
create user a6 identified by  "oracle" 
default tablespace czck
temporary tablespace temp;  
grant aq_administrator_role to a6;
grant connect to a6;
grant dba to a6;
grant resource to a6;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges 
grant alter any materialized view to a6;
grant create any materialized view to a6;
grant create any table to a6;
grant create any view to a6;
grant create operator to a6;
grant create procedure to a6;
grant create profile to a6;
grant create view to a6;
grant delete any table to a6;
grant drop any materialized view to a6;
grant drop any table to a6;
grant drop any view to a6;
grant execute any operator to a6;
grant execute any procedure to a6;
grant global query rewrite to a6;
grant insert any table to a6;
grant manage tablespace to a6;
grant on commit refresh to a6;
grant query rewrite to a6;
grant select any dictionary to a6;
grant select any sequence to a6;
grant select any table to a6;
grant under any table to a6;
grant under any view to a6;
grant unlimited tablespace to a6;
grant update any table to a6;
