哈佛商业英语(成人)Harvard Business English (Adults)

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哈佛商业英语(成人)Harvard Business English (Adults)

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此课程有5级.There are 5 Levels for this course.

课程详细信息 Course Details:

- 每一级有56节课(包括4至6小时特殊i-Learn明星客座演讲者课堂强化速成系列)Each level has 56 lessons(including 4 to 6 hours of the i-Learn Guest Star Speaker Series)

-每节课60分钟 Every lesson is 60minutes

-课程总小时数= 56 +不限次数地参与新星际的清晨新闻和咖啡/茶英语口语讲习班 Total hours of class = 56 + unlimited attendance to Rising Scholars’ Early Morning News and Coffee/Tea Oral English Workshop

课程持续时间Course Duration:大约6个月,每周大约2小时 approximately 6 months based on around 2 hours a week

每一级皆为一个套餐,包括以下课程Each level is a package and includes the following classes:

VIP私人11课堂x 4节课VIP Private 1 on 1 Class x 4 lessons

- 每节课 60 分钟 60 minutes each lesson

一对一课堂根据学生进行调整,关注他们特别需要帮助的领域。学生们可以要求定制主题,否则老师将帮助他们进行选择。An one on one class tailored to the student and focusing on the areas they particularly need help on. Students can request custom topics or the teacher will help them select.

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主要课程(英语口语) x 36 (60分钟Main Class (Oral English) x 36 (60 minutes)




In our Main class of oral English we help students achieve their goals and advance their careers.

This course covers 9 units and 1 review unit at the end.Units cover relevant topics such as buying and selling,international trade,mergers and acquisitions, people skills, marketing and human resources, and cross-cultural business skills. Unit to pics expose students to the practicalities of business and build relevant business vocabulary. 

Every unit helps students develop 4 core skills of  speaking, reading, listening, and writing specifically for use in business. Speaking skills are developed by Open discussion exercises for groups and pairs andCase study discussions on the unit topic. Authentic texts from the Financial Times and other sources develop reading skills and provide essential business vocabulary. Interviews with business people and experts develop listening skills, such as prediction, listening for specific information and note taking.Writing and grammar is developed in ‘Language Work’ section of each unit. Language Work develops students’ awareness of common problem areas and introduces grammatical concepts. 

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殊 i-Inspire 明星客座演讲者课堂强化速成系列 x 6(i-Inspire Star Guest Speaker Series x 6)

本系列是一个独有的 i-Inspire 课堂系列,我们的任何竞争对手都没有提供这种课程。参加我们英语培训课程的学生可以免费参加。每隔一周的周末,将邀请有名的客座演讲者到我们的英语培训中心就相关的有趣话题和主题对我们的商务英语学生进行讲演。他们将教授和分享他们的专业知识。我们的明星嘉宾演讲者是他们行业内的专家,拥有优秀的学历和长期的全球商业工作经验。每一位嘉宾演讲者都配有一名新星际当地中国团队成员,在有任何语言障碍问题的情况下提供支持。下面是一些可能的明星嘉宾演讲者:

This is an exclusive i-Inspire class series not offered with any of our competitors. Students who are enrolled in our English training courses have FREE entry. Every other weekend, reputed foreign guests will be invited to speak on business related topics and topics of interest to our business English students at our EnglishTraining Centre.They will teach and share their expertise. Our star guest speakers are experts in their industries, have strong education credentials and long global business work experience. Each guest speaker session will have a Rising Scholars local Chinese team member accompany them for support, in case of any language barrier problems. Below our a few of our possible star guests speakers:

-Mr. William Arblaster(太古集团)

-Ms. Anik Tremblay EQUIOM GROUP(业务发展总监,超级越野跑者)

-Mr. Henry Leung(国泰航空-飞行员和机长)

-Ms. Neena Daswani(索尼影视娱乐— 财务与全球采购经理)

-Ms. Nathalie Ho (Asia Brand Loyalty以及阿迪达斯和Gap前职员–人力资源经理)

-Mr. David Slavich (S&S Capital Advisory LLC–环球投资银行,管理合伙人)

-Dr. Caleb Tse(市场营销和国际商务管理的M.B.A教授,香港大学和伦敦商学院)

-Ms. Silke Bender(运动员,美林赞助的超级越野跑者,瑜伽教练)

-Mr. Tommy Su(NBA东南亚,制作人和在线视频内容开发经理)

-Mr. Herbert Wong(新星际首席执行官和B&L Garment & Zhongshan Jus Be Garment Factory Ltd前总经理)


我们的学生不仅将有机会通过有趣的话题来学习英语,他们还将获得独有的建立全球性人际关系网络的机会。Not only will our students get a chance to learn English in interesting topics,there will be unique global networking opportunities for our students.

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商务人士需要的关键技能 x 10 Critical Skills Needed for Business Professionals x 10

(每节课60分钟)(Each lesson is 60 minutes)


Designed by Harvard Business School Alumni and ‘Fortune 500’ high level business executives, our critical skills classes for both beginner and Intermediate students teach relevant business skills in 3 key areas (job hunting, excel in your career or your own business, and succeed in the Global World). Advanced skills classes use the Harvard University Case Study Method to teach business strategy, critical thinking, teamwork, and communicative English skills. Lesson topics are taken from Harvard MBA classes and designed to be accessible and understood by ESL students.










6.西方商务礼仪第 1 讲(什么不该做)

7.西方商务礼仪第 2 讲(什么该做)



9.战略和团队合作任务第 2 讲

10.战略和团队合作任务第 3 讲









Lesson Examples:

Get the Job

6.How to write an excellent Resume/CV

7.Using Social Media to get the job (LinkedIn)

8.Interview to get the job

Excel in your career

9.Sales; how to open a market

10.How to write a business e-mail to a foreign client Succeed in the Global World

6.Western business etiquette # 1 (what not to do)

7.Western business etiquette # 2 (what to do)

MBA Case Study Method from Harvard Business School

8.Strategy and teamwork task # 1

9.Strategyand teamwork task #2

10.Strategy and teamwork task#3

Description of Case Study method


Video of Class Using Case Study Method


Additional Ideas

·Phone Manner

·Negotiation Skills with customers, business partners, managers

·Popular computing software

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早间新闻和咖啡英语口语讲习班 不限次数 Morning News and Coffee Oral English Workshop x Unlimited

(每节课60分钟)(Each lesson is 60 minutes)

周六 (早上 8:30 点 – 9:30 点) Saturday (8:30 am – 9:30 am)



A class discussion created for early morning businessmen and businesswomen.Students read stories from leading business newspapers and discuss the latest business news. News related to business,economics, and stories that have most relevance to business professionals are discussed in teacher led discussions that are suitable for all levels. Sports and “pop culture” are also discussed to provide a lighter break and more casual learning environment, plus to help increase students’ global pop culture awareness that could often provide more relatable topics of discussion when conversing with potential customers or business partners, hence, easing the level of tension and awkwardness.

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Business English Level 1 (Elementary)Teaching Objectives


·Vocabulary of 2,000- 2,500+ words

·Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).

·Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.

·Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.

·Can express simple opinions or requirements.

·Can write short simple emails related to personal/work information.

·Can express likes and dislikes in familiar contexts using simple language such as‘I (don’t) like....

·Can complete forms related to personal information (ie. Customs forms, registration forms)

·Can express simple opinions using expressions such as ‘I don’t agree’.

·Can understand the general meaning of a simplified textbook or article, reading very slowly.

·Can write a very short simple story or description, such as ‘My last holiday’.

Business English Level 2(Pre-Intermediate) Teaching Objectives


·Vocabulary of 2,500 – 3,000+ words

·Can understand the main points of clear standard English on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, leisure,etc.

·Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken.

·Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.

·Can describe experiences and events,dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

·Can understand the main point of many radio or TV shows on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest in English.

·Can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job- related language.

·Can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters.

·Can enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events).

·Can connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, my dreams, hopes and ambitions.

·Can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. I

·Can offer advice to clients within own job area on simple matters.

·Can understand the general meaning of complicated letters and newspaper articles within own work area.

·Can make accurate notes at a meeting or seminar where the subject matter is familiar and predictable.

Business English Level 3 (Intermediate) Teaching Objectives


·Vocabulary of 3,000 – 3,500+ words

·Can understand extended speech and lectures and follow even complex lines of argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar.

·Can understand most TV news and current affairs broadcasts.

·Can understand the majority of films in English without subtitles.

·Can read articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular attitudes or viewpoints.

·Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible. I can take an active part in discussion in familiar contexts, accounting for and sustaining my views.

·Can present clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to student’s field of interest.

·Can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options

·Can write clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects related to interests.

·Can write a report, passing on information or giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view.

·Can write letters highlighting the personal significance of events and experiences.

Business English Level 4 (Upper Intermediate) Teaching Objectives


·Vocabulary of 3,500-4,500+

·Can read articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular stances or viewpoints.

·Can take an active role in English business meetings on familiar topics.

·Can write a report, passing on information and advising clients on complex topics.

·Can show a relatively high degree of grammatical control.

·Can speak with a clear, natural pronunciation and intonation.

·Can express themselves confidently, clearly and politely in a formal or informal situation.

Business English Level 5 (Advanced) Teaching Objectives


·Vocabulary of 4,500-5,000+ words

·Can contribute effectively to meetings and seminars within own area of work or keep up a casual conversation with a good degree of fluency, coping with abstract expressions.

·Can read quickly enough to cope with an academic course such as an MBA, can read the media for information, can understand non-standard correspondence.

·Can write letters on any subject and full notes of meetings or seminars with good accuracy.

·Can understand complex opinions/arguments as expressed in serious business newspapers.

·Can keep up conversations of a casual nature for an extended period of time and discuss abstract/cultural topics with a good degree of fluency and range of expression.

·Can handle a wide range of routine and non- routine situations in which professional servicesare requested from colleagues or external contacts.

·Can contribute effectively to meetings and seminars within own area of work and argue for or against a case.


Students will possess the English interpersonal skills needed to be successful in the global workplace and society.


Students will be able to communicate confidently in English with foreigners.


They will be prepared to communicate effectively while traveling abroad, meeting foreign friends, and getting their point across in English


Students will enjoy classes and a warm and supportive student centered class experience


Students will get lots of speaking practice with well educated foreigners


本课程的英语为母语的专业教师和商务专业人士 Professional Native English Teacher & Business Professional for this course:

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迈克尔·高德特先生Mr. Michael Gaudette











后来,高德特先生曾任一家著名的法国-比利时贸易公司Eloy Becker的咨询顾问,为保时捷、空中客车公司以及雷诺&雪铁龙提供中国市场营销战略支持。

而后高德特搬到中国上海,在Luning亚洲公司(价值10亿欧元的德国制造公司)担任中国南方采购经理一职, 曾服务过沃尔玛、C&A、麦德龙等公司客户。







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王赫博先生 Mr. Herbert Wong











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官方网址: http://rising-scholars.com/



HERBERT WONG 电话: 13929957451

MICHAEL GAUDETTE 电话: 13823486407

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