import random, sys, string
#We need 3 params
#Script-name, input-file, output-file
if len(sys.argv) <> 3:
print "Usage: python obfuscator.py inFile.vbs outFile.vbs"
#Splitter is set to be the "*" symbol,
#since we are not using it in obfuscation
splitter = str(chr(42))
#Randomly capitalize each character
def randCapitalization(characters):
capicharacter = ""
for character in characters:
lowup = random.randrange(0,2)
if lowup == 0:
capicharacter += character.upper()
if lowup == 1:
capicharacter += character.lower()
return capicharacter
#Random function names
NUM_OF_CHARS = random.randrange(5, 60)
pld = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(NUM_OF_CHARS))
array = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(NUM_OF_CHARS))
temp = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(NUM_OF_CHARS))
x = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(NUM_OF_CHARS))
#Random Sub names
subOne = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(NUM_OF_CHARS))
subTwo = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(NUM_OF_CHARS))
#Function to fill encBody variable
#with the obfuscated content
def obfu(body):
encBody = ""
for i in range(0, len(body)):
if encBody == "":
encBody += expr(ord(body[i]))
encBody += "*" + expr(ord(body[i]))
return encBody
#Random mathematical expression decision
def expr(char):
range = random.randrange(100, 10001)
exp = random.randrange(0, 3)
if exp == 0:
print "Char " + str(char) + " -> " + str((range+char)) + "-" + str(range)
return str((range+char)) + "-" + str(range)
if exp == 1:
print "Char " + str(char) + " -> " + str((char-range)) + "+" + str(range)
return str((char-range)) + "+" + str(range)
if exp == 2:
print "Char " + str(char) + " -> " + str((char*range)) + "/" + str(range)
return str((char*range)) + "/" + str(range)
#Open the source and destination files
clear_text_file = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
obfuscated_file = open(sys.argv[2], "w")
#Write to destination file
obfuscated_file.write(randCapitalization("Dim " + pld + ", " + array + ", " + temp) + "\n")
obfuscated_file.write(randCapitalization("Sub " + subOne) + "\n")
obfuscated_file.write(randCapitalization(pld + " = ") + chr(34) + obfu(clear_text_file.read()) + chr(34) + "\n")
obfuscated_file.write(randCapitalization(array + " = Split(" + pld + ", chr(eval(") + obfu(splitter) + ")))\n")
obfuscated_file.write(randCapitalization("for each " + x + " in " + array) + "\n")
obfuscated_file.write(randCapitalization(temp + " = " + temp + " & chr(eval(" + x) + "))\n")
obfuscated_file.write(randCapitalization("next") + "\n")
obfuscated_file.write(randCapitalization(subTwo) + "\n")
obfuscated_file.write(randCapitalization("End Sub") + "\n")
obfuscated_file.write(randCapitalization("Sub " + subTwo) + "\n")
obfuscated_file.write(randCapitalization("eval(execute(" + temp) + "))\n")
obfuscated_file.write(randCapitalization("End Sub") + "\n")
obfuscated_file.write(randCapitalization(subOne) + "\n")
#Close file handles before exit
print "Done!"
用法(python2.7环境): python obfuscator.py inFile.vbs outFile.vbs