


create table student(
  sno number(3) primary key,--主键约束
  sname varchar(23) not null,--非空约束
  sex varchar(3) default '男' not null,--设置默认值+非空
  tel varchar(12) not null,
  constraint uq_tl unique(tel)--constraint:限制、约束  添加唯一约束到tel列


create table student(
  sno number(3) unique,
  sname varchar(23) not null,
  sex varchar(3) default '男' not null,
  tel varchar(12) not null constraint uq_tel unique//非空约束再添加添加唯一约束


create table student(
  sno number(3),
  sname varchar(21),
  sage number(2) check(sage between 16 and 60),--检查约束,年龄在16-60之间则符合约束
  phone varchar(11) constraint ch_phone check(phone like '1%'),--利用模糊查询,手机号以1开头的则符合检查约束
  grade number(3),
  constraint c_grade check(grade between 0 and 100)  --班级在0-100之间的检查约束


create table employee(
  eno number(3),
  age number(3),
  phone varchar(11),
  deptno number(10) constraint fk_deptno1 REFERENCES dept(deptno)--references 指向dept表的deptno列(即为外键),使从表dept与主表employee的deptno相关联

create table employee(
  eno number(3),
  age number(3),
  phone varchar(11),
  deptno number(10),
  constraint fk_deptno1 foreign key(deptno) REFERENCES dept(deptno)


drop table student;



rename employee to employe;--rename 旧名称 to 新名称


alter table employee add(sex varchar(3) default '女');


alter table employee add(address varchar(50) not null);--为employee 表的address 添加非空约束

alter table employee modify(eno primary key);--修改约束


alter table employee modify(age number(2));--修改列长

alter table employee drop(sex);--修改表结构,删除列


comment on table student is '学生表';--表的注释 comment on关键字
comment on column student.sno is '学号';--列加注释 comment on column关键字
create table student(
  sno varchar2(6) primary key,
  sname varchar2(20) not null,
  stell number(11) constraint uq_tel unique,
  age number(2) constraint ch_age check(age between 19 and 60)
insert into student values(12,'乾进',17806270773,25);
insert into student values(11,'lisi',17806270774,25);
alter table student rename constraint SYS_C0011500 to pk_sno;--oldname to new name
alter table student disable constraint ch_age;
alter table student enable constraint ch_age;
alter table student drop constraint ch_age;


作用:加快查询效率 ,索引是加载字段上的

create index idx_sname on student(sname);
--创建复合索引  尽量把查询用的最多的列放到前面
create index idx_sno_sname on student(sno,sname);

select sname from student;--启用单一索引
select sno from student;--启用复合索引
select sno,sname from student;--启用复合索引 
select sno,sname,sex from student;--启用复合索引 三个打乱顺序也能启用
select sname,sex,sno from student;--启用复合索引


insert into student values(10,'赵六',15205368463,43);
insert into student(sno,sname,stell) values(9,'赵六',15205368467);

update student set stell=12546789,age=34 where sno=9;

delete from student where sno='9';
select * from emp;
select empno,ename from emp;
select empno,ename from emp where sal>3000;
select empno,ename from emp where sal>2000;
select empno,ename,sal*12+1000 年薪 from emp where sal>3000;
select empno,ename,sal*12+1000 as 年薪 from emp where sal>3000;
--先按照身高排序,身高相同的再按照年龄排序 desc将序排列
select * from student order by height desc,age desc;
select empno,ename from emp where sal>3000;
select * from emp order by sal desc;

select sname from student union select ename from emp;

select * from emp where ename like '%A%';
select * from emp where ename like 'A____';
select * from emp where ename like '__A__';
select * from emp where comm is null;
select * from emp where JOB is not null;



--几个关键字  最小值 最大值 平均值 求和 数量
min max avg sum count
select count(*) from emp;--emp表中有几条数据
select deptno,job,min(sal) from emp group by deptno,job;
select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno;
select deptno,trunc(avg(sal),2) from emp group by deptno;
select deptno,round(avg(sal),2) from emp group by deptno;

select deptno,round(avg(sal),2) from emp where job is not null group by deptno having avg(sal)>1000;
--分组函数不能体现在where语句中  要用having子句加在group by之后
--有having语句一定有group by语句,反之不一定
select deptno,sum(sal) from emp where deptno!=30 group by deptno having sum(sal)>2000;


内连接: 显式内连接-inner join on  && 隐式内连接
外连接:左外连接 && 右外连接 && 完整外连接

select e.ename,e.sal,e.deptno,d.dname,d.loc from emp e 
inner join dept d 
on e.deptno=d.deptno
where d.deptno<>30;--!=相当于<>
select e.*,d.dname,d.loc
from emp e,dept d
where d.deptno=e.deptno and d.deptno!=30;

select e.ename,e.sal,e.deptno,d.dname,d.loc from emp e 
left join dept d 
on e.deptno=d.deptno
where d.deptno<>30;
select e.ename,e.sal,e.deptno,d.dname,d.loc from emp e 
right join dept d 
on e.deptno=d.deptno
where d.deptno<>30;
select e.ename,e.sal,e.deptno,d.dname,d.loc from emp e 
full join dept d 
on e.deptno=d.deptno
where d.deptno<>30;




分为单行子查询、多行子查询、多列子查询、 相关子查询

--单行子查询  指的是子查询的结果只有一行 子查询执行一遍
select sal from emp where ename='ALLEN';
select * from emp where sal> 1600;
select * from emp where sal>(select sal from emp where ename='ALLEN');
--多行子查询  any,all,in  子查询执行一遍
select * from emp where sal>any(select sal from emp where deptno=20);
select * from emp where sal in (select sal from emp where deptno=20);
--相关子查询  主查询执行多少次,子查询就执行多少次
select * from dept d where 2<(select count(*) from emp where d.deptno=deptno);















select sno,sname,sex from student where sno='0001';
--2求学院编号(DNO)为’10’ 的男生的学号、姓名、性别
select sno,sname,sex from student where dno='10';
--3求选修授课号为‘327401’且成绩在80~90之间的学生学号和成绩,并将成绩乘以系数0.8输出,且将SNO列更名为学号,成绩列更名为处理成绩 。
select sno as "学号",grade*0.8 as "处理成绩" from sc where cno='327401' and grade between 80 and 90;
select DISTINCT(sno) from sc where cno is not null;
select * from student where sname like '%丽%';
select * from student where sname like '张_';
select * from student where sname like '张%';
select count(distinct(sno)),max(grade),min(grade) from sc;
select avg(grade) from sc where cno='153701';
select dno,count(sno) from student group by dno;
select cno,count(sno) from sc group by cno ORDER BY count(sno);
select cno,count(sno),avg(grade) from sc where grade>80 group by cno; 
select s.sno,c.cname,s.grade from sc s 
inner join course c
on s.cno = c.cno 
where s.sno='0001';

select s.sno,c.cname,s.grade from sc s,course c
where s.CNO = c.CNO order by s.sno;

select s.sno,st.sname,c.cname,grade from sc s
inner join student st on s.sno=st.sno
inner join course c on s.cno=c.cno
order by s.sno;

select grade from sc where cno 
in (select cno from course where tname='赵蓉') 
order by grade asc;

select round(avg(grade),2) from sc group by cno;
select c.cname,st.sname,s.grade from course c,student st,sc s
where  s.sno=st.sno and s.cno=c.cno and 
s.grade < any(select round(avg(grade),2) from sc);

select sno,sname from student where sno 
in (select sno from sc where 
cno=(select cno from course where cname='线性代数'));

