LSP(Language Server Protocol)是微软在开发visual studio code中针对Language Server设计的一种协议,关于设计中的抉择,在文章《Language Server Extension Guide》有详细介绍。
下面我粘贴了这篇文章中的一些描述,采用Language Server的原因主要分为如下三点:
注:由于language server的是编译器的子集,简单的例如符号跳转,diagnostics等功能,编译前端就可以实现,但是另外的一些功能,例如analysis,则需要编译器偏后端的部分实现。由于编译器通常是native programming language实现的,所以language server的实现也会基于现有的编译器实现
First, Language Servers are usually implemented in their native programming languages, and that presents a challenge in integrating them with VS Code which has a Node.js runtime.
Additionally, language features can be resource intensive. For example, to correctly validate a file, Language Server needs to parse a large amount of files, build up Abstract Syntax Trees for them and perform static program analysis. Those operations could incur significant CPU and memory usage and we need to ensure that VS Code’s performance remains unaffected.
Finally, integrating multiple language toolings with multiple code editors could involve significant effort. From language toolings’ perspective, they need to adapt to code editors with different APIs. From code editors’ perspective, they cannot expect any uniform API from language toolings. This makes implementing language support for M languages in N code editors the work of M * N.
关于LSP囿于知识有限,这里不多做介绍。LSP的细节参见Language Server Protocol Specification。
由于LSP是基于JSONRPC2实现的,所以JSONRPC的概念是language server中非常重要的一环。由于自己不是后端工程师,对网络不是很熟,所以这里没有什么经验可谈。只是知道了remote procedure call这种抽象后,自己以前对什么是程序以及程序的执行理解的太肤浅了。
注:知乎用户用心阁的回答和文章Remote Procedure Calls对我的帮助比较大。
我在文章《调试gopls(tools/lsp)及部分源码剖析笔记(低质量,自用)》中介绍了一种调试go official lsp的方法,就是vim-lsp(client) + gopls(server shell) + delve attach(debugger) 来调试go lsp的方法,这里对整个调试过程做一个简单的记录。
注:vim-lsp的使用命令见[Supported commands][7]
go language server有两个最基本的库,一个是internal/jsonrpc2,一个是编译器的库。当然不仅是go language server,任何language server都离不开这两个基石。
jsonrpc2作为client和server之间信息传递的中间层,因此在langugage server中处于最外层。
go提供了非常方便的编译的库,例如go.ast,go.token,go.parse等,这些库对langugage server的开发人员来说是非常友善的,关于这些库的使用,可以参考[GothamGo 2016 - How to write your own Go tool?][6]。
注:演讲者Fatih Arslan可以说是一个神童了。
除了jsonrpc2之外,go langugage server的最外层是Server
注:go的interface基于duck typing实现
type Server interface {
Initialize(context.Context, *InitializeParams) (*InitializeResult, error)
Initialized(context.Context, *InitializedParams) error
Shutdown(context.Context) error
Exit(context.Context) error
DidChangeWorkspaceFolders(context.Context, *DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersParams) error
DidChangeConfiguration(context.Context, *DidChangeConfigurationParams) error
DidChangeWatchedFiles(context.Context, *DidChangeWatchedFilesParams) error
Symbols(context.Context, *WorkspaceSymbolParams) ([]SymbolInformation, error)
ExecuteCommand(context.Context, *ExecuteCommandParams) (interface{}, error)
DidOpen(context.Context, *DidOpenTextDocumentParams) error
DidChange(context.Context, *DidChangeTextDocumentParams) error
WillSave(context.Context, *WillSaveTextDocumentParams) error
WillSaveWaitUntil(context.Context, *WillSaveTextDocumentParams) ([]TextEdit, error)
DidSave(context.Context, *DidSaveTextDocumentParams) error
DidClose(context.Context, *DidCloseTextDocumentParams) error
Completion(context.Context, *CompletionParams) (*CompletionList, error)
CompletionResolve(context.Context, *CompletionItem) (*CompletionItem, error)
Hover(context.Context, *TextDocumentPositionParams) (*Hover, error)
SignatureHelp(context.Context, *TextDocumentPositionParams) (*SignatureHelp, error)
Definition(context.Context, *TextDocumentPositionParams) ([]Location, error)
TypeDefinition(context.Context, *TextDocumentPositionParams) ([]Location, error)
Implementation(context.Context, *TextDocumentPositionParams) ([]Location, error)
References(context.Context, *ReferenceParams) ([]Location, error)
DocumentHighlight(context.Context, *TextDocumentPositionParams) ([]DocumentHighlight, error)
DocumentSymbol(context.Context, *DocumentSymbolParams) ([]DocumentSymbol, error)
CodeAction(context.Context, *CodeActionParams) ([]CodeAction, error)
CodeLens(context.Context, *CodeLensParams) ([]CodeLens, error)
CodeLensResolve(context.Context, *CodeLens) (*CodeLens, error)
DocumentLink(context.Context, *DocumentLinkParams) ([]DocumentLink, error)
DocumentLinkResolve(context.Context, *DocumentLink) (*DocumentLink, error)
DocumentColor(context.Context, *DocumentColorParams) ([]ColorInformation, error)
ColorPresentation(context.Context, *ColorPresentationParams) ([]ColorPresentation, error)
Formatting(context.Context, *DocumentFormattingParams) ([]TextEdit, error)
RangeFormatting(context.Context, *DocumentRangeFormattingParams) ([]TextEdit, error)
OnTypeFormatting(context.Context, *DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams) ([]TextEdit, error)
Rename(context.Context, *RenameParams) ([]WorkspaceEdit, error)
FoldingRanges(context.Context, *FoldingRangeRequestParam) ([]FoldingRange, error)
而核心对jsonrpc2的request进行分派的函数是serverHandler(server Server),源码精简后如下。serverHandler() 返回真正的handle请求的函数,这些请求最终都会被Server中的方法处理。
func serverHandler(server Server) jsonrpc2.Handler {
return func(ctx context.Context, conn *jsonrpc2.Conn, r *jsonrpc2.Request) {
switch r.Method {
case "initialize":
var params InitializeParams
if err := json.Unmarshal(*r.Params, ¶ms); err != nil {
sendParseError(ctx, conn, r, err)
resp, err := server.Initialize(ctx, ¶ms)
unhandledError(conn.Reply(ctx, r, resp, err))
case "initialized":
var params InitializedParams
if err := json.Unmarshal(*r.Params, ¶ms); err != nil {
sendParseError(ctx, conn, r, err)
unhandledError(server.Initialized(ctx, ¶ms))
// case ...
我以textDocument/didChange为例,描述一下整个过程。首先我们给出go-lsp运行的整个架构图,这里我们只关注server部分,在下图中我们可以看到server核心部分的外层是整个jsonrpc2,它是一个dead loop来不断接收vim-lsp传过来的request,然后通过一个大的switch来选择合适的handle进行处理。
在文章《调试gopls(tools/lsp)及部分源码剖析笔记(低质量,自用)》中,我们介绍了query的部分,这里主要介绍server部分,server部分最顶层的函数是server.go:Run() 方法,最终都会调用下面的三个函数:
// RunServer starts an LSP server on the supplied stream, and waits until the
// stream is closed.
func RunServer(ctx context.Context, stream jsonrpc2.Stream, opts ...interface{}) error {}
// RunServerOnOpts starts an LSP server on the given port and does not exit.
// This function exists for debugging purposes.
func RunServerOnPort(ctx context.Context, port int, opts ...interface{}) error {}
// RunServerOnPort starts an LSP server on the given port and does not exit.
// This function exists for debugging purposes.
func RunServerOnAddress(ctx context.Context, addr string, opts ...interface{}) error{}
这里我们列出RunServer这一条线上调用的函数,server.go:Run() -> lsp.RunServer() -> protocol.RunServer() -> jsonrpc2.NewConn() -> ->
// lsp.RunServer
func RunServer(ctx context.Context, stream jsonrpc2.Stream, opts ...interface{}) error {
s := $server{}
conn, client := protocol.RunServer(ctx, stream, s, opts...)
s.client = client
return conn.Wait(ctx)
type clientDispatcher struct {
// protocol.RunServer
func RunServer(ctx context.Context, stream jsonrpc2.Stream, server Server, opts ...interface{}) (*jsonrpc2.Conn, Client) {
opts = append([]interface{}{serverHandler(server), jsonrpc2.Canceler(canceller)}, opts...)
conn := jsonrpc2.NewConn(ctx, stream, opts...)
return conn, &clientDispatcher{Conn: conn}
// jsonrpc2
// NewConn creates a new connection object that reads and writes messages from
// the supplied stream and dispatches incoming messages to the supplied handler.
func NewConn(ctx context.Context, s stream, options ...interface{}) *Conn {
// (1) Create a conn.
conn := &Conn{/**/}
// (2) Handle the options.
// (3) call `run`
go func() {
conn.err =
// Run starts a read loop on the supplied reader.
// It must be called exactly once for each Conn.
// It returns only when the reader is closed or there is an error in the stream.
func (c *Conn) run(ctx context.Context) error {
for {
// get the data for a message
data, err :=
if err != nil {
// the stream failed, we cannot continue
return err
// read a combined message
msg := &combined{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, msg); err != nil {
// a badly formed message arrived, log it and continue
// we trust the stream to have isolated the error to just this message
// ...
// work out which kind of message we have
switch {
case msg.Method != "":
// if method is set it must be a request
request := &Request {
Method: msg.Method,
Params: msg.Params,
ID: msg.ID,
if request.IsNotify() {
c.log(Receive, request.ID, -1, requrst.Method, request.Params, nil)
// we have a Notify, forward to the handler in a go routine
c.handle(ctx, c, request)
} else {
// we have a Call, forward to the handler in another go routine
reqCtx, cancelReq := context.WithCancel(ctx)
c.handling[*request.ID] = handling{
request: request,
cancel: cancelReq,
start: time.Now(),
c.log(Receive, request.ID, -1, request.Method, request.Params, nil)
c.handle(reqCtx, c, request)
case msg.ID != nil:
// ...
// ...
处理的入口是c.handle()方法,其中这个handle()是在protocol.RunServer()中创建新connection时设置的,将serverHandler(),也就是前面提到的Huge Switch赋值给connection中的*handle()*方法,然后在Huge Switch中挑选合适的方法进行处理。
opts = append([]interface{}{serverHandler(server), jsonrpc2.Canceler(canceller)}, opts...)
conn := jsonrpc2.NewConn(ctx, stream, opts...)
case "textDocument/didChange":
var params DidChangeTextDocumentParams
if err := json.Unmarshal(*r.Params, ¶ms); err != nil {
sendParseError(ctx, conn, e, err)
unhandledError(server.DidChange(ctx, ¶ms))
func (s *server) DidChange(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.DidChangeTextDocumentParams) error {
if len(params.ContentChanges) < 1 {
return jsonrpc2.NewErrorf(jsonrpc2.CodeInternalError, "no content changes provided")
text, err := s.applyChanges(ctx, params)
if err != nil {
return err
s.cacheAndDiagnose(ctx, params.TextDocument.URI, text)
在介绍applyChanges()之前,先给出LSP中用来表示source change的结构体DidChangeTextDocumentParams,包含两个数据成员,文档的版本和文档的一组修改(修改包括Range和New Text)。
// VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier is an identifier to denote a specific version of a text document.
type VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier struct {
* The version number of this document. If a versioned text document identifier
* is sent from the server to the client and the file is not open in the editor
* (the server has not received an open notification before) the server can send
* `null` to indicate that the version is known and the content on disk is the
* truth (as speced with document content ownership)
Version *uint64 `json:"version"`
* An event describing a change to a text document. If range and rangeLength are omitted
* the new text is considered to be the full content of the document.
type TextDocumentContentChangeEvent struct {
* The range of the document that changed.
Range *Range `json:"range,omitempty"`
* The length of the range that got replaced.
RangeLength float64 `json:"rangeLength,omitempty"`
* The new text of the range/document.
Text string `json:"text"`
type DidChangeTextDocumentParams struct {
* The document that did change. The version number points
* to the version after all provided content changes have
* been applied.
TextDocument VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier `json:"textDocument"`
* The actual content changes. The content changes describe single state changes
* to the document. So if there are two content changes c1 and c2 for a document
* in state S10 then c1 move the document to S11 and c2 to S12.
ContentChanges []TextDocumentContentChangeEvent `json:"contentChanges"`
遍历修改,应用修改的部分代码如下所示,核心是读取文件content,然后将content[:Range.start] + new text + content[Range.end:] 拼接在一起,重新赋值给content,然后不断重复这个过程。最后将得到的content传递给*cacheAndDiagnose()*做处理。
func (s *server) applyChanges(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.DidChangeTextDocumentParams) (string, error) {
// ...
sourceURI, err := fromProtocolURI(params.TextDocument.URI)
file, err := s.view.GetFile(ctx, sourceURI)
// ...
content := file.GetContent()
for _, change := range params.ContentChanges {
start := bytesOffset(content, change.Range.Start)
if start == -1 {
return "", jsonrpc2.NewErrorf(jsonrpc2.CodeInternalError, "invalid range for content change")
end := bytesOffset(content, change.Range.End)
if end == -1 {
return "", jsonrpc2.NewErrorf(jsonrpc2.CodeInternalError, "invalid range for content change")
var buf bytes.Buffer
content = buf.Bytes()
return string(content), nil
当每次对文件进行了修改以后,需要更新View中关于该文件的信息,例如File对应的ast和token信息需要进行失效处理。由于文件进行了修改,需要对该文件进行重新Diagnostics,cacheAndDiagnose() 的源码如下:
func (s *server) cacheAndDiagnose(ctx context.Context, uri protocol.DocumentURI, content string) {
sourceURI, err := fromProtocolURI(uri)
if err != nil {
return // handle error?
if err := s.setContent(ctx, sourceURI, []byte(content)); err != nil {
return // handle error?
go func() {
reports, err := source.Diagnostics(ctx, s.view, sourceURI)
if err != nil {
return // handle error?
for filename, diagnostics := range reports {
s.client.PublishDiagnostics(ctx, &protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams{
URI: protocol.DocumentURI(source.ToURI(filename)),
Diagnostics: toProtocolDiagnostics(ctx, s.view, diagnostics),
需要注意的是,存在一些其他的request,像"textDocument/definition"需要从server像client返回一些信息。request的Reply是通过jsonrpc2中的Reply() 方法实现的。