Sdp Plan A Plan B UnifiedPlan

webrtc中多流的实现越来越简单,也越来越规范高效化,从planB-->到unifiedPlan,不过做的早的一些视频会议还是基于plan A做的,也是老版本的webrtc版本,planB兼容planA,不过后边的趋势一定是unifiedplan,这边刚好看到对这三个SDP多流标准的说明的博文,就记录下,转载过来了,感谢原博主。本文转自

exchange of multiple media sources (AKA MediaStreamTracks, or MSTs) between two WebRTC endpoints. 
Unified Plan 和 Plan B 和 Plan A是SDP协商中,多路媒体流的协商方式。

Plan A


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Plan B

一个PeerConnection 对应 多路媒体流。
Plan B is an [IETF draft proposal]( for signaling multiple media sources in SDP.

Signaling multiple media sources is needed to be able to send a video along with screen sharing, multiple camera sources or routing multiple streams from an SFU to the users.

In Plan B, an m= line is an “envelope” that includes multiple media sources per one defined transport.

The mechanism chosen for the official WebRTC specification isn’t Plan B but rather Unified Plan.

Chrome 支持PlanB. Google 计划用Unified Plan替代Plan B.

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Unified Plan

一个PeerConnection 对应 多路媒体流。
Unified Plan is an IETF draft proposal( for signaling multiple media sources in SDP.

In Unified Plan, there is an m= line per each media source.

FireFox 已经支持 Unified Plan. Chrome期望未来支持.

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* 客户端single peer 减少开发难度
* 减少端口占用,加强系统安全
* 多镜头场景变得简单

