* Read the JavaScript cookies tutorial at:
* [url][/url]
* Sets a Cookie with the given name and value.
* name Name of the cookie
* value Value of the cookie
* [expires] Expiration date of the cookie (default: end of current session)
* [path] Path where the cookie is valid (default: path of calling document)
* [domain] Domain where the cookie is valid
* (default: domain of calling document)
* [secure] Boolean value indicating if the cookie transmission requires a
* secure transmission
function setCookie(name, value, expires, path, domain, secure)
document.cookie= name + "=" + escape(value) +
((expires) ? "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() : "") +
((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") +
((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "") +
((secure) ? "; secure" : "");
* Gets the value of the specified cookie.
* name Name of the desired cookie.
* Returns a string containing value of specified cookie,
* or null if cookie does not exist.
function getCookie(name)
var dc = document.cookie;
var prefix = name + "=";
var begin = dc.indexOf("; " + prefix);
if (begin == -1)
begin = dc.indexOf(prefix);
if (begin != 0) return null;
begin += 2;
var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin);
if (end == -1)
end = dc.length;
return unescape(dc.substring(begin + prefix.length, end));
* Deletes the specified cookie.
* name name of the cookie
* [path] path of the cookie (must be same as path used to create cookie)
* [domain] domain of the cookie (must be same as domain used to create cookie)
function deleteCookie(name, path, domain)
if (getCookie(name))
document.cookie = name + "=" +
((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") +
((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "") +
"; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT";
function setCookies(name,value)
var Days = 30; //此 cookie 将被保存 30 天
var exp = new Date(); //new Date("December 31, 9998");
exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + Days*24*60*60*1000);
document.cookie = name + "="+ escape(value) +";expires="+ exp.toGMTString();
function getCookies(name)
var arr = document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^| )"+name+"=([^;]*)(;|$)"));
if(arr != null) return unescape(arr[2]); return null;
function delCookies(name)
var exp = new Date();
exp.setTime(exp.getTime() - 1);
var cval=getCookie(name);
if(cval!=null) document.cookie=name +"="+cval+";expires="+exp.toGMTString();
function getCookie(name)
var dc = document.cookie;
var prefix = name + "=";
var begin = dc.indexOf("; " + prefix);
if (begin == -1)
begin = dc.indexOf(prefix);
if (begin != 0) return null;
begin += 2;
var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin);
if (end == -1)
end = dc.length;
return unescape(dc.substring(begin + prefix.length, end));
function GetCookieData(sL)
var sRet="";
var sC=""+document.cookie;
var aC=sC.split(";",100);
var iC=aC.length;
for(var i=0;i
var aRet=aC[i].split("=");
return sRet;