参考Talk http://www.erlang-factory.com/upload/presentations/238/ErlangFView postactorySFBay2010-KennethLundin.pdf
1. June 16: R14A, a beta release
2. Multi-core performance improvements
* – optimized rwlocks
* – delayed deallocation
* – ”lock-free” process table
3. NIF improvements (Native Implemented Function)
* – sending messages from a NIF
* – crypto application as NIFs, now using a driver.
4. search in binaries (as of EEP-31)
* – new module called binary with functions: match, matches, split, replace, longest_common_prefix, … part, at, copy, first,last
5. new SSL ready to replace old SSL
6. improved Reltool
* – for easy creation of minimal target systems and standalone deployments from an installed development system.
7. Tentative
* –Parameterized modules officially supported and with more efficient implementation.
Longer term plans:
1. More multi core performance improvements
* – lock free pre-allocators (thread specific pre allocated buffers)
* – Scheduler specific mseg_alloc reducing lock contention and necessary for future NUMA optimizations. Intel Nehalem, AMD Opteron
2. Clustered shared heap or other solution to allow parallell computing on large sets of data avoiding copying.
3 . New XML-schema/dtd validator complementing the XML SAX parser we already have.
4. SMP optimizations in existing applications (Mnesia, ASN.1 …)
5. Improved eprof profiler