基于webrtc的gips 语音引擎库及测试程序(源代码下载地址:http://download.csdn.net/detail/dotphoenix/3674515)



#pragma once

#define LIB_GIPSVE_API extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
#define LIB_GIPSVE_API extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)


struct PPCodec
int pltype;
char plname[32];
int plfreq;
int pacsize;
int channels;
int rate;

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_Init(char* szAuthtication, int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay);


//创建一个Channel,Channel的值必须>= 0 ,否则出错
LIB_GIPSVE_API int GIPSVE_CreateChannel();

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_DeleteChannel(int channel);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_SetSendDestination(int channel, char* ip, unsigned short port);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_SetLocalReceiver(int channel, unsigned short port);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_GetSendCodec(int channel, PPCodec& codec);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_SetSendCodec(int channel, const PPCodec& codec);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_StartPlayout(int channel);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_StopPlayout(int channel);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_StartSend(int channel);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_StopSend(int channel);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_StartListen(int channel);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_StopListen(int channel);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_UseExternalTransport(int channel, int use, void* externalTransport = NULL);
LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_UseExternalMediaProcessIn(int channel, int use, void* externalMedia = NULL);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_UseExternalMediaProcessOut(int channel, int use, void* externalMedia = NULL);
LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_UseExternalEncryption(int channel, int use, void* externalEncryption);

//用文件里面的声音代替 microphone, 文件内容必须是 16kHz的PCM
LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_PlayFileIn(int channel, char* filepath);
LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_StopPlayFileIn(int channel);

//用文件里的内容代替收到的远端数据, 文件内容必须是 16kHz的PCM
LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_PlayFileOut(int channel, char* filepath);
LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_StopPlayFileOut(int channel);

设置degree of bandwidth reduction
0 lowest reduction
3 means highest reduction
set = false means not set, true means set.

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_SetVadMode(int channel, bool set, int mode);
LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_GetVadMode(int channel, bool& enabled, int& mode);
LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_SetMute(int channel, bool mute);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_UseSRTPTx(int channel, int useForRTP, int useForRTCP);
LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_UseSRTPRx(int channel, int useForRTP, int useForRTCP);

//0 holds  all, 1 holds send, 2 holds play
LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_SetHoldMode(int channel, bool held, int mode);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_GetHoldMode( int channel, bool& held, int& mode);

设置接收端的Automatic Gain Control(AGC)的类型
0 预设模式
1 平台默认
2 adaptive mode for use when analog volume control exists (e.g. for PC softphone)
3 scaling takes place in the digital domain (e.g. for conference servers and embedded devices)
4 can be used on embedded devices where the the capture signal is level is predictable
LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_SetRxAgcMode(int channel, bool enabled, int mode);

//取得接收端的Automatic Gain Control(AGC)的类型
LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_GetRxAgcMode(int channel, bool& enabled, int mode);

设置接收端的Noise Suppression级别

0  previously set mode
1,         // platform default
2,      // conferencing default
3,  // lowest suppression
6,     // highest suppression
LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_SetRxNsMode(int channel, bool enabled, int mode);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_GetRxNsMode(int channel, bool& enabled, int& mode);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_StartRecordingMicrophone(char* filepath); //默认为mono 16kHz pcm

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_StopRecrodingMicrophone();
LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_StartRecordingPlayout(int channel, char* filepath);
LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_StopRecordingPlayout(int channel);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_SetAgcMode(bool enabled, int mode);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_GetAgcMode(bool& enabled, int& mode);
LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_SetNsMode(bool enabled, int mode);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_GetNsMode(bool& enabled, int& mode);
设置发送方的Echo Control (EC)类型
0  previously set mode
1  platform default
2  conferencing default (aggressive AEC)
3  Acoustic Echo Cancellation
4  AEC mobile
LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_SetEcMode(bool enabled, int mode);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_GetEcMode(bool& enabled, int& mode);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_GetCPULoad(int& loadPercent);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_GetSystemCPULoad(int& loadPercent);

LIB_GIPSVE_API int GIPSVE_GetNumberOfCodecs();

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_GetCodec(int index, PPCodec& codec);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_GetNumberOfPlayoutDevice(int& nb);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_GetPlayoutDeviceName(int index, char name[128], char guid[128]);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_GetNumberOfRecordingDevice(int& nb);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_GetRecordingDeviceName(int index, char name[128], char guid[128]);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_SetPlayoutDevice(int index);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_SetRecordingDevice(int index);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_GetMicVolume(unsigned int& volume);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_SetMicVolume(unsigned int volume);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_GIPSVE_GetSpeakerVolume(unsigned int& volume);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_SetSpeakerVolume(unsigned int volume);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_GetInnerVersionInfo(char version[1024]);

LIB_GIPSVE_API bool GIPSVE_GetVersionInfo(char version[64]);

