Dart Essentials(读书笔记)——这本书很大篇幅都在谈AngularDart,Zones概念没谈到

Dart Essentials


  • 1 Getting Started
  • 2 Practical Dart
  • 3 The Power of HTML5 with Dart
  • 4 Developing a Mobile App with Dart
  • 5 Web Components with polymer.dart
  • 6 AngularDart
  • 7 Server-side apps with Dart
  • 8 Testing and Profiling
  • 9 Writing Native Extensions for the Standalone Dart VM

Getting Started

Practical Dart

  1. 为何DocumentFragment需要clone后再加进文档里去?(p162的例子没有)
  2. Dart 1.9+:async + await
  3. element.onClick.listen( (evt){...} ); //<--- Stream对象?
  4. `part`
  5. num, int, double

The Power of HTML5 with Dart

  1. use JS:JsFunction.apply() JsObject.callMethod()
    _jQuery = context['jQuery'];
  2. Dart Summit 2015? dart2js
  3. Completer?.complete(items); => .future()
  4. import 'dart:indexd_db' as idb; //可定义索引?有点像MongoDB
  5. event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation();
  6. WebAudio
    1. BiquadFilterNode?=> 分析器?
  7. typed_data
    1. SIMD(vector_math):Int32x4、Float32x4
  8. WebGL
    1. three.dart, StageXL*, Box2d & play_phaser
  9. Isolate在browser上用Web Worker实现?

Developing a Mobile App with Dart

  1. 300ms tap延迟:用meta viewport禁止
  2. transform-style: preserve-3d;
  3. *3D书架 with DeviceOrientation事件(.alpha/.beta/.gamma)
  4. GPS不精确:Kalman滤波?

Web Components with polymer.dart

  1. Web Components:Shadow DOM + Custom Elements + imports(M36+) + templates
  2. 代码示例:
    var tpl = linkElement.important.querySelector('#id');
    Node n = tpl.content.clone(true);
    ... targetDiv.createShadowRoot().append(n);
  3. document.registerElement('my-greeting', MyGreetingElement); <-- factory MyGreetingElement() => new Element.tag('my-greeting');
  4. MutationObserver*
  5. main() async { (await initPolymer()).run( (){...} );
  6. *一路数据绑定
    class OneWayBookElement extends PolymerElement { ...
  7. 定制属性:if repeat
  8. *二路数据绑定(Angular的简单实现?)
    1. 无限列表


  1. 3种bind:NgOneWay NgTwoWay NgAttr
  2. Angular 2.0:使用TypeScript的扩展AtScript辨析的?支持编译到Dart?
  3. 性能话题
    1. digest loop:对model的每个变化?change会‘传播’...
    2. 不要嵌套ng-repeat,导致scopes泛滥
    3. dont't excess Formatter ...

Server-side apps with Dart

  1. main()多个一个args参数而已

Testing and Profiling

  1. 操作符重载?operator ==(Vector v) => ...
  2. Mixins(略)
  3. 测试AngularDart:Protractor/WebDriverJS(没有界面的浏览器)

Writing Native Extensions for the Standalone Dart VM

  1. 略 
