Problems when learning ruby


1.The exception is:

    Status: 500 Internal Server Error
    no such file to load -- sqlite3

 solution: need to download  sqlite3.rar ,then uncompressed at the ../ruby/bin folder,then gem install sqlite3-ruby-1.2.3-mswin32.gem


2.undefined method `render_text' for # RAILS_ROOT


solution:  change render_text "hello world" to : render:text => "hello world"


because the version updated now but the tutorial not


3.  Status: 500 Internal Server Erro
  no such file to load -- mysql

  solution:gem install mysql at the ../ruby/bin folder


4.plugin scaffold

solution:ruby script/plugin install scaffolding
ruby script/plugin install


 5.undefined method `template_exists?' for #

 E:\rubyTest\mybook\script>ruby generate scaffold Book title:string description:t
ext buydate:date  will work



unkown exception always waiting for us -_-


  • sqlite3.rar (535.1 KB)
  • 下载次数: 0
