


% teacup.exe
Usage: teacup.exe command arg...
       ... for more
child process exited abnormally
% teacup.exe help

    is a tool to access package repositories

        teacup.exe help cmds-by-group   Grouped list of commands provided by teacup
        teacup.exe help commands        Alphabetical list of commands provided by teacup
        teacup.exe help help            How to use help
        teacup.exe help options         Describes the standard options
        teacup.exe help queries         Describe the syntax of complex queries

% teacup.exe help commends

    The topic "commends" is not known.
    The known topics are:

        teacup.exe help cmds-by-group   Grouped list of commands provided by teacup
        teacup.exe help commands        Alphabetical list of commands provided by teacup
        teacup.exe help help            How to use help
        teacup.exe help options         Describes the standard options
        teacup.exe help queries         Describe the syntax of complex queries
% teacup.exe help commands

    commands -- Alphabetical list of commands provided by teacup

    Use 'help ' to get detailed help for a command.

    teacup.exe archive     Manage archives
    teacup.exe cache       Manage cache settings
    teacup.exe create      Create installation repository
    teacup.exe default     Manage installation repository
    teacup.exe delete      Delete installation repository
    teacup.exe describe    Describe package found in an archive
    teacup.exe get         Get archive file of package found in an archive
    teacup.exe install     Get and install a package found in an archive or file
    teacup.exe keys        List meta data keys found in the archives
    teacup.exe link        Manage links between installation repositories and tcl shells
    teacup.exe list        List packages found in the archives
    teacup.exe log         Manage the log of installed/removed packages
    teacup.exe profiles    Find and list profile packages found in the archives
    teacup.exe proxy       Manage proxying
    teacup.exe regenerate  Recreate broken toplevel pkgIndex.tcl files
    teacup.exe remove      Remove installed packages
    teacup.exe search      Search and list packages using complex queries
    teacup.exe setup       Enable tcl shells to handle installation repositories
    teacup.exe timeout     Manage timeout
    teacup.exe update      Update local repository from the archives.
    teacup.exe update-self Get newest revision of teacup.exe for the platform
    teacup.exe version     Print version of teacup.exe
    teacup.exe verify      Check a repository for problems.
    teacup.exe who         Print description of teacup.exe

% teacup.exe archive list
% teapot
Usage: teapot.EXE serve ?--cache? ?-header HEADERFILE? repodir ?port?
       teapot.EXE version
       teapot.EXE who
child process exited abnormally
% teapot.exe
Usage: teapot.exe serve ?--cache? ?-header HEADERFILE? repodir ?port?
       teapot.exe version
       teapot.exe who
child process exited abnormally
% teacup.exe install tdbc::sqlite3
Resolving tdbc::sqlite3 ... [package tdbc::sqlite3 1.0.2 tcl @]
Resolving Tcl 8.6 -is package ... [package Tcl 8.6.4 _ ... Installed outside repository, probing dependencies]
Resolving tdbc 1.0.2 -is package ... [package tdbc 1.0.2 _ ... Installed outside repository, probing dependencies]

Retrieving package tdbc::sqlite3 1.0.2 tcl ...@ ... Ok

Installing into C:/Tcl/lib/teapot

Installing package tdbc::sqlite3 1.0.2 tcl
% package require tdbc::sqlite3



couldn't load library "libmysql.dll.15": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path





libmysql.dll 和 libmysql.lib 到 tcl\bin目录下


% package require tdbc
% package require tdbc::sqlite3
% package require tdbc::mysql
