

Sanjiv多次在博客显示他对SmartClient ( http://www.smartclient.com)的“露骨”欣赏。

There are several other excellent Javascript libraries like SmartClient that haven't gained the recognition they deserve and community support only because they were honest and consistent in their licensing model.

It has a very comprehensive and complete API with a consistent component model. It handles full-cycle databinding, cache management and automatic cache updates, and adaptive use of client-side filtering and client-side sorting that kicks in once a dataset has been filtered down so that it fits in cache. All of this works with any data provider. Some other cool features include WebService bindings, TreeGrid and OLAP / Cube Grid.

# The library is extremely stable. The number of bugs reported are very few.
# Response to all questions is fast and they are hardly any unanswered questions.
# The forum is friendly with no rude / condescending remarks even to newbies
