Saiku默认使用H2数据库来存储saiku的用户与角色信息,我们可以根据角色来做saiku的权限控制,然后将角色分配给用户 ,该用户就会有对应的约束了!
1.更改 /saiku-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml 文件中的参数
db.url db.user db.password
记得在10.22.33.44中新建数据库 saiku 哦!
db.url jdbc:mysql:// db.user root db.password root
2.更改 /saiku-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/ 文件中的参数
jdbcauth.driver jdbcauth.url jdbcauth.username jdbcauth.password
jdbcauth.authoritiesquery=select username, role from user_roles where username =? UNION select '?', \ 'ROLE_USER' jdbcauth.usernamequery=select u.username,u.password, u.enabled from users u inner join ( \ select MAX(USERS.USER_ID) ID, USERS.USERNAME from USERS group by USERS.USERNAME) tm on u.USER_ID =\ tm.ID where u.username = ? GROUP BY u.USER_ID #jdbcauth.driver=org.h2.Driver #jdbcauth.url=jdbc:h2:../../data/saiku;MODE=MySQL #jdbcauth.username=sa #jdbcauth.password= jdbcauth.driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbcauth.url=jdbc:mysql:// jdbcauth.username=root jdbcauth.password=root
3.更改 /saiku-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/ 文件中的参数
userdao.driverclass userdao.url userdao.username userdao.password
default.role=ROLE_USER${catalina.base}/conf/Catalina/localhost/ webdav.password=sa!kuanalyt!cs #userdao.driverclass=org.h2.Driver #userdao.url=jdbc:h2:../../data/saiku;MODE=MySQL #userdao.username=sa #userdao.password= userdao.driverclass=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver userdao.url=jdbc:mysql:// userdao.username=root userdao.password=root logdir=../logs repoconfig=../../repository/configuration.xml repodata=../../repository/data foodmartrepo=../../data foodmartschema=../../data/FoodMart4.xml foodmarturl=jdbc:h2:../../data/foodmart;MODE=MySQL earthquakerepo=../../data earthquakeschema=../../data/Earthquakes.xml earthquakeurl=jdbc:h2:../../data/earthquakes;MODE=MySQL pluginpath=../webapps/ROOT/js/saiku/plugins/ orbis.auth.enabled=false workspaces=false repo.type=jackrabbit repo.port=8070 repo.username=admin repo.password=admin repo.database=saiku
4.更改 /saiku-service/src/main/java/org/saiku/database/ 类中的方法,因为H2与mysql的语法会有些区别
4.1 更改 initDB() 方法
先将 private JdbcDataSource ds; 修改为 private MysqlDataSource ds; //将 JdbcDataSource 改为 MysqlDataSource
// private JdbcDataSource ds; //comment this line 20190412, for change the default database to mysql private MysqlDataSource ds; //add this line 20190412, for change the default database to mysql //for change the default database ,change h2 to mysql 2019-04-12 private void initDB() { String url = servletContext.getInitParameter("db.url"); String user = servletContext.getInitParameter("db.user"); String pword = servletContext.getInitParameter("db.password"); ds = new MysqlDataSource(); // 这里原来是 new JdbcDataSource(); ds.setUrl(url); ds.setUser(user); ds.setPassword(pword); }
4.2 更改 loadUsers() 方法
//for change the default database ,change h2 to mysql 2019-03-06 private void loadUsers() throws SQLException { Connection c = ds.getConnection(); Statement statement = c.createStatement(); statement.execute(" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS log ( time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, log TEXT); "); statement.execute(" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users(user_id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, " + " username VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL UNIQUE, password VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(100), " + " enabled TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, PRIMARY KEY(user_id)); "); statement.execute(" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_roles ( " + " user_role_id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,username VARCHAR(45), " + " user_id INT(11) NOT NULL REFERENCES users(user_id), " + " ROLE VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, " + " PRIMARY KEY (user_role_id)); "); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery("select count(*) as c from log where log = 'insert users'");; if (result.getInt("c") == 0) { statement.execute("INSERT INTO users (username,password,email, enabled) VALUES ('admin','admin', '[email protected]',TRUE);"); statement.execute("INSERT INTO users (username,password,enabled) VALUES ('smith','smith', TRUE);"); statement.execute("INSERT INTO user_roles (user_id, username, ROLE) VALUES (1, 'admin', 'ROLE_USER');"); statement.execute("INSERT INTO user_roles (user_id, username, ROLE) VALUES (1, 'admin', 'ROLE_ADMIN');"); statement.execute("INSERT INTO user_roles (user_id, username, ROLE) VALUES (2, 'smith', 'ROLE_USER');"); statement.execute("INSERT INTO log (log) VALUES('insert users');"); } String encrypt = servletContext.getInitParameter("db.encryptpassword"); if (encrypt.equals("true") && !checkUpdatedEncyption()) { updateForEncyption(); } }
4.3 更改 checkUpdatedEncyption() 方法
//for change the default database ,change h2 to mysql 2019-03-06 public boolean checkUpdatedEncyption() throws SQLException{ Connection c = ds.getConnection(); Statement statement = c.createStatement(); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery("select count(*) as c from log where log = 'update passwords'");; return result.getInt("c") != 0; }
4.4 更改 updateForEncyption() 方法
//for change the default database ,change h2 to mysql 2019-03-06 public void updateForEncyption() throws SQLException { Connection c = ds.getConnection(); Statement statement = c.createStatement(); statement.execute("ALTER TABLE users MODIFY COLUMN PASSWORD VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL"); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery("select username, password from users"); while ( { statement = c.createStatement(); String pword = result.getString("password"); String hashedPassword = passwordEncoder.encode(pword); String sql = "UPDATE users " + "SET password = '" + hashedPassword + "' WHERE username = '" + result.getString("username") + "'"; statement.executeUpdate(sql); } statement = c.createStatement(); statement.execute("INSERT INTO log (log) VALUES('update passwords');"); }
4.4 更改 init() 方法 注释掉 loadFoodmart() 方法与 loadEarthquakes()方法
public void init() throws SQLException { initDB(); loadUsers(); // loadFoodmart(); // loadEarthquakes(); loadLegacyDatasources(); importLicense(); }
user 存储用户以及密码信息
log 存储日志信息
user_roles 存储用户与角色的关系信息
然后接着我们可以试试使用admin登录saiku ,新增用户以及删除用户信息。
不知道为什么第一次我编译成功后,登录saiku想去新增用户,但是新增用户接口没有调通,删除用户接口也报错 NullPointerException
后来我再一次重新打包编译saiku源码,再去访问就又OK了,新增与删除都没有问题!!! 新增的用户也会存到我们定义的saiku库中,删除时数据也会被删除。权限配置好后也是ok的,一切都能正常使用!
至此 saiku数据库从H2到mysql 迁移成功啦!!!
完整的 /saiku-service/src/main/java/org/saiku/database/ 文件如下:
package org.saiku.database; import; import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileObject; import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemManager; import org.apache.commons.vfs.VFS; import org.saiku.datasources.datasource.SaikuDatasource; import org.saiku.service.datasource.IDatasourceManager; import org.saiku.service.importer.LegacyImporter; import org.saiku.service.importer.LegacyImporterImpl; import org.saiku.service.license.Base64Coder; import org.saiku.service.license.ILicenseUtils; import org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.sql.DataSource; /** * Created by bugg on 01/05/14. */ public class Database { @Autowired ServletContext servletContext; //add this line 20190412, for change the default database to mysql private String datasourcetype = "mysql"; private ILicenseUtils licenseUtils; private URL repoURL; public ILicenseUtils getLicenseUtils() { return licenseUtils; } public void setLicenseUtils(ILicenseUtils licenseUtils) { this.licenseUtils = licenseUtils; } private static final int SIZE = 2048; // private JdbcDataSource ds; //comment this line 20190412, for change the default database to mysql private MysqlDataSource ds; //add this line 20190412, for change the default database to mysql private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Database.class); private final BCryptPasswordEncoder passwordEncoder = new BCryptPasswordEncoder(); private IDatasourceManager dsm; public Database() { } public void setDatasourceManager(IDatasourceManager dsm) { this.dsm = dsm; } public ServletContext getServletContext() { return servletContext; } public void setServletContext(ServletContext servletContext) { this.servletContext = servletContext; } public void init() throws SQLException { initDB(); loadUsers(); // loadFoodmart(); // loadEarthquakes(); loadLegacyDatasources(); importLicense(); } /** comment this code to change h2 to mysql private void initDB() { String url = servletContext.getInitParameter("db.url"); String user = servletContext.getInitParameter("db.user"); String pword = servletContext.getInitParameter("db.password"); ds = new JdbcDataSource(); ds.setURL(url); ds.setUser(user); ds.setPassword(pword); } */ //for change the default database ,change h2 to mysql 2019-04-12 private void initDB() { String url = servletContext.getInitParameter("db.url"); String user = servletContext.getInitParameter("db.user"); String pword = servletContext.getInitParameter("db.password"); ds = new MysqlDataSource(); ds.setUrl(url); ds.setUser(user); ds.setPassword(pword); } private void loadFoodmart() throws SQLException { String url = servletContext.getInitParameter("foodmart.url"); String user = servletContext.getInitParameter("foodmart.user"); String pword = servletContext.getInitParameter("foodmart.password"); if(url!=null && !url.equals("${foodmart_url}")) { JdbcDataSource ds2 = new JdbcDataSource(); ds2.setURL(dsm.getFoodmarturl()); ds2.setUser(user); ds2.setPassword(pword); Connection c = ds2.getConnection(); DatabaseMetaData dbm = c.getMetaData(); ResultSet tables = dbm.getTables(null, null, "account", null); if (! { // Table exists Statement statement = c.createStatement(); statement.execute("RUNSCRIPT FROM '"+dsm.getFoodmartdir()+"/foodmart_h2.sql'"); statement.execute("alter table \"time_by_day\" add column \"date_string\" varchar(30);" + "update \"time_by_day\" " + "set \"date_string\" = TO_CHAR(\"the_date\", 'yyyy/mm/dd');"); String schema = null; try { schema = readFile(dsm.getFoodmartschema(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Can't read schema file",e); } try { dsm.addSchema(schema, "/datasources/foodmart4.xml", null); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Can't add schema file to repo", e); } Properties p = new Properties(); p.setProperty("driver", "mondrian.olap4j.MondrianOlap4jDriver"); p.setProperty("location", "jdbc:mondrian:Jdbc=jdbc:h2:"+dsm.getFoodmartdir()+"/foodmart;"+ "Catalog=mondrian:///datasources/foodmart4.xml;JdbcDrivers=org.h2.Driver"); p.setProperty("username", "sa"); p.setProperty("password", ""); p.setProperty("id", "4432dd20-fcae-11e3-a3ac-0800200c9a66"); SaikuDatasource ds = new SaikuDatasource("foodmart", SaikuDatasource.Type.OLAP, p); try { dsm.addDatasource(ds); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Can't add data source to repo", e); } } else { Statement statement = c.createStatement(); statement.executeQuery("select 1"); } } } private void loadEarthquakes() throws SQLException { String url = servletContext.getInitParameter("earthquakes.url"); String user = servletContext.getInitParameter("earthquakes.user"); String pword = servletContext.getInitParameter("earthquakes.password"); if (url != null && !url.equals("${earthquake_url}")) { JdbcDataSource ds3 = new JdbcDataSource(); ds3.setURL(dsm.getEarthquakeUrl()); ds3.setUser(user); ds3.setPassword(pword); Connection c = ds3.getConnection(); DatabaseMetaData dbm = c.getMetaData(); ResultSet tables = dbm.getTables(null, null, "earthquakes", null); String schema = null; if (! { Statement statement = c.createStatement(); statement.execute("RUNSCRIPT FROM '" + dsm.getEarthquakeDir() + "/earthquakes.sql'"); statement.executeQuery("select 1"); try { schema = readFile(dsm.getEarthquakeSchema(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Can't read schema file", e); } try { dsm.addSchema(schema, "/datasources/earthquakes.xml", null); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Can't add schema file to repo", e); } Properties p = new Properties(); p.setProperty("advanced", "true"); p.setProperty("driver", "mondrian.olap4j.MondrianOlap4jDriver"); p.setProperty("location", "jdbc:mondrian:Jdbc=jdbc:h2:" + dsm.getEarthquakeDir() + "/earthquakes;MODE=MySQL;" + "Catalog=mondrian:///datasources/earthquakes.xml;JdbcDrivers=org.h2.Driver"); p.setProperty("username", "sa"); p.setProperty("password", ""); p.setProperty("id", "4432dd20-fcae-11e3-a3ac-0800200c9a67"); SaikuDatasource ds = new SaikuDatasource("earthquakes", SaikuDatasource.Type.OLAP, p); try { dsm.addDatasource(ds); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Can't add data source to repo", e); } try { dsm.saveInternalFile("/homes/home:admin/sample_reports", null, null); String exts[] = {"saiku"}; Iteratorfiles = FileUtils.iterateFiles(new File("../../data/sample_reports"), exts, false); while(files.hasNext()){ File f =; dsm.saveInternalFile("/homes/home:admin/sample_reports/"+f.getName(),FileUtils.readFileToString(f .getAbsoluteFile()), null); files.remove(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { Statement statement = c.createStatement(); statement.executeQuery("select 1"); } } } private static String readFile(String path, Charset encoding) throws IOException { byte[] encoded = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(path)); return new String(encoded, encoding); } /** comment this for change the default database ,change h2 to mysql private void loadUsers() throws SQLException { Connection c = ds.getConnection(); Statement statement = c.createStatement(); statement.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS LOG(time TIMESTAMP AS CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, log CLOB);"); statement.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS USERS(user_id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, " + "username VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL UNIQUE, password VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(100), " + "enabled TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, PRIMARY KEY(user_id));"); statement.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS USER_ROLES (\n" + " user_role_id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,username VARCHAR(45),\n" + " user_id INT(11) NOT NULL REFERENCES USERS(user_id),\n" + " ROLE VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,\n" + " PRIMARY KEY (user_role_id));"); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery("select count(*) as c from LOG where log = 'insert users'");; if (result.getInt("c") == 0) { dsm.createUser("admin"); dsm.createUser("smith"); statement.execute("INSERT INTO users(username,password,email, enabled)\n" + "VALUES ('admin','admin', '[email protected]',TRUE);" + "INSERT INTO users(username,password,enabled)\n" + "VALUES ('smith','smith', TRUE);"); statement.execute( "INSERT INTO user_roles (user_id, username, ROLE)\n" + "VALUES (1, 'admin', 'ROLE_USER');" + "INSERT INTO user_roles (user_id, username, ROLE)\n" + "VALUES (1, 'admin', 'ROLE_ADMIN');" + "INSERT INTO user_roles (user_id, username, ROLE)\n" + "VALUES (2, 'smith', 'ROLE_USER');"); statement.execute("INSERT INTO LOG(log) VALUES('insert users');"); } String encrypt = servletContext.getInitParameter("db.encryptpassword"); if(encrypt.equals("true") && !checkUpdatedEncyption()){ log.debug("Encrypting User Passwords"); updateForEncyption(); log.debug("Finished Encrypting Passwords"); } } private boolean checkUpdatedEncyption() throws SQLException{ Connection c = ds.getConnection(); Statement statement = c.createStatement(); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery("select count(*) as c from LOG where log = 'update passwords'");; return result.getInt("c") != 0; } private void updateForEncyption() throws SQLException { Connection c = ds.getConnection(); Statement statement = c.createStatement(); statement.execute("ALTER TABLE users ALTER COLUMN password VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL"); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery("select username, password from users"); while({ statement = c.createStatement(); String pword = result.getString("password"); String hashedPassword = passwordEncoder.encode(pword); String sql = "UPDATE users " + "SET password = '"+hashedPassword+"' WHERE username = '"+result.getString("username")+"'"; statement.executeUpdate(sql); } statement = c.createStatement(); statement.execute("INSERT INTO LOG(log) VALUES('update passwords');"); } */ //for change the default database ,change h2 to mysql 2019-03-06 private void loadUsers() throws SQLException { Connection c = ds.getConnection(); Statement statement = c.createStatement(); statement.execute(" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS log ( time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, log TEXT); "); statement.execute(" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users(user_id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, " + " username VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL UNIQUE, password VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(100), " + " enabled TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, PRIMARY KEY(user_id)); "); statement.execute(" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_roles ( " + " user_role_id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,username VARCHAR(45), " + " user_id INT(11) NOT NULL REFERENCES users(user_id), " + " ROLE VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, " + " PRIMARY KEY (user_role_id)); "); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery("select count(*) as c from log where log = 'insert users'");; if (result.getInt("c") == 0) { statement.execute("INSERT INTO users (username,password,email, enabled) VALUES ('admin','admin', '[email protected]',TRUE);"); statement.execute("INSERT INTO users (username,password,enabled) VALUES ('smith','smith', TRUE);"); statement.execute("INSERT INTO user_roles (user_id, username, ROLE) VALUES (1, 'admin', 'ROLE_USER');"); statement.execute("INSERT INTO user_roles (user_id, username, ROLE) VALUES (1, 'admin', 'ROLE_ADMIN');"); statement.execute("INSERT INTO user_roles (user_id, username, ROLE) VALUES (2, 'smith', 'ROLE_USER');"); statement.execute("INSERT INTO log (log) VALUES('insert users');"); } String encrypt = servletContext.getInitParameter("db.encryptpassword"); if (encrypt.equals("true") && !checkUpdatedEncyption()) { updateForEncyption(); } } //for change the default database ,change h2 to mysql 2019-03-06 public boolean checkUpdatedEncyption() throws SQLException{ Connection c = ds.getConnection(); Statement statement = c.createStatement(); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery("select count(*) as c from log where log = 'update passwords'");; return result.getInt("c") != 0; } //for change the default database ,change h2 to mysql 2019-03-06 public void updateForEncyption() throws SQLException { Connection c = ds.getConnection(); Statement statement = c.createStatement(); statement.execute("ALTER TABLE users MODIFY COLUMN PASSWORD VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL"); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery("select username, password from users"); while ( { statement = c.createStatement(); String pword = result.getString("password"); String hashedPassword = passwordEncoder.encode(pword); String sql = "UPDATE users " + "SET password = '" + hashedPassword + "' WHERE username = '" + result.getString("username") + "'"; statement.executeUpdate(sql); } statement = c.createStatement(); statement.execute("INSERT INTO log (log) VALUES('update passwords');"); } private void loadLegacyDatasources() throws SQLException { Connection c = ds.getConnection(); Statement statement = c.createStatement(); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery("select count(*) as c from LOG where log = 'insert datasources'");; if (result.getInt("c") == 0) { LegacyImporter l = new LegacyImporterImpl(dsm); l.importSchema(); l.importDatasources(); statement.execute("INSERT INTO LOG(log) VALUES('insert datasources');"); } } public List getUsers() throws java.sql.SQLException { //Stub for EE. return null; } public void addUsers(List l) throws java.sql.SQLException { //Stub for EE. } private void setPath(String path) { FileSystemManager fileSystemManager; try { fileSystemManager = VFS.getManager(); FileObject fileObject; fileObject = fileSystemManager.resolveFile(path); if (fileObject == null) { throw new IOException("File cannot be resolved: " + path); } if (!fileObject.exists()) { throw new IOException("File does not exist: " + path); } repoURL = fileObject.getURL(); if (repoURL == null) { throw new Exception( "Cannot load connection repository from path: " + path); } else { //load(); } } catch (Exception e) { //LOG_EELOADER.error("Exception", e); } } public void importLicense() { setPath("res:saiku-license"); try { if (repoURL != null) { File[] files = new File(repoURL.getFile()).listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (File file : files) { if (!file.isHidden() && file.getName().equals("license.lic")) { ObjectInputStream si = null; byte[] sig; byte[] data = null; try { si = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { int sigLength = si.readInt(); sig = new byte[sigLength];; ByteArrayOutputStream dataStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] buf = new byte[SIZE]; int len; while ((len = != -1) { dataStream.write(buf, 0, len); } dataStream.flush(); data = dataStream.toByteArray(); dataStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { si.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } licenseUtils.setLicense(new String(Base64Coder.encode(data))); } } } } } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } }