

ECMAScript 2015语言规范

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这份 Ecma 标准定义了语言 Ecmascript 2015。它是 Ecmascript 语言规范第六版。自从1997年发布第一版以来,ECMAScript已经成长为一个世界上最广泛使用的通用编程语言。它是最著名的 web 浏览器嵌入式语言,但它也被广泛的用于服务端和嵌入式应用程序。自从1997年第一个版本发布以来,第六版对 ECMAScript 进行了最大范围的升级。

ECMAScript 2015 的目标是为大型应用、类库制作、以ECMAScript 作为编译目标的其他语言提供更好的支持。它主要增强的一些包括:模块、类的声明、词法块作用域、迭代器、generators、异步编程promises、解构、尾调用。ECMAScript 内置库已经扩展成可以支持额外的数据抽象,包括:maps、sets、二进制数组、字符串和正则表达式中支持了unicode 追加的字符。现在内置功能可以通过子类扩展。

ECMAScript 基于几个技术来源。最著名的是 Javascipt(网景)和 Jscript(微软)。这门语言是由 Brendan Eich 在网景时发明的,在(网景)公司的 Navigator 2.0 浏览器上第一次应用。它应用于网景后来所有的浏览器中以及微软 IE3.0 之后的版本中。

ECMAScript 语言规范的开发始于1996年11月。1997年6月,第一个 ECMA 标准的版本被 ECMA 委员会采用。

1998年4月,这份 ECMA 标准采用快速程序提交给 ISO/IEC JTC 1,并被核准成为 ISO/IEC 16262 国际标准。ECMA 委员会在1998年6月核准了 ECMA-262 第二版,和 ISO/IEC 16262 保持一致。第一版和第二版之间的变化实际上是编辑上的差异。

第三版标准引入了强大的正则表达式、更好的字符串处理、新的控制语句、try/catch 异常处理、更严格的错误定义、格式化数值输入和预测语言未来增长的细微变化。ECMAScript 标准第三版在1999年12月 Ecma 会议上通过并在2002年6月作为 ISO/IEC 16262:2002 标准发布。

After publication of the third edition, ECMAScript achieved massive adoption in conjunction with the World Wide Web where it has become the programming language that is supported by essentially all web browsers. Significant work was done to develop a fourth edition of ECMAScript. However, that work was not completed and not published as the fourth edition of ECMAScript but some of it was incorporated into the development of the sixth edition.

The fifth edition of ECMAScript (published as ECMA-262 5th edition) codified de facto interpretations of the language specification that have become common among browser implementations and added support for new features that had emerged since the publication of the third edition. Such features include accessor properties, reflective creation and inspection of objects, program control of property attributes, additional array manipulation functions, support for the JSON object encoding format, and a strict mode that provides enhanced error checking and program security. The Fifth Edition was adopted by the Ecma General Assembly of December 2009.

The fifth Edition was submitted to ISO/IEC JTC 1 for adoption under the fast-track procedure, and approved as international standard ISO/IEC 16262:2011. Edition 5.1 of the ECMAScript Standard incorporated minor corrections and is the same text as ISO/IEC 16262:2011. The 5.1 Edition was adopted by the Ecma General Assembly of June 2011.

Focused development of the sixth edition started in 2009, as the fifth edition was being prepared for publication. However, this was preceded by significant experimentation and language enhancement design efforts dating to the publication of the third edition in 1999. In a very real sense, the completion of the sixth edition is the culmination of a fifteen year effort.

Dozens of individuals representing many organizations have made very significant contributions within Ecma TC39 to the development of this edition and to the prior editions. In addition, a vibrant informal community has emerged supporting TC39’s ECMAScript efforts. This community has reviewed numerous drafts, filed thousands of bug reports, performed implementation experiments, contributed test suites, and educated the world-wide developer community about ECMAScript. Unfortunately, it is impossible to identify and acknowledge every person and organization who has contributed to this effort.

ECMAScript 新的用途和需求不断出现。 The sixth edition provides the foundation for regular, incremental language and library enhancements.

Allen Wirfs-Brock
ECMA-262, 第六版项目编辑

2015年6月 Ecma 标准被大会采用。

ECMAScript 2015 语言规范

1 范围

本标准定义了 ECMAScript 2015 通用编程语言。

2 一致性

实现 ECMAScript 一致性必须提供且支持规范中所描述的所有的类型、值、对象、属性、方法和程序的语法和语义。

实现 ECMAScript 一致性必须解释与 Unicode 标准5.1.0以上版本或 ISO/IEC 10646相符的源文本输入。如果采用ISO/IEC 10646-1子集且没有特别说明,则推定为 Unicode 字符集,包含 ISO/IEC 10646。
