开发的比较简陋, 因为主要是为了测试. 因此没有GUI, 而且所有函数都编写在cpp里面.很不雅观.请见谅!
2048Game(self-produced) without GUI version
2048游戏(自制版) 无GUI版
Version v.1.0 did not been interated, because of the difference between 2048 with other software. Thus, 2048 started at v.0.1 for its first generation.
v.1.0版本未经迭代. 因为与其他软件不同, 这个软件并没有太多需要改进的地方, 于是就从1.0版本开始.
This projecct was made durning my winter vacation. After a long term study of DataStruct, I learned a lot and desporately and wanted to make some progress. Using the latest Tech I’ve learnt to do something bold is the coolest things came to my mind at the moment. I am a huge fan of 2048game and really like this game. So I chose it as my TEST. Just like Gabriele Cirulli, who created 2048, I do this project not only for entertainment but for improving myself, testing whether I have the ability to develop an independent game as well. I spend about 2 or 3 days total to make this game. Providentially, I didn’t spend much time and proof my strength in about 500 lines for the v.1.0(prototype version). That feels fascinated!
If you want to play it or make an improvement, just download it for FREE now.XD
这个项目是我在冬天度假时做的。通过对DataStruct的长期学习,我学到了很多,非常想要进步。使用我学到的最新技术去做一些大胆的事情是我想到的最酷的事情。我是2048游戏的超级粉丝,我真的很喜欢这个游戏,所以我选择了它作为我的测试。就像创造了2048的Gabriele Cirulli一样,我做这个项目不仅是为了娱乐,也是为了提高自己,测试自己是否有能力开发一款独立的游戏。所以我总共花了2到3天来制作这个游戏。幸运的是,我没有花太多的时间在v1.0(原型版本)的500行代码上证明我的能力。这感觉着迷!
Project: 2048Game
Powered by: DolorHunter
Latest Version: v.1.0
Latest Update: 2019.01.31 20:18(Shanghai Time)
Description: Using WASD to combine numbers.
2048 is a single-player sliding block puzzle game designed by Italian web developer Gabriele Cirulli. The game’s objective is to slide numbered tiles on a grid to combine them to create a tile with the number 2048. However, one can continue to play the game after reaching the goal, creating tiles with larger numbers.[2]
2048 was originally written in JavaScript and CSS during a weekend, and released on March 9, 2014, as free and open-source software subject to the MIT license. Clones written in C++ and Vala are available.[3][4] There is also a version for the Linux terminal.[5]
2048 has been described as very similar to the Threes! app released a month earlier.[6][7] Cirulli himself described 2048 as a clone of Veewo Studios’ app 1024, who has actually said in the description of the app to be a clone of Threes!.
Index of the project
最新更新:2019.01.31 20:18(上海时间)
2048是一款由意大利网络开发者Gabriele Cirulli设计的单人滑块益智游戏。这款游戏的目标是在网格上滑动标有数字的瓦片,将它们组合在一起创建一个编号为2048的瓦片。然而,在达到目标后,玩家可以继续玩游戏,创建数字更大的方块
2048年被描述为非常类似的三!一个月前发布的应用。[6][7] Cirulli自己将2048描述为Veewo Studios的应用1024的克隆,他在描述该应用时实际上是说它是three的克隆!
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