

Settings Explanations:

• 40MHz Intolerant: Disabled
Default = Disabled. Me = Disabled. When the 40MHz Intolerant property is enabled, the adapter is intolerant of neighbouring devices operating in 40-MHz mode in the 2.4-GHz band and forces all the overlapping basic service sets in the 2.4-GHz band to downgrade to 20-MHz operation. I decided not to risk anything being downgraded to 20-MHz.

• 802.11b Preamble: Auto (Short/ Long)
Default = Auto. Me = Auto. The 802.11n Preamble property controls the Preamble setting of 802.11n frames. My understanding of this is that only N devices support short preamble, but there wasn’t just a short preamble choice so I chose Auto. There would be no point choosing just ‘Long’ as I have no a/ b / g wireless devices on my network. Interoperability is not a concern.

• Afterburner: Enabled
Default = Disabled. Me = Enabled. Afterburner is a Broadcom proprietary technology that boosts wireless throughput. Not too sure if this does anything with the Netgear Windows 7 driver installed, but it didn’t appear to do any harm so I enabled it.

• Antenna Diversity: Auto
Default = Auto. Me = Auto. Antenna Diversity is a function included in most wireless LAN equipment that has two antennas, Main and Aux. When set to Auto, Antenna Diversity monitors the signal from each antenna and automatically switches to the one with the better signal.

• AP Compatibility Mode: Higher Performance
Default = Higher Performance. Me = Higher Performance. Some older wireless routers may have implementations that deviate from IEEE 802.11 standards. Setting this property to Broader Compatibility enables your WLAN Card to better communicate with such APs, but at the expense of some performance loss.

• Bandwidth Capability: 11b/g:20/40MHz
Default = 11b/g: 20 MHz. Me = 11b/g: 20/40 MHz. The Bandwidth Capability property configures the bandwidth of each channel. The 20/40 MHz option indicates that both bandwidth capabilities are available, and that the other end of the link may determine the ultimate bandwidth for a given link. There seems to be two bandwidths available here, so why not go for them both?!

• Bluetooth Collaboration: Disabled
Default = Enabled. Me = Disabled. Bluetooth Collaboration enables general purpose input/output transmit suppression protocol between the IEEE 802.11 media access control (MAC) and an external Bluetooth chip to minimize transmit interference. Whenever I enabled this it knocked the network card off altogether and I couldn’t get it back again. I don’t use Bluetooth with my router so it was an easy decision to disable this.

• BT-AMP: Disabled
Default = Disabled. Me = Disabled. The BT-AMP technology enables BlueTooth to support data rates of up to 24 Megabits per second and increases range by using other wireless radio technologies, such as the I.E.E.E. 802.11, as a transport medium. I’d disabled Bluetooth so I made sure that this was disabled too.

• Disabled Upon Wired Connect: Disabled
Default = Disabled. Me = Disabled. If this property is set to Enabled, whenever your computer is connected to an Ethernet port and the link state is good, the computer automatically turns off the IEEE 802.11 radio. This conserves IP address allocation, reduces security risks, resolves dual interface routing issues, and prolongs battery life. I couldn’t see any point in enabling this feature.

• Fragmentation Threshold: 2346
Default = 2346. Me = 2346. The maximum size in bytes at which packets are fragmented and transmitted a piece at a time instead of all at once. Available values range from 256 to 2346. The default value is 2346. It seems to me that if the default size is the biggest size available then leave well alone.

• IBSS 54g(tm) Protection Mode: Disable
Default = Auto. Me = Disable. IBSS 54g Protection Mode is a mechanism of prefixing each orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) data frame with a request to send/clear to send (RTS/CTS) complimentary code keying (CCK) frame sequence. The duration fields of the RTS and CTS frames should allow the IEEE 802.11b node to correctly set its network allocation vector (NAV) and avoid collisions with the subsequent OFDM frames. As required for Wi-Fi, protection mechanisms are enabled automatically whenever an IEEE 802.11b Station (STA) joins the BSS. If no IEEE 802.11b STA joins, then no protection mechanism is used, and full IEEE 802.11g performance is attained. I’m not sure that I really understood every word of this (copied) explanation, but the gist of it seems to be that if you aren’t going to add old legacy wireless devices then you don’t need to protect against the performance drop off, so I didn’t!

• IBSS Mode: 802.11a/b/g/n Auto
IBSS Mode is used to set the connection type in an ad hoc network. The 802.11a/b/g/n Auto setting is available only for Cards that are IEEE 802.11n capable. If the WLAN Card supports 802.11n operation, you can connect to IEEE 802.11n IBSS networks. The maximum rate achievable for a IEEE 802.11n IBSS association is 270 Mbps, but this rate is achievable only when you join a IEEE 802.11n IBSS network that was established to operate within a 40-MHz bandwidth. The maximum rate for most IEEE 802.11n IBSS networks is 130 Mbps.
The g settings will operate at speeds up to 54 Mbps. 802.11a/b/g/n Auto. Links with IEEE 802.11n. This is the only option that will allow you to get speeds up to 270 Mbps.

• Locally Administered MAC Address: Not Present
Locally Administered MAC Address is used to override the MAC address of the WLAN Card. The Locally Administered MAC Address is a user-defined MAC address that is used in place of the MAC address originally assigned to the network adapter. Every adapter in the network must have its own unique MAC address. This locally administered address consists of a 12-digit hexadecimal number.
Value. Assigns a unique node address for the adapter.
Not Present (Default). Uses the factory-assigned node address on the adapter.
The appropriate assigned ranges and exceptions for the locally administered address include the following:
o The range is 00:00:00:00:00:01 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FD.
o Do not use a multicast address (least significant bit of the high byte = 1).
o Set locally administered address (bit 1 of the high byte = 1).
o Do not use all 0s or all F's.
This was blank. I have no need to assign my own MAC addresses, so I left it blank.

• Minimum Power Consumption (MPC): Disabled
Default = Enabled. Me = Disabled. When enabled, this property enables the wireless client to either turn off the radio or to not scan when the wireless client network is unassociated or when the computer is in the IDLE state. I couldn’t see any advantage in allowing the wireless radio signal to get turned off and I’m not that bothered about power consumption so I disabled this feature.

• Mixed Cell Support: Disabled
A mixed cell is a wireless network in which some devices use WEP and some do not. We’ve already established that you have to use WPA2-PSK authentication if you want to get the best performance therefore there would be no point in enabling this.

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Old November 29th, 2010, 11:01 AM 

alanmccormack alanmccormack is offline 

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Default Re: RangeMax NEXT Wireless Adapter WN311x


• Priority & VLAN: Priority & VLAN: Disabled
Default = Disabled. Me = Disabled. The Priority & VLAN property controls IEEE 802.1p packet priority and the VLAN identifier (ID). When the property is set to Priority Enabled or Priority & VLAN Enabled, the driver supports “User Priority” values that correspond to the following access classes: background (BG), best-effort (BE), video (VI), and voice (VO). When the property is set to Priority & VLAN Enabled or VLAN Enabled, the driver removes VLAN ID marking in the MAC headers of packets. When the property is set to Priority & VLAN Disabled, the packets in the queue are transmitted on a first-come, first-served basis, regardless of any priority information within the packet.
Priority - enables 802.1p marking of frames for Class of Service, doesn't mean anything in a home environment. VLAN - enables 802.1q tagging so frames have a header identifying what VLAN they belong to, doesn't mean anything in a home environment. Leave this disabled unless there is a very specific reason to mess with them. In fact just leave them disabled.

• Rate: Best Rate
This property allows you to specify the rate [in megabits per second (Mbps)] at which data is transmitted. The possible values are: 1, 2, 5.5, 6, 9, 11, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 54. The default setting is Use best Rate, which automatically adjusts the transmission rate to the optimal rate based on the capabilities of the other wireless clients and wireless routers/APs on the network. The default value for this property is set for maximum performance. Therefore, home users should not change the setting.

• Regional Domain: Europe

• Roam Tendency: Conservative
Default = Moderate . Me = Conservative. This property adjusts the roaming thresholds for the WLAN Card.
Moderate (default). Roams to APs having a signal strength at least 20 dB greater than the current wireless router/AP.
Aggressive. Roams to APs having a signal strength at least 10 dB greater than the current wireless router/AP.
Conservative. Roams to APs having a signal strength at least 30 dB greater than the current wireless router/AP.
I won’t be roaming with my desktop PC, ever!

• Roaming Decision: Optimise Bandwidth
Default = Default . Me = Optimize Bandwidth. The signal strength value that determines when the WLAN Card starts scanning for another wireless router/AP.
Default (default). 75 dB
Optimize Bandwidth. 65 dB
Optimize Distance. 85 dB
Nothing is more important to me than bandwidth. I am a stationary desktop PC so I don’t want to roam. I am relatively close to my router and I do not intend to move further away so the most relevant setting here for me is Optimize Bandwidth.

• RTS Threshold: 2347
Default = 2347. Me = 2347. If the number of frames in the data packet is at or above the RTS Threshold, a request to send/clear to send handshake is turned on before the data packet is sent. The default value is 2347. The range is 0 to 2347. The default is the already the biggest it can be, so leave well alone.

• Transmit Power: 100%
Default = 100% . Me = 100%. The optimal setting is to set the transmit power at the lowest possible level still compatible with the quality of their communication. This allows the maximum number of wireless devices to operate in dense areas and reduces interference with other devices that share this radio spectrum. If you decrease the transmit power, you reduce the radio coverage. If like me you live in an area with very few wireless devices and you don’t have any other wireless devices yourself then I see no reason not leave this setting at 100%.

• Wake-Up Mode: Magic & WakeUp Frame
The Wake-up Mode property enables or disables the capability of the WLAN Card to wake up the computer from a low-power state when the WLAN Card receives a network wake-up packet.
All. Loss of Link, Magic Pattern, and Net Pattern are considered in wake pattern matching.
LossOfLink. Wakes up the machine if the wireless STA loses its association with the wireless router/AP in Wake mode.
Magic & WakeUp Frame (default). Both Magic Pattern and Net Pattern are considered in wake pattern matching.
Magic Frame & LossOfLink. Both Magic Pattern and Loss of Link are considered in wake pattern matching.
Magic Packet. Only Magic Pattern is considered in wake pattern matching.
None. Pattern Matching is disabled.
Wake Up Frame. Only Net Pattern is considered in wake pattern matching.
Wake Up Frame & LossOfLink. Both Net Pattern and Loss of Link are considered in wake pattern matching.

I don’t use this feature, but I don’t see any harm in leaving it at the default setting.

• WMM: Enabled
Default = Auto. Me = Enabled. Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM®). The WMM property enables Quality of Service (QoS) for audio, video, and voice applications over a wireless network by prioritizing streams of content and optimizing the way the network allocates bandwidth among competing applications.
Auto (default). With WMM set to Auto, when the wireless client connects to the wireless router/AP, and the wireless router/AP has Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery [Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery (UAPSD)] enabled, the wireless client is allowed to enter Power Save mode. If the AP does not support UAPSD, the wireless client cannot enter Power Save mode. If this is the case, the battery in the client computer discharges more quickly and must be recharged more frequently.
Enabled. The wireless client enters Power Save mode for WMM associations independent of whether the AP has UAPSD enabled or disabled.
Disabled. The wireless client does not have WMM association.

I read here that this must be enabled, so I enabled it, please read the article and decide for yourself:

To quote the summary of the article:
“Since WMM support is required for products to be certified for 802.11n, WMM comes enabled by default in all Wi-Fi Certified n APs and wireless routers. So even if you don't have any WMM-aware devices on your network, leave WMM enabled or you may find your clients connecting only at 54 Mbps rates.”

• WZC IBSS Channel Number: 1(20MHz)
Default = 11. Me = 1(20MHz). The WZC IBSS Channel Number property selects the independent basic service set (IBSS) channel number on which to operate when WZC is managing your wireless networks. The default setting is 11.
The setting on the router dictates which channel is used. You should have ‘Auto’ enabled giving you 2 channels, in my case auto has selected channels 1 and 5.
Just as an aside I did try every single channel listed in this option just to see if it really made no difference. For some reason the card’s speed seemed to be highest on 1(20MHz), but I have no evidence to back this up, just a very vague feeling that this channel was the best, even though I know that the router decides the channels! Irrational and not at all helpful I know!

• Xpress: Enabled
Default = Disabled. Me = Enabled. Xpress™ Technology is a proprietary frame bursting technology that improves throughput by repackaging data so that more data can be sent in each frame. Xpress Technology is disabled by default.
Disabled (default). Disables Xpress Technology.
Enabled. Enables Xpress Technology.

This setting seemed to have the potential to improve speed so I enabled it. My speed was already 270Mbps at the time and enabling this setting didn’t appear to do that speed any harm so I left it enabled.
