
此文是转载自 http://www.fpgadeveloper.com/2014/08/using-the-axi-dma-in-vivado.html

我在测试AXI DMA时参考了这个文章,调通了xilinx官方的axidmatest.c

环境:uboot:2015.4    kernel 2015.3   vivado 2015.4.1   



compatible = "xlnx,axi-dma-test-1.00.a";
dmas = <&axi_dma_0 0 &axi_dma_0 1>;
dma-names = "axidma0", "axidma1";


2、在vivado中打开AXI DMA 的IP,修改width of Buffer Length Register 修改为16(默认是14,我不知道这个有没有影响)。

n a previous tutorial I went through how to use the AXI DMA Engine in EDK, now I’ll show you how to use the AXI DMA in Vivado. We’ll create the hardware design in Vivado, then write a software application in the Xilinx SDK and test it on the MicroZed board (source code is shared on Github for the MicroZed and the ZedBoard, see links at the bottom).

What is DMA?

DMA stands for Direct Memory Access and a DMA engine allows you to transfer data from one part of your system to another. The simplest usage of a DMA would be to transfer data from one part of the memory to another, however a DMA engine can be used to transfer data from any data producer (eg. an ADC) to a memory, or from a memory to any data consumer (eg. a DAC).

Tutorial overview

In this design, we’ll use the DMA to transfer data from memory to an IP block and back to the memory. In principle, the IP block could be any kind of data producer/consumer such as an ADC/DAC FMC, but in this tutorial we will use a simple FIFO to create a loopback. After, you’ll be able to break the loop and insert whatever custom IP you like.

用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第1张图片The block diagram above illustrates the design that we’ll create. The processor and DDR memory controller are contained within the Zynq PS. The AXI DMA and AXI Data FIFO are implemented in the Zynq PL. The AXI-lite bus allows the processor to communicate with the AXI DMA to setup, initiate and monitor data transfers. The AXI_MM2S and AXI_S2MM are memory-mapped AXI4 buses and provide the DMA access to the DDR memory. The AXIS_MM2S and AXIS_S2MM are AXI4-streaming buses, which source and sink a continuous stream of data, without addresses.


  • MM2S stands for Memory-Mapped to Streaming, whereas S2MM stands for Streaming to Memory-Mapped.
  • When Scatter-Gather is used, there is an extra AXI bus between the DMA and the memory controller. It was left out of the diagram for simplicity.


Before following this tutorial, you will need to do the following:

  • Vivado Instructions were written for version 2014.2, but the source code will be maintained to the latest version
  • MicroZed
  • Platform Cable USB II (or equivalent JTAG programmer)

 Start from the base project

We’ll start this tutorial with the base system project for the MicroZed that you can access here:

Base system project for the MicroZed

Add the AXI DMA

  1. Open the base project in Vivado.
  2. In the Flow Navigator, click ‘Open Block Design’.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第2张图片
  3. The block diagram should open and you should only have the Zynq PS in the design.
  4. Click the ‘Add IP’ icon and double click ‘AXI Direct Memory Access’ from the catalog.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第3张图片

Connect the Memory-mapped AXI buses

  1. The DMA block should appear and designer assistance should be available. Click the ‘Run Connection Automation’ link and select ‘/axi_dma_0/S_AXI_LITE’ from the drop-down menu.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第4张图片
  2. Click ‘OK’ in the window that appears. Vivado will connect the AXI-lite bus of the DMA to the General Purpose AXI Interconnect of the PS.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第5张图片
  3. Your block diagram should now look like this :用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第6张图片
  4. Now we need to connect AXI buses M_AXI_SG, M_AXI_MM2S and M_AXI_S2MM of the DMA to a high performance AXI slave interface on the PS. Our PS doesn’t seem to have a high-performance AXI slave interface, so we need to change the Zynq configuration to enable one. Double click on the Zynq block.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第7张图片
  5. Select ‘PS-PL Configuration’, open the ‘HP Slave AXI Interface’ branch and tick the ‘S AXI HP0 interface’ to enable it. Then click OK.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第8张图片
  6. The high-performance AXI slave ports should now be visible in the block diagram, and designer assistance should be available. Click the ‘Run Connection Automation’ link and select ‘/processing_system7_0/S_AXI_HP0’ from the drop-down menu.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第9张图片
  7. In the window that appears, make sure that Vivado intends to connect it to the DMA and click OK.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第10张图片
  8. Designer assistance should again be available, click the ‘Run Connection Automation’ link and select ‘/axi_dma_0/M_AXI_SG’ from the drop-down menu.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第11张图片
  9. In the window that appears, click OK.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第12张图片
  10. Designer assistance should still be available, click the ‘Run Connection Automation’ link and select ‘/axi_dma_0/M_AXI_S2MM’ from the drop-down menu.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第13张图片
  11. In the window that appears, click OK.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第14张图片


Now all the memory-mapped AXI buses are connected to the DMA. Now we only have to connect the AXI streaming buses to our loopback FIFO and connect the DMA interrupts.

Add the FIFO

  1. Click the ‘Add IP’ icon and double click ‘AXI4-Stream Data FIFO’ from the catalog.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第15张图片
  2. The FIFO should be visible in the block diagram. Now we must connect the AXI-streaming buses to those of the DMA. Click the ‘S_AXIS’ port on the FIFO and connect it to the ‘M_AXIS_MM2S’ port of the DMA.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第16张图片
  3. Then connect the ‘M_AXIS’ port on the FIFO and connect it to the ‘S_AXIS_S2MM’ port of the DMA.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第17张图片
  4. Now we must connect the FIFO clock and reset. Click the ‘s_axis_aresetn’ port of the FIFO and connect it to the ‘axi_resetn’ port of the DMA.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第18张图片
  5. Click the ‘s_axis_aclk’ port of the FIFO and connect it to the ‘s_axi_lite_aclk’ port of the DMA.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第19张图片

Remove the AXI-Streaming status and control ports of the DMA

In our design, we won’t need the AXI-Streaming status and control ports which are used to transmit extra information alongside the data stream. You might use them if you were connecting to the AXI Ethernet core or a custom IP that made use of them.

  1. In the block diagram, double click the AXI DMA block.
  2. Un-tick the ‘Enable Control / Status Stream’ option and click OK.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第20张图片

Connect the DMA interrupts to the PS

Our software application will test the DMA in polling mode, but to be able to use it in interrupt mode, we need to connect the interrupts ‘mm2s_introut’ and ‘s2mm_introut’ to the Zynq PS.

  1. First we have to enable interrupts from the PL. Double click the Zynq block and select the Interrupts tab.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第21张图片
  2. Tick ‘Fabric Interrupts’ and ‘IRQ_F2P[15 :0]’ to enable them, and click OK.
  3. Click the ‘Add IP’ icon and double-click ‘Concat’ from the catalog.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第22张图片
  4. Connect the ‘dout’ port of the Concat to the ‘IRQ_F2P’ port of the Zynq PS.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第23张图片
  5. Connect the ‘mm2s_introut’ port of the DMA to the ‘In0’ port of the Concat.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第24张图片
  6. Connect the ‘s2mm_introut’ port of the DMA to the ‘In1’ port of the Concat.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第25张图片

Validate and build the design

  1. From the menu select Tools->Validate Design.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第26张图片
  2. You should get this message saying that validation was successful.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第27张图片
  3. We can clean up the block diagram by clicking the Regenerate Layout icon.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第28张图片
  4. Our block diagram now looks like this :用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第29张图片
  5. In the Flow Navigator, click ‘Generate Bitstream’.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第30张图片


Export the hardware design to SDK

Once the bitstream has been generated, we can export our design to SDK where we can develop the software application that will setup a DMA transfer, wait for completion and then verify the loopback.

  1. In Vivado, from the File menu, select “Export->Export hardware”.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第31张图片
  2. In the window that appears, tick “Include bitstream” and click “OK”.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第32张图片
  3. Again from the File menu, select “Launch SDK”.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第33张图片
  4. In the window that appears, use the following settings and click “OK”.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第34张图片

At this point, the SDK loads and a hardware platform specification will be created for your design. You should be able to see the hardware specification in the Project Explorer of SDK as shown in the image below.


We are now ready to create the software application.

Create a Software application

At this point, your SDK window should look somewhat like this:


To make things easy for us, we’ll use the template for the hello world application and then modify it to test the AXI DMA.

  1. From the File menu, select New->Application Project.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第37张图片
  2. In the first page of the New Project wizard, choose a name for the application. I’ve chosen “hello_world”. Click “Next”.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第38张图片
  3. On the templates page, select the “Hello World” template and click “Finish”.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第39张图片
  4. The SDK will generate a new application which you should find in the Project Explorer as in the image below.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第40张图片

The “hello_world” folder contains the Hello World software application, which we will modify to test our AXI DMA.

Modify the Software Application

We need to modify the hello world software application to test our DMA.

  1. From the Project Explorer, open the “hello_world/src” folder. Open the “helloworld.c” source file.
  2. Replace all the code in this file with the code that you will find on Github here:https://github.com/fpgadeveloper/microzed-axi-dma/blob/master/SDK/hello_world/src/helloworld.c
  3. Save and close the file. The application should build automatically.

The application source code is derived from an example provided by Xilinx in the installation files. You can find it at this location on your PC:


By the way, if you didn’t know about it already, that folder contains heaps of examples that you will find useful, I suggest you check it out.

Test the design on the hardware

To test the design, we are using the MicroZed board from Avnet. Make the following setup before continuing:

  1. On the MicroZed, set the JP1, JP2 and JP3 jumpers all to the 1-2 position.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第41张图片
  2. Connect the USB-UART (J2) to a USB port of your PC.
  3. Connect a Platform Cable USB II programmer (or similar device) to the JTAG connector. Connect the programmer to a USB port of your PC.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第42张图片


Now you need to open up a terminal program on your PC and set it up to receive the test messages. I use Miniterm because I’m a Python fan, but you could use any other terminal program such as Putty. Use the following settings:

  • Comport – check your device manager to find out what comport the MicroZed popped up as. In my case, it was COM12 as shown below.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第43张图片
  • Baud rate: 115200bps
  • Data: 8 bits
  • Parity: None
  • Stop bits: 1

Now that your PC is ready to receive the test messages, we are ready to send our bitstream and software application to the hardware.

  1. In the SDK, from the menu, select Xilinx Tools->Program FPGA.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第44张图片
  2. In the Program FPGA window, we select the hardware platform to program. We have only one hardware platform, so click “Program”.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第45张图片
  3. The bitstream will be loaded onto the Zynq and we are ready to load the software application. Select the “hello_world” folder in the Project Explorer, then from the menu, select Run->Run.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第46张图片
  4. In the Run As window, select “Launch on Hardware (GDB)” and click “OK”.用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第47张图片
  5. The application will be loaded on the Zynq PS and it will be executed. Look out for the results in your terminal window!用FPGA实现深度卷积神经网络(4)_第48张图片
