安装Titanium Studio遇到Failed to create java virtual machine的解决方案

今天安装Titanium Studio,安装完成后,发现双击无法打开,错误提示:Failed to create java virtual machine.


首先尝试将安装目录下titaniumstudio.ini文件中的 --launcher.XXMaxPermSize 256m 删除,如果行不通,改回来,修改-Xmx1024m 为 -Xmx256m,即可解决问题。



Hi all

I just install the last Titanium Studio and when startup open a box saying failed to create java virtual machine

im using win 7

i run eclipse and others without any problem with java

path etc... are ok

Can anyone point to a possible solution ?


Hi, in your installation folder, remove --launcher.XXMaxPermSize 256m from titaniumstudio.ini and start again, works for me.


I just installed Titanium Studio on Windows XP. I followed the instructions here (http://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/guides/Getting+Started+with+Titanium#GettingStartedwithTitanium-InstallingTitanium) which basically said download and run the installer. When I try to run Titanium Studio, I get a popup saying 'Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine' The only answers on this forum I have found has to do with Win7 and says "remove --launcher.XXMaxPermSize 256m from titaniumstudio.ini and start again" I tried this but it doesn't make any difference. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Any help please? What am I missing?


Hmm, I thought I posted my resolution here about an hour ago - but no... (not sure where I posted it!!!) but was definitely not a DOH!


After a ton of searching and testing and trying a gagillion things, I added –debug to the titaniumstudio.exe and got some more info then just ‘Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine’ (pretty useless error message)

I saw the error message - ‘could not reserve enough space for object heap’ So more searching and testing, I tried changing a line in the titaniumstudio.ini from




And that worked.

Like I said, definitely not a DOH!

The installation documentation for this product really needs some work. Currently it says, download and install and good to go! Obviously NOT true! Almost 5 hours trying to get this to work... seriously frustrating. I hope development in this goes a lot smoother!

