(CRM)customer relationship management sysetm



 git clone git://github.com/michaeldv/fat_free_crm.git           



System Requirements

    * Ruby v1.8.6 or later
    * Ruby on Rails v2.3.2
    * MySQL v4.1.1 or later (v5+ is recommended) or SQLite v3.4 or later
    * Browsers: FireFox and Safari (IE is not supported yet)

 Edit config/database.yml and specify database names and authentication details. Once you have database configuration file ready run rake to create the database:

 $ rake db:create

Setting Up The Application

The next step is to load default Fat Free CRM settings, such as menu structure, default colors, etc. This is done by running the following rake task:

$ rake crm:setup

Loading Demo Data

You can test drive Fat Free CRM by loading sample records that are generated on the fly mimic the actual use:

   $ rake crm:demo:load

 Among other things the demo generator creates 8 sample user records with the following usernames: aaron , ben , cindy , dan , emily , frank , george , and heather . You can login with any of these names using the name as password.
