

  1. 虚拟机调度正常
  2. 资源充足
  3. 资源配额充足,设置没有限制
  4. 主机资源调度返回的资源大小正常与实际匹配
  5. 磁盘大小校验不通过,最后limit限制为本地磁盘大小

状态ERROR, 报错:nova/compute/manager.py 1902
原因是资源limit, 校验不通过:
{u'memory_mb': 130669.0, u'disk_gb': 199.0}

但真实disk size 远远大于199GB



 INFO nova.compute.manager [req-ac70ea37-c0df-4909-8322-... - - -] {u'memory_mb': 130669.0, u'disk_gb': 199.0}
 INFO nova.compute.claims [req-ac70ea37-c0df-4909-8322-2...- - -] [instance: BE099D73-3273-489C-B468-1772C17A2A74] Attempting claim: memory 2048 MB, disk 60 GB, vcpus 1 CPU
 INFO nova.compute.claims [req-ac70ea37-c0df-4909-8322-2...- - -] [instance: BE099D73-3273-489C-B468-1772C17A2A74] Total memory: 130669 MB, used: 23552.00 MB
 INFO nova.compute.claims [req-ac70ea37-c0df-4909-8322-2...- - -] [instance: BE099D73-3273-489C-B468-1772C17A2A74] memory limit: 130669.00 MB, free: 107117.00 MB
 INFO nova.compute.claims [req-ac70ea37-c0df-4909-8322-2...- - -] [instance: BE099D73-3273-489C-B468-1772C17A2A74] Total disk: 111710 GB, used: 181.00 GB
 INFO nova.compute.claims [req-ac70ea37-c0df-4909-8322-2...- - -] [instance: BE099D73-3273-489C-B468-1772C17A2A74] disk limit: 199.00 GB, free: 18.00 GB
 INFO nova.compute.claims [req-ac70ea37-c0df-4909-8322-2...- - -] [instance: BE099D73-3273-489C-B468-1772C17A2A74] Total vcpu: 31 VCPU, used: 4.00 VCPU
 INFO nova.compute.claims [req-ac70ea37-c0df-4909-8322-2...- - -] [instance: BE099D73-3273-489C-B468-1772C17A2A74] vcpu limit not specified, defaulting to unlimited
 INFO nova.compute.manager [req-ac70ea37-c0df-4909-8322-... - - -] [instance: BE099D73-3273-489C-B468-1772C17A2A74] Took 0.06 seconds to deallocate network for instance.
 INFO nova.compute.resource_tracker [req-e1d70ac4-a379-4.... - -] Total usable vcpus: 31, total allocated vcpus: 4
 INFO nova.compute.resource_tracker [req-e1d70ac4-a379-4.... - -] Final resource view: name=test phys_ram=130669MB used_ram=23552MB phys_disk=111710GB used_disk=181GB total_vcpus=31 used_vcpus=4 pci_stats=[]
 WARNING nova.scheduler.client.report [req-e1d70ac4-a379.... - - -] Unable to refresh my resource provider record
 INFO nova.compute.resource_tracker [req-e1d70ac4-a379-4.... - -] Compute_service record updated for test:test

查看源码: nova/compute/manager.py

    def _build_and_run_instance(self, context, instance, image, injected_files,
            admin_password, requested_networks, security_groups,
            block_device_mapping, node, limits, filter_properties):

        image_name = image.get('name')
        self._notify_about_instance_usage(context, instance, 'create.start',
                extra_usage_info={'image_name': image_name})

        self._check_device_tagging(requested_networks, block_device_mapping)

            rt = self._get_resource_tracker(node)
            with rt.instance_claim(context, instance, limits):
                # NOTE(russellb) It's important that this validation be done
                # *after* the resource tracker instance claim, as that is where
                # the host is set on the instance.
                self._validate_instance_group_policy(context, instance,
                image_meta = objects.ImageMeta.from_dict(image)
                with self._build_resources(context, instance,
                        requested_networks, security_groups, image_meta,
                        block_device_mapping) as resources:
                    instance.vm_state = vm_states.BUILDING
                    instance.task_state = task_states.SPAWNING

异常信息, 查看with rt.instance_claim(context, instance, limits)


    def instance_claim(self, context, instance, limits=None):
        """Indicate that some resources are needed for an upcoming compute
        instance build operation.

        This should be called before the compute node is about to perform
        an instance build operation that will consume additional resources.

        :param context: security context
        :param instance: instance to reserve resources for.
        :type instance: nova.objects.instance.Instance object
        :param limits: Dict of oversubscription limits for memory, disk,
                       and CPUs.
        :returns: A Claim ticket representing the reserved resources.  It can
                  be used to revert the resource usage if an error occurs
                  during the instance build.
        # get the overhead required to build this instance:
        overhead = self.driver.estimate_instance_overhead(instance)
        LOG.debug("Memory overhead for %(flavor)d MB instance; %(overhead)d "
                  "MB", {'flavor': instance.flavor.memory_mb,
                          'overhead': overhead['memory_mb']})
        LOG.debug("Disk overhead for %(flavor)d GB instance; %(overhead)d "
                  "GB", {'flavor': instance.flavor.root_gb,
                         'overhead': overhead.get('disk_gb', 0)})

        pci_requests = objects.InstancePCIRequests.get_by_instance_uuid(
            context, instance.uuid)
        claim = claims.Claim(context, instance, self, self.compute_node,
                             pci_requests, overhead=overhead, limits=limits)

        # self._set_instance_host_and_node() will save instance to the DB
        # so set instance.numa_topology first.  We need to make sure
        # that numa_topology is saved while under COMPUTE_RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE
        # so that the resource audit knows about any cpus we've pinned.
        instance_numa_topology = claim.claimed_numa_topology					


class Claim(NopClaim):
    """A declaration that a compute host operation will require free resources.
    Claims serve as marker objects that resources are being held until the
    update_available_resource audit process runs to do a full reconciliation
    of resource usage.

    This information will be used to help keep the local compute hosts's
    ComputeNode model in sync to aid the scheduler in making efficient / more
    correct decisions with respect to host selection.

    def __init__(self, context, instance, tracker, resources, pci_requests,
                 overhead=None, limits=None):
        super(Claim, self).__init__()
        # Stash a copy of the instance at the current point of time
        # Check claim at constructor to avoid mess code
        # Raise exception ComputeResourcesUnavailable if claim failed
        self._claim_test(resources, limits)

检查cpu, 内存, cpu, numa是否满足条件

    def _claim_test(self, resources, limits=None):
        """Test if this claim can be satisfied given available resources and
        optional oversubscription limits

        This should be called before the compute node actually consumes the
        resources required to execute the claim.

        :param resources: available local compute node resources
        :returns: Return true if resources are available to claim.
        if not limits:
            limits = {}

        # If an individual limit is None, the resource will be considered
        # unlimited:
        memory_mb_limit = limits.get('memory_mb')
        disk_gb_limit = limits.get('disk_gb')
        vcpus_limit = limits.get('vcpu')
        numa_topology_limit = limits.get('numa_topology')

        LOG.info(_LI("Attempting claim: memory %(memory_mb)d MB, "
                     "disk %(disk_gb)d GB, vcpus %(vcpus)d CPU"),
                 {'memory_mb': self.memory_mb, 'disk_gb': self.disk_gb,
                  'vcpus': self.vcpus}, instance=self.instance)

        reasons = [self._test_memory(resources, memory_mb_limit),
                   self._test_disk(resources, disk_gb_limit),
                   self._test_vcpus(resources, vcpus_limit),
                   self._test_numa_topology(resources, numa_topology_limit),
        reasons = [r for r in reasons if r is not None]
        if len(reasons) > 0:
            raise exception.ComputeResourcesUnavailable(reason=
                    "; ".join(reasons))


	def _test_disk(self, resources, limit):
        type_ = _("disk")
        unit = "GB"
        total = resources.local_gb
        used = resources.local_gb_used
        requested = self.disk_gb

        return self._test(type_, unit, total, used, requested, limit)

test 比较request 的大小是否满足

    def _test(self, type_, unit, total, used, requested, limit):
        """Test if the given type of resource needed for a claim can be safely
        LOG.info(_LI('Total %(type)s: %(total)d %(unit)s, used: %(used).02f '
                  {'type': type_, 'total': total, 'unit': unit, 'used': used},

        if limit is None:
            # treat resource as unlimited:
            LOG.info(_LI('%(type)s limit not specified, defaulting to '
                        'unlimited'), {'type': type_}, instance=self.instance)

        free = limit - used

        # Oversubscribed resource policy info:
        LOG.info(_LI('%(type)s limit: %(limit).02f %(unit)s, '
                     'free: %(free).02f %(unit)s'),
                  {'type': type_, 'limit': limit, 'free': free, 'unit': unit},

        if requested > free:
            return (_('Free %(type)s %(free).02f '
                      '%(unit)s < requested %(requested)d %(unit)s') %
                      {'type': type_, 'free': free, 'unit': unit,
                       'requested': requested})		


    def build_instances(self, context, instances, image, filter_properties,
            admin_password, injected_files, requested_networks,
            security_groups, block_device_mapping=None, legacy_bdm=True):
        # TODO(ndipanov): Remove block_device_mapping and legacy_bdm in version
        #                 2.0 of the RPC API.
                    instance=instance, host=host['host'], image=image,
                    block_device_mapping=bdms, node=host['nodename'],



(instances, resv_id) = self.compute_api.create(context,
    forced_host=host, forced_node=node,
    metadata=server_dict.get('metadata', {}),


    def build_instances(self, context, instances, image, filter_properties,
            admin_password, injected_files, requested_networks,
            security_groups, block_device_mapping=None, legacy_bdm=True):
        # TODO(ndipanov): Remove block_device_mapping and legacy_bdm in version

		  request_spec = scheduler_utils.build_request_spec(
                    context, image, instances)
         hosts = self._schedule_instances(
                    context, request_spec, filter_properties)



    def select_destinations(self, ctxt,
                            request_spec=None, filter_properties=None,
        """Returns destinations(s) best suited for this RequestSpec.

        The result should be a list of dicts with 'host', 'nodename' and
        'limits' as keys.

        # TODO(sbauza): Change the method signature to only accept a spec_obj
        # argument once API v5 is provided.
        if spec_obj is self._sentinel:
            spec_obj = objects.RequestSpec.from_primitives(ctxt,
        dests = self.driver.select_destinations(ctxt, spec_obj)
        return jsonutils.to_primitive(dests)


class FilterScheduler(driver.Scheduler):
    """Scheduler that can be used for filtering and weighing."""
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(FilterScheduler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.options = scheduler_options.SchedulerOptions()
        self.notifier = rpc.get_notifier('scheduler')

    def select_destinations(self, context, spec_obj):
        """Selects a filtered set of hosts and nodes."""
            context, 'scheduler.select_destinations.start',

        num_instances = spec_obj.num_instances
        selected_hosts = self._schedule(context, spec_obj)

        # Couldn't fulfill the request_spec
        if len(selected_hosts) < num_instances:
            # NOTE(Rui Chen): If multiple creates failed, set the updated time
            # of selected HostState to None so that these HostStates are
            # refreshed according to database in next schedule, and release
            # the resource consumed by instance in the process of selecting
            # host.
            for host in selected_hosts:
                host.obj.updated = None

            # Log the details but don't put those into the reason since
            # we don't want to give away too much information about our
            # actual environment.
            LOG.debug('There are %(hosts)d hosts available but '
                      '%(num_instances)d instances requested to build.',
                      {'hosts': len(selected_hosts),
                       'num_instances': num_instances})

            reason = _('There are not enough hosts available.')
            raise exception.NoValidHost(reason=reason)

        dests = [dict(host=host.obj.host, nodename=host.obj.nodename,
                      limits=host.obj.limits) for host in selected_hosts]

            context, 'scheduler.select_destinations.end',
        return dests		
    def _schedule(self, context, spec_obj):
        """Returns a list of hosts that meet the required specs,
        ordered by their fitness.
        elevated = context.elevated()

        config_options = self._get_configuration_options()

		hosts = self._get_all_host_states(elevated)


    def get_all_host_states(self, context):
        """Returns a list of HostStates that represents all the hosts
        the HostManager knows about. Also, each of the consumable resources
        in HostState are pre-populated and adjusted based on data in the db.

        service_refs = {service.host: service
                        for service in objects.ServiceList.get_by_binary(
                            context, 'nova-compute', include_disabled=True)}
        # Get resource usage across the available compute nodes:
        compute_nodes = objects.ComputeNodeList.get_all(context)
        seen_nodes = set()
        for compute in compute_nodes:
            service = service_refs.get(compute.host)

object 获取node信息, 因此数据经过openstack oslo cache数据



systemctl restart openstack-nova-api.service openstack-nova-scheduler.service openstack-nova-conductor.service

 INFO nova.compute.manager [req-503a8a5a-8a4c-403d-814b-5f... - - -] {}
 INFO nova.compute.claims [req-503a8a5a-8a4c-403d-814b-5f6... - - -] [instance: B9248A76-7D9E-4965-8D6B-239FA6C00630] Attempting claim: memory 2048 MB, disk 60 GB, vcpus 1 CPU
 INFO nova.compute.claims [req-503a8a5a-8a4c-403d-814b-5f6... - - -] [instance: B9248A76-7D9E-4965-8D6B-239FA6C00630] Total memory: 130669 MB, used: 30720.00 MB
 INFO nova.compute.claims [req-503a8a5a-8a4c-403d-814b-5f6... - - -] [instance: B9248A76-7D9E-4965-8D6B-239FA6C00630] memory limit not specified, defaulting to unlimited
 INFO nova.compute.claims [req-503a8a5a-8a4c-403d-814b-5f6... - - -] [instance: B9248A76-7D9E-4965-8D6B-239FA6C00630] Total disk: 111710 GB, used: 420.00 GB
 INFO nova.compute.claims [req-503a8a5a-8a4c-403d-814b-5f6... - - -] [instance: B9248A76-7D9E-4965-8D6B-239FA6C00630] disk limit not specified, defaulting to unlimited
 INFO nova.compute.claims [req-503a8a5a-8a4c-403d-814b-5f6... - - -] [instance: B9248A76-7D9E-4965-8D6B-239FA6C00630] Total vcpu: 31 VCPU, used: 7.00 VCPU
 INFO nova.compute.claims [req-503a8a5a-8a4c-403d-814b-5f6... - - -] [instance: B9248A76-7D9E-4965-8D6B-239FA6C00630] vcpu limit not specified, defaulting to unlimited
 INFO nova.compute.claims [req-503a8a5a-8a4c-403d-814b-5f6... - - -] [instance: B9248A76-7D9E-4965-8D6B-239FA6C00630] Claim successful
