ThinkPHP 5 Easyui 实现 JWT 验证

直接上代码  先引入JWT核心文件

    * Created by PhpStorm.
    * User: mybook-lhp
    * Date: 18/1/29
    * Time: 下午2:10

   namespace app\common\Service;

   use think\Exception;

    class JwtService
       * 编码
       * @param $payload
       * @param $key
       * @param string $algo
       * @return string
       * @throws Exception
      static public function encode($payload, $key, $algo = 'HS256')
         $header = static::generateJwtHeader($payload, $algo);

         $segments = array(

         $signing_input = implode('.', $segments);

         $signature = static::sign($signing_input, $key, $algo);
         $segments[] = static::urlsafeB64Encode($signature);

         return implode('.', $segments);

       * 解码
       * @param $jwt
       * @param null $key
       * @param bool $allowedAlgorithms
       * @return bool|mixed
       * @throws Exception
      static public function decode($jwt, $key = null, $allowedAlgorithms = true)
         if (!strpos($jwt, '.')) {
            return false;

         $tks = explode('.', $jwt);

         if (count($tks) != 3) {
            return false;

         list($headb64, $payloadb64, $cryptob64) = $tks;

         if (null === ($header = json_decode(static::urlSafeB64Decode($headb64), true))) {
            return false;

         if (null === $payload = json_decode(static::urlSafeB64Decode($payloadb64), true)) {
            return false;

         $sig = static::urlSafeB64Decode($cryptob64);

         if ((bool)$allowedAlgorithms) {
            if (!isset($header['alg'])) {
               return false;

            // check if bool arg supplied here to maintain BC
            if (is_array($allowedAlgorithms) && !in_array($header['alg'], $allowedAlgorithms)) {
               return false;

            if (!static::verifySignature($sig, "$headb64.$payloadb64", $key, $header['alg'])) {
               return false;

         return $payload;

       * @param $signature
       * @param $input
       * @param $key
       * @param string $algo
       * @return bool
       * @throws Exception
      static private function verifySignature($signature, $input, $key, $algo = 'HS256')
         // use constants when possible, for HipHop support
         switch ($algo) {
               return static::hash_equals(
                  static::sign($input, $key, $algo),

            case 'RS256':
               return openssl_verify($input, $signature, $key, defined('OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256') ? OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256 : 'sha256') === 1;

            case 'RS384':
               return @openssl_verify($input, $signature, $key, defined('OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA384') ? OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA384 : 'sha384') === 1;

            case 'RS512':
               return @openssl_verify($input, $signature, $key, defined('OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA512') ? OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA512 : 'sha512') === 1;

               throw new Exception("Unsupported or invalid signing algorithm.");

       * @param $input
       * @param $key
       * @param string $algo
       * @return string
       * @throws Exception
      static private function sign($input, $key, $algo = 'HS256')
         switch ($algo) {
            case 'HS256':
               return hash_hmac('sha256', $input, $key, true);

            case 'HS384':
               return hash_hmac('sha384', $input, $key, true);

            case 'HS512':
               return hash_hmac('sha512', $input, $key, true);

            case 'RS256':
               return static::generateRSASignature($input, $key, defined('OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256') ? OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256 : 'sha256');

            case 'RS384':
               return static::generateRSASignature($input, $key, defined('OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA384') ? OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA384 : 'sha384');

            case 'RS512':
               return static::generateRSASignature($input, $key, defined('OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA512') ? OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA512 : 'sha512');

               throw new Exception("Unsupported or invalid signing algorithm.");

       * @param $input
       * @param $key
       * @param string $algo
       * @return mixed
       * @throws Exception
      static private function generateRSASignature($input, $key, $algo)
         if (!openssl_sign($input, $signature, $key, $algo)) {
            throw new Exception("Unable to sign data.");

         return $signature;

       * @param string $data
       * @return string
      static public function urlSafeB64Encode($data)
         $b64 = base64_encode($data);
         $b64 = str_replace(array('+', '/', "\r", "\n", '='),
            array('-', '_'),

         return $b64;

       * @param string $b64
       * @return mixed|string
      static public function urlSafeB64Decode($b64)
         $b64 = str_replace(array('-', '_'),
            array('+', '/'),

         return base64_decode($b64);

       * Override to create a custom header
      static protected function generateJwtHeader($payload, $algorithm)
         return [
            'typ' => 'JWT',
            'alg' => $algorithm,

       * @param string $a
       * @param string $b
       * @return bool
      static protected function hash_equals($a, $b)
         if (function_exists('hash_equals')) {
            return hash_equals($a, $b);
         $diff = strlen($a) ^ strlen($b);
         for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($a) && $i < strlen($b); $i ++) {
            $diff |= ord($a[$i]) ^ ord($b[$i]);

         return $diff === 0;
第二步 登陆控制器

这里主要是获取登陆用户名和密码 然后账号密码验证通过后生成用户唯一标示 (姑且ji OpenID ),其中$model中放置一些非敏感信息。

   namespace app\admin\controller;

   use app\common\model\UserModel;
   use app\common\Service\JwtService;
   use app\common\utils\UtilEncryption;
   use app\common\utils\UtilFilter;
   use app\common\utils\UtilStateCode;
   use think\Controller;

   class Login extends Controller

      public function token()

         $parm = $this->request->param();

         $lname = isset($parm['login_name']) ? trim($parm['login_name']) : "";
         $lname = UtilFilter::addslashesStr($lname);

         $enter_pwd = isset($parm['pwd']) ? trim($parm['pwd']) : "";
         $pwd = UtilEncryption::encryptMD5($enter_pwd, config('auth.auto_key'));
         $model = UserModel::getUser(['username' => $lname, 'password' => $pwd]);

         if ($model) {
            $token = JwtService::encode($model, config('auth.auto_key'));

            return json(['token' => $token]);
         } else {
            $this->error('请求数据错误', UtilStateCode::ALL_ERROR);

第三步 请求访问验证 


         if (!empty($token)) {
            $users = JwtService::decode($token, config('auth.auto_key'));
            if ($users) {
               $loginflag = true;
               $this->user = $users;

   namespace app\common\controller;

   use app\common\Service\AuthServer;
   use app\common\Service\JwtService;
   use app\common\utils\UtilStateCode;
   use think\Controller;

   class BaseController extends Controller
      protected $user   = null;
      public    $map    = null;
      public    $put    = null;
      public    $put_id = null;

      public function __construct()
         config('app.default_return_type', 'json');

      public function initialize()
         parent::initialize(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub

         $loginflag = false;
         $accessflag = true;

         $token = $this->request->header('X-Auth-Token', null);

         if ($token === null) {
         $token = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_AUTH_TOKEN'];
         if (!empty($token)) {
            $users = JwtService::decode($token, config('auth.auto_key'));
            if ($users) {
               $loginflag = true;
               $this->user = $users;
         $action = $this->request->action();
         $controller = $this->request->controller();
         $module = $this->request->module();

         $URL = $module . '/' . $controller . '/' . $action;
         if (!static::authcheck($URL, $users['id'])) {

            return json($users['username'] . '很抱歉,此项操作您没有权限!');


         if ($loginflag && $accessflag) {
            return true;
         } else {
            if (!$loginflag) {
               $this->error("未登录", UtilStateCode::LOGIN_REQUIRE);

            } else {
               $this->error("没有权限", UtilStateCode::ACCESS_ERROR);

      protected function map()
         $this->map['id'] = $this->request->param('id', false);
         $this->map['page'] = $this->request->param('page', '1');
         $this->map['rows'] = $this->request->param('rows', '20');

         $this->map['order'] = [$this->request->param('sort', 'id') => $this->request->param('order', 'desc')];

         return $this;

      protected function put()
         $this->put_id = $this->request->get('id');
         $this->put = $this->request->put();
         return $this;


       * 检查权限
       * @param name string|array  需要验证的规则列表,支持逗号分隔的权限规则或索引数组
       * @param uid  int           认证用户的id
       * @param string mode        执行check的模式
       * @param relation string    如果为 'or' 表示满足任一条规则即通过验证;如果为 'and'则表示需满足所有规则才能通过验证
       * @return boolean           通过验证返回true;失败返回false
      static protected function authcheck($name, $uid, $type = 1, $mode = 'url', $relation = 'or')
         if (!in_array($uid, config('auth.ADMINISTRATOR'))) {
            $auth = new AuthServer();
            return $auth->check($name, $uid, $type, $mode, $relation) ? true : false;
         } else {
            return true;




var loginFun = function () {
    if ($('#loginform').form('validate')) {, $('#loginform').serialize(), function () {
                text: '登录验证中请稍后……',

        }, function (data) {
            var login_name = $('#username').val();

            $.cookie('login_name', login_name, {path: Qrck.cookiePath});
            $.cookie('token', data.token, {path: Qrck.cookiePath});

            window.location.href = Qrck.baseHtmlUrl + Qrck.baseHtmlMain;
        }, function (data) {
                title: '提示',
                msg: '用户不存在或密码错误,请重新登录',
                showType: 'slide',
用户登录后会得到OpenID 也就是上面的token  ,然后将Token存入cookie中

GetAjaxData: function (url, method, parm, beforeSend, success, error) {

    var dataurl = this.baseApiUrl + url;
        headers: {
            "X-Auth-Token": $.cookie('token')
        type: method,
        url: dataurl,
        cache: false,
        async: this.asyncFlag,
        dataType: this.dataType,
        data: parm,
        beforeSend: function () {
            if (typeof beforeSend === "function") {
        success: function (result) {
            if (typeof success === "function") {
        error: function (result) {
            if (typeof error === "function") {

JWT 类可以支持OpenSSL证书的加密更安全
