VideoJS live RTMP stream, player and video size issue

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I have setup a page with a videojs html5 player that automatically starts to play a remote RTMP live stream. It works.

When I start the stream the video appears as a tiny box in the top left of the player. The player is 1280x720 and the video is streaming from a computer or android phone at any resolution, but it also starts in the top left corner.

I haven't measured the resolution of the video in the corner but I'd guess it's about 40x40. When I select the fullscreen option the video stretches to full screen. When I shut off fullscreen the video correctly fills in the player.

I would expect the video to start and fill the player right away without having to fullscreen/restore it. Any advice or direction would be greatly appreciated it.

This is what I'm working with

 Stream Player 



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I switched my search terms on google from to include "squished" and got some helpful results: –  Wally Anderson May 21 '15 at 20:06
