从零部署Hyperledger Composer

  • 从零部署Hyperledger Composer
    • 配置开发环境
      • 准备环境
      • 安装开发环境
          • Step 1: Install the CLI tools
          • Step 2: Install Playground
          • Step 3: Set up your IDE
          • Step 4: Install Hyperledger Fabric
    • 开发及部署
      • 创建业务网络结构(Creating a business network structure)
            • References
      • 打包业务网络(生成.bna)
      • 部署业务网络
      • 自动生成并开启REST服务器
    • 开发环境的相关控制
          • 开启Fabric:
          • 创建PeerAdminCard
          • 启动playground
          • 启动rest-api
          • 删除前一个配置

从零部署Hyperledger Composer




  • Ubuntu Linux 14.04 / 16.04 LTS
  • Docker Engine:版本17.03或更高版本
  • Docker-Compose:版本1.8或更高版本
  • Node: 8.9 or higher (note version 9 is not supported)
  • npm: v5.x
  • git: 2.9.x or higher
  • Python: 2.7.x

you can download the prerequisites using the following commands:

curl -O https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/latest/prereqs-ubuntu.sh

chmod u+x prereqs-ubuntu.sh

Next run the script - as this briefly uses sudo during its execution, you will be prompted for your password.




Step 1: Install the CLI tools
  1. Essential CLI tools:

    npm install -g composer-cli@0.19
  2. Utility for running a REST Server on your machine to expose your business networks as RESTful APIs:

    npm install -g composer-rest-server@0.19
  3. Useful utility for generating application assets:

    npm install -g generator-hyperledger-composer@0.19
  4. Yeoman is a tool for generating applications, which utilises generator-hyperledger-composer:

    npm install -g yo
Step 2: Install Playground

Browser app for simple editing and testing Business Networks:

npm install -g composer-playground@0.19
Step 3: Set up your IDE

VSCode中打开composer的代码,会自动提示安装插件以支持.cto .qry等文件。

Step 4: Install Hyperledger Fabric

This step gives you a local Hyperledger Fabric runtime to deploy your business networks to.

  1. In a directory of your choice (we will assume ~/fabric-dev-servers), get the .tar.gz file that contains the tools to install Hyperledger Fabric:

    mkdir ~/fabric-dev-servers && cd ~/fabric-dev-servers
    curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hyperledger/composer-tools/master/packages/fabric-dev-servers/fabric-dev-servers.tar.gz
    tar -xvf fabric-dev-servers.tar.gz

    A zip is also available if you prefer: just replace the .tar.gz file with fabric-dev-servers.zip and the tar -xvf command with a unzip command in the preceding snippet.

  2. Use the scripts you just downloaded and extracted to download a local Hyperledger Fabric v1.1 runtime:

    cd ~/fabric-dev-servers
    export FABRIC_VERSION=hlfv11



创建业务网络结构(Creating a business network structure)

The key concept for Hyperledger Composer is the business network definition (BND). It defines the data model, transaction logic and access control rules for your blockchain solution. To create a BND, we need to create a suitable project structure on disk.

Create a skeleton business network using Yeoman. This command will require a business network name, description, author name, author email address, license selection and namespace.

yo hyperledger-composer:businessnetwork



models/ (optional)                      # 模型文件 .cto
lib/                                   # 脚本文件 .js
permissions.acl (optional)               # 权限控制
README.md (optional)


  • Modeling Language
  • Access Control Language
  • Transaction Processor Functions


开发完,即定义好business network之后,需要将它打包成.bna文件,才能部署。

进入到business network的项目目录,执行以下命令

composer archive create -t dir -n .



创建好.bna文件之后,可以将业务网络部署到Hyperledger Fabric实例。


  • 导入PeerAdminCard
  • 开启Fabirc
  1. To install the business network, from the tutorial-network directory, run the following command:

    composer network install --card PeerAdmin@hlfv1 --archiveFile tutorial-network@0.0.1.bna

    The composer network install command requires a PeerAdmin business network card (in this case one has been created and imported in advance), and the the file path of the .bna which defines the business network.

  2. To start the business network, run the following command:

    composer network start --networkName tutorial-network --networkVersion 0.0.1 --networkAdmin admin --networkAdminEnrollSecret adminpw --card PeerAdmin@hlfv1 --file networkadmin.card

    The composer network start command requires a business network card, as well as the name of the admin identity for the business network, the name and version of the business network and the name of the file to be created ready to import as a business network card.

  3. To import the network administrator identity as a usable business network card, run the following command:

    composer card import --file networkadmin.card

    The composer card import command requires the filename specified in composer network start to create a card.

  4. To check that the business network has been deployed successfully, run the following command to ping the network:

    composer network ping --card admin@tutorial-network

    The composer network ping command requires a business network card to identify the network to ping.


To create the REST API, navigate to the tutorial-network directory and run the following command:




The first time you start up a new runtime, you’ll need to run the start script, then generate a PeerAdmin card:


    cd ~/fabric-dev-servers
    export FABRIC_VERSION=hlfv11

If you’ve previously used an older version of Hyperledger Composer and are now setting up a new install, you may want to kill and remove all previous Docker containers, which you can do with these commands:

    docker kill $(docker ps -q)
    docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
    docker rmi $(docker images dev-* -q)
