This is done by specifying the name of the language followed by a colon.

You can also concat multiple Language(s) together using the plus sign + such as shown below:


In the example above the uri is a combination of Simple language and XPath where the first part is simple (simple is default language). And then the plus sign separate to another language, where we specify the language name followed by a colon

You can concat as many languages as you want, just separate them with the plus sign

The Dynamic To has a few options you can configure
Name    Default Value    Description
uri         Mandatory: The uri to use. See above
pattern         To set a specific Exchange Pattern to use when sending to the endpoint. The original MEP is restored afterwards.
cacheSize         Allows to configure the cache size for the ProducerCache which caches producers for reuse. Will by default use the default cache size which is 1000. Setting the value to -1 allows to turn off the cache all together.
ignoreInvalidEndpoint    false    Whether to ignore an endpoint URI that could not be resolved. If disabled, Camel will throw an exception identifying the invalid endpoint URI.


For more details see

    Recipient List
    Wire Tap

Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.
Messaging Channels
Point to Point Channel

Camel supports the Point to Point Channel from the EIP patterns using the following components

    SEDA for in-VM seda based messaging
    JMS for working with JMS Queues for high performance, clustering and load balancing
    JPA for using a database as a simple message queue
    XMPP for point-to-point communication over XMPP (Jabber)
    and others

The following example demonstrates point to point messaging using the JMS component

Using the Fluent Builders


Using the Spring XML Extensions




Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.
Publish Subscribe Channel

Camel supports the Publish Subscribe Channel from the EIP patterns using for example the following components:

    JMS for working with JMS Topics for high performance, clustering and load balancing
    XMPP when using rooms for group communication
    SEDA for working with SEDA in the same CamelContext which can work in pub-sub, but allowing multiple consumers.
    VM as SEDA but for intra-JVM.

Using Routing Logic

Another option is to explicitly list the publish-subscribe relationship in your routing logic; this keeps the producer and consumer decoupled but lets you control the fine grained routing configuration using the DSL or Xml Configuration.

Using the Fluent Builders
RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() {
            .multicast().to("direct:b", "direct:c", "direct:d");

Using the Spring XML Extensions



Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.
Dead Letter Channel

Camel supports the Dead Letter Channel from the EIP patterns using the DeadLetterChannel processor which is an Error Handler.

Difference between Dead Letter Channel and Default Error Handler

The Default Error Handler does very little: it ends the Exchange immediately and propagates the thrown Exception back to the caller.

The Dead Letter Channel lets you control behaviors including redelivery, whether to propagate the thrown Exception to the caller (the handled option), and where the (failed) Exchange should now be routed to.

The Dead Letter Channel is also by default configured to not be verbose in the logs, so when a message is handled and moved to the dead letter endpoint, then there is nothing logged. If you want some level of logging you can use the various options on the redelivery policy / dead letter channel to configure this. For example if you want the message history then set logExhaustedMessageHistory=true (and logHandled=true for Camel 2.15.x or older).

When the DeadLetterChannel moves a message to the dead letter endpoint, any new Exception thrown is by default handled by the dead letter channel as well. This ensures that the DeadLetterChannel will always succeed. From Camel 2.15 onwards this behavior can be changed by setting the option deadLetterHandleNewException=false. Then if a new Exception is thrown, then the dead letter channel will fail and propagate back that new Exception (which is the behavior of the default error handler). When a new Exception occurs then the dead letter channel logs this at WARN level. This can be turned off by setting logNewException=false.

It is common for a temporary outage or database deadlock to cause a message to fail to process; but the chances are if its tried a few more times with some time delay then it will complete fine. So we typically wish to use some kind of redelivery policy to decide how many times to try redeliver a message and how long to wait before redelivery attempts.

The RedeliveryPolicy defines how the message is to be redelivered. You can customize things like

    how many times a message is attempted to be redelivered before it is considered a failure and sent to the dead letter channel
    the initial redelivery timeout
    whether or not exponential backoff is used (i.e. the time between retries increases using a backoff multiplier)
    whether to use collision avoidance to add some randomness to the timings
    delay pattern (see below for details)
    Camel 2.11: whether to allow redelivery during stopping/shutdown

Once all attempts at redelivering the message fails then the message is forwarded to the dead letter queue.
About moving Exchange to dead letter queue and using handled

Handled on Dead Letter Channel

When all attempts of redelivery have failed the Exchange is moved to the dead letter queue (the dead letter endpoint). The exchange is then complete and from the client point of view it was processed. As such the Dead Letter Channel have handled the Exchange.

For instance configuring the dead letter channel as:

Using the Fluent Builders

Using the Spring XML Extensions






The Dead Letter Channel above will clear the caused exception (setException(null)), by moving the caused exception to a property on the Exchange, with the key Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT. Then the Exchange is moved to the "jms:queue:dead" destination and the client will not notice the failure.
About moving Exchange to dead letter queue and using the original message

The option useOriginalMessage is used for routing the original input message instead of the current message that potentially is modified during routing.

For instance if you have this route:

The route listen for JMS messages and validates, transforms and handle it. During this the Exchange payload is transformed/modified. So in case something goes wrong and we want to move the message to another JMS destination, then we can configure our Dead Letter Channel with the useOriginalMessage option. But when we move the Exchange to this destination we do not know in which state the message is in. Did the error happen in before the transformOrder or after? So to be sure we want to move the original input message we received from jms:queue:order:input. So we can do this by enabling the useOriginalMessage option as shown below:
// will use original body

Then the messages routed to the jms:queue:dead is the original input. If we want to manually retry we can move the JMS message from the failed to the input queue, with no problem as the message is the same as the original we received.

When Dead Letter Channel is doing redeliver its possible to configure a Processor that is executed just before every redelivery attempt. This can be used for the situations where you need to alter the message before its redelivered. See below for sample.

onException and onRedeliver

We also support for per onException to set a onRedeliver. That means you can do special on redelivery for different exceptions, as opposed to onRedelivery set on Dead Letter Channel can be viewed as a global scope.
Redelivery default values

Redelivery is disabled by default.

The default redeliver policy will use the following values:

    redeliverDelay=1000L (1 second)
    maximumRedeliveryDelay = 60 * 1000L (60 seconds)
    And the exponential backoff and collision avoidance is turned off.
    The retriesExhaustedLogLevel are set to LoggingLevel.ERROR
    The retryAttemptedLogLevel are set to LoggingLevel.DEBUG
    Stack traces is logged for exhausted messages from Camel 2.2 onwards.
    Handled exceptions is not logged from Camel 2.3 onwards
    logExhaustedMessageHistory is true for default error handler, and false for dead letter channel.
    logExhaustedMessageBody Camel 2.17: is disabled by default to avoid logging sensitive message body/header details. If this option is true, then logExhaustedMessageHistory must also be true.

The maximum redeliver delay ensures that a delay is never longer than the value, default 1 minute. This can happen if you turn on the exponential backoff.

The maximum redeliveries is the number of re delivery attempts. By default Camel will try to process the exchange 1 + 5 times. 1 time for the normal attempt and then 5 attempts as redeliveries.
Setting the maximumRedeliveries to a negative value such as -1 will then always redelivery (unlimited).
Setting the maximumRedeliveries to 0 will disable any re delivery attempt.

Camel will log delivery failures at the DEBUG logging level by default. You can change this by specifying retriesExhaustedLogLevel and/or retryAttemptedLogLevel. See ExceptionBuilderWithRetryLoggingLevelSetTest for an example.

You can turn logging of stack traces on/off. If turned off Camel will still log the redelivery attempt. Its just much less verbose.
Redeliver Delay Pattern

Delay pattern is used as a single option to set a range pattern for delays. If used then the following options does not apply: (delay, backOffMultiplier, useExponentialBackOff, useCollisionAvoidance, maximumRedeliveryDelay).

The idea is to set groups of ranges using the following syntax: limit:delay;limit 2:delay 2;limit 3:delay 3;...;limit N:delay N

Each group has two values separated with colon

    limit = upper limit
    delay = delay in millis
    And the groups is again separated with semi colon.
    The rule of thumb is that the next groups should have a higher limit than the previous group.

Lets clarify this with an example:

That gives us 3 groups:


Resulting in these delays for redelivery attempt:

    Redelivery attempt number 1..4 = 0 millis (as the first group start with 5)
    Redelivery attempt number 5..9 = 1000 millis (the first group)
    Redelivery attempt number 10..19 = 5000 millis (the second group)
    Redelivery attempt number 20.. = 20000 millis (the last group)

Note: The first redelivery attempt is 1, so the first group should start with 1 or higher.

You can start a group with limit 1 to eg have a starting delay: delayPattern=1:1000;5:5000

    Redelivery attempt number 1..4 = 1000 millis (the first group)
    Redelivery attempt number 5.. = 5000 millis (the last group)

There is no requirement that the next delay should be higher than the previous. You can use any delay value you like. For example with delayPattern=1:5000;3:1000 we start with 5 sec delay and then later reduce that to 1 second.
Redelivery header

When a message is redelivered the DeadLetterChannel will append a customizable header to the message to indicate how many times its been redelivered.
Before Camel 2.6: The header is CamelRedeliveryCounter, which is also defined on the Exchange.REDELIVERY_COUNTER.
Starting with 2.6: The header CamelRedeliveryMaxCounter, which is also defined on the Exchange.REDELIVERY_MAX_COUNTER, contains the maximum redelivery setting. This header is absent if you use retryWhile or have unlimited maximum redelivery configured.

And a boolean flag whether it is being redelivered or not (first attempt)
The header CamelRedelivered contains a boolean if the message is redelivered or not, which is also defined on the Exchange.REDELIVERED.

Dynamically calculated delay from the exchange
In Camel 2.9 and 2.8.2: The header is CamelRedeliveryDelay, which is also defined on the Exchange.REDELIVERY_DELAY.
Is this header is absent, normal redelivery rules apply.
Which endpoint failed

Available as of Camel 2.1

When Camel routes messages it will decorate the Exchange with a property that contains the last endpoint Camel send the Exchange to:
String lastEndpointUri = exchange.getProperty(Exchange.TO_ENDPOINT, String.class);

The Exchange.TO_ENDPOINT have the constant value CamelToEndpoint.

This information is updated when Camel sends a message to any endpoint. So if it exists its the last endpoint which Camel send the Exchange to.

When for example processing the Exchange at a given Endpoint and the message is to be moved into the dead letter queue, then Camel also decorates the Exchange with another property that contains that last endpoint:
String failedEndpointUri = exchange.getProperty(Exchange.FAILURE_ENDPOINT, String.class);

The Exchange.FAILURE_ENDPOINT have the constant value CamelFailureEndpoint.

This allows for example you to fetch this information in your dead letter queue and use that for error reporting.
This is useable if the Camel route is a bit dynamic such as the dynamic Recipient List so you know which endpoints failed.

Notice: These information is kept on the Exchange even if the message was successfully processed by a given endpoint, and then later fails for example in a local Bean processing instead. So beware that this is a hint that helps pinpoint errors.

Now suppose the route above and a failure happens in the foo bean. Then the Exchange.TO_ENDPOINT and Exchange.FAILURE_ENDPOINT will still contain the value of http://someserver/somepath.

Available as of Camel 2.16

Before the exchange is sent to the dead letter queue, you can use onPrepare to allow a custom Processor to prepare the exchange, such as adding information why the Exchange failed. For example the following processor adds a header with the exception message
public static class MyPrepareProcessor implements Processor {
    public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
        Exception cause = exchange.getProperty(Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, Exception.class);
        exchange.getIn().setHeader("FailedBecause", cause.getMessage());

Then configure the error handler to use the processor as follows:
errorHandler(deadLetterChannel("jms:dead").onPrepareFailure(new MyPrepareProcessor()));


Configuring this from XML DSL is as shown:


The onPrepare is also available using the default error handler.
Which route failed

Available as of Camel 2.10.4/2.11

When Camel error handler handles an error such as Dead Letter Channel or using Exception Clause with handled=true, then Camel will decorate
the Exchange with the route id where the error occurred.
String failedRouteId = exchange.getProperty(Exchange.FAILURE_ROUTE_ID, String.class);

The Exchange.FAILURE_ROUTE_ID have the constant value CamelFailureRouteId.

This allows for example you to fetch this information in your dead letter queue and use that for error reporting.
Control if redelivery is allowed during stopping/shutdown

Available as of Camel 2.11

Prior to Camel 2.10, Camel will perform redelivery while stopping a route, or shutting down Camel. This has improved a bit in Camel 2.10 onwards, as Camel will not perform redelivery attempts when shutting down aggressively (eg during Graceful Shutdown and timeout hit). From Camel 2.11 onwards there is a new option allowRedeliveryWhileStopping which you can use to control if redelivery is allowed or not; notice that any in progress redelivery will still be executed. This option can only disallow any redelivery to be executed after the stopping of a route/shutdown of Camel has been triggered. If a redelivery is dissallowed then a RejectedExcutionException is set on the Exchange and the processing of the Exchange stops. This means any consumer will see the Exchange as failed due the RejectedExecutionException.

The default value is true to be backwards compatible as before. For example the following sample shows how to do this with Java DSL and XML DSL
// this error handler will try up till 20 redelivery attempts with 1 second between.
// however if we are stopping then do not allow any redeliver attempts.
    .throwException(new IllegalArgumentException("Forced"));
And the sample sample with XML DSL





The following example shows how to configure the Dead Letter Channel configuration using the DSL
RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() {
        // using dead letter channel with a seda queue for errors
        // here is our route
You can also configure the RedeliveryPolicy as this example shows
RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() {
        // configures dead letter channel to use seda queue for errors and use at most 2 redelveries
        // and exponential backoff
        // here is our route
How can I modify the Exchange before redelivery?

We support directly in Dead Letter Channel to set a Processor that is executed before each redelivery attempt.

When Dead Letter Channel is doing redeliver its possible to configure a Processor that is executed just before every redelivery attempt. This can be used for the situations where you need to alter the message before its redelivered.

Here we configure the Dead Letter Channel to use our processor MyRedeliveryProcessor to be executed before each redelivery.
// we configure our Dead Letter Channel to invoke
// MyRedeliveryProcessor before a redelivery is
// attempted. This allows us to alter the message before
        .onRedelivery(new MyRedeliverProcessor())
        // setting delay to zero is just to make unit testing faster
And this is the processor MyRedeliveryProcessor where we alter the message.
// This is our processor that is executed before every redelivery attempt
// here we can do what we want in the java code, such as altering the message
public class MyRedeliverProcessor implements Processor {
    public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
        // the message is being redelivered so we can alter it
        // we just append the redelivery counter to the body
        // you can of course do all kind of stuff instead
        String body = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
        int count = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.REDELIVERY_COUNTER, Integer.class);
        exchange.getIn().setBody(body + count);
        // the maximum redelivery was set to 5
        int max = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.REDELIVERY_MAX_COUNTER, Integer.class);
        assertEquals(5, max);
How can I log what caused the Dead Letter Channel to be invoked?

You often need to know what went wrong that caused the Dead Letter Channel to be used and it does not offer logging for this purpose. So the Dead Letter Channel's endpoint can be set to a endpoint of our own (such as direct:deadLetterChannel). We write a route to accept this Exchange and log the Exception, then forward on to where we want the failed Exchange moved to (which might be a DLQ queue for instance). See also

Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.

    Error Handler
    Exception Clause

Guaranteed Delivery

Camel supports the Guaranteed Delivery from the EIP patterns using among others the following components:

    File for using file systems as a persistent store of messages
    JMS when using persistent delivery (the default) for working with JMS Queues and Topics for high performance, clustering and load balancing
    JPA for using a database as a persistence layer, or use any of the many other database component such as SQL, JDBC, iBATIS/MyBatis, Hibernate
    HawtDB for a lightweight key-value persistent store


The following example demonstrates illustrates the use of Guaranteed Delivery within the JMS component. By default, a message is not considered successfully delivered until the recipient has persisted the message locally guaranteeing its receipt in the event the destination becomes unavailable.

Using the Fluent Builders


Using the Spring XML Extensions


Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.
Message Bus

Camel supports the Message Bus from the EIP patterns. You could view Camel as a Message Bus itself as it allows producers and consumers to be decoupled.

Folks often assume that a Message Bus is a JMS though so you may wish to refer to the JMS component for traditional MOM support.
Also worthy of note is the XMPP component for supporting messaging over XMPP (Jabber)

Of course there are also ESB products such as Apache ServiceMix which serve as full fledged message busses.
You can interact with Apache ServiceMix from Camel in many ways, but in particular you can use the NMR or JBI component to access the ServiceMix message bus directly.


The following demonstrates how the Camel message bus can be used to communicate with consumers and producers

Using the Fluent Builders


Using the Spring XML Extensions


Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.
Message Construction
Event Message

Camel supports the Event Message from the EIP patterns by supporting the Exchange Pattern on a Message which can be set to InOnly to indicate a oneway event message. Camel Components then implement this pattern using the underlying transport or protocols.

The default behaviour of many Components is InOnly such as for JMS, File or SEDA


See the related Request Reply message.
Explicitly specifying InOnly

If you are using a component which defaults to InOut you can override the Exchange Pattern for an endpoint using the pattern property.

From 2.0 onwards on Camel you can specify the Exchange Pattern using the DSL.

Using the Fluent Builders

or you can invoke an endpoint with an explicit pattern

Using the Spring XML Extensions



Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.
Request Reply

Camel supports the Request Reply from the EIP patterns by supporting the Exchange Pattern on a Message which can be set to InOut to indicate a request/reply. Camel Components then implement this pattern using the underlying transport or protocols.

For example when using JMS with InOut the component will by default perform these actions

    create by default a temporary inbound queue
    set the JMSReplyTo destination on the request message
    set the JMSCorrelationID on the request message
    send the request message
    consume the response and associate the inbound message to the request using the JMSCorrelationID (as you may be performing many concurrent request/responses).


See the related Event Message message
Explicitly specifying InOut

When consuming messages from JMS a Request-Reply is indicated by the presence of the JMSReplyTo header.

You can explicitly force an endpoint to be in Request Reply mode by setting the exchange pattern on the URI. e.g.

You can specify the exchange pattern in DSL rule or Spring configuration.
// Send to an endpoint using InOut
// Send to an endpoint using InOut
// Set the exchange pattern to InOut, then send it from direct:inOnly to mock:result endpoint
// Or we can pass the pattern as a parameter to the to() method
from("direct:testToWithInOnlyParam").to(ExchangePattern.InOnly, "mock:result");
from("direct:testToWithInOutParam").to(ExchangePattern.InOut, "mock:result");
from("direct:testToWithRobustInOnlyParam").to(ExchangePattern.RobustInOnly, "mock:result");
// Set the exchange pattern to InOut, then send it on










Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.
Correlation Identifier

Camel supports the Correlation Identifier from the EIP patterns by getting or setting a header on a Message.

When working with the ActiveMQ or JMS components the correlation identifier header is called JMSCorrelationID. You can add your own correlation identifier to any message exchange to help correlate messages together to a single conversation (or business process).

The use of a Correlation Identifier is key to working with the Camel Business Activity Monitoring Framework and can also be highly useful when testing with simulation or canned data such as with the Mock testing framework

Some EIP patterns will spin off a sub message, and in those cases, Camel will add a correlation id on the Exchange as a property with they key Exchange.CORRELATION_ID, which links back to the source Exchange. For example the Splitter, Multicast, Recipient List, and Wire Tap EIP does this.

The following example demonstrates using the Camel JMSMessageID as the Correlation Identifier within a request/reply pattern in the JMS component

Using the Fluent Builders


Using the Spring XML Extensions


See Also


Return Address

Camel supports the Return Address from the EIP patterns by using the JMSReplyTo header.

For example when using JMS with InOut the component will by default return to the address given in JMSReplyTo.

Requestor Code
getMockEndpoint("mock:bar").expectedBodiesReceived("Bye World");
template.sendBodyAndHeader("direct:start", "World", "JMSReplyTo", "queue:bar");

Route Using the Fluent Builders
from("activemq:queue:foo").transform(body().prepend("Bye "));

Route Using the Spring XML Extensions



      Bye ${in.body}



For a complete example of this pattern, see this junit test case
Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.
Message Routing
Content Based Router

The Content Based Router from the EIP patterns allows you to route messages to the correct destination based on the contents of the message exchanges.

The following example shows how to route a request from an input seda:a endpoint to either seda:b, seda:c or seda:d depending on the evaluation of various Predicate expressions

Using the Fluent Builders


RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() {

See Why can I not use when or otherwise in a Java Camel route if you have problems with the Java DSL, accepting using when or otherwise.

Using the Spring XML Extensions


                $foo = 'bar'

                $foo = 'cheese'




For further examples of this pattern in use you could look at the junit test case

Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.
Message Filter

The Message Filter from the EIP patterns allows you to filter messages

The following example shows how to create a Message Filter route consuming messages from an endpoint called queue:a, which if the Predicate is true will be dispatched to queue:b

Using the Fluent Builders
RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() {

You can, of course, use many different Predicate languages such as XPath, XQuery, SQL or various Scripting Languages. Here is an XPath example

Here is another example of using a bean to define the filter behavior
    .filter().method(MyBean.class, "isGoldCustomer").to("mock:result").end()
public static class MyBean {
    public boolean isGoldCustomer(@Header("level") String level) {
        return level.equals("gold");

Using the Spring XML Extensions

            $foo = 'bar'


You can also use a method call expression (to call a method on a bean) in the Message Filter, as shown below:



filtered endpoint required inside tag

make sure you put the endpoint you want to filter (, etc.) before the closing tag or the filter will not be applied (in 2.8+, omitting this will result in an error)

For further examples of this pattern in use you could look at the junit test case
Using stop

Stop is a bit different than a message filter as it will filter out all messages and end the route entirely (filter only applies to its child processor). Stop is convenient to use in a Content Based Router when you for example need to stop further processing in one of the predicates.

In the example below we do not want to route messages any further that has the word Bye in the message body. Notice how we prevent this in the when predicate by using the .stop().
Knowing if Exchange was filtered or not

Available as of Camel 2.5

The Message Filter EIP will add a property on the Exchange that states if it was filtered or not.

The property has the key Exchange.FILTER_MATCHED, which has the String value of CamelFilterMatched. Its value is a boolean indicating true or false. If the value is true then the Exchange was routed in the filter block. This property will be visible within the Message Filter block who's Predicate matches (value set to true), and to the steps immediately following the Message Filter with the value set based on the results of the last Message Filter Predicate evaluated.

Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.
Dynamic Router

The Dynamic Router from the EIP patterns allows you to route messages while avoiding the dependency of the router on all possible destinations while maintaining its efficiency.

In Camel 2.5 we introduced a dynamicRouter in the DSL which is like a dynamic Routing Slip which evaluates the slip on-the-fly.


You must ensure the expression used for the dynamicRouter such as a bean, will return null to indicate the end. Otherwise the dynamicRouter will keep repeating endlessly.


Default Value




Delimiter used if the Expression returned multiple endpoints.



If an endpoint uri could not be resolved, should it be ignored. Otherwise Camel will thrown an exception stating the endpoint uri is not valid.



Camel 2.13.1/2.12.4: Allows to configure the cache size for the ProducerCache which caches producers for reuse in the routing slip. Will by default use the default cache size which is 1000. Setting the value to -1 allows to turn off the cache all together.
Dynamic Router in Camel 2.5 onwards

From Camel 2.5 the Dynamic Router will set a property (Exchange.SLIP_ENDPOINT) on the Exchange which contains the current endpoint as it advanced though the slip. This allows you to know how far we have processed in the slip. (It's a slip because the Dynamic Router implementation is based on top of Routing Slip).
Java DSL

In Java DSL you can use the dynamicRouter as shown below:
    // use a bean as the dynamic router
    .dynamicRouter(method(DynamicRouterTest.class, "slip"));

Which will leverage a Bean to compute the slip on-the-fly, which could be implemented as follows:
 * Use this method to compute dynamic where we should route next.
 * @param body the message body
 * @return endpoints to go, or null to indicate the end
public String slip(String body) {
    if (invoked == 1) {
        return "mock:a";
    } else if (invoked == 2) {
        return "mock:b,mock:c";
    } else if (invoked == 3) {
        return "direct:foo";
    } else if (invoked == 4) {
        return "mock:result";
    // no more so return null
    return null;

Mind that this example is only for show and tell. The current implementation is not thread safe. You would have to store the state on the Exchange, to ensure thread safety, as shown below:
 * Use this method to compute dynamic where we should route next.
 * @param body the message body
 * @param properties the exchange properties where we can store state between invocations
 * @return endpoints to go, or null to indicate the end
public String slip(String body, @Properties Map properties) {
    // get the state from the exchange properties and keep track how many times
    // we have been invoked
    int invoked = 0;
    Object current = properties.get("invoked");
    if (current != null) {
        invoked = Integer.valueOf(current.toString());
    // and store the state back on the properties
    properties.put("invoked", invoked);
    if (invoked == 1) {
        return "mock:a";
    } else if (invoked == 2) {
        return "mock:b,mock:c";
    } else if (invoked == 3) {
        return "direct:foo";
    } else if (invoked == 4) {
        return "mock:result";
    // no more so return null
    return null;

You could also store state as message headers, but they are not guaranteed to be preserved during routing, where as properties on the Exchange are. Although there was a bug in the method call expression, see the warning below.

Using beans to store state

Mind that in Camel 2.9.2 or older, when using a Bean the state is not propagated, so you will have to use a Processor instead. This is fixed in Camel 2.9.3 onwards.
Spring XML

The same example in Spring XML would be:




        Bye World


@DynamicRouter annotation

You can also use the @DynamicRouter annotation, for example the Camel 2.4 example below could be written as follows. The route method would then be invoked repeatedly as the message is processed dynamically. The idea is to return the next endpoint uri where to go. Return null to indicate the end. You can return multiple endpoints if you like, just as the Routing Slip, where each endpoint is separated by a delimiter.
public class MyDynamicRouter {
    @Consume(uri = "activemq:foo")
    public String route(@XPath("/customer/id") String customerId, @Header("Location") String location, Document body) {
        // query a database to find the best match of the endpoint based on the input parameteres
        // return the next endpoint uri, where to go. Return null to indicate the end.
Dynamic Router in Camel 2.4 or older

The simplest way to implement this is to use the RecipientList Annotation on a Bean method to determine where to route the message.
public class MyDynamicRouter {
    @Consume(uri = "activemq:foo")
    public List route(@XPath("/customer/id") String customerId, @Header("Location") String location, Document body) {
        // query a database to find the best match of the endpoint based on the input parameteres

In the above we can use the Parameter Binding Annotations to bind different parts of the Message to method parameters or use an Expression such as using XPath or XQuery.

The method can be invoked in a number of ways as described in the Bean Integration such as

    POJO Producing
    Spring Remoting
    Bean component

Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.
Recipient List

The Recipient List from the EIP patterns allows you to route messages to a number of dynamically specified recipients.

The recipients will receive a copy of the same Exchange, and Camel will execute them sequentially.


Default Value




Delimiter used if the Expression returned multiple endpoints. Camel 2.13 can be disabled using "false"



An AggregationStrategy that will assemble the replies from recipients into a single outgoing message from the Recipient List. By default Camel will use the last reply as the outgoing message. From Camel 2.12 onwards you can also use a POJO as the AggregationStrategy, see the Aggregate page for more details. If an exception is thrown from the aggregate method in the AggregationStrategy, then by default, that exception is not handled by the error handler. The error handler can be enabled to react if enabling the shareUnitOfWork option.



Camel 2.12: This option can be used to explicit declare the method name to use, when using POJOs as the AggregationStrategy. See the Aggregate page for more details.



Camel 2.12: If this option is false then the aggregate method is not used if there was no data to enrich. If this option is true then null values is used as the oldExchange (when no data to enrich), when using POJOs as the AggregationStrategy. See the Aggregate page for more details.



Camel 2.2: If enabled, messages are sent to the recipients concurrently. Note that the calling thread will still wait until all messages have been fully processed before it continues; it's the sending and processing of replies from recipients which happens in parallel.




Camel 2.14: If enabled then the aggregate method on AggregationStrategy can be called concurrently. Notice that this would require the implementation of AggregationStrategy to be implemented as thread-safe. By default this is false meaning that Camel synchronizes the call to the aggregate method. Though in some use-cases this can be used to archive higher performance when the AggregationStrategy is implemented as thread-safe.



Camel 2.2: A custom Thread Pool to use for parallel processing. Note that enabling this option implies parallel processing, so you need not enable that option as well.



Camel 2.2: Whether to immediately stop processing when an exception occurs. If disabled, Camel will send the message to all recipients regardless of any individual failures. You can process exceptions in an AggregationStrategy implementation, which supports full control of error handling.



Camel 2.3: Whether to ignore an endpoint URI that could not be resolved. If disabled, Camel will throw an exception identifying the invalid endpoint URI.



Camel 2.5: If enabled, Camel will process replies out-of-order - that is, in the order received in reply from each recipient. If disabled, Camel will process replies in the same order as specified by the Expression.



Camel 2.5: Specifies a processing timeout milliseconds. If the Recipient List hasn't been able to send and process all replies within this timeframe, then the timeout triggers and the Recipient List breaks out, with message flow continuing to the next element. Note that if you provide a TimeoutAwareAggregationStrategy, its timeout method is invoked before breaking out. Beware: If the timeout is reached with running tasks still remaining, certain tasks for which it is difficult for Camel to shut down in a graceful manner may continue to run. So use this option with a bit of care. We may be able to improve this functionality in future Camel releases.



Camel 2.8: A custom Processor to prepare the copy of the Exchange each recipient will receive. This allows you to perform arbitrary transformations, such as deep-cloning the message payload (or any other custom logic).



Camel 2.8: Whether the unit of work should be shared. See the same option on Splitter for more details.



Camel 2.13.1/2.12.4: Allows to configure the cache size for the ProducerCache which caches producers for reuse in the recipient list. Will by default use the default cache size which is 1000. Setting the value to -1 allows to turn off the cache all together.
Static Recipient List

The following example shows how to route a request from an input queue:a endpoint to a static list of destinations

Using Annotations
You can use the RecipientList Annotation on a POJO to create a Dynamic Recipient List. For more details see the Bean Integration.

Using the Fluent Builders
RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() {
            .multicast().to("direct:b", "direct:c", "direct:d");
Using the Spring XML Extensions



Dynamic Recipient List

Usually one of the main reasons for using the Recipient List pattern is that the list of recipients is dynamic and calculated at runtime. The following example demonstrates how to create a dynamic recipient list using an Expression (which in this case it extracts a named header value dynamically) to calculate the list of endpoints which are either of type Endpoint or are converted to a String and then resolved using the endpoint URIs.

Using the Fluent Builders
RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() {
The above assumes that the header contains a list of endpoint URIs. The following takes a single string header and tokenizes it
Iteratable value

The dynamic list of recipients that are defined in the header must be iteratable such as:

    a single String with values separated with comma
    any other type will be regarded as a single value

Using the Spring XML Extensions



For further examples of this pattern in use you could look at one of the junit test case
Using delimiter in Spring XML

In Spring DSL you can set the delimiter attribute for setting a delimiter to be used if the header value is a single String with multiple separated endpoints. By default Camel uses comma as delimiter, but this option lets you specify a customer delimiter to use instead.



So if myHeader contains a String with the value "activemq:queue:foo, activemq:topic:hello , log:bar" then Camel will split the String using the delimiter given in the XML that was comma, resulting into 3 endpoints to send to. You can use spaces between the endpoints as Camel will trim the value when it lookup the endpoint to send to.

Note: In Java DSL you use the tokenizer to archive the same. The route above in Java DSL:

In Camel 2.1 its a bit easier as you can pass in the delimiter as 2nd parameter:
from("direct:a").recipientList(header("myHeader"), "#");
Sending to multiple recipients in parallel

Available as of Camel 2.2

The Recipient List now supports parallelProcessing that for example Splitter also supports. You can use it to use a thread pool to have concurrent tasks sending the Exchange to multiple recipients concurrently.

And in Spring XML its an attribute on the recipient list tag.



Stop continuing in case one recipient failed

Available as of Camel 2.2

The Recipient List now supports stopOnException that for example Splitter also supports. You can use it to stop sending to any further recipients in case any recipient failed.

And in Spring XML its an attribute on the recipient list tag.



Note: You can combine parallelProcessing and stopOnException and have them both true.
Ignore invalid endpoints

Available as of Camel 2.3

The Recipient List now supports ignoreInvalidEndpoints which the Routing Slip also supports. You can use it to skip endpoints which is invalid.

And in Spring XML its an attribute on the recipient list tag.



Then lets say the myHeader contains the following two endpoints direct:foo,xxx:bar. The first endpoint is valid and works. However the 2nd is invalid and will just be ignored. Camel logs at INFO level about, so you can see why the endpoint was invalid.
Using custom AggregationStrategy

Available as of Camel 2.2

You can now use you own AggregationStrategy with the Recipient List. However its not that often you need that. What its good for is that in case you are using Request Reply messaging then the replies from the recipient can be aggregated. By default Camel uses UseLatestAggregationStrategy which just keeps that last received reply. What if you must remember all the bodies that all the recipients send back, then you can use your own custom aggregator that keeps those. Its the same principle as with the Aggregator EIP so check it out for details.
    .recipientList(header("myHeader")).aggregationStrategy(new MyOwnAggregationStrategy())

And in Spring XML its an attribute on the recipient list tag.





Knowing which endpoint when using custom AggregationStrategy

Available as of Camel 2.12

When using a custom AggregationStrategy then the aggregate method is always invoked in the sequential order (also if parallel processing is enabled) of the endpoints the Recipient List is using. However from Camel 2.12 this is easier to know as the newExchange Exchange has a property stored (key is Exchange.RECIPIENT_LIST_ENDPOINT with the uri of the Endpoint.
public Exchange aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange) {
    String uri = newExchange.getProperty(Exchange.RECIPIENT_LIST_ENDPOINT, String.class);
Using custom thread pool

Available as of Camel 2.2

A thread pool is only used for parallelProcessing. You supply your own custom thread pool via the ExecutorServiceStrategy (see Camel's Threading Model), the same way you would do it for the aggregationStrategy. By default Camel uses a thread pool with 10 threads (subject to change in a future version).
Using method call as recipient list

You can use a Bean to provide the recipients, for example:
from("activemq:queue:test").recipientList().method(MessageRouter.class, "routeTo");

And then MessageRouter:
public class MessageRouter {
    public String routeTo() {
        String queueName = "activemq:queue:test2";
        return queueName;

When you use a Bean then do not also use the @RecipientList annotation as this will in fact add yet another recipient list, so you end up having two. Do not do like this.
public class MessageRouter {
    public String routeTo() {
        String queueName = "activemq:queue:test2";
        return queueName;

Well you should only do like that above (using @RecipientList) if you route just route to a Bean which you then want to act as a recipient list.
So the original route can be changed to:
from("activemq:queue:test").bean(MessageRouter.class, "routeTo");

Which then would invoke the routeTo method and detect its annotated with @RecipientList and then act accordingly as if it was a recipient list EIP.
Using timeout

Available as of Camel 2.5

If you use parallelProcessing then you can configure a total timeout value in millis. Camel will then process the messages in parallel until the timeout is hit. This allows you to continue processing if one message is slow. For example you can set a timeout value of 20 sec.

Tasks may keep running

If the timeout is reached with running tasks still remaining, certain tasks for which it is difficult for Camel to shut down in a graceful manner may continue to run. So use this option with a bit of care. We may be able to improve this functionality in future Camel releases.

For example in the unit test below you can see we multicast the message to 3 destinations. We have a timeout of 2 seconds, which means only the last two messages can be completed within the timeframe. This means we will only aggregate the last two which yields a result aggregation which outputs "BC".
    .multicast(new AggregationStrategy() {
            public Exchange aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange) {
                if (oldExchange == null) {
                    return newExchange;
                String body = oldExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
                oldExchange.getIn().setBody(body + newExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class));
                return oldExchange;
        .parallelProcessing().timeout(250).to("direct:a", "direct:b", "direct:c")
    // use end to indicate end of multicast route

Timeout in other EIPs

This timeout feature is also supported by Splitter and both multicast and recipientList.

By default if a timeout occurs the AggregationStrategy is not invoked. However you can implement a specialized version
public interface TimeoutAwareAggregationStrategy extends AggregationStrategy {
     * A timeout occurred
     * @param oldExchange  the oldest exchange (is null on first aggregation as we only have the new exchange)
     * @param index        the index
     * @param total        the total
     * @param timeout      the timeout value in millis
    void timeout(Exchange oldExchange, int index, int total, long timeout);

This allows you to deal with the timeout in the AggregationStrategy if you really need to.

Timeout is total

The timeout is total, which means that after X time, Camel will aggregate the messages which has completed within the timeframe. The remainders will be cancelled. Camel will also only invoke the timeout method in the TimeoutAwareAggregationStrategy once, for the first index which caused the timeout.
Using onPrepare to execute custom logic when preparing messages

Available as of Camel 2.8

See details at Multicast
Using ExchangePattern in recipients

Available as of Camel 2.15

The recipient list will by default use the current Exchange Pattern. Though there can be use-cases where you want to send a message to a recipient using a different exchange pattern. For example you may have a route that initiates as a InOnly route, but want to use InOut exchange pattern with a recipient list. To do this in earlier Camel releases, you would need to change the exchange pattern before the recipient list, or use onPrepare option to alter the pattern. Now from Camel 2.15 onwards, you can configure the exchange pattern directly in the recipient endpoints.

For example in the route below we pickup new files (which will started as InOnly) and then route to a recipient list. As we want to use InOut with the ActiveMQ (JMS) endpoint we can now specify this using the exchangePattern=InOut option. Then the response form the JMS request/reply will then be continued routed, and thus the response is what will be stored in as a file in the outbox directory.
  // the exchange pattern is InOnly initially when using a file route

The recipient list will not alter the original exchange pattern. So in the example above the exchange pattern will still be InOnly when the message is routed to the file:outbox endpoint.

If you want to alter the exchange pattern permanently then use the .setExchangePattern option. See more details at Request Reply and Event Message.



Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.

The Splitter from the EIP patterns allows you split a message into a number of pieces and process them individually

You need to specify a Splitter as split(). In earlier versions of Camel, you need to use splitter().


Default Value




Refers to an AggregationStrategy to be used to assemble the replies from the sub-messages, into a single outgoing message from the Splitter. See the defaults described below in What the Splitter returns. From Camel 2.12 onwards you can also use a POJO as the AggregationStrategy, see the Aggregate page for more details. If an exception is thrown from the aggregate method in the AggregationStrategy, then by default, that exception is not handled by the error handler. The error handler can be enabled to react if enabling the shareUnitOfWork option.



Camel 2.12: This option can be used to explicit declare the method name to use, when using POJOs as the AggregationStrategy. See the Aggregate page for more details.



Camel 2.12: If this option is false then the aggregate method is not used for the very first splitted message. If this option is true then null values is used as the oldExchange (for the very first message splitted), when using POJOs as the AggregationStrategy. See the Aggregate page for more details.



If enabled then processing the sub-messages occurs concurrently. Note the caller thread will still wait until all sub-messages has been fully processed, before it continues.




Camel 2.14: If enabled then the aggregate method on AggregationStrategy can be called concurrently. Notice that this would require the implementation of AggregationStrategy to be implemented as thread-safe. By default this is false meaning that Camel synchronizes the call to the aggregate method. Though in some use-cases this can be used to archive higher performance when the AggregationStrategy is implemented as thread-safe.



Refers to a custom Thread Pool to be used for parallel processing. Notice if you set this option, then parallel processing is automatically implied, and you do not have to enable that option as well.



Camel 2.2: Whether or not to stop continue processing immediately when an exception occurred. If disable, then Camel continue splitting and process the sub-messages regardless if one of them failed. You can deal with exceptions in the AggregationStrategy class where you have full control how to handle that.



If enabled then Camel will split in a streaming fashion, which means it will split the input message in chunks. This reduces the memory overhead. For example if you split big messages its recommended to enable streaming. If streaming is enabled then the sub-message replies will be aggregated out-of-order, eg in the order they come back. If disabled, Camel will process sub-message replies in the same order as they where splitted.



Camel 2.5: Sets a total timeout specified in millis. If the Recipient List hasn't been able to split and process all replies within the given timeframe, then the timeout triggers and the Splitter breaks out and continues. Notice if you provide a TimeoutAwareAggregationStrategy then the timeout method is invoked before breaking out. If the timeout is reached with running tasks still remaining, certain tasks for which it is difficult for Camel to shut down in a graceful manner may continue to run. So use this option with a bit of care. We may be able to improve this functionality in future Camel releases.



Camel 2.8: Refers to a custom Processor to prepare the sub-message of the Exchange, before its processed. This allows you to do any custom logic, such as deep-cloning the message payload if that's needed etc.



Camel 2.8: Whether the unit of work should be shared. See further below for more details.
Exchange properties

The following properties are set on each Exchange that are split:






A split counter that increases for each Exchange being split. The counter starts from 0.



The total number of Exchanges that was splitted. This header is not applied for stream based splitting. From Camel 2.9 onwards this header is also set in stream based splitting, but only on the completed Exchange.



Camel 2.4: Whether or not this Exchange is the last.

The following example shows how to take a request from the direct:a endpoint the split it into pieces using an Expression, then forward each piece to direct:b

Using the Fluent Builders
RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() {
The splitter can use any Expression language so you could use any of the Languages Supported such as XPath, XQuery, SQL or one of the Scripting Languages to perform the split. e.g.

Using the Spring XML Extensions



For further examples of this pattern in use you could look at one of the junit test case
Splitting a Collection, Iterator or Array

A common use case is to split a Collection, Iterator or Array from the message. In the sample below we simply use an Expression to identify the value to split.

In Spring XML you can use the Simple language to identify the value to split.




Using Tokenizer from Spring XML Extensions*

You can use the tokenizer expression in the Spring DSL to split bodies or headers using a token. This is a common use-case, so we provided a special tokenizer tag for this.
In the sample below we split the body using a @ as separator. You can of course use comma or space or even a regex pattern, also set regex=true.



What the Splitter returns

Camel 2.2 or older:
The Splitter will by default return the last splitted message.

Camel 2.3 and newer
The Splitter will by default return the original input message.

For all versions
You can override this by suppling your own strategy as an AggregationStrategy. There is a sample on this page (Split aggregate request/reply sample). Notice its the same strategy as the Aggregator supports. This Splitter can be viewed as having a build in light weight Aggregator.
Parallel execution of distinct 'parts'

If you want to execute all parts in parallel you can use special notation of split() with two arguments, where the second one is a boolean flag if processing should be parallel. e.g.
XPathBuilder xPathBuilder = new XPathBuilder("//foo/bar");
from("activemq:my.queue").split(xPathBuilder, true).to("");

The boolean option has been refactored into a builder method parallelProcessing so its easier to understand what the route does when we use a method instead of true|false.
XPathBuilder xPathBuilder = new XPathBuilder("//foo/bar");
Stream based

Splitting big XML payloads

The XPath engine in Java and saxon will load the entire XML content into memory. And thus they are not well suited for very big XML payloads.
Instead you can use a custom Expression which will iterate the XML payload in a streamed fashion. From Camel 2.9 onwards you can use the Tokenizer language
which supports this when you supply the start and end tokens. From Camel 2.14, you can use the XMLTokenizer language which is specifically provided for tokenizing XML documents.

You can split streams by enabling the streaming mode using the streaming builder method.

You can also supply your custom splitter to use with streaming like this:
import static org.apache.camel.builder.ExpressionBuilder.beanExpression;
     .split(beanExpression(new MyCustomIteratorFactory(),  "iterator"))
Streaming big XML payloads using Tokenizer language

There are two tokenizers that can be used to tokenize an XML payload. The first tokenizer uses the same principle as in the text tokenizer to scan the XML payload and extract a sequence of tokens.

Available as of Camel 2.9
If you have a big XML payload, from a file source, and want to split it in streaming mode, then you can use the Tokenizer language with start/end tokens to do this with low memory footprint.

StAX component

The Camel StAX component can also be used to split big XML files in a streaming mode. See more details at StAX.

For example you may have a XML payload structured as follows




Now to split this big file using XPath would cause the entire content to be loaded into memory. So instead we can use the Tokenizer language to do this as follows:

In XML DSL the route would be as follows:


Notice the tokenizeXML method which will split the file using the tag name of the child node (more precisely speaking, the local name of the element without its namespace prefix if any), which mean it will grab the content between the and tags (incl. the tokens). So for example a splitted message would be as follows:


If you want to inherit namespaces from a root/parent tag, then you can do this as well by providing the name of the root/parent tag:


And in Java DSL its as follows:
  .split().tokenizeXML("order", "orders").streaming()

Available as of Camel 2.13.1, you can set the above inheritNamsepaceTagName property to "*" to include the preceding context in each token (i.e., generating each token enclosed in its ancestor elements). It is noted that each token must share the same ancestor elements in this case.

The above tokenizer works well on simple structures but has some inherent limitations in handling more complex XML structures.

Available as of Camel 2.14

The second tokenizer uses a StAX parser to overcome these limitations. This tokenizer recognizes XML namespaces and also handles simple and complex XML structures more naturally and efficiently.

To split using this tokenizer at {urn:shop}order, we can write
Namespaces ns = new Namespaces("ns1", "urn:shop");
  .split().xtokenize("//ns1:order", 'i', ns).streaming()

Two arguments control the behavior of the tokenizer. The first argument specifies the element using a path notation. This path notation uses a subset of xpath with wildcard support. The second argument represents the extraction mode. The available extraction modes are:
mode    description
i    injecting the contextual namespace bindings into the extracted token (default)
w    wrapping the extracted token in its ancestor context
u    unwrapping the extracted token to its child content
t    extracting the text content of the specified element

 Having an input XML


Each mode will result in the following tokens,








 In XML DSL, the equivalent route would be written as follows:



 or setting the extraction mode explicitly as

Note that this StAX based tokenizer's uses StAX Location API and requires a StAX Reader implementation (e.g., woodstox) that correctly returns the offset position pointing to the beginning of each event triggering segment (e.g., the offset position of '<' at each start and end element event). If you use a StAX Reader which does not implement that API correctly it results in invalid xml snippets after the split. For example the snippet could be wrong terminated:

...< .... ...

Splitting files by grouping N lines together

Available as of Camel 2.10

The Tokenizer language has a new option group that allows you to group N parts together, for example to split big files into chunks of 1000 lines.
  .split().tokenize("\n", 1000).streaming()

And in XML DSL


The group option is a number that must be a positive number that dictates how many groups to combine together. Each part will be combined using the token.
So in the example above the message being sent to the activemq order queue, will contain 1000 lines, and each line separated by the token (which is a new line token).
The output when using the group option is always a java.lang.String type.
Specifying a custom aggregation strategy

This is specified similar to the Aggregator.
Specifying a custom ThreadPoolExecutor

You can customize the underlying ThreadPoolExecutor used in the parallel splitter. In the Java DSL try something like this:
XPathBuilder xPathBuilder = new XPathBuilder("//foo/bar");
ExecutorService pool = ...
Using a Pojo to do the splitting

As the Splitter can use any Expression to do the actual splitting we leverage this fact and use a method expression to invoke a Bean to get the splitted parts.
The Bean should return a value that is iterable such as: java.util.Collection, java.util.Iterator or an array.
So the returned value, will then be used by Camel at runtime, to split the message.

Streaming mode and using pojo

When you have enabled the streaming mode, then you should return a Iterator to ensure streamish fashion. For example if the message is a big file, then by using an iterator, that returns a piece of the file in chunks, in the next method of the Iterator ensures low memory footprint. This avoids the need for reading the entire content into memory. For an example see the source code for the TokenizePair implementation.

In the route we define the Expression as a method call to invoke our Bean that we have registered with the id mySplitterBean in the Registry.
        // here we use a POJO bean mySplitterBean to do the split of the payload
        .split().method("mySplitterBean", "splitBody")
        // here we use a POJO bean mySplitterBean to do the split of the message
        // with a certain header value
        .split().method("mySplitterBean", "splitMessage")
And the logic for our Bean is as simple as. Notice we use Camel Bean Binding to pass in the message body as a String object.
public class MySplitterBean {
     * The split body method returns something that is iteratable such as a java.util.List.
     * @param body the payload of the incoming message
     * @return a list containing each part splitted
    public List splitBody(String body) {
        // since this is based on an unit test you can of cause
        // use different logic for splitting as Camel have out
        // of the box support for splitting a String based on comma
        // but this is for show and tell, since this is java code
        // you have the full power how you like to split your messages
        List answer = new ArrayList();
        String[] parts = body.split(",");
        for (String part : parts) {
        return answer;
     * The split message method returns something that is iteratable such as a java.util.List.
     * @param header the header of the incoming message with the name user
     * @param body the payload of the incoming message
     * @return a list containing each part splitted
    public List splitMessage(@Header(value = "user") String header, @Body String body) {
        // we can leverage the Parameter Binding Annotations 
        // to access the message header and body at same time,
        // then create the message that we want, splitter will
        // take care rest of them.
        // *NOTE* this feature requires Camel version >= 1.6.1
        List answer = new ArrayList();
        String[] parts = header.split(",");
        for (String part : parts) {
            DefaultMessage message = new DefaultMessage();
            message.setHeader("user", part);
        return answer;
Split aggregate request/reply sample

This sample shows how you can split an Exchange, process each splitted message, aggregate and return a combined response to the original caller using request/reply.

The route below illustrates this and how the split supports a aggregationStrategy to hold the in progress processed messages:
// this routes starts from the direct:start endpoint
// the body is then splitted based on @ separator
// the splitter in Camel supports InOut as well and for that we need
// to be able to aggregate what response we need to send back, so we provide our
// own strategy with the class MyOrderStrategy.
    .split(body().tokenize("@"), new MyOrderStrategy())
        // each splitted message is then send to this bean where we can process it
        // this is important to end the splitter route as we do not want to do more routing
        // on each splitted message
    // after we have splitted and handled each message we want to send a single combined
    // response back to the original caller, so we let this bean build it for us
    // this bean will receive the result of the aggregate strategy: MyOrderStrategy
And the OrderService bean is as follows:
public static class MyOrderService {
    private static int counter;
     * We just handle the order by returning a id line for the order
    public String handleOrder(String line) {
        LOG.debug("HandleOrder: " + line);
        return "(id=" + ++counter + ",item=" + line + ")";
     * We use the same bean for building the combined response to send
     * back to the original caller
    public String buildCombinedResponse(String line) {
        LOG.debug("BuildCombinedResponse: " + line);
        return "Response[" + line + "]";
And our custom aggregationStrategy that is responsible for holding the in progress aggregated message that after the splitter is ended will be sent to the buildCombinedResponse method for final processing before the combined response can be returned to the waiting caller.
 * This is our own order aggregation strategy where we can control
 * how each splitted message should be combined. As we do not want to
 * loos any message we copy from the new to the old to preserve the
 * order lines as long we process them
public static class MyOrderStrategy implements AggregationStrategy {
    public Exchange aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange) {
        // put order together in old exchange by adding the order from new exchange
        if (oldExchange == null) {
            // the first time we aggregate we only have the new exchange,
            // so we just return it
            return newExchange;
        String orders = oldExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
        String newLine = newExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
        LOG.debug("Aggregate old orders: " + orders);
        LOG.debug("Aggregate new order: " + newLine);
        // put orders together separating by semi colon
        orders = orders + ";" + newLine;
        // put combined order back on old to preserve it
        // return old as this is the one that has all the orders gathered until now
        return oldExchange;
So lets run the sample and see how it works.
We send an Exchange to the direct:start endpoint containing a IN body with the String value: A@B@C. The flow is:
HandleOrder: A
HandleOrder: B
Aggregate old orders: (id=1,item=A)
Aggregate new order: (id=2,item=B)
HandleOrder: C
Aggregate old orders: (id=1,item=A);(id=2,item=B)
Aggregate new order: (id=3,item=C)
BuildCombinedResponse: (id=1,item=A);(id=2,item=B);(id=3,item=C)
Response to caller: Response[(id=1,item=A);(id=2,item=B);(id=3,item=C)]
Stop processing in case of exception

Available as of Camel 2.1

The Splitter will by default continue to process the entire Exchange even in case of one of the splitted message will thrown an exception during routing.
For example if you have an Exchange with 1000 rows that you split and route each sub message. During processing of these sub messages an exception is thrown at the 17th. What Camel does by default is to process the remainder 983 messages. You have the chance to remedy or handle this in the AggregationStrategy.

But sometimes you just want Camel to stop and let the exception be propagated back, and let the Camel error handler handle it. You can do this in Camel 2.1 by specifying that it should stop in case of an exception occurred. This is done by the stopOnException option as shown below:
        .process(new MyProcessor())

And using XML DSL you specify it as follows:


Using onPrepare to execute custom logic when preparing messages

Available as of Camel 2.8

See details at Multicast
Sharing unit of work

Available as of Camel 2.8

The Splitter will by default not share unit of work between the parent exchange and each splitted exchange. This means each sub exchange has its own individual unit of work.

For example you may have an use case, where you want to split a big message. And you want to regard that process as an atomic isolated operation that either is a success or failure. In case of a failure you want that big message to be moved into a dead letter queue. To support this use case, you would have to share the unit of work on the Splitter.

Here is an example in Java DSL
    // share unit of work in the splitter, which tells Camel to propagate failures from
    // processing the splitted messages back to the result of the splitter, which allows
    // it to act as a combined unit of work
    .process(new MyProcessor())
Now in this example what would happen is that in case there is a problem processing each sub message, the error handler will kick in (yes error handling still applies for the sub messages). But what doesn't happen is that if a sub message fails all redelivery attempts (its exhausted), then its not moved into that dead letter queue. The reason is that we have shared the unit of work, so the sub message will report the error on the shared unit of work. When the Splitter is done, it checks the state of the shared unit of work and checks if any errors occurred. And if an error occurred it will set the exception on the Exchange and mark it for rollback. The error handler will yet again kick in, as the Exchange has been marked as rollback and it had an exception as well. No redelivery attempts is performed (as it was marked for rollback) and the Exchange will be moved into the dead letter queue.

Using this from XML DSL is just as easy as you just have to set the shareUnitOfWork attribute to true:






Implementation of shared unit of work

So in reality the unit of work is not shared as a single object instance. Instead SubUnitOfWork is attached to their parent, and issues callback to the parent about their status (commit or rollback). This may be refactored in Camel 3.0 where larger API changes can be done.

Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.

This applies for Camel version 2.3 or newer. If you use an older version then use this Aggregator link instead.

The Aggregator from the EIP patterns allows you to combine a number of messages together into a single message.

A correlation Expression is used to determine the messages which should be aggregated together. If you want to aggregate all messages into a single message, just use a constant expression. An AggregationStrategy is used to combine all the message exchanges for a single correlation key into a single message exchange.
Aggregator options

The aggregator supports the following options:






Mandatory Expression which evaluates the correlation key to use for aggregation. The Exchange which has the same correlation key is aggregated together. If the correlation key could not be evaluated an Exception is thrown. You can disable this by using the ignoreBadCorrelationKeys option.



Mandatory AggregationStrategy which is used to merge the incoming Exchange with the existing already merged exchanges. At first call the oldExchange parameter is null. On subsequent invocations the oldExchange contains the merged exchanges and newExchange is of course the new incoming Exchange. From Camel 2.9.2 onwards the strategy can also be a TimeoutAwareAggregationStrategy implementation, supporting the timeout callback, see further below for more details. From Camel 2.16 onwards the strategy can also be a PreCompletionAwareAggregationStrategy implementation which then runs the completion check in pre-completion mode. See further below for more details.



A reference to lookup the AggregationStrategy in the Registry. From Camel 2.12 onwards you can also use a POJO as the AggregationStrategy, see further below for details.



Camel 2.12: This option can be used to explicit declare the method name to use, when using POJOs as the AggregationStrategy. See further below for more details.



Camel 2.12: If this option is false then the aggregate method is not used for the very first aggregation. If this option is true then null values is used as the oldExchange (at the very first aggregation), when using POJOs as the AggregationStrategy. See further below for more details.



Number of messages aggregated before the aggregation is complete. This option can be set as either a fixed value or using an Expression which allows you to evaluate a size dynamically - will use Integer as result. If both are set Camel will fallback to use the fixed value if the Expression result was null or 0.



Time in millis that an aggregated exchange should be inactive before its complete. This option can be set as either a fixed value or using an Expression which allows you to evaluate a timeout dynamically - will use Long as result. If both are set Camel will fallback to use the fixed value if the Expression result was null or 0. You cannot use this option together with completionInterval, only one of the two can be used.



A repeating period in millis by which the aggregator will complete all current aggregated exchanges. Camel has a background task which is triggered every period. You cannot use this option together with completionTimeout, only one of them can be used.



A Predicate to indicate when an aggregated exchange is complete. Starting in Camel 2.15, if this is not specified and the AggregationStrategy object implements Predicate, the aggregationStrategy object will be used as the completionPredicate.



This option is if the exchanges are coming from a Batch Consumer. Then when enabled the Aggregator2 will use the batch size determined by the Batch Consumer in the message header CamelBatchSize. See more details at Batch Consumer. This can be used to aggregate all files consumed from a File endpoint in that given poll.



Camel 2.9 Indicates to complete all current aggregated exchanges when the context is stopped
completeAllOnStop    false    Camel 2.16: Indicates to wait to complete all current and partial (pending) aggregated exchanges when the context is stopped. This also means that we will wait for all pending exchanges which are stored in the aggregation repository to complete so the repository is empty before we can stop.  You may want to enable this when using the memory based aggregation repository that is memory based only, and do not store data on disk. When this option is enabled, then the aggregator is waiting to complete all those exchanges before its stopped, when stopping CamelContext or the route using it.



Whether or not to eager check for completion when a new incoming Exchange has been received. This option influences the behavior of the completionPredicate option as the Exchange being passed in changes accordingly. When false the Exchange passed in the Predicate is the aggregated Exchange which means any information you may store on the aggregated Exchange from the AggregationStrategy is available for the Predicate. When true the Exchange passed in the Predicate is the incoming Exchange, which means you can access data from the incoming Exchange.



If enabled then Camel will group all aggregated Exchanges into a single combined org.apache.camel.impl.GroupedExchange holder class that holds all the aggregated Exchanges. And as a result only one Exchange is being sent out from the aggregator. Can be used to combine many incoming Exchanges into a single output Exchange without coding a custom AggregationStrategy yourself. Important: This option does not support persistent repository with the aggregator. See further below for an example and more details.



Whether or not to ignore correlation keys which could not be evaluated to a value. By default Camel will throw an Exception, but you can enable this option and ignore the situation instead.



Whether or not too late Exchanges should be accepted or not. You can enable this to indicate that if a correlation key has already been completed, then any new exchanges with the same correlation key be denied. Camel will then throw a closedCorrelationKeyException exception. When using this option you pass in a integer which is a number for a LRUCache which keeps that last X number of closed correlation keys. You can pass in 0 or a negative value to indicate a unbounded cache. By passing in a number you are ensured that cache won't grow too big if you use a log of different correlation keys.



Camel 2.5: Whether or not exchanges which complete due to a timeout should be discarded. If enabled then when a timeout occurs the aggregated message will not be sent out but dropped (discarded).



Allows you to plugin you own implementation of org.apache.camel.spi.AggregationRepository which keeps track of the current inflight aggregated exchanges. Camel uses by default a memory based implementation.



Reference to lookup a aggregationRepository in the Registry.



When aggregated are completed they are being send out of the aggregator. This option indicates whether or not Camel should use a thread pool with multiple threads for concurrency. If no custom thread pool has been specified then Camel creates a default pool with 10 concurrent threads.



If using parallelProcessing you can specify a custom thread pool to be used. In fact also if you are not using parallelProcessing this custom thread pool is used to send out aggregated exchanges as well.



Reference to lookup a executorService in the Registry



Camel 2.9: If using either of the completionTimeout, completionTimeoutExpression, or completionInterval options a background thread is created to check for the completion for every aggregator. Set this option to provide a custom thread pool to be used rather than creating a new thread for every aggregator.



Camel 2.9: Reference to lookup a timeoutCheckerExecutorService in the Registry



Camel 2.11: Turns on using optimistic locking, which requires the aggregationRepository being used, is supporting this by implementing the org.apache.camel.spi.OptimisticLockingAggregationRepository interface.



Camel 2.11.1: Allows to configure retry settings when using optimistic locking.
Exchange Properties

The following properties are set on each aggregated Exchange:






The total number of Exchanges aggregated into this combined Exchange.



Indicator how the aggregation was completed as a value of either: predicate, size, strategy, consumer, timeout, forceCompletion or interval.
About AggregationStrategy

The AggregationStrategy is used for aggregating the old (lookup by its correlation id) and the new exchanges together into a single exchange. Possible implementations include performing some kind of combining or delta processing, such as adding line items together into an invoice or just using the newest exchange and removing old exchanges such as for state tracking or market data prices; where old values are of little use.

Notice the aggregation strategy is a mandatory option and must be provided to the aggregator.

Here are a few example AggregationStrategy implementations that should help you create your own custom strategy.
//simply combines Exchange String body values using '+' as a delimiter
class StringAggregationStrategy implements AggregationStrategy {
    public Exchange aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange) {
        if (oldExchange == null) {
            return newExchange;
        String oldBody = oldExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
        String newBody = newExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
        oldExchange.getIn().setBody(oldBody + "+" + newBody);
        return oldExchange;
//simply combines Exchange body values into an ArrayList
class ArrayListAggregationStrategy implements AggregationStrategy {
    public Exchange aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange) {
        Object newBody = newExchange.getIn().getBody();
        ArrayList list = null;
        if (oldExchange == null) {
            list = new ArrayList();
            return newExchange;
        } else {
            list = oldExchange.getIn().getBody(ArrayList.class);
            return oldExchange;
About completion

When aggregation Exchanges at some point you need to indicate that the aggregated exchanges is complete, so they can be send out of the aggregator. Camel allows you to indicate completion in various ways as follows:

    completionTimeout - Is an inactivity timeout in which is triggered if no new exchanges have been aggregated for that particular correlation key within the period.
    completionInterval - Once every X period all the current aggregated exchanges are completed.
    completionSize - Is a number indicating that after X aggregated exchanges it's complete.
    completionPredicate - Runs a Predicate when a new exchange is aggregated to determine if we are complete or not. Staring in Camel 2.15, the configured aggregationStrategy can implement the Predicate interface and will be used as the completionPredicate if no completionPredicate is configured. From Camel 2.16, the configured aggregationStrategy can implement PreCompletionAwareAggregationStrategy and will be used as the completionPredicate in pre-complete check mode. See further below for more details.
    completionFromBatchConsumer - Special option for Batch Consumer which allows you to complete when all the messages from the batch has been aggregated.
    forceCompletionOnStop - Camel 2.9 Indicates to complete all current aggregated exchanges when the context is stopped
    Using a AggregateController - Camel 2.16 which allows to use an external source to complete groups or all groups. This can be done using Java or JMX API.

Notice that all the completion ways are per correlation key. And you can combine them in any way you like. It's basically the first which triggers that wins. So you can use a completion size together with a completion timeout. Only completionTimeout and completionInterval cannot be used at the same time.

Notice the completion is a mandatory option and must be provided to the aggregator. If not provided Camel will thrown an Exception on startup.


See the TimeoutAwareAggregationStrategy and CompletionAwareAggregationStrategy extensions to AggregationStrategy that has callbacks when the aggregated Exchange was completed and if a timeout occurred.
Pre-completion mode

available as of Camel 2.16

There can be use-cases where you want the incoming Exchange to determine if the correlation group should pre-complete, and then the incoming Exchange is starting a new group from scratch. To determine this the AggregationStrategy can implement PreCompletionAwareAggregationStrategy which has a preComplete method:
 * Determines if the aggregation should complete the current group, and start a new group, or the aggregation
 * should continue using the current group.
 * @param oldExchange the oldest exchange (is null on first aggregation as we only have the new exchange)
 * @param newExchange the newest exchange (can be null if there was no data possible to acquire)
 * @return true to complete current group and start a new group, or false to keep using current
boolean preComplete(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange);

If the preComplete method returns true, then the existing groups is completed (without aggregating the incoming exchange (newExchange). And then the newExchange is used to start the correlation group from scratch so the group would contain only that new incoming exchange. This is known as pre-completion mode. And when the aggregation is in pre-completion mode, then only the following completions are in use

    aggregationStrategy must implement PreCompletionAwareAggregationStrategy xxx
    completionTimeout or completionInterval can also be used as fallback completions
    any other completion are not used (such as by size, from batch consumer etc)
    eagerCheckCompletion is implied as true, but the option has no effect

Persistent AggregationRepository

The aggregator provides a pluggable repository which you can implement your own org.apache.camel.spi.AggregationRepository.
If you need persistent repository then you can use either Camel HawtDB, LevelDB, or SQL Component components.

See some examples from the old Aggregator which is somewhat similar to this new aggregator.

Setting options in Spring XML

Many of the options are configurable as attributes on the tag when using Spring XML.
Using completionTimeout

In this example we want to aggregate all incoming messages and after 3 seconds of inactivity we want the aggregation to complete. This is done using the completionTimeout option as shown:
    // aggregate all exchanges correlated by the id header.
    // Aggregate them using the BodyInAggregatingStrategy strategy which
    // and after 3 seconds of inactivity them timeout and complete the aggregation
    // and send it to mock:aggregated
    .aggregate(header("id"), new BodyInAggregatingStrategy()).completionTimeout(3000)
And the same example using Spring XML:





Using TimeoutAwareAggregationStrategy

Available as of Camel 2.9.2

If your aggregation strategy implements TimeoutAwareAggregationStrategy, then Camel will invoke the timeout method when the timeout occurs. Notice that the values for index and total parameters will be -1, and the timeout parameter will be provided only if configured as a fixed value. You must not throw any exceptions from the timeout method.
Using CompletionAwareAggregationStrategy

Available as of Camel 2.9.3

If your aggregation strategy implements CompletionAwareAggregationStrategy, then Camel will invoke the onComplete method when the aggregated Exchange is completed. This allows you to do any last minute custom logic such as to cleanup some resources, or additional work on the exchange as it's now completed.
You must not throw any exceptions from the onCompletion method.
Using completionSize

In this example we want to aggregate all incoming messages and when we have 3 messages aggregated (in the same correlation group) we want the aggregation to complete. This is done using the completionSize option as shown:
    // aggregate all exchanges correlated by the id header.
    // Aggregate them using the BodyInAggregatingStrategy strategy which
    // and after 3 messages has been aggregated then complete the aggregation
    // and send it to mock:aggregated
    .aggregate(header("id"), new BodyInAggregatingStrategy()).completionSize(3)
And the same example using Spring XML:





Using completionPredicate

In this example we want to aggregate all incoming messages and use a Predicate to determine when we are complete. The Predicate can be evaluated using either the aggregated exchange (default) or the incoming exchange. We will give an example for both situations. We start with the default situation as shown:
    // aggregate all exchanges correlated by the id header.
    // Aggregate them using the BodyInAggregatingStrategy strategy which
    // and when the aggregated body contains A+B+C then complete the aggregation
    // and send it to mock:aggregated
    .aggregate(header("id"), new BodyInAggregatingStrategy()).completionPredicate(body().contains("A+B+C"))
And the same example using Spring XML:


                ${body} contains 'A+B+C'




And the other situation where we use the eagerCheckCompletion option to tell Camel to use the incoming Exchange. Notice how we can just test in the completion predicate that the incoming message is the END message:
    // aggregate all exchanges correlated by the id header.
    // Aggregate them using the BodyInAggregatingStrategy strategy
    // do eager checking which means the completion predicate will use the incoming exchange
    // which allows us to trigger completion when a certain exchange arrived which is the
    // END message
    .aggregate(header("id"), new BodyInAggregatingStrategy())
And the same example using Spring XML:


                ${body} == 'END'




Using dynamic completionTimeout

In this example we want to aggregate all incoming messages and after a period of inactivity we want the aggregation to complete. The period should be computed at runtime based on the timeout header in the incoming messages. This is done using the completionTimeout option as shown:
    // aggregate all exchanges correlated by the id header.
    // Aggregate them using the BodyInAggregatingStrategy strategy which
    // and the timeout header contains the timeout in millis of inactivity them timeout and complete the aggregation
    // and send it to mock:aggregated
    .aggregate(header("id"), new BodyInAggregatingStrategy()).completionTimeout(header("timeout"))
And the same example using Spring XML:







Note: You can also add a fixed timeout value and Camel will fallback to use this value if the dynamic value was null or 0.
Using dynamic completionSize

In this example we want to aggregate all incoming messages based on a dynamic size per correlation key. The size is computed at runtime based on the mySize header in the incoming messages. This is done using the completionSize option as shown:
    // aggregate all exchanges correlated by the id header.
    // Aggregate them using the BodyInAggregatingStrategy strategy which
    // and the header mySize determines the number of aggregated messages should trigger the completion
    // and send it to mock:aggregated
    .aggregate(header("id"), new BodyInAggregatingStrategy()).completionSize(header("mySize"))
And the same example using Spring XML:







Note: You can also add a fixed size value and Camel will fallback to use this value if the dynamic value was null or 0.

Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.
Completing current group decided from the AggregationStrategy

Available as of Camel 2.15

The AggregationStrategy can now included a property on the returned Exchange that contains a boolean to indicate if the current group should be completed. This allows to overrule any existing completion predicates / sizes / timeouts etc, and complete the group.

For example the following logic (from an unit test) will complete the group if the message body size is larger than 5. This is done by setting the property Exchange.AGGREGATION_COMPLETE_CURRENT_GROUP to true.
public final class MyCompletionStrategy implements AggregationStrategy {
    public Exchange aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange) {
        if (oldExchange == null) {
            return newExchange;
        String body = oldExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class) + "+"
            + newExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
        if (body.length() >= 5) {
            oldExchange.setProperty(Exchange.AGGREGATION_COMPLETE_CURRENT_GROUP, true);
        return oldExchange;

Manually Force the Completion of All Aggregated Exchanges Immediately

Available as of Camel 2.9
You can manually trigger completion of all current aggregated exchanges by sending a message containing the header Exchange.AGGREGATION_COMPLETE_ALL_GROUPS set to true. The message is considered a signal message only, the message headers/contents will not be processed otherwise.

Available as of Camel 2.11
You can alternatively set the header Exchange.AGGREGATION_COMPLETE_ALL_GROUPS_INCLUSIVE to true to trigger completion of all groups after processing the current message.
Using a List in AggregationStrategy

Available as of Camel 2.11

If you want to aggregate some value from the messages into a List then we have added a org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AbstractListAggregationStrategy abstract class in Camel 2.11 that makes this easier. The completed Exchange that is sent out of the aggregator will contain the List in the message body.

For example to aggregate a List you can extend this class as shown below, and implement the getValue method:
 * Our strategy just group a list of integers.
public final class MyListOfNumbersStrategy extends AbstractListAggregationStrategy {
    public Integer getValue(Exchange exchange) {
        // the message body contains a number, so just return that as-is
        return exchange.getIn().getBody(Integer.class);
Using AggregateController

Available as of Camel 2.16

The org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregateController allows you to control the aggregate at runtime using Java or JMX API. This can be used to force completing groups of exchanges, or query its current runtime statistics.

The aggregator provides a default implementation if no custom have been configured, which can be accessed using getAggregateController() method. Though it may be easier to configure a controller in the route using aggregateController as shown below:
private AggregateController controller = new DefaultAggregateController();

   .aggregate(header("id"), new MyAggregationStrategy()).completionSize(10).id("myAggregator")

Then there is API on AggregateController to force completion. For example to complete a group with key foo
int groups = controller.forceCompletionOfGroup("foo");

The number return would be the number of groups completed. In this case it would be 1 if the foo group existed and was completed. If foo does not exists then 0 is returned.

There is also an api to complete all groups
int groups = controller.forceCompletionOfAllGroups();


To configure this from XML DSL







There is also JMX API on the aggregator which is available under the processors node in the Camel JMX tree.

Using GroupedExchanges

In the route below we group all the exchanges together using groupExchanges():
    // aggregate all using same expression
    // wait for 0.5 seconds to aggregate
    // group the exchanges so we get one single exchange containing all the others

As a result we have one outgoing Exchange being routed the the "mock:result" endpoint. The exchange is a holder containing all the incoming Exchanges.
To get access to these exchanges you need to access them from a property on the outgoing exchange as shown:
List grouped = out.getProperty(Exchange.GROUPED_EXCHANGE, List.class);

From Camel 2.13 onwards this behavior has changed to store these exchanges directly on the message body which is more intuitive:
List grouped = exchange.getIn().getBody(List.class);

Notice the old way using the property is still present in Camel 2.13 onwards, but its considered deprecated and to be removed in Camel 3.0 onwards.
Using POJOs as AggregationStrategy

Available as of Camel 2.12

You can use POJOs as AggregationStrategy with the other EIPs that supports aggregation, such as Splitter, Recipient List, etc.

To use the AggregationStrategy you had to implement the org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregationStrategy interface, which means your logic would be tied to the Camel API. From Camel 2.12 onwards you can use a POJO for the logic and let Camel adapt to your POJO. To use a POJO a convention must be followed:

    there must be a public method to use
    the method must not be void
    the method can be static or non-static
    the method must have 2 or more parameters
    the parameters is paired so the first 50% is applied to the oldExchange and the reminder 50% is for the newExchange
    .. meaning that there must be an equal number of parameters, eg 2, 4, 6 etc.

The paired methods is expected to be ordered as follows:

    the first parameter is the message body
    the 2nd parameter is a Map of the headers
    the 3rd parameter is a Map of the Exchange properties

This convention is best explained with some examples.

In the method below, we have only 2 parameters, so the 1st parameter is the body of the oldExchange, and the 2nd is paired to the body of the newExchange:
public String append(String existing, String next) {
  return existing + next;

In the method below, we have only 4 parameters, so the 1st parameter is the body of the oldExchange, and the 2nd is the Map of the oldExchange} headers, and the 3rd is paired to the body of the {{newExchange, and the 4th parameter is the Map of the newExchange headers:
public String append(String existing, Map existingHeaders, String next, Map nextHeaders) {
  return existing + next;

And finally if we have 6 parameters the we also have the properties of the Exchanges:
public String append(String existing, Map existingHeaders, Map existingProperties, String next, Map nextHeaders, Map nextProperties) {
  return existing + next;

To use this with the Aggregate EIP we can use a POJO with the aggregate logic as follows:
public class MyBodyAppender {
    public String append(String existing, String next) {
        return next + existing;

And then in the Camel route we create an instance of our bean, and then refer to the bean in the route using bean method from org.apache.camel.util.toolbox.AggregationStrategies as shown:
private MyBodyAppender appender = new MyBodyAppender();
public void configure() throws Exception {
        .aggregate(constant(true), AggregationStrategies.bean(appender, "append"))

We can also provide the bean type directly:
public void configure() throws Exception {
        .aggregate(constant(true), AggregationStrategies.bean(MyBodyAppender.class, "append"))

And if the bean has only one method we do not need to specify the name of the method:
public void configure() throws Exception {
        .aggregate(constant(true), AggregationStrategies.bean(MyBodyAppender.class))

And the append method could be static:
public class MyBodyAppender {
    public static String append(String existing, String next) {
        return next + existing;

If you are using XML DSL then we need to declare a with the POJO:

And in the Camel route we use strategyRef to refer to the bean by its id, and the strategyMethodName can be used to define the method name to call:




When using XML DSL you must define the POJO as a .
Aggregating when no data

By default when using POJOs as AggregationStrategy, then the method is only invoked when there is data to be aggregated (by default). You can use the option strategyMethodAllowNull to configure this. Where as without using POJOs then you may have null as oldExchange or newExchange parameters. For example the Aggregate EIP will invoke the AggregationStrategy with oldExchange as null, for the first Exchange incoming to the aggregator. And then for subsequent Exchanges then oldExchange and newExchange parameters are both not null.
Example with Content Enricher and no data

Though with POJOs as AggregationStrategy we made this simpler and only call the method when oldExchange and newExchange is not null, as that would be the most common use-case. If you need to allow oldExchange or newExchange to be null, then you can configure this with the POJO using the AggregationStrategyBeanAdapter as shown below. On the bean adapter we call setAllowNullNewExchange to allow the new exchange to be null.
public void configure() throws Exception {
    AggregationStrategyBeanAdapter myStrategy = new AggregationStrategyBeanAdapter(appender, "append");
        .pollEnrich("seda:foo", 1000, myStrategy)

This can be configured a bit easier using the beanAllowNull method from AggregationStrategies as shown:
public void configure() throws Exception {
        .pollEnrich("seda:foo", 1000, AggregationStrategies.beanAllowNull(appender, "append"))

Then the append method in the POJO would need to deal with the situation that newExchange can be null:
public class MyBodyAppender {
    public String append(String existing, String next) {
        if (next == null) {
            return "NewWasNull" + existing;
        } else {
            return existing + next;

In the example above we use the Content Enricher EIP using pollEnrich. The newExchange will be null in the situation we could not get any data from the "seda:foo" endpoint, and therefore the timeout was hit after 1 second. So if we need to do some special merge logic we would need to set setAllowNullNewExchange=true, so the append method will be invoked. If we do not do that then when the timeout was hit, then the append method would normally not be invoked, meaning the Content Enricher did not merge/change the message.

In XML DSL you would configure the strategyMethodAllowNull option and set it to true as shown below:




Different body types

When for example using strategyMethodAllowNull as true, then the parameter types of the message bodies does not have to be the same. For example suppose we want to aggregate from a type to a List that contains the user name. We could code a POJO doing this as follows:
public static final class MyUserAppender {
    public List addUsers(List names, User user) {
        if (names == null) {
            names = new ArrayList();
        return names;

Notice that the return type is a List which we want to contain the user names. The 1st parameter is the list of names, and then notice the 2nd parameter is the incoming type.
See also

    The Loan Broker Example which uses an aggregator
    Blog post by Torsten Mielke about using the aggregator correctly.
    The old Aggregator
    HawtDB, LevelDB or SQL Component for persistence support
    Aggregate Example for an example application


The Resequencer from the EIP patterns allows you to reorganise messages based on some comparator. By default in Camel we use an Expression to create the comparator; so that you can compare by a message header or the body or a piece of a message etc.

Change in Camel 2.7

The and tags in XML DSL in the Resequencer EIP must now be configured in the top, and not in the bottom. So if you use those, then move them up just below the EIP starts in the XML. If you are using Camel older than 2.7, then those configs should be at the bottom.

Camel supports two resequencing algorithms:

    Batch resequencing collects messages into a batch, sorts the messages and sends them to their output.
    Stream resequencing re-orders (continuous) message streams based on the detection of gaps between messages.

By default the Resequencer does not support duplicate messages and will only keep the last message, in case a message arrives with the same message expression. However in the batch mode you can enable it to allow duplicates.
Batch Resequencing

The following example shows how to use the batch-processing resequencer so that messages are sorted in order of the body() expression. That is messages are collected into a batch (either by a maximum number of messages per batch or using a timeout) then they are sorted in order and then sent out to their output.

Using the Fluent Builders
This is equivalent to

The batch-processing resequencer can be further configured via the size() and timeout() methods.

This sets the batch size to 300 and the batch timeout to 4000 ms (by default, the batch size is 100 and the timeout is 1000 ms). Alternatively, you can provide a configuration object.
    .resequence(body()).batch(new BatchResequencerConfig(300, 4000L))

So the above example will reorder messages from endpoint direct:a in order of their bodies, to the endpoint mock:result.
Typically you'd use a header rather than the body to order things; or maybe a part of the body. So you could replace this expression with

for example to reorder messages using a custom sequence number in the header mySeqNo.

You can of course use many different Expression languages such as XPath, XQuery, SQL or various Scripting Languages.

Using the Spring XML Extensions



Allow Duplicates

Available as of Camel 2.4

In the batch mode, you can now allow duplicates. In Java DSL there is a allowDuplicates() method and in Spring XML there is an allowDuplicates=true attribute on the you can use to enable it.

Available as of Camel 2.4

In the batch mode, you can now reverse the expression ordering. By default the order is based on 0..9,A..Z, which would let messages with low numbers be ordered first, and thus also also outgoing first. In some cases you want to reverse order, which is now possible.

In Java DSL there is a reverse() method and in Spring XML there is an reverse=true attribute on the you can use to enable it.
Resequence JMS messages based on JMSPriority

Available as of Camel 2.4

It's now much easier to use the Resequencer to resequence messages from JMS queues based on JMSPriority. For that to work you need to use the two new options allowDuplicates and reverse.
    // sort by JMSPriority by allowing duplicates (message can have same JMSPriority)
    // and use reverse ordering so 9 is first output (most important), and 0 is last
    // use batch mode and fire every 3th second
Notice this is only possible in the batch mode of the Resequencer.
Ignore invalid exchanges

Available as of Camel 2.9

The Resequencer EIP will from Camel 2.9 onwards throw a CamelExchangeException if the incoming Exchange is not valid for the resequencer - ie. the expression cannot be evaluated, such as a missing header. You can use the option ignoreInvalidExchanges to ignore these exceptions which means the Resequencer will then skip the invalid Exchange.
        // ignore invalid exchanges (they are discarded)
This option is available for both batch and stream resequencer.
Reject Old Exchanges

Available as of Camel 2.11

This option can be used to prevent out of order messages from being sent regardless of the event that delivered messages downstream (capacity, timeout, etc). If enabled using rejectOld(), the Resequencer will throw a MessageRejectedException when an incoming Exchange is "older" (based on the Comparator) than the last delivered message. This provides an extra level of control with regards to delayed message ordering.

This option is available for the stream resequencer only.
Stream Resequencing

The next example shows how to use the stream-processing resequencer. Messages are re-ordered based on their sequence numbers given by a seqnum header using gap detection and timeouts on the level of individual messages.

Using the Fluent Builders
The stream-processing resequencer can be further configured via the capacity() and timeout() methods.

This sets the resequencer's capacity to 5000 and the timeout to 4000 ms (by default, the capacity is 1000 and the timeout is 1000 ms). Alternatively, you can provide a configuration object.
    .resequence(header("seqnum")).stream(new StreamResequencerConfig(5000, 4000L))

The stream-processing resequencer algorithm is based on the detection of gaps in a message stream rather than on a fixed batch size. Gap detection in combination with timeouts removes the constraint of having to know the number of messages of a sequence (i.e. the batch size) in advance. Messages must contain a unique sequence number for which a predecessor and a successor is known. For example a message with the sequence number 3 has a predecessor message with the sequence number 2 and a successor message with the sequence number 4. The message sequence 2,3,5 has a gap because the successor of 3 is missing. The resequencer therefore has to retain message 5 until message 4 arrives (or a timeout occurs).

If the maximum time difference between messages (with successor/predecessor relationship with respect to the sequence number) in a message stream is known, then the resequencer's timeout parameter should be set to this value. In this case it is guaranteed that all messages of a stream are delivered in correct order to the next processor. The lower the timeout value is compared to the out-of-sequence time difference the higher is the probability for out-of-sequence messages delivered by this resequencer. Large timeout values should be supported by sufficiently high capacity values. The capacity parameter is used to prevent the resequencer from running out of memory.

By default, the stream resequencer expects long sequence numbers but other sequence numbers types can be supported as well by providing a custom expression.
public class MyFileNameExpression implements Expression {
    public String getFileName(Exchange exchange) {
        return exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
    public Object evaluate(Exchange exchange) {
        // parser the file name with YYYYMMDD-DNNN pattern
        String fileName = getFileName(exchange);
        String[] files = fileName.split("-D");
        Long answer = Long.parseLong(files[0]) * 1000 + Long.parseLong(files[1]);
        return answer;
    public T evaluate(Exchange exchange, Class type) {
        Object result = evaluate(exchange);
        return exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter().convertTo(type, result);
from("direct:start").resequence(new MyFileNameExpression()).stream().timeout(100).to("mock:result");
or custom comparator via the comparator() method
ExpressionResultComparator comparator = new MyComparator();

or via a StreamResequencerConfig object.
ExpressionResultComparator comparator = new MyComparator();
StreamResequencerConfig config = new StreamResequencerConfig(100, 1000L, comparator);

Using the Spring XML Extensions



Further Examples

For further examples of this pattern in use you could look at the batch-processing resequencer junit test case and the stream-processing resequencer junit test case

Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.
Composed Message Processor

The Composed Message Processor from the EIP patterns allows you to process a composite message by splitting it up, routing the sub-messages to appropriate destinations and the re-aggregating the responses back into a single message.

In Camel we provide two solutions

    using both a Splitter and Aggregator EIPs
    using only a Splitter

The difference is when using only a Splitter it aggregates back all the splitted messages into the same aggregation group, eg like a fork/join pattern.
Whereas using the Aggregator allows you group into multiple groups, a pattern which provides more options.

Using the splitter alone is often easier and possibly a better solution. So take a look at this first, before involving the aggregator.
Example using both Splitter and Aggregator

In this example we want to check that a multipart order can be filled. Each part of the order requires a check at a different inventory.
// split up the order so individual OrderItems can be validated by the appropriate bean
        .when().method("orderItemHelper", "isWidget")
// collect and re-assemble the validated OrderItems into an order again
    .aggregate(new MyOrderAggregationStrategy()).header("orderId").completionTimeout(1000L)

Using the Spring XML Extensions








To do this we split up the order using a Splitter. The Splitter then sends individual OrderItems to a Content Based Router which checks the item type. Widget items get sent for checking in the widgetInventory bean and gadgets get sent to the gadgetInventory bean. Once these OrderItems have been validated by the appropriate bean, they are sent on to the Aggregator which collects and re-assembles the validated OrderItems into an order again.

When an order is sent it contains a header with the order id. We use this fact when we aggregate, as we configure this .header("orderId") on the aggregate DSL to instruct Camel to use the header with the key orderId as correlation expression.

For full details, check the example source here:

Example using only Splitter

In this example we want to split an incoming order using the Splitter eip, transform each order line, and then combine the order lines into a new order message.
// this routes starts from the direct:start endpoint
// the body is then splitted based on @ separator
// the splitter in Camel supports InOut as well and for that we need
// to be able to aggregate what response we need to send back, so we provide our
// own strategy with the class MyOrderStrategy.
    .split(body().tokenize("@"), new MyOrderStrategy())
        // each splitted message is then send to this bean where we can process it
        // this is important to end the splitter route as we do not want to do more routing
        // on each splitted message
    // after we have splitted and handled each message we want to send a single combined
    // response back to the original caller, so we let this bean build it for us
    // this bean will receive the result of the aggregate strategy: MyOrderStrategy

Using XML

If you use XML, then the tag offers the strategyRef attribute to refer to your custom AggregationStrategy

The bean with the methods to transform the order line and process the order as well:
public static class MyOrderService {
    private static int counter;
     * We just handle the order by returning a id line for the order
    public String handleOrder(String line) {
        LOG.debug("HandleOrder: " + line);
        return "(id=" + ++counter + ",item=" + line + ")";
     * We use the same bean for building the combined response to send
     * back to the original caller
    public String buildCombinedResponse(String line) {
        LOG.debug("BuildCombinedResponse: " + line);
        return "Response[" + line + "]";

And the AggregationStrategy we use with the Splitter eip to combine the orders back again (eg fork/join):
 * This is our own order aggregation strategy where we can control
 * how each splitted message should be combined. As we do not want to
 * loos any message we copy from the new to the old to preserve the
 * order lines as long we process them
public static class MyOrderStrategy implements AggregationStrategy {
    public Exchange aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange) {
        // put order together in old exchange by adding the order from new exchange
        if (oldExchange == null) {
            // the first time we aggregate we only have the new exchange,
            // so we just return it
            return newExchange;
        String orders = oldExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
        String newLine = newExchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
        LOG.debug("Aggregate old orders: " + orders);
        LOG.debug("Aggregate new order: " + newLine);
        // put orders together separating by semi colon
        orders = orders + ";" + newLine;
        // put combined order back on old to preserve it
        // return old as this is the one that has all the orders gathered until now
        return oldExchange;
Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.

The Scatter-Gather from the EIP patterns allows you to route messages to a number of dynamically specified recipients and re-aggregate the responses back into a single message.

Dynamic Scatter-Gather Example

In this example we want to get the best quote for beer from several different vendors. We use a dynamic Recipient List to get the request for a quote to all vendors and an Aggregator to pick the best quote out of all the responses. The routes for this are defined as:








So in the first route you see that the Recipient List is looking at the listOfVendors header for the list of recipients. So, we need to send a message like
Map headers = new HashMap();
headers.put("listOfVendors", "bean:vendor1, bean:vendor2, bean:vendor3");
headers.put("quoteRequestId", "quoteRequest-1");
template.sendBodyAndHeaders("direct:start", "", headers);

This message will be distributed to the following Endpoints: bean:vendor1, bean:vendor2, and bean:vendor3. These are all beans which look like
public class MyVendor {
    private int beerPrice;
    @Produce(uri = "seda:quoteAggregator")
    private ProducerTemplate quoteAggregator;
    public MyVendor(int beerPrice) {
        this.beerPrice = beerPrice;
    public void getQuote(@XPath("/quote_request/@item") String item, Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
        if ("beer".equals(item)) {
        } else {
            throw new Exception("No quote available for " + item);

and are loaded up in Spring like







Each bean is loaded with a different price for beer. When the message is sent to each bean endpoint, it will arrive at the MyVendor.getQuote method. This method does a simple check whether this quote request is for beer and then sets the price of beer on the exchange for retrieval at a later step. The message is forwarded on to the next step using POJO Producing (see the @Produce annotation).

At the next step we want to take the beer quotes from all vendors and find out which one was the best (i.e. the lowest!). To do this we use an Aggregator with a custom aggregation strategy. The Aggregator needs to be able to compare only the messages from this particular quote; this is easily done by specifying a correlationExpression equal to the value of the quoteRequestId header. As shown above in the message sending snippet, we set this header to quoteRequest-1. This correlation value should be unique or you may include responses that are not part of this quote. To pick the lowest quote out of the set, we use a custom aggregation strategy like
public class LowestQuoteAggregationStrategy implements AggregationStrategy {
    public Exchange aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange) {
        // the first time we only have the new exchange
        if (oldExchange == null) {
            return newExchange;
        if (oldExchange.getIn().getBody(int.class) < newExchange.getIn().getBody(int.class)) {
            return oldExchange;
        } else {
            return newExchange;

Finally, we expect to get the lowest quote of $1 out of $1, $2, and $3.
result.expectedBodiesReceived(1); // expect the lowest quote

You can find the full example source here:

Static Scatter-Gather Example

You can lock down which recipients are used in the Scatter-Gather by using a static Recipient List. It looks something like this
from("direct:start").multicast().to("seda:vendor1", "seda:vendor2", "seda:vendor3");
    .aggregate(header("quoteRequestId"), new LowestQuoteAggregationStrategy()).to("mock:result")

A full example of the static Scatter-Gather configuration can be found in the Loan Broker Example.
Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.
Routing Slip

The Routing Slip from the EIP patterns allows you to route a message consecutively through a series of processing steps where the sequence of steps is not known at design time and can vary for each message.



Default Value




Delimiter used if the Expression returned multiple endpoints.



If an endpoint uri could not be resolved, should it be ignored. Otherwise Camel will throw an exception stating the endpoint uri is not valid.



Camel 2.13.1/2.12.4: Allows to configure the cache size for the ProducerCache which caches producers for reuse in the routing slip. Will by default use the default cache size which is 1000. Setting the value to -1 allows to turn off the cache all together.

The following route will take any messages sent to the Apache ActiveMQ queue SomeQueue and pass them into the Routing Slip pattern.

Messages will be checked for the existance of the "aRoutingSlipHeader" header. The value of this header should be a comma-delimited list of endpoint URIs you wish the message to be routed to. The Message will be routed in a pipeline fashion (i.e. one after the other).

From Camel 2.5 the Routing Slip will set a property (Exchange.SLIP_ENDPOINT) on the Exchange which contains the current endpoint as it advanced though the slip. This allows you to know how far we have processed in the slip.

The Routing Slip will compute the slip beforehand which means, the slip is only computed once. If you need to compute the slip on-the-fly then use the Dynamic Router pattern instead.
Configuration options

Here we set the header name and the URI delimiter to something different.

Using the Fluent Builders
from("direct:c").routingSlip(header("aRoutingSlipHeader"), "#");

Using the Spring XML Extensions




Ignore invalid endpoints

Available as of Camel 2.3

The Routing Slip now supports ignoreInvalidEndpoints which the Recipient List also supports. You can use it to skip endpoints which are invalid.

And in Spring XML its an attribute on the recipient list tag.



Then lets say the myHeader contains the following two endpoints direct:foo,xxx:bar. The first endpoint is valid and works. However the 2nd is invalid and will just be ignored. Camel logs at INFO level, so you can see why the endpoint was invalid.
Expression supporting

Available as of Camel 2.4

The Routing Slip now supports to take the expression parameter as the Recipient List does. You can tell Camel the expression that you want to use to get the routing slip.

And in Spring XML its an attribute on the recipient list tag.



Further Examples

For further examples of this pattern in use you could look at the routing slip test cases.

Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.

The Throttler Pattern allows you to ensure that a specific endpoint does not get overloaded, or that we don't exceed an agreed SLA with some external service.


Default Value




Maximum number of requests per period to throttle. This option must be provided as a positive number. Notice, in the XML DSL, from Camel 2.8 onwards this option is configured using an Expression instead of an attribute.



The time period in milliseconds, in which the throttler will allow at most maximumRequestsPerPeriod number of messages.



Camel 2.4: If enabled then any messages which is delayed happens asynchronously using a scheduled thread pool.



Camel 2.4: Refers to a custom Thread Pool to be used if asyncDelay has been enabled.



Camel 2.4: Is used if asyncDelayed was enabled. This controls if the caller thread should execute the task if the thread pool rejected the task.



Camel 2.14: If this option is true, throttler throws a ThrottlerRejectExecutionException when the request rate exceeds the limit.

Using the Fluent Builders
from("seda:a").throttle(3).timePeriodMillis(10000).to("log:result", "mock:result");

So the above example will throttle messages all messages received on seda:a before being sent to mock:result ensuring that a maximum of 3 messages are sent in any 10 second window.

Note that since timePeriodMillis defaults to 1000 milliseconds, just setting the maximumRequestsPerPeriod has the effect of setting the maximum number of requests per second. So to throttle requests at 100 requests per second between two endpoints, it would look more like this...

For further examples of this pattern in use you could look at the junit test case

Using the Spring XML Extensions
Camel 2.7.x or older


Camel 2.8 onwards

In Camel 2.8 onwards you must set the maximum period as an Expression as shown below where we use a Constant expression:


Dynamically changing maximum requests per period

Available as of Camel 2.8
Since we use an Expression you can adjust this value at runtime, for example you can provide a header with the value. At runtime Camel evaluates the expression and converts the result to a java.lang.Long type. In the example below we use a header from the message to determine the maximum requests per period. If the header is absent, then the Throttler uses the old value. So that allows you to only provide a header if the value is to be changed:



Asynchronous delaying

Available as of Camel 2.4

You can let the Throttler use non blocking asynchronous delaying, which means Camel will use a scheduler to schedule a task to be executed in the future. The task will then continue routing. This allows the caller thread to not block and be able to service other messages, etc.

Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.
Sampling Throttler

Available as of Camel 2.1

A sampling throttler allows you to extract a sample of the exchanges from the traffic through a route.
It is configured with a sampling period during which only a single exchange is allowed to pass through. All other exchanges will be stopped.

Will by default use a sample period of 1 seconds.


Default Value




Samples the message every N'th message. You can only use either frequency or period.



Samples the message every N'th period. You can only use either frequency or period.



Time unit as an enum of java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit from the JDK.

You use this EIP with the sample DSL as show in these samples.

Using the Fluent Builders
These samples also show how you can use the different syntax to configure the sampling period:
    .sample(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

Using the Spring XML Extensions
And the same example in Spring XML is:





And since it uses a default of 1 second you can omit this configuration in case you also want to use 1 second


Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.
See Also



The Delayer Pattern allows you to delay the delivery of messages to some destination.

The expression is a value in millis to wait from the current time, so the expression should just be 3000.
However you can use a long value for a fixed value to indicate the delay in millis.
See the Spring DSL samples for Delayer.

Using Delayer in Java DSL

See this ticket:


Default Value




Camel 2.4: If enabled then delayed messages happens asynchronously using a scheduled thread pool.



Camel 2.4: Refers to a custom Thread Pool to be used if asyncDelay has been enabled.



Camel 2.4: Is used if asyncDelayed was enabled. This controls if the caller thread should execute the task if the thread pool rejected the task.

Using the Fluent Builders

The example below will delay all messages received on seda:b 1 second before sending them to mock:result.

You can just delay things a fixed amount of time from the point at which the delayer receives the message. For example to delay things 2 seconds

The above assume that the delivery order is maintained and that the messages are delivered in delay order. If you want to reorder the messages based on delivery time, you can use the Resequencer with this pattern. For example

You can of course use many different Expression languages such as XPath, XQuery, SQL or various Scripting Languages. For example to delay the message for the time period specified in the header, use the following syntax:

And to delay processing using the Simple language you can use the following DSL:
Spring DSL

The sample below demonstrates the delay in Spring DSL:











For further examples of this pattern in use you could look at the junit test case
Asynchronous delaying

Available as of Camel 2.4

You can let the Delayer use non blocking asynchronous delaying, which means Camel will use a scheduler to schedule a task to be executed in the future. The task will then continue routing. This allows the caller thread to not block and be able to service other messages etc.
From Java DSL

You use the asyncDelayed() to enable the async behavior.
From Spring XML

You use the asyncDelayed="true" attribute to enable the async behavior.



Creating a custom delay

You can use an expression to determine when to send a message using something like this
  delay().method("someBean", "computeDelay").

then the bean would look like this...
public class SomeBean {
  public long computeDelay() {
     long delay = 0;
     // use java code to compute a delay value in millis
     return delay;

Using This Pattern

If you would like to use this EIP Pattern then please read the Getting Started, you may also find the Architecture useful particularly the description of Endpoint and URIs. Then you could try out some of the Examples first before trying this pattern out.
See Also

    Delay Interceptor

Load Balancer

The Load Balancer Pattern allows you to delegate to one of a number of endpoints using a variety of different load balancing policies.
Built-in load balancing policies

Camel provides the following policies out-of-the-box:



Round Robin

The exchanges are selected from in a round robin fashion. This is a well known and classic policy, which spreads the load evenly.


A random endpoint is selected for each exchange.


Sticky load balancing using an Expression to calculate a correlation key to perform the sticky load balancing; rather like jsessionid in the web or JMSXGroupID in JMS.


Topic which sends to all destinations (rather like JMS Topics)


In case of failures the exchange will be tried on the next endpoint.

Weighted Round-Robin

Camel 2.5: The weighted load balancing policy allows you to specify a processing load distribution ratio for each server with respect to the others. In addition to the weight, endpoint selection is then further refined using round-robin distribution based on weight.

Weighted Random

Camel 2.5: The weighted load balancing policy allows you to specify a processing load distribution ratio for each server with respect to others.In addition to the weight, endpoint selection is then further refined using random distribution based on weight.


Camel 2.8: From Camel 2.8 onwards the preferred way of using a custom Load Balancer is to use this policy, instead of using the @deprecated ref attribute.
Circuit Breaker   

Camel 2.14: Implements the Circuit Breaker pattern as described in "Release it!" book.

Load balancing HTTP endpoints

If you are proxying and load balancing HTTP, then see this page for more details.
Round Robin

The round robin load balancer is not meant to work with failover, for that you should use the dedicated failover load balancer. The round robin load balancer will only change to next endpoint per message.

The round robin load balancer is stateful as it keeps state of which endpoint to use next time.

Using the Fluent Builders
roundRobin().to("mock:x", "mock:y", "mock:z");
Using the Spring configuration



The above example loads balance requests from direct:start to one of the available mock endpoint instances, in this case using a round robin policy.
For further examples of this pattern look at this junit test case

The failover load balancer is capable of trying the next processor in case an Exchange failed with an exception during processing.
You can constrain the failover to activate only when one exception of a list you specify occurs. If you do not specify a list any exception will cause fail over to occur. This balancer uses the same strategy for matching exceptions as the Exception Clause does for the onException.

Enable stream caching if using streams

If you use streaming then you should enable Stream caching when using the failover load balancer. This is needed so the stream can be re-read after failing over to the next processor.

Failover offers the following options:








Camel 2.3: Whether or not the Error Handler configured on the route should be used. Disable this if you want failover to transfer immediately to the next endpoint. On the other hand, if you have this option enabled, then Camel will first let the Error Handler try to process the message. The Error Handler may have been configured to redeliver and use delays between attempts. If you have enabl

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