
  • conda --version 查看conda版本
  • conda info --envs 查看系统中已有的Python环境
  • conda env list 查看系统中已有的python环境
  • conda create --name python27 python=2.7 创建Python环境
  • activate python27 切换到python27环境
  • deactivate python27 退出当前环境,返回到默认环境
  • conda remove --name python27 --all 删除Python27环境
  • jupyter notebook 添加已有的Python环境如python:
activate python27 # 切换到python27环境
conda install nb_conda # 安装nb_conda或者ipykernel或者nb_conda_kernel
  • jupyter 关闭自动退出功能:修改C:\Users\your_username\.jupyter\jypyter_notebook_config.py文件第269行左右,修改为一下内容:
## Shut down the server after N seconds with no kernels or terminals running and
#  no activity. This can be used together with culling idle kernels
#  (MappingKernelManager.cull_idle_timeout) to shutdown the notebook server when
#  it's not in use. This is not precisely timed: it may shut down up to a minute
#  later. 0 (the default) disables this automatic shutdown.
c.NotebookApp.shutdown_no_activity_timeout = 0  # <== 修改此处,一般去掉注释即可
  • 若需在anaconda的虚拟环境中安装pythonw 使用 conda install 即可
