A Handy Guide for Newbie of Overriding rest-auth Serializers

吐槽 SegmentFault

本来我是打算写“A Handy Guide for Newbie of Overriding django-allauth Forms and django-rest-auth Serializers”两个一起的。。但是因为SF只允许标题最多64个有效字符,所以我只能分开写了。。就算是这样,django-rest-auth的全名都不够。。


The documentation for django-rest-auth is quite completed, however, it also lack of comprehensive guides on overriding the serializers.

You need to add the following two configurations in your setting.py.

    'LOGIN_SERIALIZER': 'yourapp.rest_auth_serializers.YourLoginSerializer',

    'REGISTER_SERIALIZER': 'yourapp.rest_auth_serializers.YourRegisterSerializer',

Overriding Serializer


from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model, authenticate
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.forms import PasswordResetForm, SetPasswordForm
from django.contrib.auth.tokens import default_token_generator
from django.utils.http import urlsafe_base64_decode as uid_decoder
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.encoding import force_text

from rest_framework import serializers, exceptions
from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError

from rest_auth.models import TokenModel
from rest_auth.utils import import_callable

# Get the UserModel
UserModel = get_user_model()

from django.http import HttpRequest

    from allauth.account import app_settings as allauth_settings
    from allauth.utils import (email_address_exists,
    from allauth.account.adapter import get_adapter
    from allauth.account.utils import setup_user_email
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("allauth needs to be added to INSTALLED_APPS.")

from requests.exceptions import HTTPError

class YourLoginSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
    username = serializers.CharField(required=False, allow_blank=True)
    email = serializers.EmailField(required=False, allow_blank=True)
    password = serializers.CharField(style={'input_type': 'password'})

    def _validate_email(self, email, password):
        user = None

        if email and password:
            user = authenticate(email=email, password=password)
            msg = _('Must include "email" and "password".')
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg)

        return user

    def _validate_username(self, username, password):
        user = None

        if username and password:
            user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
            msg = _('Must include "username" and "password".')
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg)

        return user

    def _validate_username_email(self, username, email, password):
        user = None

        if email and password:
            user = authenticate(email=email, password=password)
        elif username and password:
            user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
            msg = _('Must include either "username" or "email" and "password".')
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg)

        return user

    def validate(self, attrs):
        username = attrs.get('username')
        email = attrs.get('email')
        password = attrs.get('password')

        user = None

        if 'allauth' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
            from allauth.account import app_settings

            # Authentication through email
            if app_settings.AUTHENTICATION_METHOD == app_settings.AuthenticationMethod.EMAIL:
                user = self._validate_email(email, password)

            # Authentication through username
            elif app_settings.AUTHENTICATION_METHOD == app_settings.AuthenticationMethod.USERNAME:
                user = self._validate_username(username, password)

            # Authentication through either username or email
                user = self._validate_username_email(username, email, password)

            # Authentication without using allauth
            if email:
                    username = UserModel.objects.get(email__iexact=email).get_username()
                except UserModel.DoesNotExist:

            if username:
                user = self._validate_username_email(username, '', password)

        # Did we get back an active user?
        if user:
            if not user.is_active:
                msg = _('User account is disabled.')
                raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg)
            msg = _('Unable to log in with provided credentials.')
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg)

        # If required, is the email verified?
        if 'rest_auth.registration' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
            from allauth.account import app_settings
            if app_settings.EMAIL_VERIFICATION == app_settings.EmailVerificationMethod.MANDATORY:
                email_address = user.emailaddress_set.get(email=user.email)
                if not email_address.verified:
                    raise serializers.ValidationError(_('E-mail is not verified.'))

        attrs['user'] = user
        return attrs

class YourRegisterSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
    username = serializers.CharField(
    email = serializers.EmailField(required=allauth_settings.EMAIL_REQUIRED)
    password1 = serializers.CharField(write_only=True)
    password2 = serializers.CharField(write_only=True)
    fullname = serializers.CharField(write_only=True)

    def validate_username(self, username):
        username = get_adapter().clean_username(username)
        return username

    def validate_email(self, email):
        email = get_adapter().clean_email(email)
        if allauth_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL:
            if email and email_address_exists(email):
                raise serializers.ValidationError(
                    _("A user is already registered with this e-mail address."))
        return email

    def validate_password1(self, password):
        return get_adapter().clean_password(password)

    def validate(self, data):
        if data['password1'] != data['password2']:
            raise serializers.ValidationError(_("The two password fields didn't match."))
        return data

    def custom_signup(self, request, user):

    def get_cleaned_data(self):
        return {
            'username': self.validated_data.get('username', ''),
            'password1': self.validated_data.get('password1', ''),
            'email': self.validated_data.get('email', ''),
            'fullname': self.validated_data.get('fullname', ''), #get fullname

    def save(self, request):
        adapter = get_adapter()
        user = adapter.new_user(request)
        self.cleaned_data = self.get_cleaned_data()
        user.username = self.cleaned_data['fullname'] #set fullname as username
        adapter.save_user(request, user, self)
        self.custom_signup(request, user)
        setup_user_email(request, user, [])
        return user

Again, two points to mention.

  1. For both serializers, you could modify the fields that you need. For instance, I added a fullname field by adding fullname = serializers.CharField(write_only=True). The django-rest-framework will automatically adopt the change.
  2. Additional to signup, you need to modify the user before adapter.save_user(request, user, self)

Here is how to override django-allauth forms
