development item flowchart: connector of CRM-AX, opportunities follow-up process

Created with Raphaël 2.1.0 开始 是否项目报价? 禁用“商机转报价”按钮 手工在AX系统填列报价单 AX报价同步至CRM系统 报价信息汇总 结束 启用“商机转报价”按钮 CRM商机同步至AX报价 禁用“商机转报价”按钮 yes no
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0 start 是否为项目报价? 禁用“商机转报价”按钮 end 商机转报价是否成功 提醒操作人员需再次报价 普通报价单流程 yes no yes no
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0 start project quotation? ban the shift button end generated a quotation? remind sales to re-quote common sales quote process yes no yes no
