RabbitMQ exchange使用-主题模式

RabbitMQ exchange使用-主题模式
1 简介
Topic exchange is powerful and can behave like other exchanges.
When a queue is bound with " # " (hash) binding key - it will receiveall the messages, regardless of the routing key - like in fanout exchange.
When special characters " * " (star) and " # " (hash) aren't used in bindings,the topic exchange will behave just like a direct one.
就是这个路由routingKey 支持匹配通配符模式
" * " 匹配一个
" # " 匹配多个

交换机类型 : topic
// 声明一个交换机
channel . exchangeDeclare ( EXCHANGE_NAME , BuiltinExchangeType . TOPIC );

RabbitMQ exchange使用-主题模式_第1张图片

