public class TestSizeToHuman { public static void main(String[] args) { String str=MyCommonTool.readableFileSize(123456); System.out.println("str="+str); String; System.out.println("line="+line); ByteSizeValue byteSizeValue=new ByteSizeValue(123456, ByteSizeUnit.BYTES); System.out.println("byteSizeValue="+byteSizeValue.getKbFrac()+" KB"); System.out.println("byteSizeValue="+byteSizeValue.getMbFrac()+" MB"); } }
import java.text.DecimalFormat; public class MyCommonTool { public static String readableFileSize(long size) { if (size <= 0) { return "0"; } final String[] units = new String[]{"B", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB"}; int digitGroups = (int) (Math.log10(size) / Math.log10(1024)); return new DecimalFormat("#,##0.#").format(size / Math.pow(1024, digitGroups)) + " " + units[digitGroups]; } }
import; import java.util.Locale; public class ByteSizeValue implements Serializable { private long size; private ByteSizeUnit sizeUnit; private ByteSizeValue() { } public ByteSizeValue(long bytes) { this(bytes, ByteSizeUnit.BYTES); } public ByteSizeValue(long size, ByteSizeUnit sizeUnit) { this.size = size; this.sizeUnit = sizeUnit; } public int bytesAsInt() throws Exception { long bytes = bytes(); if (bytes > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new Exception("size [" + toString() + "] is bigger than max int"); } return (int) bytes; } public long bytes() { return sizeUnit.toBytes(size); } public long getBytes() { return bytes(); } public long kb() { return sizeUnit.toKB(size); } public long getKb() { return kb(); } public long mb() { return sizeUnit.toMB(size); } public long getMb() { return mb(); } public long gb() { return sizeUnit.toGB(size); } public long getGb() { return gb(); } public long tb() { return sizeUnit.toTB(size); } public long getTb() { return tb(); } public long pb() { return sizeUnit.toPB(size); } public long getPb() { return pb(); } public double kbFrac() { return ((double) bytes()) / ByteSizeUnit.C1; } public double getKbFrac() { return kbFrac(); } public double mbFrac() { return ((double) bytes()) / ByteSizeUnit.C2; } public double getMbFrac() { return mbFrac(); } public double gbFrac() { return ((double) bytes()) / ByteSizeUnit.C3; } public double getGbFrac() { return gbFrac(); } public double tbFrac() { return ((double) bytes()) / ByteSizeUnit.C4; } public double getTbFrac() { return tbFrac(); } public double pbFrac() { return ((double) bytes()) / ByteSizeUnit.C5; } public double getPbFrac() { return pbFrac(); } /** * Format the double value with a single decimal points, trimming trailing '.0'. */ public static String format1Decimals(double value, String suffix) { String p = String.valueOf(value); int ix = p.indexOf('.') + 1; int ex = p.indexOf('E'); char fraction = p.charAt(ix); if (fraction == '0') { if (ex != -1) { return p.substring(0, ix - 1) + p.substring(ex) + suffix; } else { return p.substring(0, ix - 1) + suffix; } } else { if (ex != -1) { return p.substring(0, ix) + fraction + p.substring(ex) + suffix; } else { return p.substring(0, ix) + fraction + suffix; } } } @Override public String toString() { long bytes = bytes(); double value = bytes; String suffix = "b"; if (bytes >= ByteSizeUnit.C5) { value = pbFrac(); suffix = "pb"; } else if (bytes >= ByteSizeUnit.C4) { value = tbFrac(); suffix = "tb"; } else if (bytes >= ByteSizeUnit.C3) { value = gbFrac(); suffix = "gb"; } else if (bytes >= ByteSizeUnit.C2) { value = mbFrac(); suffix = "mb"; } else if (bytes >= ByteSizeUnit.C1) { value = kbFrac(); suffix = "kb"; } return format1Decimals(value, suffix); } public static ByteSizeValue parseBytesSizeValue(String sValue) throws Exception { return parseBytesSizeValue(sValue, null); } public static ByteSizeValue parseBytesSizeValue(String sValue, ByteSizeValue defaultValue) throws Exception { if (sValue == null) { return defaultValue; } long bytes; try { String lastTwoChars = sValue.substring(sValue.length() - Math.min(2, sValue.length())).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); if (lastTwoChars.endsWith("k")) { bytes = (long) (Double.parseDouble(sValue.substring(0, sValue.length() - 1)) * ByteSizeUnit.C1); } else if (lastTwoChars.endsWith("kb")) { bytes = (long) (Double.parseDouble(sValue.substring(0, sValue.length() - 2)) * ByteSizeUnit.C1); } else if (lastTwoChars.endsWith("m")) { bytes = (long) (Double.parseDouble(sValue.substring(0, sValue.length() - 1)) * ByteSizeUnit.C2); } else if (lastTwoChars.endsWith("mb")) { bytes = (long) (Double.parseDouble(sValue.substring(0, sValue.length() - 2)) * ByteSizeUnit.C2); } else if (lastTwoChars.endsWith("g")) { bytes = (long) (Double.parseDouble(sValue.substring(0, sValue.length() - 1)) * ByteSizeUnit.C3); } else if (lastTwoChars.endsWith("gb")) { bytes = (long) (Double.parseDouble(sValue.substring(0, sValue.length() - 2)) * ByteSizeUnit.C3); } else if (lastTwoChars.endsWith("t")) { bytes = (long) (Double.parseDouble(sValue.substring(0, sValue.length() - 1)) * ByteSizeUnit.C4); } else if (lastTwoChars.endsWith("tb")) { bytes = (long) (Double.parseDouble(sValue.substring(0, sValue.length() - 2)) * ByteSizeUnit.C4); } else if (lastTwoChars.endsWith("p")) { bytes = (long) (Double.parseDouble(sValue.substring(0, sValue.length() - 1)) * ByteSizeUnit.C5); } else if (lastTwoChars.endsWith("pb")) { bytes = (long) (Double.parseDouble(sValue.substring(0, sValue.length() - 2)) * ByteSizeUnit.C5); } else if (lastTwoChars.endsWith("b")) { bytes = Long.parseLong(sValue.substring(0, sValue.length() - 1)); } else { bytes = Long.parseLong(sValue); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new Exception("Failed to parse [" + sValue + "]", e); } return new ByteSizeValue(bytes, ByteSizeUnit.BYTES); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; ByteSizeValue sizeValue = (ByteSizeValue) o; if (size != sizeValue.size) return false; if (sizeUnit != sizeValue.sizeUnit) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = (int) (size ^ (size >>> 32)); result = 31 * result + (sizeUnit != null ? sizeUnit.hashCode() : 0); return result; } }
public enum ByteSizeUnit { BYTES { @Override public long toBytes(long size) { return size; } @Override public long toKB(long size) { return size / (C1 / C0); } @Override public long toMB(long size) { return size / (C2 / C0); } @Override public long toGB(long size) { return size / (C3 / C0); } @Override public long toTB(long size) { return size / (C4 / C0); } @Override public long toPB(long size) { return size / (C5 / C0); } }, KB { @Override public long toBytes(long size) { return x(size, C1 / C0, MAX / (C1 / C0)); } @Override public long toKB(long size) { return size; } @Override public long toMB(long size) { return size / (C2 / C1); } @Override public long toGB(long size) { return size / (C3 / C1); } @Override public long toTB(long size) { return size / (C4 / C1); } @Override public long toPB(long size) { return size / (C5 / C1); } }, MB { @Override public long toBytes(long size) { return x(size, C2 / C0, MAX / (C2 / C0)); } @Override public long toKB(long size) { return x(size, C2 / C1, MAX / (C2 / C1)); } @Override public long toMB(long size) { return size; } @Override public long toGB(long size) { return size / (C3 / C2); } @Override public long toTB(long size) { return size / (C4 / C2); } @Override public long toPB(long size) { return size / (C5 / C2); } }, GB { @Override public long toBytes(long size) { return x(size, C3 / C0, MAX / (C3 / C0)); } @Override public long toKB(long size) { return x(size, C3 / C1, MAX / (C3 / C1)); } @Override public long toMB(long size) { return x(size, C3 / C2, MAX / (C3 / C2)); } @Override public long toGB(long size) { return size; } @Override public long toTB(long size) { return size / (C4 / C3); } @Override public long toPB(long size) { return size / (C5 / C3); } }, TB { @Override public long toBytes(long size) { return x(size, C4 / C0, MAX / (C4 / C0)); } @Override public long toKB(long size) { return x(size, C4 / C1, MAX / (C4 / C1)); } @Override public long toMB(long size) { return x(size, C4 / C2, MAX / (C4 / C2)); } @Override public long toGB(long size) { return x(size, C4 / C3, MAX / (C4 / C3)); } @Override public long toTB(long size) { return size; } @Override public long toPB(long size) { return size / (C5 / C4); } }, PB { @Override public long toBytes(long size) { return x(size, C5 / C0, MAX / (C5 / C0)); } @Override public long toKB(long size) { return x(size, C5 / C1, MAX / (C5 / C1)); } @Override public long toMB(long size) { return x(size, C5 / C2, MAX / (C5 / C2)); } @Override public long toGB(long size) { return x(size, C5 / C3, MAX / (C5 / C3)); } @Override public long toTB(long size) { return x(size, C5 / C4, MAX / (C5 / C4)); } @Override public long toPB(long size) { return size; } }; static final long C0 = 1L; static final long C1 = C0 * 1024L; static final long C2 = C1 * 1024L; static final long C3 = C2 * 1024L; static final long C4 = C3 * 1024L; static final long C5 = C4 * 1024L; static final long MAX = Long.MAX_VALUE; /** * Scale d by m, checking for overflow. * This has a short name to make above code more readable. */ static long x(long d, long m, long over) { if (d > over) return Long.MAX_VALUE; if (d < -over) return Long.MIN_VALUE; return d * m; } public abstract long toBytes(long size); public abstract long toKB(long size); public abstract long toMB(long size); public abstract long toGB(long size); public abstract long toTB(long size); public abstract long toPB(long size); }