Deepti Chopra(印度)
王威 译
import nltk
from nltk.util import ngrams
from nltk.corpus import alpino
for i in unigrams:
import nltk
from nltk.util import ngrams
from nltk.corpus import alpino
for i in quadgrams:
import nltk
from nltk.collocations import BigramCollocationFinder
from nltk.corpus import webtext
from nltk.metrics import BigramAssocMeasures
tokens=[t.lower() for t in webtext.words('grail.txt')]
print(words.nbest(BigramAssocMeasures.likelihood_ratio, 10))
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.corpus import webtext
from nltk.collocations import BigramCollocationFinder
from nltk.metrics import BigramAssocMeasures
stops_filter=lambda w:len(w)<3 or w in set
tokens=[t.lower() for t in webtext.words('grail.txt')]
print(words.nbest(BigramAssocMeasures.likelihood_ratio, 10))
import nltk
from nltk.collocations import *
text1="Hardwork is the key to success. Never give up!"
word = nltk.wordpunct_tokenize(text1)
finder = BigramCollocationFinder.from_words(word)
bigram_measures = nltk.collocations.BigramAssocMeasures()
value = finder.score_ngrams(bigram_measures.raw_freq)
print(sorted(bigram for bigram, score in value))
import nltk
from nltk.util import ngrams
from nltk.corpus import alpino
for i in bigrams_tokens:
import nltk
from nltk.util import ngrams
from nltk.corpus import alpino
for i in trigrams_tokens:
import nltk
import nltk
from nltk.collocations import *
text="Hello how are you doing ? I hope you find the book interesting"
for fourgram, freq in fourgrams.ngram_fd.items():
import nltk
from nltk.util import ngrams
sent=" Hello , please read the book thoroughly . If you have any queries , then don't hesitate to ask . There is no shortcut to success ."
for grams in fivegrams:
from __future__ import print_function,unicode_literals
__docformat__='epytext en'
import numpy
except ImportError:
import tempfile
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from nltk import compat
from import gzip_open_unicode
from nltk.util import OrderedDict
from nltk.probability import DictionaryProbDist
from nltk.classify.api import ClassifierI
from nltk.classify.util import CutoffChecker,accuracy,log_likelihood
from nltk.classify.megam import (call_megam,write_megam_file,parse_megam_weights)
from nltk.classify.tadm import call_tadm,write_tadm_file,parse_tadm_weig
概率分布分类 | 说明 |
派生概率分布 | 从频率分布中获取 |
分析概率分布 | 从参数中获取 |
class MLEProbDist(ProbDistI):
def __init__(self, freqdist, bins=None):
self._freqdist = freqdist
def freqdist(self):
return self._freqdist
def prob(self, sample):
return self._freqdist.freq(sample)
def max(self):
return self._freqdist.max()
def samples(self):
return self._freqdist.keys()
def __repr__(self):
"""It will return string representation of ProbDist"""
return '' % self._freqdist.N()
class LidstoneProbDist(ProbDistI):
"""该类用于获取频率分布。该频率分布由实数 Gamma 表示,其取值范围在 0 到 1 之间。
LidstoneProbDist 使用计数 c、样本结果 N 和能够从概率分布中获取的样本值 B 来计
算给定样本概率的公式如下: (c+Gamma)/(N+B*Gamma)。
这也意味着将 Gamma 加到了每一个可能的样本结果的计数上,并且从给定的频率分
布中计算出了 MLE:"""
SUM_TO_ONE = False
def __init__(self, freqdist, gamma, bins=None):
Lidstone 用于计算概率分布以便获取 freqdist。
参数 freqdist 可以定义为概率估计所基于的频率分布。
参数 bins 可以被定义为能够从概率分布中获取的样本值,概率的总和等于 1:
if (bins == 0) or (bins is None and freqdist.N() == 0):
name = self.__class__.__name__[:-8]
raise ValueError('A %s probability distribution ' % name +'must have at least one bin.')
if (bins is not None) and (bins < freqdist.B()):
name = self.__class__.__name__[:-8]
raise ValueError('\nThe number of bins in a %sdistribution ' % name +'(%d) must be greater than or equal to\n' % bins +'the number of bins in the FreqDist used ' +'to create it (%d).' % freqdist.B())
self._freqdist = freqdist
self._gamma = float(gamma)
self._N = self._freqdist.N()
if bins is None:
bins = freqdist.B()
self._bins = bins
self._divisor = self._N + bins * gamma
if self._divisor == 0.0:
# In extreme cases we force the probability to be 0,
# which it will be, since the count will be 0:
self._gamma = 0
self._divisor = 1
def freqdist(self):
return self._freqdist
def prob(self, sample):
c = self._freqdist[sample]
return (c + self._gamma) / self._divisor
def max(self):
# To obtain most probable sample, choose the one
# that occurs very frequently.
return self._freqdist.max()
def samples(self):
return self._freqdist.keys()
def discount(self):
gb = self._gamma * self._bins
return gb / (self._N + gb)
def __repr__(self):
String representation of ProbDist is obtained.2.1 理解单词频率 29
return '' % self._freqdist.N()
class LaplaceProbDist(LidstoneProbDist):
该类用于获取频率分布。它使用计数 c、样本结果 N 和能够被生成的样本值的频率 B
这也意味着将 1 加到了每一个可能的样本结果的计数上,并且获取了所得频率分布的
def __init__(self, freqdist, bins=None):
LaplaceProbDist 用于获取为生成 freqdist 的概率分布。
参数 freqdist 用于获取基于概率估计的频率分布。
参数 bins 可以被认为是能够被生成的样本值的频率。概率的总和必须为 1:
LidstoneProbDist.__init__(self, freqdist, 1, bins)
def __repr__(self):
String representation of ProbDist is obtained.
return '' % self._freqdist.N()
class ELEProbDist(LidstoneProbDist):
该类用于获取频率分布。它使用计数 c,样本结果 N 和能够被生成的样本值的频率 B
这也意味着将 0.5 加到了每一个可能的样本结果的计数上,并且获取了所得频率分布
def __init__(self, freqdist, bins=None):
预期似然估计用于获取生成 freqdist 的概率分布。参数 freqdist 用于获取基于概
参数 bins 可以被认为是能够被生成的样本值的频率。概率的总和必须为 1:
LidstoneProbDist.__init__(self, freqdist, 0.5, bins)
def __repr__(self):
String representation of ProbDist is obtained.
return '' % self._freqdist.N()
class WittenBellProbDist(ProbDistI):
WittenBellProbDist 类用于获取概率分布。在之前看到的样本频率的基础上,该
T / (N + T)
这里, T 是观察到的样本数, N 是观察到的事件的总数。样本的概率质量等于即将出
现的新样本的最大似然估计。所有概率的总和等于 1:
p = T / Z (N + T), if count = 0
p = c / (N + T), otherwise
def __init__(self, freqdist, bins=None):
T / (N + T)
这里, T 是观察到的样本数, N 是观察到的事件的总数。样本的概率质量等于即将出
现的新样本的最大似然估计。所有概率的总和等于 1:
p = T / Z (N + T), if count = 0
p = c / (N + T), otherwise
Z 是使用这些值和一个 bin 值计算出的规范化因子。参数 freqdist 用于估算可以从中获取概率分布的频率计数。参数 bins 可以定义为样本的可能类型的数量:
assert bins is None or bins >= freqdist.B(),\'bins parameter must not be less than %d=freqdist.B()' % freqdist.B()
if bins is None:
bins = freqdist.B()
self._freqdist = freqdist
self._T = self._freqdist.B()
self._Z = bins - self._freqdist.B()
self._N = self._freqdist.N()
# self._P0 is P(0), precalculated for efficiency:
if self._N==0:
# if freqdist is empty, we approximate P(0) by aUniformProbDist:
self._P0 = 1.0 / self._Z
self._P0 = self._T / float(self._Z * (self._N + self._T))
def prob(self, sample):
# inherit docs from ProbDistI
c = self._freqdist[sample]
return (c / float(self._N + self._T) if c != 0 else self._P0)
def max(self):
return self._freqdist.max()
def samples(self):
return self._freqdist.keys()
def freqdist(self):
return self._freqdist
def discount(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def __repr__(self):
String representation of ProbDist is obtained.
return '' % self._freqdist.N()
import nltk
from nltk.probability import *
def lidstone(gamma):
return lambda fd, bins:LidstoneProbDist(fd,gamma,bins)
import nltk
corpus = nltk.corpus.brown.tagged_sents(categories='adventure')[:700]
from nltk.util import unique_list
tag_set = unique_list(tag for sent in cor for (word,tag) in sent)
symbols = unique_list(word for sent in cor for (word,tag) in sent)
symbols = unique_list(word for sent in cor for (word,tag) in sent)
trainer = nltk.tag.HiddenMarkovModelTrainer(tag_set, symbols)
train_corpus = []
test_corpus = []
for i in range(len(corpus)):
if i % 10:
train_corpus +=[corpus[i]]
test_corpus +=[corpus[i]]
def train_and_test(est):
print(‘%.2f%%’ % (100*hmm.evaluate(test_corpus)))
import nltk
corpus=u" hello how are you doing ? Hope you find the book interesting. ".split()
sentence=u"how are you doing".split()
cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(nltk.bigrams(corpus))
#The corpus counts of each bigram in the sentence:
print([cfd[a][b] for (a,b) in nltk.bigrams(sentence)])
#The counts for each word in the sentence:
print([cfd[a].N() for (a,b) in nltk.bigrams(sentence)])
#There is already a FreqDist method for MLE probability:
print([cfd[a].freq(b) for (a,b) in nltk.bigrams(sentence)])
#laplace smooshing of each bigram count:
print([1 + cfd[a][b] for (a,b) in nltk.bigrams(sentence)])
#we need to normalize the counts for each word:
print([len(vocabulary) + cfd[a].N() for (a,b) in nltk.bigrams(sentence)])
#the smoothed Laplace probability for each bigram:
print([1.0 * (1+cfd[a][b]) / (len(vocabulary)+cfd[a].N()) for (a,b) in nltk.bigrams(sentence)])
#MLEProbDist id the unsmoothed probability distribution:
cpd_mle = nltk.ConditionalProbDist(cfd, nltk.MLEProbDist, bins=len(vocabulary))
#Now we can get the MLE probabilities by using the .prob method:
print([cpd_mle[a].prob(b) for (a,b) in nltk.bigrams(sentence)])
#LaplaceProbDist is the add_one smoothed ProbDist:
cpd_laplace = nltk.ConditionalProbDist(cfd, nltk.LaplaceProbDist, bins=len(vocabulary))
#Getting the Laplace probabilities is the same as for MLE:
print([cpd_laplace[a].prob(b) for (a,b) in nltk.bigrams(sentence)])
class SimpleGoodTuringProbDist(ProbDistI):
“””Given a pair (pi, qi), where pi refers to the frequency and qi refers to the frequency of frequency, our aim is to minimize the square variation. E(p) and E(q) is the mean of pi and qi.
- slope, b=sigma ((pi-E(p)(qi-E(q)))1/sigma ((pi-E(p))(pi-E(p)))
- intercept: a =E(q) - b.E(p)”””
SUM_ TO_ ONE =False
def___init__(self, freqdist, bins=None) :
“”” param freqdist refers to the count of frequency from which probability distribution is estimated.
Param bins is used to estimate the possible number of samples.”””
assert bins is None or bins > freqdist.B(), \'bins parameter must not be less than %d=freqdist.B()+1' % (freqdist.B()+l)
if bins is None:
bins . freqdist.B() + 1
self._ freqdist=freqdist
self._ bins =bins
r, nr = self._ r_ Nr()
self.find_ best_ fit(r, nr)
self._ switch(r, nr)
self._ renormalize(r, nr)
def _ _r_ Nr_ non_ zero(self):
r_ Nr = self._ freqdist.r Nr()
del r_ Nr[0]
return r_ Nr
def_ r_ Nr(self):
“””Split the frequency distribution in two list (r, Nr), where Nr(r) > 0”””
nonzero = self._ r_ Nr_ non_ zero()
if not nonzero:
return [],[]
return zip(* sorted (nonzero. Items()))
def find_best_ fit(self, r, nr):
“”” Use simple linear regression to tune parameters self. slope and self._ intercept in the log-log space based on count and Nr(count) (Work in log space to avoid floating point underflow.)”””
# For higher sample frequencies the data points becomes horizontal
# along line Nr=1. To create a more evident linear model in log-log
# space, we average positive NI values with the surrounding zero
# values. (Church and Gale, 1991)
If not r or not nr:
# Empty r or nr?
zr =[]
for j in range(len(r)):
i= (r[j-1] if j>0 else0)
k= (2·r[j]-I if j== len(r) - 1 else r[j+1])
zr_= 2.0* nr[j] / (k- i)
zr. append(zr_ )
log_r = [math.log(i) for i in r]
log_zr = [math.log(i) for i in zr]
xy_ cov = x_var= 0.0
x_mean = 1.0 * sum(log_r) / len(log_r)
y_mean = 1.0 * sum(log_zr) / len(log_zr)
for (x,y) in zip (log_r,log_zr):
xy_cov += (x - x_mean) * (y - y_mean)
x_var += (x - x_mean)**2
self._slope = (xy_cov / x_var if x_var != 0 else 0.0)
if self. Slope >= -1:
warnings .warn(‘SimpleGoodTuring did not find a proper bestfit ‘ ‘line for smoothing probabilities occurrences.’ ‘the probability estimates are likely to be’ 'unreliable.')
self._intercept = y_mean – self._slope * x_mean
def _switch(self, r, nr):
“””calculate the r frontier where we must switch from Nr to Sr when estimating E{Nr].”””
for i, r_ in enumerate(r):
if len(r) == i + 1 or r[i+1] != r_+1:
#we are at the end of r, or there is a gap in r
self._ switch_at = r_
Sr = self. smoothedNr
Smooth_r_star = (r_ + 1) * Sr(r_+1) / Sr(r_)
unsmooh_r_star = 1.0*(r_ + 1)* nr[i+1] / nr[i]
std = math.sqrt(self._varianceI(r_ , nr[i], nr[i+1]))
if abs (unsmooth_r_star-smooth_r_star) <= 1.96 * std:
self._ switch_at = r_
def _ variance(self, r, nr, nr_1):
r = float(r)
nr = float(nr)
nr_1 = float(nr_1)
def _ renormalize(self, r, nr) :
prob cov = 0.0
for r_, nr_ in zip(r, nr):
prob cov += nr_ * self. prob_ measure(r_)
if prob_ cov:
self._ renormal = (1 - self._ prob_ measure(0)) / prob_ cov
def smocthedNr(self, r) :
“””Return the number of samples with count r.”””
#Nr= a*r^b (with b < -1 to give the appropriate hyperbolic relationship)
#Estimate a and b by simple linear regression technique on the logarithmic form of the equation: #log Nr = a + b*log(r)
return math.exp(self._ intercept + self._ slope * math.log(r))
def prob(self, sample) :
“””Return the sample's probability. “””
count = self._ freqdist [sample]
p = self._ prob_ measure (count)
if count == 0:
if self._ bins == self._ freqdist.B():
P =p/(I.0* self._ bins - self._ freqdist.B()
p = p* self._ renormal
return p
def_ prob_ measure (self, count) :
if count == 0 and self._ freqdist.N() == 0 :
return 1.0
elif count = 0 and self._ freqdist.N() != 0:
return 1.0 *self._ freqdist.Nr(1) / self._ freqdist.N()
if self._ switch_ at > count:
Er_1 = 1.0* self._ freqdist . Nr (count+1)
Er = 1.0 * self._ freqdist . Nr (count)
Er_1 = self. smoothedNr (count+1)
Er = self. smoothedNr (count )
r_star = (count+1)*Er_1 / Er
return r_star / self._freqdist.N()
def check(self) :
prob_sum = 0.0
for i in range(0, len(self._Nr):
prob_sum += self._Nr[i] * self._prob_measure(i) / self._renormal
print("Probability Sum:", prob_ sum)
#assert prob_sun != 1.0, "probability sum should be one!"
def discount (self) :
“””It is used to provide the total probability transfers from the seen events to the unseen events.”””
return 1.0 * self. smoothedNr(1) / self._freqdist.N()
def max(self) :
return self._freqdist .max()
def samples(self) :
return self._freqdist. keys()
def freqdist(self) :
return self._freqdist
def_ repr__ (self) :
“””It obtains the string representation of ProbDist.”””
return ' '\% self._freqdist.N()
gt = lambda fd, bins: SimpleGoodTuringProbDist(fd, bins=le5)
print(train_ and_ test(gt))
import nltk
corpus = [[((x[0],y[0],z[0]), (x[1],y[1],z[1])) for x, y, z in nltk. trigrams (sent) ] for sent in corpus[:IOO] ]
tag_ set unique_ list(tag for sent in corpus for (word,tag) insent)
print(len(tag_ set))
symbols unique_ list(word for sent in corpus for (word, tag) insent)
print(len (symbols))
trainer = nltk.tag.HiddenMarkovModelTrainer(tag_ set, symbols)
train_ corpus = []
test_ corpus = []
for i in range (len (corpus)) :
if i%10:
train_corpus += [corpus[i]]
test_corpus += [corpus[i]]
print(len(train_ corpus))
print(len(test_ corpus))
kn = lambda fd, bins: KneserNeyProbDist (fd)
print( train_ and_ test (kn))
Katz回退模型可以认为是一个具备高效生产力的n gram语言模型,如果在n gram中能给定一个指定标识符的先前条件,那没该模型能够计算出其条件概率。依据这个模型,在训练文件中,如果n gram出现的次数多于n次,在已知的先前条件下,标识符的条件概率与该n gram的MLE成正比。否则,条件概率相当于(N-1)gram的回退条件概率。
def prob(self, word, context):
“””Evaluate the probability of this word in this context using Kat Backoff.
: param word: the word to get the probability of
: type word: str
:param context: the context the word is in
:type context: list(str)”””
context = tuple (context)
if (context+(word,) in self._ngrams) or (self.n == 1):
return self [context].prob (word)
return self._alpha (context) * self.backoff.prob (word, context[1:])
单词captivating在训练数据中出现了五次, 其中三次出现在by之前,两次出现在the之前。使用加法平滑模型,在captivating之前,a和new的出现频率是一样的。我们可以开发一个能够结合unigram和bigram模型的插值模型。
def perplexity(self, text):
return pow(2.0, self.entropy(text))
在马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗(Markov Chain Monte Cardo MCMC)中有多种关于后验概率执行处理方法。一种方法是使用 Metropolis-Hastings采样器。为了实现Metropolis-Hastings算法,我们需要标准的均匀分布、建议分布和与后验概率成正比的目标分布。
在每一次迭代中, 我们为每一个特定参数的新值抽取一个建议值。
def bern(theta,z,N):
“””Bernoulli likelihood with N trials and z successes. ”""
return np.clip(theta**z*(1-theta)**(N-z),0,1)
def bern2 (theta1, theta2,z1,z2,N1,N2):
“""Bernoulli likelihood with N trials and z successes."””
Return bern(theta1, z1, N1)*bern(theta2,z2,N2)
def make_ thetas(xmin, xmax, n):
xs = np.linspace (xm in, xmax, n)
widths = (xs[1:] – xs[:-1])/2.0
thetas = xs[:-1] + widths
return thetas
def make_ plots(X, Y, prior, likelihood, posterior, projection = None):
fig, ax=plt.subplots(1, 3, subplot_kw = dict(projection = projection, aspect = ‘equal’), figsize=(12,3))
if projection == '3d':
ax[0].plot_surface(X, Y, prior,alpha = 0.3 ,cmap =
ax[1].plot_ surface(X, Y, likelihood,alpha = 0.3 ,cmap =
ax[2].plot _surface(X, Y, posterior, alpha = 0.3, cmep =
ax[0].contour(X, Y, prior )
ax[1].ccntour (X, Y, likelihood)
ax[2].contour(X, Y, posterior)
thetas1 = make_thetas (0,1,101)
thetas2 = make_thetas (0,1,101)
X,Y = np.meshgrid(thetas1, thetas2)
prior = lambda theta1, theta2: stats .beta(a,b).pdf (theta1)*stats .beta(a,b).pdf (theta2)
lik = partial (bern2,z1=z1,z2=z2, N1=N1, N2=N2)
target = lambda theta1, theta2:prior (theta1, theta2) *lik (theta1, theta2)
theta = np .array([0.5,0.5])
niters = 10000
burnin = 500
sigma = np.diag([0.2,0.2])
thetas =, 2), np.float)
for i inrange (niters):
new_theta = stats.multivariate_normal(theta, sigma) . rvs()
p = min(target(*new_ theta) / target (*theta),1)
if np.random.rand()= burnin: ,
thetas[i-burnin] = theta
kde = stats.gaussian_kde (thetas.T)
XY = np.vstack([X.ravel(),Y.ravel()])
posterior_metroplis = kde (XY).reshape (X.shape)
make_plots(X, Y, prior(X, Y), lik(X,Y), posterior_metroplis)
make_plots(X, Y, prior(X, Y), lik(X,Y), posterior_metroplis, projection='3d')
prior = lambda theta1, theta2: stats .beta(a,b).pdf (theta1)*stats .beta(a,b).pdf (theta2)
lik = partial (bern2,z1=z1,z2=z2, N1=N1, N2=N2)
target = lambda theta1, theta2:prior (theta1, theta2) *lik (theta1, theta2)
theta = np .array([0.5,0.5])
niters = 10000
burnin = 500
sigma = np.diag([0.2,0.2])
thetas =, 2), np.float)
for i inrange (niters):
theta = [stats.beta(a+z1, b+N1-z1).rvs), theta[1]]
theta = [theta[0], stats.beta (a+z2, b+N2-z2) .rvs0)]
if i >= burnin: ,
thetas[i-burnin] = theta
kde = stats.gaussian_kde (thetas.T)
XY = np.vstack([X.ravel(),Y.ravel()])
posterior_gibbs = kde (XY).reshape (X.shape)
make_plots(X, Y, prior(X, Y), lik(X,Y), posterior_gibbs)
make_plots(X, Y, prior(X, Y), lik(X,Y), posterior_gibbs, projection='3d')
(you cannot find peace by avoiding life.) ***"""